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Shadows Page 8

by Amber Lacie

  "He should be here in a few minutes. I texted him before I came out here. Kayla, I feel so drawn to him. Is that bad?"

  She opens her mouth to say something, but she's interrupted when Michael walks out to say goodbye. He hugs both of us trying his best to smile at us and heads to his car. Watching him walk away, I notice Theron pull up in his car. I decide right then, I want to name his car Badass. I so badly want to drive it. I give Kayla a hug, but I have a hard time letting go.

  "It'll be okay, Eve. We have each other."

  "I know." I open my door and slide into the soft leather seat. "See you later."



  "It's not bad if the other person feels the same way. I just want you to keep that in mind, okay?"

  “Okay.” I close my door. I text my family and Anne on the drive back to Theron's place. He never asked me where I wanted to go, but he didn't need to. I would have chosen his place anyways.

  Chapter 6

  Matt's service was on Saturday. It was small private ceremony. Matt's ashes will be spread at their family's cabin in Colorado. He spent every summer there when he was little. For the past couple of years, he would go there with his dad and brother on a fishing trip. Matt loved it there and I'm sure he will be happy with it as his final resting place.

  I haven't been back to the apartment. I don’t want to go. My mom thinks I should go say my goodbyes to it, but I already have. I did that on Saturday. Robert and my dad are headed over to pack my belongings today. They are taking everything to my parent's house. My dad said I can store what I don't need in his garage.

  I'm lying in Theron's bed with the blankets over my face. I can hear my phone vibrating on the nightstand. Not having the urge to talk to anyone, I ignore it. Theron has been amazing. He has been taking care of me through this entire mess. He even texted Robert and my dad to set up times to have my stuff packed and moved. My appetite is finally picking up, but my only forms of sustenance are coffee and ice cream. I'm not sure why Theron hasn't kicked me out yet. There are tissues covering the bed. I'm being such a slob, but I don't care. I'm completely drained from crying and trying to cope with all of this.

  I can hear Theron walking down the hall. I'm sure he's coming to check on me. I feel him sit beside me. He attempts to pull the covers back, but I hold on tight.

  "Beautiful, I know you are in there. I've let you lay here for days with your tissues and ice cream. It's time to get up babe. You need a shower. You'll be amazed by how much better you will feel under the hot water."

  "No. I'm not coming out. I like it under here."

  "And I like you, but you are starting to smell, babe."

  Pulling the covers down from my face, I give him a dirty look and he laughs at me. "Don't laugh at me. You’re being a jerk!" As soon as I said it, I regretted it. "I'm sorry. You’re not really a jerk, besides I can't smell that bad. I took a shower early Saturday morning."

  "Beautiful, it’s Wednesday. I'll start the water and grab you a change of clothes." Standing up, he walks into the bathroom. It's Wednesday? I still can't smell that bad. Sitting up, I smell my shirt. Gross! I do smell that bad. I must look awful, because when Theron walks out of the bathroom, he gives a look of pity. "I promise you'll feel better. Maybe after the shower we can the leave the room today. Gram may stop by in a bit. She's worried about you."

  "Worried about me? Why?"

  "You have officially been living under blankets and only emerging to use the bathroom. I think she's afraid I've kidnapped you." He laughs as he leaves the room. I hear him yell from the hall, "Shower, Eve, I love you, beautiful, but you smell."

  What? He couldn't have said what I thought he said. Maybe a shower will help me wake up since I seem to be hearing things. I don't look in the mirror. I don't want to see the horrid creature I have become. The water is hot and it feels so good. He has turned it on so the sides are spraying out jets of hot water on me, while a waterfall showers me from above. This shower is absolute heaven. Everyone needs a shower like this.

  I step out of the shower and wrap myself up in a towel. Using a hand towel to wipe some of the steam off the mirror, I see my reflection. I don't look any different, but I feel different. I still feel hurt, empty, and broken. I pull on some clean yoga pants and long sleeve shirt. I dry my hair while wondering how long I'm going to feel like I'm missing a part of myself. Needing to face the world, I head to kitchen for coffee.

