Forgotten Awakenings (Awakenings #2)

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Forgotten Awakenings (Awakenings #2) Page 29

by Lisa Bilbrey

  “No, don’t do that,” she insisted, wiping away the wetness that glistened her skin. “I’m just … I don’t know. I’m okay.”

  “Hmm, if you say so.” Derek kissed her once more. “Promise to tell me when you’re ready to leave?”

  “I promise,” she murmured.

  Though she could tell Derek didn’t believe her, he didn’t push the issue as he led her into the bathroom. Stripping off each other’s’ clothes, the two stepped into the shower together, lost their own little world.


  Sin Records was in downtown San Francisco, about three miles from Davis Architecture and Design. The skyscraper towered over much of the city, but Elle had never been a fan of the building’s design. Instead of the normal square or even rectangular shape that most structures were built, the architect had created a hexagon shaped building that did nothing to make it appealing. The lines were awkward, the angles odd, and overall, it looked weird.

  As Callum pulled into the parking lot outside of Sin Record, Sadie sighed. “I’m not getting decent cell reception here.”

  Elle shifted in the front seat and looked back at her wife. The grimace on her face was adorable. Much like Elle, Sadie hadn’t been thrilled with the idea of coming to the party, but for different reasons.

  Tonight would be the first night since Flora was born that she was spending the night away from them. Samuel and Lydia had volunteered to babysit the five month old baby girl so the four of them didn’t have to worry about partying too late.

  “Here, use my phone,” Callum offered, holding his cell over his head. Sadie grabbed it and quickly found Lydia’s number, pressing send, and putting the call on speaker.

  “Hello, my darling boy,” Lydia chirped.

  “Um, yeah, it’s not your darling boy,” Sadie snickered. “Sorry.”

  Lydia laughed. “Don’t be. I’d much rather talk to you, anyway. Last night, Samuel and I were in bed, and he was doing this thing with his tongue—”

  “Mother!” Callum yelled, causing the rest of them to laugh.

  “Calm down, Cal. I was only joking,” Lydia teased.

  “Whatever,” Callum muttered, the tips of his ears turning red. Elle reached over and covered his hand with hers, causing him to wink at her. “How’s Flora?”

  “Who?” Lydia asked.

  “Mother!” Callum groused.

  “Oh, you mean my adorable, loveable, granddaughter?” Lydia asked. “You mean that Flora?”

  “Do you know any others?” Derek questioned, chuckling.

  “No, can’t say I do. She has a very old fashioned name, doesn’t she? Makes me wonder if the new baby will, too,” Lydia hinted.

  Elle rolled her eyes. While Samuel had stuck by his promise not to pester them for their new daughter’s name, Lydia made it clear she wasn’t letting the issue go. Elle was convinced the only reason Lydia was questioning them so much was because Samuel was pressing her to find out.

  “You’ll find out soon enough,” Sadie laughed. “Did Flora eat?”

  “She did. She and Samuel are watching baseball.”

  “Little young for that, isn’t she?” Elle asked, having never understood the way people devoted so much of their time to a sport. Grown men and women acting like fools over a game where people tackled each other, or tried to hit a small ball with a wooden bat.

  “Sam says he must teach her while she’s young,” Lydia explained.

  “Hmm, okay.” Elle shifted in her seat, groaning from the constant throb in her leg.

  “You okay, sweetheart?” Lydia asked.

  “Mmhmm,” Elle hummed.

  “Okay, we’d better get going,” Sadie said. “Remember that she likes her blanket with the butterfly. And she’ll probably wake up a couple times. If you can’t get her back down, call and I’ll come pick her up.”

  “I’m sure we can manage,” Lydia scolded. “Have fun. Enjoy yourselves. You’ve earned it. And tell the band that Samuel and I are proud of them.”

  “We will, Mom. Thanks,” Callum said, but Lydia had already ended the call. “Well, nice talking to you, too, Mother.”

  “She’s just excited to have Flora all to herself,” Derek snickered, pushing open his car door.

  He immediately had Elle’s door open and was helping her out of the car, keeping his arm around her as she tried to stretch her sore and aching muscles. Her cane did little to relieve the pressure the added weight of her pregnancy had on her leg.

