Hollywood Princess

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Hollywood Princess Page 32

by Dana Aynn Levin

  Absent Reggie’s appearance last night, I would be blissfully ignorant. Blissful ignorance was not a bad place to be.

  I was no longer ignorant or blissful. If Danny found this out, it threatened to create an insurmountable chasm between us. Unless there was another fluke like last night, neither of us would see Reggie again. We could easily pretend she never existed. Danny would follow my lead, relieved. Last night, Danny demonstrated how much he loved me. Perhaps Reggie had been that one last fling to solidify his decision.

  Could I be selling myself a bill of goods? That was my real dilemma. I hurt, but I loved Danny, and I truly believed he loved me back. Danny would die if he were aware of my pain.

  I didn’t want to break-up with Danny, the most significant risk with confrontation. Danny and I would be forced to say good-bye. The thought of us separating was more painful than the idea that he’d been with Reggie.

  Reviewing the time line minimized the impact. Whatever had transpired with Reggie during Spring Break must have been early on and of brief duration. Our conversations had escalated in emotional intensity as the break progressed. If I needed further proof of Danny’s devotion, it occurred when he surprised me on my return to Donnelly.

  Once or twice Danny had sounded wasted or hung-over when calling from Miami. Perhaps that’s what happened. He was inebriated. Danny couldn’t control himself. When Danny woke the next morning he was probably contrite.

  We needed to have a serious discussion. Danny didn’t seem capable of going out with the guys anymore without getting wasted. My patience had been wearing thin for weeks. Now my tolerance had reached its limit.

  Danny declared me his wife last night. We even toasted to the new Mrs. Newman with a split of champagne from the minibar. The champagne had mostly been consumed by Mr. Newman. If I was now his wife, I was going to act like one.

  When the time came, and it would be soon, I would put my foot down. I wasn’t simply tired of Danny’s partying, it frightened me. As this episode revealed, Danny’s drinking encroached on our lives together. I didn’t want to become Steve and Ellen.

  For now I would keep silent. I didn’t want our relationship to end. Danny wouldn’t want that either. Last night was the proof. Danny’s love would hopefully help me forget. I was willing to forgive. This time.

  There was an annoying strand of hair on my face that I desperately wanted to brush away. I hadn’t, knowing the slightest movement would have woken Danny. He would want to continue with our honeymoon. Now I knew I wanted it too.

  Slowly, I lifted my hand to where the strand had stuck to my earlier tears. As I gently moved it behind my ear, an arm tighten around my hip. Then a hand gathered my hair and swept it to the side off my neck. Tender kisses nibbled my shoulder, and I squirmed.

  I turned from my side on to my back. Sparkling sapphire eyes gazed into green with powerful emotion.

  “Good morning, Mrs. Newman,” Danny said in a scratchy whisper.

  I swelled with pride. Mrs. Newman. I liked that.

  “Good morning, dear husband,” I answered in my own whisper.

  I reached my hands around Danny’s neck while his circled my back. Our lips met, our bodies pressed against each other, then joined. Fire ran through us until we exploded together.

  Our love was a potent drug we were both addicted to. His behavior was inexcusable, but like a hapless junkie, I couldn’t live without my fix. Lying amongst the crumpled sheets, snuggled against Danny holding me tight, I knew I’d made the right decision. In his arms, I belonged. Always. Danny was my life.


  “Be downstairs at 6:15,” I ordered Rachel and Chloe.

  “We know!” they snapped.

  I supposed I deserved it. I’d lost count as to how many times I had reminded them, but I was anxious and Chloe was always late.

  Tonight we were seeing Dad’s new film. I had purchased six tickets on Tuesday and I insisted we be early to have the pick of the best seats.

  Tonight was a first. I’d never seen any of Dad’s films in a public theater. I either went to screenings, or we viewed them in the screening room at home. At least this theater had stadium seating and a good digital sound system.

  I was anxious, anticipating my friends’ reactions and those of the audience. I expected a crowded theater. The predicted box office hit for this weekend was Dad’s film.