  I start the single cup coffee maker. I wish I had one of these. It's so convenient. Theron is sitting on the couch watching a baseball game. Walking up behind him, I softly place a kiss on his cheek, "Who's playing?"

  "It's the Cubs against the Brewers."

  "Isn’t it a little early for baseball?"

  "No. This is preseason. Do you see all the green grass and sunshine?"


  "They are playing in Arizona. Opening day is Monday. I have tickets to their home opener against Pittsburgh. Do you want to go?"

  "I don't know. When is it?" It's not like I have any plans, but I should start working again. I'm sure Sharon has her hands full with my accounts.

  "April twelfth. They play the Reds in Cincinnati first. Then the Rockies in Colorado. I never miss their home opener. I have the best seats"

  "What, behind home plate?"

  "Okay, well I guess more it's more like I have good seats." A huge grin spreads across his face. "I've got bleacher seats."

  "In what world are bleacher seats good, Theron?"

  "Have you ever been to Wrigley Field?"

  "No. I’ve never been to any game before."

  "What? Never? Are you serious right now? Beautiful, you are missing out. Now you have to come. I won't take no for an answer."

  I lean over him wrapping my arms around his neck, and whisper into his ear, "Okay, I'll go." I kiss the top of his head and walk away towards my cup of freshly brewed coffee.

  "I can't function without my first cup of coffee." I turn around and see his gram taking a seat at the island. She's wearing a gorgeous black and cream floor length skirt, and a cream blouse. She always looks so different from one day to the next.

  "Good morning, Isa. Would you like a cup?"

  "That would be lovely."

  I start on her cup of coffee as Theron walks over and kisses her on her cheek. I feel arms wrap around my waist. He buries his head in the curve of my neck and breathes in deep.

  "You smell so much better."

  "Gee, thanks. You don't smell too bad either. What are our plans today?"

  "It’s completely up to you. I'm just happy you left your blanket fort." He gently kisses me on my neck sending goosebumps down my back. "I'm going to take a shower. Why don't you think about what you want to do for lunch, okay? Your dad is already at the apartment. He said he will take care of everything. Paul is there finishing up with Kayla's things today too. We need to talk about somethings, but after I shower okay?"

  I nod my head. It's the first time I haven't cried in days. I'm afraid if I speak I'll start and I won't be able to stop. Handing Isa her cup, I take a seat beside her.

  "Oh my lovely, I'm so sorry you're hurting like this. I want to give you some advice someone gave me after my husband passed on. Time does not heal all wounds. You can't fix a broken heart when a piece is missing. We learn as time passes how to live without that missing piece. It will get easier, but it's only because, as life moves forward we gain more pieces to love. It never replaces the one we lost. It can't, those are irreplaceable. They do, however, make it worth living." She stands and kisses the top of my head. "Oh, and Eve, I'm glad Theron found you again." She smiles closing the door behind her.

  I swear I felt the floor fall from beneath me, but I am still sitting on the barstool. I haven't moved an inch. Found me, again? Maybe she's confusing me with someone else. I think I would have remembered meeting Theron before. I have this uncomfortable feeling coming over me. I can't handle anything else right now. Needing to focus on getting through toda
y without adding any other complications, I grab my phone and sit on the couch. Unlocking my phone, I notice I have several missed calls and texts. Thankfully no voicemails. I send Kayla text.

  Hey, u ok?

  I'm good. Just finishing up here. Robert said u don't want anything but your bedroom packed. Y?

  I don't need it. I just want my books.

  Ok. Matt's dad left something in a box for u. What do u want with it?

  Idk. Give it to my dad I guess.

  Ok. How's your boy toy?

  He's not my boy toy.

  If he's not a toy you're not using him right.

  Omg. U did not just say that. Got to go ttyl.

  I can hear Theron moving around in the bedroom. I start thinking of what I need to do today. I make a mental note to get to my parent's today. I know I've taken the week off work, but maybe getting back in to my normal routine will help. Realizing I'm chewing my cheek again, I make a mental note to break that habit before I don't have any cheeks left. I'm sending a quick text to Anne letting her know I'll be at the office in the morning when I hear or rather I sense Theron come up behind me. I love how my body reacts to his presence.

