Downfall And Rise (Challenger's Call Book 1)

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Downfall And Rise (Challenger's Call Book 1) Page 61

by Nathan Thompson

  “Not even,” I replied. “Because I'm only doing this once, unlike what you people did with me. And don't say you didn't have a hand in it because I remember you getting excited about your turn to torture me. It doesn't even begin to qualify as retribution. Not after what you all put me through. It's just the closest I can do to justice,” I continued. “There's no police here I can turn you over to. There's no judge or jury that can take forever deliberating what should be your fate. There's not even a jail I can keep you in, because you could just send yourself back to Earth as soon as you worked up the courage to commit suicide or use some other magic trick I don't know about and escape. So my only recourse is to kill you in some form, right now, while the portal's down and you can't come back.”

  “You don't have to use the gibber-kin! You don't have to use them!”

  He was screaming at this point.

  “No, I don't,” I agreed. “But hurting little girls should not be free, should not be easy, should not be painless. So here we are.”

  We reached the door. And I opened it. The familiar growls and screeches and snarls reached my ears, coming from the pit in the middle of the room. I dragged him in, whirled him through the air once or twice, and then my magic-enhanced strength was enough for me to toss him down into the pit. The magic bindings were still covering him so all he could do was scream before the monsters were upon him.

  It didn't work the way I wanted it to. I had said this wasn't about vengeance, but I still wanted to feel some form of closure, some form of vindication for my own suffering. But instead, when I heard them tear into him I just felt every bite all over again. The only difference was that he somehow died quicker than I had either time, so I wound up feeling cheated as well.

  Then I reminded myself that I had promised to make this about the little girls down in the other halls, and I felt a tiny bit better.


  At any rate, he wouldn't get near Kayla and Sam and Val and Gabby again, and maybe the next time he tried to hurt someone he'd associate the crime with this experience, and it would deter him on some level. Maybe permanently.

  I didn't know. This was the best I could come up with, okay? Nobody else was around with a better idea.

  Whatever, I finally told myself. I had to get back to the others. I'd figure out what to do with the gibber-kin and the other monsters later.

  But as I turned to walk away, I heard a moan. A dirty red mist, the same color as Shepherd's fire, floated out of the pit. It formed the shape of a skull, then wailed, as if in defeat, then finally dissipated.

  Challenger Wes Malcolm has slain a lieutenant-ranked enemy in Stellar War.

  The Order of Malus has lost their principle stronghold on the world Avalon. The planet's designation has changed to Highly Contested.

  Challenger Wes Malcolm has seized a territory from the Order of Malus. The Stellar Council has awarded appropriate merits and resources for his role in the victory.

  Great. I was going to get more clothes, basic equipment and hand-me-downs. Whatever. I'd take them.

  Then the ground around me suddenly hummed.

  Everything shook very, very slightly, and then I heard a familiar voice boom out.

  “Malus taint has diminished sufficiently for primary consciousness to come back online. Avalon is once again operational.”

  I looked up at the noise.

  “Avalon?” I said carefully. “Are you really back?”

  “Confirmed,” The super computer replied. “Power is restored and emergency protocols are re-engaging. Applying new power toward efforts of contesting and destroying the Order of Malus' local presence.”

  “Fantastic,” I said. “Finally some good news.”

  Chapter 31: From Downfall to Rise

  I began walking back down the hall toward the other prisoners.

  “Assessing location of Starsown Steward,” Avalon's voice sounded from the hallway walls. “Confirmed Starsown is off-world. Time lapse is sufficient for additional systems to go dormant. New steward is necessary to maintain certain functions.”

  “Avalon,” I answered. “State the parameters needed for a new steward and identify anyone on Avalon able to meet them.”

  “Searching...” I waited as the supercomputer went silent. “No candidates available.”

  “What?” I demanded. “Why? Avalon, identify the locations of Lady Guineve of the Mists and Breena of the Fair Folk. Confirm whether they are suitable candidates.”

  “Confirmed that Lady Guineve of the Mists and Breena of the Fair Folk are alive and located on Avalon. Confirmed that both individuals are suited for their current roles and are unavailable to become a Steward of Avalon. Confirmed that no other candidates are eligible to become Stewards. Searching for alternative measures.”

  “Avalon,” I said patiently, continuing the walk back to the other prisoners. “Explain what will happen if no Steward is appointed.”

  “If no other alternative measures are discovered, Avalon will cease to be a territory and go into a dormant state. All current measures being taken against the Order of Malus will cease.”

  “Measures?” I asked. “What measures?”

  “Insufficient clearance. Access denied.”

  I swore again. It was probably a full-on habit by now. Probably long before now, in fact.

  “Fine. Keep me posted on all of your efforts to remain functional.”

  “Command confirmed.”

  I clamped down on making a harsh and sarcastic response and focused on the next thing I needed to do. Find the others. Get everyone out of the dungeon. Figure out what the hell to do next.

  Hopefully take a nap afterwards, because I was rapidly becoming exhausted in every sense of the word. No, I corrected myself. Find Breena and Guineve. Then maybe take a nap.