  “Ugh, your sister and Nick had better appreciate that we’re going out of our way to be here for them tonight,” Sadie grumbled, but Elle knew she was excited. “Okay, are we ready?”

  “As we’ll ever be,” Callum said, sliding his arm around her waist.

  Sin Records felt more like a popular night club than a business as they entered through the set of double doors. Black, red, and white appeared to be the theme and the Taj’s music was blaring overhead. Tables filled with food, waiters carrying trays of champagne, and lights flashing — Elle had never felt more out of place.

  “It’s about time you four got here!” Lucia squealed, rushing through the crowd in a gorgeous silver dress that clutched her body like second skin. A thin chain was all that kept it up over her right shoulder. She had just added a red streak to the front of her black hair a few days ago, and now Elle understood why. They were preparing to market her.

  “Can you believe this shit?” Lucia asked, hooking her arm in with Elle’s.

  The last few months had changed her in so many ways. She was more confident, happier. She smiled and laughed. For the first time since she stumbled on their doorstep, bruised and broken, she wasn’t trembling in fear.

  “No,” Elle laughed.

  Lucia led them to the other side of the room, where Aaron, Jonas, and Abe were standing with a young woman with shocking blue hair. Her baby-blue eyes were enhanced by dark eyeshadow and thick mascara.

  “Everyone, this is Electra, our PR guru and new manager,” Lucia said, gesturing to the woman. “Electra, this is my brother Derek, his husband Callum, their wives, Elle and Sadie.”

  “Oh, so you’re that brother,” Electra cackled, waving a few fingers toward Derek before turning her attention to Elle and Sadie. “Aren’t you two lucky bitches?”

  “Yes, we are,” Elle said, her dislike for this woman already seeping deep into her soul.

  “I know.” Without another word, Electra strolled past them and disappeared into the crowd.

  “What a freak,” Sadie muttered under her breath before threading her fingers in with Elle’s. “Come on, honey; let’s get you something to eat.”

  As the evening wore on, Elle struggled to keep from letting her pain show. Her leg had shifted from the usual throbbing she’d gotten used to over the past year, to stabbing, sharp, burning pain that had tears welling up in her eyes. Though, she never let anyone see them. Sadie, Callum, and Derek shuffled her throughout the room as they mingled and danced.


  A look over her shoulder found Ivy appearing nervous.

  “Hey,” Elle said, shifting so that she was facing her older sister. Though Ivy tried to be there for Elle, it had still be difficult for her to keep her resentment at bay. “You look beautiful.”

  “Oh, thanks,” Ivy scoffed, placing her hand on her hip. She was wearing an icy-blue, silk strapless dress that hugged her curves. Her dark hair was longer than it had been in months. “You look miserable.”

  Elle bit her lip as she shifted her attention to Callum, Derek, and Sadie, who were in deep conversation with Abe, Jonas, and Nick. Turning back to Ivy, she said, “I am.”

  “Come on.” Ivy placed her hand on Elle’s elbow and ushered her out of the building. The cool night air felt refreshing against her warm skin. They stopped at metal bench and sat down. “Better?”

  “A little,” she lied.

  “Liar,” Ivy snickered.

  “Nothing helps anymore,” Elle said, softly. She shifted her eyes to her sister. “
Are you having fun tonight?”

  “I am,” she admitted with a smile. “I love watching Nick like this. He’s in his element. He was born to be a rock star.”

  “He does seem to thrive. When do they leave for their tour?” Elle asked.

  “Two weeks,” Ivy said, her smile faltering. “I wish I could go with them, but the salon won’t give me the time off.”

  “So quit,” Elle suggested.

  Ivy scoffed. “That’s what Nick said. Told me that I don’t need to work now, that he’s going to take care of everything, but, I don’t know, Elle. This uncertainty — it scares me.”

  “It would me, too,” she confessed.

  “Yeah?” Ivy raised an eyebrow. “You don’t think I’m being silly?”

  “Hell no!” Elle bit the inside of her lip as she turned toward her sister. “Can I tell you a secret?”

  “Of course you can.”

  “Samuel’s giving me the company.” As the words left her mouth, the weight of her admission hit her hard. They hadn’t told anyone about the plan for Elle to take over as CEO after the baby was born, not even their families.