  “We’re so early,” Shane complained.

  It pleased me that the spacious theater lobby was mostly empty.

  “I don’t care,” I answered arrogantly. Eli glared.

  “Sorry, babe, but I don’t. We have to grab the best seats. Popcorn can wait.”

  Elizabeth rolled her eyes. In this less than perfect setting, I wanted to control what I had the power to control. Where I sat was about it.

  “Why don’t you let Rachel and Chloe save us spots on the line while Cam and Shane help us with refreshments? If the doors open, I’ll finish getting the snacks and you can grab the seats.”

  I smiled at Eli’s calm logic. “This is why you’re my wife.”

  Eli took my hands and locked eyes with me. “I understand you’re excited, but please chill. Before you ruin the evening for everyone else.”

  I smiled. Eli was right, as always.

  My anxiety proved to be for nothing. I finished buying everyone popcorn and beverages before the doors to the auditorium even opened. Now all I had to do was sit through the next half hour of previews and ads.

  “Take a deep breath,” Eli ordered.

  I complied.

  “Take another one.”

  I complied again.

  Eli pressed her hand to my cheek and brought her lips to mine for a warm kiss.

  “Everyone’s going to love it,” Eli assured me. “It’s a great film.”

  I took Elizabeth’s soft hand and kissed her palm.

  “You’re right. I know you’re right.” Eli kissed me again. Her kiss had the power to make everything good for me.

  “Full house,” Shane interrupted.

  Eli and I abruptly stopped kissing. Our eyes surveyed the auditorium. The lights were about to go down. The theater appeared sold out.

  “Steve will be thrilled,” Eli bubbled over. I was more low-key. I squeezed her hand and smiled my agreement.

  If only the film does this well nationwide. My nerves wouldn’t rest until I learned the box office take on Sunday.

  “Danny, looks like your trust fund’s safe for another year,” Shane whispered, and he smirked to let me know he was joking.

  “Shane! That’s crass!” Eli scolded.

  “Maybe, but with this box office, Danny can afford you for another year.”

  “Shane’s right. Baby, you’re an expensive habit.”

  I quickly kissed Eli as the previews began. “Have some popcorn,” I whispered.

  I was holding a large bag of popcorn that Eli had drenched with butter. She picked up a few kernels with her fingertips. Her smile was devilish as she pressed them into my mouth. I took her hand and slowly licked the butter from her fingers.

  I smiled over her fingertips and Eli shuddered. There were at least ten more minutes of previews and commercials. I could afford the distraction that was Eli.

  Finally, it was time. The studio logo appeared, then Dad’s, before the film finally began. There was an opening sequence before the credits. I sat on edge, not knowing how my friends would react to seeing Dad’s name.

  As “A Film by Steven Newman,” appeared on the screen, a loud wolf-whistle emanated from deep within the usually restrained, beautiful woman sitting beside me. This was followed by her loud applause. Everyone in the auditorium turned and stared. Whistling was completely out of character for Eli. I didn’t even know that she could whistle.

  I buried my face behind the popcorn bag. Shane smirked. Eli meant well, but her misplaced exuberance was embarrassing. I didn’t want to be noticed tonight.

  Over the bag, Rachel gave Eli a horrific stare. Reality check. E
mbarrassed, Eli sheepishly turned to me.

  “I’m so sorry,” Eli whispered. “I was excited.”

  I understood how badly she felt. “It’s okay,” I assured Eli.

  After a while I placed the popcorn bag on the floor though it was still a third full, and I clutched Eli’s hand for the duration of the film.

  Occasionally I glanced at my friends and other nearby audience members. I was pleased to find them immersed in the story, apparently enjoying it.

  When it ended, I turned to Eli. “Let’s go,” I said with urgency.

  “Uh, no. I’m not leaving until I see all the credits.”

  I grimaced. When we’d returned from New York, my small, exclusive fan club informed anyone who would listen about my credit. Now Eli wanted our friends to see it. I hated the attention, but I was touched by her pride.

  As my credit crawled down the screen, Eli let out another loud whistle. I shook my head, astounded. What else didn’t I know about Eli?