  “Search over,” the walls boomed next to me. “Alternative measure found.”

  “Fantastic,” I replied, coming up to the door to the other prisoners. “Knock yourself out.”

  “Seeking confirmation that Avalon has permission to activate alternative measures.”

  “Yes,” I said very slowly. “But why would you need confirmation? Stell already lifted all your restrictions a long time ago.”

  “Confirmation for alternative measure is necessary because protocols demand Avalon respects the impacted individual's free will. Specifically that of Challenger Wes Malcolm.”

  “Wait, wait,” I said quickly. “You're saying it will directly impact me? How? Go ahead and explain before you do anything.”

  “Confirmation of permission has already been obtained,” Avalon replied. “Beginning protocol for alternative measures.”

  “No, wait!” I demanded. “I didn't know you meant me-”

  The air hummed, and mist began to wrap around my feet.

  “Confirmed that the following Parameters for Right to Rule exist in Wes Malcolm. Parameter One: Puissance. Sufficient amount detected. Parameter Two: Wisdom. Sufficient amount detected. Standing request that Challenger acquires more. Parameter Three: Compassion: Abundant amount detected. Parameter Four: Item of Authority. Item of Authority detected. Recommend Challenger finishes repairing or constructing said item....'

  “Parameter Five: Influence. Detecting Challenger Wes Malcolm has sufficient amount of influence with all current inhabitants. Hostile non-sentients disregarded. Order of Malus invaders disregarded.'

  “Parameter Six: Original Body. Confirmed that the original body of Challenger Wes Malcolm is available for modification. Parameter Seven: Bloodline. Abundant amount detected. Challenger Wes Malcolm is of Earth-born Blood, therefore inheriting his species’ natural right of kingship. Secondary Bloodline detected. Bloodline of Primal-class Power confirmed. Foreign Contaminant detected in Bloodline. Further Right to Rule will be gained upon removal of said contaminant. Seven parameters for Right to Rule have been detected. Acknowledging Noble status of Challenger Wes Malcolm.

  Awakening dormant Avalonian blood available for further integration
. Avalon has detected that Challenger Wes Malcolm has 0.0001% Avalonian DNA, allowing for Avalon to link with him. Challenger's Right to Rule is assisting in activating bloodline, per ruler's responsibility of assimilation.”

  I quivered all over. Mist tendrils wrapped around my limbs and went in and out of my pores.

  “Modifying Challenger to give, share and receive power from Avalon. Modification complete. Avalon recognizes new Lord Wes Malcolm, first citizen of Avalon. Assigning information about surviving structures to Wes Malcolm. Assigning right to close and open portals to Wes Malcolm. Providing information of all upcoming Trials and Tumults to Wes Malcolm...”

  “Wait,” I interrupted. “Other than what's been going on here, confirm that the previous Tumults and Trials have or haven't happened yet.”

  “Negative,” Avalon replied. “No Tumults on other worlds have been failed as of yet. No global Trials or Tumults off Avalon have officially begun. Status of Avalon's current Tumult has been changed from Failed to Overcome, as the Order of Malus has lost direct access to the planet.”

  “Wait, wait,” I interrupted. “We can fully restrict Rhodes' people from coming back here when they die? Permanently? And failed Tumults can still be salvaged?”

  “Confirmed. As of now Order of Malus has lost the ability to maintain portals on Avalon, due to the destruction of the primary portal and due to Avalon's systems engaging. Avalon can prevent all hostile portals forming on-world for as long it maintains its link with its new Lord.”

  “Further confirming that Tumults can be overcome after Failed Status. Reasoning: Universal Law. Specific Law: Failure is non-permanent. The ability to try again exists wherever life and motivation also exist.”

  “Life and motivation have existed in sufficient measure to overcome Avalon's failed Tumult. New Tumult rating: Overcome. Receiving power from Universal Law. Avalon is returning to pre-apocalpytic state. Habitation ability regained. Avalon's Lord can now modify certain areas to be more suitable for sentient life. Technological ability: regained. Upon certain conditions, Avalon will yield technology previously unavailable to its current Lord. Should the Steward return, more technology will become available, and more opportunities for research will be created.

  “Avalon's Lord has been detected as the significant contributor in overcoming Avalon's Tumult. Right to Rule has been increased. New ruler-related powers are forming. A Challenger has been detected as the significant contributor in ending Avalon's Tumult. Challenger is credited with the power due for ending said Tumult and will reap the appropriate benefits. ERROR: Showing both a Challenger and Avalon's Lord as the primary contributor for overcoming Avalon's Tumult. Redefining parameters previously considered impossible.

  “Challenger Wes Malcolm has been detected as overcoming mortal Challenge designated Defiant To the Very End. Challenge is designated as Unique, with no previous records of being overcome. As the Challenge is Mortal by nature, results of the victory will be scattered among the cosmos, with focus directed at those the deceased Challenger knew. ERROR: Showing multiple completions of the same Mortal Challenge by the same Mortal individual. Redefining parameters previously considered impossible.