  “Are you serious?” Ivy asked, her eyes popping wide open.

  Elle’s lips trembled as she nodded. “After the baby’s born and I come back from my leave, I’ll be the boss.”

  “Oh, my God, Elle!” Ivy nearly screamed, grabbing hold of Elle’s hands.

  “Not you, too!” Elle whined, pulling away from Ivy.

  “What do you mean?” Ivy laughed. “Aren’t you excited?”

  “No!” Elle exclaimed. “I’m terrified, Ivy.”

  “What? Why?”

  “Because … because I don’t know. Samuel keeps going on and on about how I’m a natural, how people respect me, but I’ve been there less than two years. There are people who have worked for the company for twenty years, Ivy. Twenty years! How can he give me his company when I haven’t put in my time?”

  “Because he trusts you?” she suggested. “Hell, Elle, most people would be jumping at the chance to run a multi-million dollar company.”

  “Yeah, I know.” Elle leaned back, her hands sliding over her swollen belly. “But what if I can’t do it all?”

  “Do all of what?”

  “Be a wife, a mom, a business woman,” she rambled. “Everyone’s depending on me, Ivy.”

  “Oh, sweetie.” Ivy grabbed her hand, but before she could say anything else, the sound of someone moving in the bushes drew their attention behind them.

  Elle automatically felt her shoulders tense and the image of Trixie Maxwell rushing toward them had her struggling not to scream. Trixie was still in jail; she couldn’t hurt them again. Or that’s what Elle told herself, anyway.

  “Whoever’s in there better get your fucking ass out here right now!” Ivy snarled, angling her body so that she was protecting Elle.

  Elle’s heart was racing as an arm thrust through the bushes and pulled them back. A second later, Lucia and Aaron stepped out. Though it was dark outside, the light coming from the building showed their red cheeks, their disheveled appearance, and the smeared lipstick.

  “What the fuck are you two doing?” Ivy laughed. “Were you making out in the bushes like a couple of teenagers?”

  “No,” they muttered, but when Ivy gestured toward said bushes, they sighed and said, “Yes.”

  “We totally busted you!” Ivy cackled as she looked over at Elle, who was staring at her sister-in-law. “Are you okay?”

  Elle nodded. “Just need a minute to calm down.”

  Turning, she sat back on the bench and took a couple deep breathes. Irrational or not, she had expected Trixie to be the one hiding in the bushes, not Lucia and Aaron.

  “Elle,” Lucia called, rushing around the bench and taking a seat next to her. “Are you mad at me?”

  Elle frowned. “Why would I be mad at you?”

  Lucia shrugged her shoulders. “I don’t know.”

  “Well, I’m not,” she said. “Though, I am curious about when you two started sucking face all the time.”

  “We don’t!” Lucia exclaimed, but when Ivy snorted, she groaned. “We’ve been seeing each other for a couple months. Taking it slowly because, well, I’m not ready for anything too heavy.”

  Elle nodded and looked back at Aaron, who had his hands shoved deep into his pockets. “And you’re treating her like she’s the best gift you’ve ever been given, right?”

  Aaron snapped his head up, looking her directly in the eyes. “I’m going to pretend that you didn’t feel the need to ask me, of all people, about how I am treating her. You know me better than that, Elle.”

  “I didn’t mean to insinuate that you’re mistreating her,” Elle mumbled.

  “I love her,” Aaron declared.

  “You what?” Derek’s booming voice echoed around them and Elle clutched her stomach as she and Lucia leapt to their feet. Ten feet away from them, standing in the shadows, was Derek. “Did you just say you love my sister?”

  Aaron nodded. “I did, and I do. I’m in love with her.”

  Derek clenched his jaw tight as he took two steps toward them, only stopping when Lucia rushed over and placed her hands on his chest.

  “Don’t do this, Der!” she pleaded.

  “Move, Luc,” he ordered, his tone firm and tight.

  “Please, don’t do this,” Lucia cried, but moved out of his way.

