Downfall And Rise (Challenger's Call Book 1)

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Downfall And Rise (Challenger's Call Book 1) Page 50

by Nathan Thompson

  I looked at my mind-screen to see if I could figure out what I had gained, but none of my characteristics seemed to have changed yet. I couldn't even tell how close I was to my next Rise. I realized that I had leftover points I could have used to make myself stronger and more skilled, and I wanted to kick myself for forgetting to use them earlier.

  But then again, I had gotten the feeling that Avalon had more than tripled my current power during the last fight, and I had been still completely helpless. Adding those points would make me strong compared to a normal human, but the understanding Stell and Breena had given me of my Traits convinced me that there were many creatures that were much, much more powerful than I was in every category. That Umbra Cavus was probably going to be at the top of the list. I figured his traits, assuming he even had comparable ones, to be in the upper-hundreds at the very least. Those small handful of points would change nothing for this fight, and I couldn't shake my intuition's impulse to hold onto them.

  I looked around. Nothing but mist, trees, and rocks all around me. No sign of the Umbra or of its human helpers.

  That was another thing I could break my head on: People from my home town were helping that thing. Had a deal with it. Had offered up a person to it. Had even promised to recognize the creature as having authority over them somehow. All for what?

  Knowledge, the Umbra had said. Knowledge and tools.

  What knowledge? What tools?

  But the fact that people I knew believed that creature had something to give them, something that was worth sacrificing a girl who looked young enough to be one of their daughters to, was head-cracking. These people knew for a fact that the monster wanted to do all sorts of horrible things to someone else. They might even have known what exactly Cavus wanted from Stell. I hoped I never found out myself, and even more so, I hoped Stell never had even the slightest chance to find out.

  Her name reminded me what was at stake.

  The woman was a friend and was responsible for managing over half a dozen worlds. She was constantly working to save, help or improve billions of lives on a daily basis.

  The thought of all of that made my fear of the thing subside, at least for now.

  Long enough to commit to getting back into the fight.

  “Avalon,” I said aloud. “Confirm whether you are still functional. Confirm also whether Umbra Cavus is still located on this world.” “Functional status confirmed,” the mists whispered next to me.

  “Abomination-class intruder's presence is also confirmed. Avalon recognizes the return of Challenger Wes Malcolm.”

  “Thank you Avalon,” I replied unnecessarily. “Please restore all possible augmentations. Focus on speed, durability and general survival.”

  “Redirecting all possible power to Challenger Wes Malcolm per given specifications. Increasing parameters to account for the recent increase of Challenger's power.”

  “You can do that?” I asked in confusion. “You can even tell how much I've grown? Why? I can't even figure that out right now.”

  “Confirmed,” the mists replied dryly. “Explanation is unavailable at this current time. Stand by for augmentation.”

  As I stood there being baffled, power surged back in to me, and I felt stronger and faster again.

  Further out in the distance, something hideous and familiar roared.

  “Right,” I decided. “Since you are done being informative, I guess it's back to work.” I took a moment to re-cast my own augmentation spells

  “Confirmed,” the mists whispered eerily. “Good luck, Challenger Wes Malcolm.”

  “Wait,” I said as I started to run. “You're not going to tell me to evacuate again?”

  “Negative,” the mists rumbled. “New directives discovered concerning Challenger Wes Malcolm. Avalon is submitting the following message per said directives: Hold fast. End of message. Sender unknown.”

  I stumbled when I heard the now-familiar phrase, but I kept running. Whoever Invictus was, I could only hope he was on my side. And it wasn't like he was telling me to do something I wasn't already doing.

  I ran as fast as I could, but I began to slow when I heard voices. It sounded as if my friendly neighborhood cultists were having a conversation with their freak of a patron.

  “Honored Ambassador Cavus, we ask you to stand by our deal for the sake of everyone's long term goals.”

  Warren Rhodes' neutral voice carried over the mist.

  “The little Star-sown was the long-term goal, Earth-thing!” I heard the Umbra snarl, and its voice still raised the hair on the back of my neck. “You said I would find her here!”

  “And find her you did, Lord Umbra,” Rhodes replied formally. “We have upheld our end of the bargain, and as an act of goodwill, we are willing to assist you in relocating the Starsown.”

  “If you had assisted earlier, she never would have gotten away to begin with!”

  For a moment I didn't know how Rhodes was able to keep talking to the thing. Then I realized why.

  Because the nightmare thing still had something he wanted.

  What would happen if he got it, whatever it was?

  Probably another nightmare, I decided, and I began to creep closer to the mist.

  “We lack your strength, honored Umbra. Even with our magic the three of us would not be any sort of match for the Starsown's Satellite. But with a small increase of our power, we can help you find her, and soon.”