  "What kind of decisions have you made? Will we be leaving the house for lunch or staying in?" Sliding his arms around my waist, he kisses the back of my head. My body is instantly warmed and relaxed.

  "Um, well, I haven't actually thought about the food part. I should get over to my parents' today though."

  Sighing, he sits next to me. He spins my body so we are face to face and holds my hands in his. “Is it because you want to go through your things?" I shrug my shoulders. "Is it because you feel you need to leave?" I stare into his eyes, but I don't have an answer for him. "Did I do something, or did Gram say anything? I thought I was doing a good job taking care of you."

  "You are. It's not that. You are taking wonderful care of me and although I'm enjoying the attention, I just thought you might want your space back. I mean we've only just met, you don't know me." He stops me with a soft kiss to my lips.

  "I don't know you? I know more than you think, Eve. I know your love for coffee and books. I know you have lost a close friend and are trying your best to keep going without them. I know you love and respect your family because their opinions matter to you. I know how your breathing changes when I get close to you. I know how your body shivers when I kiss your neck. I know how goosebumps spread over your skin as I trail my fingers across your body. I know you bite your cheek when you're nervous or upset. I know you." He stops himself. It's almost like he wants to say more, but he doesn't. While his words are comforting and have definitely turned me on, I can't shake this feeling of he's not telling me everything.

  "Well those are all good things to know, but I should still get to my parents. I could at least help them unpack."

  "Unpack? As in you are going to move in there?"

  "Well, yeah. I don't have an apartment anymore. Since Kayla is moving in with Paul, I won't be able to afford one like we had. I'll have to start hunting for a new one I guess."

  "I don't think it is an issue. I don't feel you have explored all your means." He gives me a half smile.

  "What, with you? You want me to move in here? Theron, I don't know. It's such a huge step."

  "Okay, well you think about it. I like having you here, Eve. I like waking up to you. I like feeling your breath on my skin when you’re curled into me and sleeping. I have material possessions, but not very many people stay in my life. I learned at a young age people can be taken away from you. You can't always control who you get to keep in your life, but I would really love to keep you." He leans in and our lips meet. His tongue brushes against my bottom lip and I open to him swirling my tongue around his. His fingers run along my scalp and grasp onto my hair. I moan into his mouth. Slowing the kiss, he pulls away. He looks into my eyes as if he can see all my secrets I have hidden away.

  "Wow." It comes out as a whisper. He has momentarily taken my voice away.

  "I agree. We will come back to this topic later. I'm not closing the door on it just yet. Let's get you out of the house and some food in you."

  "Okay. Where are we going to eat?"

  "I was thinking the diner off Main Street in town. We can get some burgers and head to your parents afterwards. Okay?"

  "Sure, sounds good." Slipping on my favorite chucks, I grab my jacket and purse. I'm ready to go, but Theron is digging in the hallway closet for something. He holds up an umbrella. Wonderful, it's raining.

  The diner isn't very busy today. Theron's reading his menu and I'm watching the raindrops slide down the window pane next to me. I love looking through windows and watching people interact with each other and the world around them. Outside seems to be just like the diner today, very slow.

  "So, have you guys decided?" The waitress looks directly at Theron while she's talking. I'm not sure she even knows I'm sitting here.

  Laying down his menu down, he looks over to me. "Ladies first."

  "Well, aren't you the gentleman?" The waitress sends him a sweet smile. It instantly fades as she turns to face me. I'm sure it has nothing to do with the mean look I'm sending in her direction.

  "I'll have a cheeseburger, no tomato or onion. I'll also take a side of fries and a Pepsi." I try to smile at her, but it ends up being more of smirk.

  "Okay, and for you sir?" Smiling sweetly at Theron, she brushes his shoulder with her fingers. Why is she touching him?

  "I'll have the same, but with onions." He doesn't look at her when he orders. He's staring right at me. Blush creeps into my cheeks. He hands the waitress the menu, but she doesn't seem to get the point.