  Derek’s hands were curled into tight fists as he stalked up to Aaron, and for a minute, Elle thought he was really going to hit him. “I like you, Aaron. You’re a good guy, who has proven on more than one occasion that you’re willing to fight to help those in need. I consider you a friend, so when I say that you’d better love her, that you’d better treat her like a fucking Goddess, you know I’m serious. You hurt her, I hurt you. Understand?”

  “Understood,” Aaron said, firmly.

  Derek nodded and stepped backward, his eyes shifting to Elle as he smiled. “Come on, beautiful; let’s go dance.”

  Elle grinned as she closed the distance between them and took his hand and headed back inside, but Lucia placed her hand on Derek’s arm.

  “Thanks,” Lucia murmured.

  “Don’t thank me, sis. Be happy. You deserve a great guy like him.” Derek leaned down and kissed the top of her head. “But don’t ever keep your happiness a secret from me, okay?”

  “Okay.” Lucia smiled before rushing over and throwing herself into Aaron’s arms, squealing when he lifted her off the ground.


  “It’s hotter than a whore’s tit in here,” Elle groused, falling back in her chair as she picked up a magazine and waved it in front of her face.

  “Exactly how hot is a whore’s tit?” Derek asked, laughing until Elle turned her glare toward him. “Sorry.”

  “Whatever,” she muttered, pulling at the front of her shirt. “Are you sure the air conditioner is on?”

  “Yep,” Sadie replied, tugging her sweater around her. “It’s a frosty sixty-five degrees in here.”

  “It’s got to be at least ninety!” Elle wailed, not missing the look Derek and Sadie shared.

  Before she could call them out, however, the door to their office opened and Nate stepped inside, his arms full of folders. Over the last few months, he had more than proved himself, and Elle had assigned him his first solo project, that she would sign off on of course.

  The news of her upcoming promotion had been leaked around the office a week ago, no doubt by Samuel himself. Elle had fretted over the way her coworkers would react to her being their new boss, but everyone seemed supportive and agreeable to the change in leadership. Or so they said, anyway; who knew what they spouted off behind her back.

  “Hey, how’s it going?” she asked.

  Nate smiled. “Good, good.”

  He had been very tightlipped about his project, which made her both nervous and impressed.

  “Need any help?” Elle pressed.

  “Nah, I got it, but Samu
el was looking for you,” he told her, tossing the files on top of his desk. “Said something about there being a problem with your parents’ house?”

  “What?” Elle snarled, placing one hand on her stomach and the other on her desk as she stood up. Once she had her footing, she grabbed her cane and hobbled out of the office.

  Samuel was perched up behind his desk when she arrived at his office, a smirk on his lips. He enjoyed watching her wobble too much, she decided. Got some sort of pleasure out of her discomfort. She convinced herself that the man was a sadist.

  “What the hell is going on?” she snarked, bracing herself against the doorjamb.

  “Don’t know the details. The Brothers just called and said they needed you at the house as soon as possible. Something about there being a flaw in the plans.”

  “A flaw?” she scoffed. “There isn’t a flaw!”

  “Don’t shoot me; I’m just the messenger. Anyway, I thought I’d head over and check out the place with you, if that’s okay?”

  “Sure, why not,” she muttered, waving her hand in the air. “Just need to grab some stuff from my office.”

  “Okie dokie,” he replied, smiling.

  Elle gave him a look, but didn’t call him out on the fact that he just uttered the words ‘okie dokie’. Neither Derek, Sadie, nor Nate were in the office when she got back, Sighing, she scribbled out a note and left it on Derek’s desk before grabbing her purse and phone.

  Samuel was waiting for her next to the elevator. The look on his face had her suspicious, like he knew a huge secret and it was literally hurting him not to tell, which was probably true. He had never been good at keeping secrets, hence her suspicious that he leaked her new promotion.

  “I don’t know what’s really going on, Samuel, but as long as you promise that I won’t get hurt, I’m up for anything.”

  Samuel tilted his head back and laughed. “Good to know, sweetheart.”

  The drive to Sausalito took almost half an hour, but it felt like an eternity. Elle couldn’t get comfortable. Her entire body ached, and even though he swore it worked, the air conditioner blew nothing but hot air over her.

  Elle’s breath caught in her throat as Samuel turned into the circle drive in front of Helina, James, Bruce, and Claudia’s new house.


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