  “Soon?” the monster hissed expectantly. “How? And how soon?”

  I stopped moving altogether. I needed to take this chance to learn Rhodes Sr.'s goals and thwart them.

  Especially since I was probably going to die again soon.

  The delay was the most important thing, I reminded myself. As long as I kept coming back I could delay this monster and its pets until Guineve recharged and Stell got back with her Icon allies.

  And if I couldn't keep coming back, I reflected, then I was probably dead no matter what I did at this point anyway.

  “As soon as we learn how this world's portal network works, great one,” Warren Rhodes replied respectfully. “We know that you are familiar with her technology, and that it was designed to resist you if you chose to use it. But the fact that previous earthlings could make use of it proves that it will not resist us. Teach us the intricacies of this world's runes, Lord Umbra, and we will use them to send you to that which you so desperately desire.”

  Cavus was silent as I crept forward. He was probably considering Rhodes' offer.

  “With your help,” Rhodes carefully continued after a moment. “We can master this planet's technology much more quickly. We can use it to send you to each planet as you hunt for the Starsown and her Satellites. You would not only regain the opportunity to obtain her primary body, you would gain quick transportation to her Satellites as well. It would be a net gain on both of our parts, especially in the sense of time saved. And have you already not paid enough dues to time, Lord Cavus?”

  “Yesss,” I heard the massive creature hiss after a moment. “Give me back my time. Teaching you this old world myself is a small thing, if it gets me my Stell faster. But you will honor your oath,” the Umbra growled suddenly. “You will send me to her. You will help me make all of her mine. And then you will acknowledge me as the high lord of all the worlds you conquer. Not merely Avalon. Not merely its nearby Expanse.”

  “As you command, Lord Umbra,” Rhodes replied calmly. “All of our flags will fly under your banner. All crowns shall be under your own. All Icons will be under your pantheon.”

  “Good, good,” The warbled voice muttered. “Now go while I prepare your instruction. I will need to be… alone for this.”

  “By your command,” Rhodes replied, and I could see him bowing in my mind. I waited for his footsteps to fade.

  Then I realized I was being an idiot.

  Why wasn't I going after Rhodes and his cronies instead?

  If I took them out, and they stayed down, then Jeepers Creepers over there wo
uld be stranded. He couldn't chase after anyone. He would just have to wait here until Stell and Guineve came back. And this time they'd kick the crap out of him. Game over, final boss dead, best ending unlocked. I'd probably even be able to rescue my body on Earth.

  But before I could head after them, I heard Cavis speak again.

  “Now where did it go...”

  My ears perked up to hear what the Umbra was after.

  “Where did that rock that took my little Stell-piece go?”


  I had completely forgotten about the rock I had used to save Guineve. I had meant to break it as soon as I used it to whisk her away, but then that giant thing had turned on me, and then plans had changed to just not peeing on myself.

  If he found that rock, Guineve could be in danger again.

  I tried to think of what to do. Maybe I could find the rock first? I'd have to remember where it fell, but…

  “Yessss,” The creature hissed. “There you are.”

  Expletives danced entire ballrooms through my skull.

  Swallowing my spit, I crept back toward the creature that had just torn me in half not more than thirty minutes ago.

  “Little Stell-piece? It’s just us now. Can you hear me?” The thing cackled. “You can. I know you can hear me right now. He used this old tool to keep you from me, but I have it now. I can bring you back to me.”

  I stepped into view, but the creature was ignoring me. It hunkered low, crouched on its long skinny legs. As before, whenever it swayed too much a new leg or tail grew out of the smog on its torso to touch the ground and re-balance it. The umbra was clutching the talisman I had thrown earlier in one hand, while stroking it with the other, letting its many-jointed fingers crawl and writhe all over it.

  “Yes, little piece of Stell, I found you. You were bad earlier. You hit me and called me names, but that's alright. I know you were tricked by that ugly dumb boy. That's why I want you to stay away from other boys, little Stell. They're dumb and ugly and when you tease them they try and take you from me, because they think they're better than me. You're not supposed to tease anyone but Uncle Cavis, Little Stell. But it's alright now. Your Uncle Cavus killed the dumb ugly boy so that he can't trick you anymore. You're safe. I promise he’ll never bother you again. I even took little pieces of him with me to prove it. Don't you want to come out and see, little Stell? Come see what I did to the dumb ugly boy, my little Stell. Just come out and see, then make that pretty wet-eyed face you make when I show you pieces of dumb ugly boys that tried to take you from me. Make that face for your Uncle Cavis, and all is forgiven.”

  I swore in my head. This thing had an appearance that would put any movie monster I've ever seen to shame, and the worst thing about it was still what it said.

  And it was still after my friend.