  “Since when can you whistle?” I asked.

  Eli grinned. “There’s a lot you don’t know about me, Daniel.”

  I laughed at Eli’s attempt at sounding mysterious. After all these years, we had no secrets.

  By this time, the auditorium was nearly empty. My friends added their own applause. What the heck? I applauded my name too.


  “Are you and Danny fighting?” Chloe asked while peeking her head into my bedroom. Her unexpected question jarred me from my studies.

  “Why would you think that?” My note taking stopped. I was studying French and was having a difficult enough time as it was. I yawned. Why was I so tired?

  “Elizabeth, you’ve been sleeping here the last few nights,” she replied. “I’m not being nosy, but if you and Danny are having problems, I’m here if you want to talk.”

  “Thanks, Chloe,“ I responded with another yawn. “Danny and I are solid.”

  “Then why are you here?” Chloe knitted her brows, confused.

  “Danny’s with Rachel. Post-production.”

  Their short film was due soon, and they were working tirelessly to complete it. I understood the importance of this film. It was not only Danny’s major; it was his life. Tonight Danny hoped to get off earlier and if he did he had promised to come by.

  “I know,” Chloe said. “I just thought you’d be sleeping downstairs so you could be together when Danny finally called it a night.”

  I yawned again then stretched my arms. My back and shoulders were achy.

  “No. Danny will come here.”

  “You don’t mind? Danny’s always with Rachel lately.”

  “Chloe, you know they’re only friends and work partners. Nothing else. I only mind, well I miss him of course. I hate not seeing Danny.”

  I let out another large yawn. My eyelids became slits. “I’m so tired,” I complained.

  “It’s not even nine o’clock.”

  “I know. And I took a nap this afternoon.”

  “It’s probably French. It’s boring you.”

  “Probably, but I need to read at least five more pages.”

  Once Chloe left, I returned to my book. My eyes wouldn’t stay open. One more page. One more page, I willed myself. I fought against my drooping eyes. Fail! Why fight a losing battle? I didn’t care how early it was, if I couldn’t keep my eyes open.

  I changed into pajamas, crawled into bed, and instantly fell asleep.

  I woke the next morning realizing three things. First, Danny was not in my bed and that meant he had worked late again. Second, at least I’d see him today in political science. And third, I was perspiring and could barely move.

  Getting out of bed was difficult. Had my head gained weight? It was so heavy. Despite eleven solid hours of sleep, I was dragging my feet as I prepared for the day.

  It was too late in the term to be sick. I couldn’t afford to miss any classes plus I had too much studying to do. “Toughen up, Elizabeth,” I urged myself. I needed to function today. I could sleep again later.

  “Elizabeth,” Professor Dennison said as class ended, “I’d like to speak with you.”

  Was I in trouble? I looked to Danny. He shrugged. My heart told me I’d done nothing wrong. My head told me, well it told me absolutely nothing. I had a pounding headache and absolutely no energy.

  As the classroom emptied, I collected my books and with Danny by my side, I cautiously made my way to the professor waiting in the front by the lectern. My books seemed far heavier than usual.

  “Danny, you can stay. It’s nothing that you can’t hear.”

  I placed my books on the first desk, glad to be eased of the burden. Danny stood by my side and reached for my hand.

  “Elizabeth, are you all right?” Professor Dennison asked with concern.

  “I may be coming down with a bug.” I tried minimizing how poorly I felt.

  “Eli, what’s wrong?” Danny was alarmed.

  “It’s probably just a cold.”

  “Danny, Elizabeth looks awful.” the professor asked. “Or are you not together anymore?”

  “Of course we’re together,” Danny answered, surprised by the question. “I haven’t been around much this week. My film is due in a few days.”

  Danny carefully studied me. I hated the scrutiny.

  “Owen’s right. Eli, you look awful. I’m taking you home and putting you to bed.”

  I shook my head no. “I have to study French.”

  “Elizabeth, French can wait.”

  “Thank you, professor. I’m sure…” my voice trailed off, the room was spinning.