  “Avalon's Lord is shown to be a key leader in Stellar War. Avalon's Lord is recognized as acquiring infamy in Stellar War. Avalon's Lord has been recognized as conquering territory in Stellar War. Avalon's Lord has gained resources specifically for his civilization and has acquired the ability to create a base of operations in his territory. Suitable base detected. Designation: defunct shelter. Request if Lord wishes to reactivate shelter. Confirm?”

  “Clarify if Shelter will be under attack or discovered by hostile forces if reactivated,” I asked calmly. None of this seemed overwhelming in that moment. I didn't know why. But instead, something felt right, that hadn't in a very long time.

  “Negative,” Avalon informed. “Shelter was warded upon creation. Hostile forces will suffer severe penalties detecting its existence and even greater penalties attempting to enter its boundaries. Current hostile forces do not have sufficient ability to perceive or enter Avalon's designated shelter. Confirm activation?”

  “Yes,” I said. “In that case Avalon's Lord, the Challenger Wes Malcolm, hereby grants permission to reactivate Avalon's shelter.”

  “Permission granted. Protocol designated In Case Of Trouble activating. Shelter will be online in twelve to forty-eight hours.”

  “Good,” I said. It would probably take me that long to get everyone together anyway, because I knew there were far more prisoners here than the ones in that one room. “Avalon, confirm that Fair Folk Breena is still located near the shelter, and is still safe.”

  “Confirmation that Fair Folk Lady Breena is alive and unharmed and located near protocol site In Case Of Trouble. Hostile forces detected in the area. Recommended that Avalon's Lord direct assistance to said location.”

  “Agreed,” I said. “That's definitely top priority. So is Lady Guineve. Confirm her location and status.”

  “Lady Guineve is located in her bonded lake. Status: Damaged, recovering. Currently not under attack. Hostile forces are also in the area but are unable to interact with the Lady of the Mists. Hostile forces are currently greater in power and number than those surrounding Lady Breena.”

  “Noted. So they're both hiding and need help. I'll make it happen.”

  “New Cosmic event noted,” Avalon continued. “An undiscovered Challenge has been overcome on Avalon. Redefining parameters previously considered impossible. Parameters include 1: victory over an Umbra Lord in single combat (Contention: records indicate possibility of this being a second occurrence), 2: Recovery of a devoured Individual from an Umbra Lord, 3: the revival and existence of a second Starsown. Detecting common thread of all three parameters to be Challenger Wes Malcolm. Event has caused rediscovery of Universal Law, Specification: All is Not Lost. Previously Dead Races are now considered possible candidates for Resurrection. Previously ruined civilizations are considered possible candidates for Renaissance. Previously doomed individuals are considered as possible recipients for Deliverance. Update: of Deliverance already occurring this century in Defunct Horde Pit located in the Woadlands, and in battle with Umbra Lord Cavus at unspecified location. Avalon recognizes Challenger Wes Malcolm as under assistance of rediscovered Law All is Not Lost. Patron suspected.”

  All is not Lost…

  Those words whispered over and over, bouncing around my heart and soul and restored mind.

  All is not Lost…

  Images of me losing control of my body, gaining it back, losing it again and once more gaining it back.

  All is not Lost…

  My mother's face flashed in my mind. Along with that of my sister and my friends. Along with Guineve, and Breena, and Stell.

  All is not Lost…

  Other memories of events hidden until now flashing into my mind, the source behind knowledge I never knew I had until Stell had pointed it out.

  All is not Lost…

  Faces other than mine, dreams other than mine, whispering at the corner of my soul, begging for rescue, and a chance to be again.

  All is not Lost…

  Cities and people scattered among many different worlds, looking up in time to see world-ending disasters, disasters that could prevented as long as one person- just one- chose to be at the right place at the right time.

  All is not Lost…

  Little lights that were once people, thrashing inside a hungry tyrant's body, suddenly aware that if deliverance can come to one, it can come to others.

  All is not Lost…

  An entire planet, one I had never seen before, completely shrouded in world-damning darkness. With a tiny, narrow opening that someone brave enough to storm the gates of hell could use to bring deliverance.

  All is not Lost...All is not Lost…

  “All is not Lost,” I finally said aloud.

  Something inside of me moved.

  Initial stages of Saga formed. My min
d-screen noted. Challenger in embarking on the Saga of the Unconquered Hero. First stage: Defiant Heart.

  Challenger has also taken a step on the Path of Kings.

  Inherent Changes are forming.

  My hand was gripping a door-bar. On the other were side former prisoners. On the other side were my new people. My new sons. My new daughters. My new subjects.

  And they were not lost.

  “Further information is available,” Avalon intoned. “Requesting confirmation to continue sharing logs or to perform other tasks instead.”

  “Negative on sharing further information for now,” I told Avalon. “Allow me time process to previous information while you handle normal directives. However, as Lord I have a new directive: Maintain control of orbit, because I am about to risk knocking it free.”


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