  I didn't have a second stone to save Guineve if that thing brought her back. I had to find a way to destroy it right now, and that meant I needed a way to break it before the monster could notice me.

  But that was impossible.

  My best weapons, my spear and short sword, would have been too slow and too weak. The Umbra would see me coming and knock me a couple miles away again. Then, when I had died again, it would take Guineve, and I didn't doubt for a minute that her fate would be worse than my repeated dismemberments.

  All I had

  Use me, a quiet voice begged inside of me. I rage.

  I knew this voice.

  I’ve always known this voice.

  It was my lightning magic.

  Use me, the quiet voice begged again. I rage.

  It wasn't supposed to be able to talk. But then I wasn't supposed to be able to die and come back. Who was I to judge?

  Use me, it begged once more. I rage.

  If the monster did not react to my forming the spell, then it would not have time to stop the bolt from destroying the rock. Yes, my magic should be nothing compared to Guineve's blasts of mist and white fire, but I just needed to destroy that rock. Then I'd have to die again. But Guineve would stay safe and get strong enough to fight again.

  Use me. I rage.

  Adjusting my stance so that I could see the Umbra and get a clear shot at the rock I was holding, I began to create the strongest, fastest bolt I could form.

  No, not that. Use me. I rage.

  I looked downward, and I could finally recognize the voice was not my lightning magic. In fact it couldn't be my lightning magic.

  It was too old.

  It wasn't my lightning magic that told me I could conquer the monster under my bed by checking to realize he wasn't real.

  It wasn't my lightning magic that told me to stand up to that bully in Sunday School.

  It wasn't my lightning magic that whispered not to give up when I found out I was disabled.

  Who are you? My mind asked.

  Because even though I had always listened, I had never answered it back.

  You know me, it answered. And I know you. Now use me. I rage.

  I shook my head. I was not understanding. But that was normal, I realized. I was talking to a voice in my head and I had been torn violently apart mere minutes earlier.

  Show yourself, I finally said. Show yourself that I may know I know you.


  My right hand suddenly grew heavy. I looked down and saw the strange handle I had first seen way back before I discovered Avalon. The weight was comfortable in my hands.

  You know me, and I know you, the voice inside the handle said to my mind. And we do not have much time. Your worries are my worries, your foes are my foes, your loved ones are very much so my loved ones.

  Now use me. I rage.

  I tightened my grip on the weaponless handle and raised it into the air. I let an unknown familiarity guide my next actions.

  Let the lightning beget light and fire, something inside the handle said. Then let the fire beget more light. Then let the light beget growth. Darkness becomes fuel for light, fear becomes fuel for courage, courage becomes fuel for triumph, triumph becomes fuel for more growth. Light your fires, smite your unrighteous fears, expand every joy in your defiant heart.

  It is time. Use me. I rage.

  I had begun casting as it spoke. Its words were gibberish to my waking mind but perfect wisdom to every still and quiet corner of my head. My fists sparked with gray lightning that burned my knuckles and created silver fire. The flames burned and ate and somehow made me less heavy inside. My joy was back, and suddenly I knew I wasn’t just a sad little orphan that had lost his future before dying horribly and far from home.

  I was Wes Malcolm, Challenger and Protector of Earth and Avalon.

  I was whole despite all my harms.

  And I raged.

  Lightning crackled between my blazing hands and I raised them over my head. A defiant cry tore out of my throat, and the Umbra finally whipped its head up to look at me. Its empty eyes suddenly blazed white at the sparks and flames dancing across my hands, and all the little lights started surging around inside its mouth, as if they were trying to boil their way to freedom.

  Before it could do anything else, I threw my rage.

  Gray lightning carrying silver fire whipped across the air, and instantly so, as lightning always did. The burning bolt cracked into the rock in the Umbra's hands, overloading its glyphs and shattering the stone into big blazing chunks. The fire on the chunks burnt out rapidly, and I felt the rock's magic release harmlessly into the air.

  But my own flames had ridden the lightning as it traveled over, and that fire had jumped onto the Umbra abomination. The monster's wormy claws disappeared behind a flash-fire, and the creature's new screams turned all previous noise to children's whispers. Its legs pumped it high into the air, but when it landed it fell on the back, rolling and holding its hands to itself.

  “It burns!” I heard it scream. “It burns-it burns-it burns-gurk!”

  One of the little lights had flown all the way to the front of its mouth, a
nd looked like it was close to struggling free. But even as the creature screamed and gurgled its worm-like tongue whipped out and wrapped around the little light.

  “Stop!” My mouth roared. “Talking!”

  “Let lightning beget-light-beget-fire-beget-more-light!” The quiet voice and I said together. “I still rage!”

  I threw my next smoldering bolt at the Umbra's face.


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