  “Eli!” Her feet gave out from under her body. I barely had time to react, but I caught Elizabeth before she fell.

  “Elizabeth!” Owen exclaimed.

  “She’s fainted!” I’d never seen anyone faint before.

  “I’ll call emergency. Carry Elizabeth to my office.”

  I scooped Eli up in my arms and ran after Owen, sprinting to his office a short way down the hall. There I carefully placed Eli on the couch.

  “Loosen her clothes,” Owen ordered as he rummaged through his gym bag.

  I elevated Elizabeth’s head on a sofa pillow as I undid a couple of buttons on her silk blouse and unhooked her lacy bra.

  Owen found a towel, and as he ran down the hall to the bathroom to wet it, I gently shook Eli. Her eyes slowly fluttered open. Only seconds had passed, but it seemed much longer.

  Owen quickly returned with the wet towel. Kneeling beside the couch, I applied the cold compress to her neck while he called the health center. Eli looked around the office with glazed-over eyes before returning her vacant stare to me.

  “You’re in Owen’s office. Honey, you fainted.”

  Then I touched Elizabeth’s forehead. She was on fire!

  “Danny, I’m scared.” I patted Elizabeth’s hand for comfort.

  “The medics are on their way,” said Owen.

  “I’ve never fainted before.” Elizabeth’s voice was barely audible.

  “That’s okay. It happens,” I said in the gentlest voice.

  I massaged her fingers. Elizabeth couldn’t see my fear. I had to be strong.

  “I’m so embarrassed,” she whispered and looked toward the professor.

  “Don’t sweat it, babe,” I reassured her.

  Owen was cool. He was probably glad this happened in his room so he could be of assistance.

  Soon the medics arrived. After a cursory exam, I carried Elizabeth down to the van for the short trip to the infirmary.

  When we arrived, I lifted Eli and carried her in. She was weak and helpless.

  The nurse indicated an open examination room.

  “Don’t leave me,” Elizabeth pleaded.

  “I’m here, baby.”

  “I feel woozy.”

  “Here, let me.” I effortlessly picked her up and Elizabeth cradled her head against my shoulder. Through my shirt, I felt her fever. />
  Soon after, the doctor entered. He glanced at me, hinting that I should leave the room. Eli clutched my arm. She stared at the doctor, but her eyes didn’t focus.

  “Danny stays.” Eli’s voice was weak.

  The doctor sighed. He wasn’t winning this battle.

  Elizabeth had a fever of 103.8. Official diagnosis: flu.

  “Elizabeth, you’ll have to stay in the infirmary until your fever breaks and you regain your strength,” the doctor said.

  “How long will that be?” I asked.

  “Probably three days. Possibly longer.”

  “My classes,” Eli protested. “I have to study.”

  “Elizabeth, you’re not going anywhere,” I said firmly.

  “You’re contagious and you’re weak,” the doctor explained. “Elizabeth, you can’t attend classes or return to the dorm.”

  Elizabeth’s private room was like that of any hospital. It even included a television. The nurse gave Eli medication to bring down her fever and encouraged her to drink some apple juice. She carefully stuck Eli’s left hand with a needle and attached an IV to keep her hydrated.

  Lying in bed, her eyes glazed and barely open, Eli seemed so small. I sat down beside her and took her right hand.

  “Eli, you need to sleep. I’ll come back tonight.”

  “I’m tired,” Elizabeth admitted.

  I leaned over and kissed her hot forehead. “I love you, baby. I’ll be back later.” Elizabeth half-smiled and closed her eyes.


  “Danny, where were you this afternoon? We had editorial reserved.” Rachel barked.

  The hairs on the back of my neck prickled. My intention was to have a quick bite in the cafeteria while going unnoticed. Instead, I had Rachel barking at me.

  I didn’t respond, afraid I would explode and say something I would later regret. Rachel knew how conscientious I was. Hell, I had more at stake than she did. Rachel should know if I blew her off there was a good reason. Yet there she was, addressing me as though I were a naughty child shirking my responsibilities.


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