  "Can I interest you in anything else?" I swear she bats her eyes at him. I'm irritated by her and she hasn't technically done anything wrong. I don't like her.

  "No." His tone is flat showing no emotion. Her smile fades as she walks away to turn our order in.

  "Eve?" He raises his eyebrows at me and folds his hands on the table.

  "Yes?" I bat my eyelashes at him and give him a huge cheesy grin.

  "Is there a problem with our waitress?"

  "Not that I'm aware of. We could ask for someone different if you'd like."


  "No!" It comes out louder than I intended. "I just didn't like the way she looked at you or touched you."

  "Does it matter how she looks at me, when I'm looking at you? You're the only person I care to see or touch in here." Reaching across the table for my hand, he places a soft kiss on my knuckles.

  "No, I'm sorry," I whisper sheepishly. I've never reacted like that before. She really didn't do anything wrong.

  The waitress brings our drinks and food in a timely fashion, much to my dismay. I'm intentionally waiting for her to mess up, but she hasn’t. Our food was delicious as well. She brings us our bill and Theron throws some money on the table. He holds my hand as we walk back to his car. We sit in silence for a few minutes before he turns to look at me.

  "Aren’t we going? You haven't started the car yet." I'm hoping my question will keep him from talking about the way I acted at lunch.

  "You're beautiful. I found your jealous side kind of surprising…and sexy." He starts the car and lays his hand on the inside of my upper thigh. I mentally wish for his hand to move up just a little more, but we are headed to my parents. It's probably best if I'm not a crazed sex fiend when we arrive.

  It doesn't take long to get to my parents. I wait as Theron comes around to open my door for me. I step out of the car and I can hear seagulls. It brings me hope for spring. My parents can't stand the birds and the mess they make, but it comes with living so close to Lake Michigan. My dad and Robert are unloading the last of my boxes into the garage. Theron walks over to give them a hand and I head inside the house.

  "I smell cookies." My stomach growls. How is this even possible after we just ate?

  "They are still warm, if you want one." Standing in the kitchen holding a large bowl, my mom licks
icing off a spoon. It looks delicious so I grab a spoon and join her.

  "Mom, this is so good."

  "Thanks, sweetie. Did you check in with your dad and Robert?"

  "No, Theron went to see if he could help them though."

  "Oh? I wasn't aware he was coming."

  I look at my mom not knowing what to say. She probably thinks I'm staying here with them. I don't know where I'm staying. Theron said we had to finish our conversation, but I was being a brat at lunch, so nothing was said. Dipping my spoon back in the frosting, I take another lick. It would be rude for me to talk with my mouthful. I hear the front door open and follow my mom into the living room. My dad and Robert are talking Theron's ear off. My dad spots me and pats the cushion next to him on the couch.

  "Evelyn, you didn’t tell me Theron likes baseball."

  "Oh, he's a Cubs fan so I knew you would approve." Leaning over, I give my dad a kiss on his cheek.

  "Theron, could I borrow you for a second. There are some boxes I need help with in my room."

  "Sure, babe, whatever you need." Following me into my bedroom, he sits on the bed as I close the door.

  "I don't actually need help." I walk over to Theron and stand between his legs. He slides his hands up the sides of my legs and rests them on my hips.

  "I figured as much. What are we doing in here, babe?" He looks up at me, the atmosphere changing as soon as I look into his gorgeous eyes. I need to touch him. Holding his face in my hands, I softly kiss his lips. His lips part and I sweep my tongue into his mouth. He tastes like heaven. Moving my hands to his shoulders, I push him back onto the bed. He wraps his hands in my hair, gently pulling. I moan into his mouth. Pulling back from our kiss, I maneuver myself so I'm straddling his hips. His hands reach up to grasp my waist as I circle my hips, grinding into him. I can feel his erection through his jeans. Circling my hips again, I make sure the friction hits my clit as I push down harder on him.

  "Babe…Shit. We need to stop. I don't want to disrespect your parents like this."

  "I can't. I need to touch you." Bending down I kiss his lips, working my way over his jaw and up to his ear. I whisper, "I need to feel you." I gently give him a light nip, pulling his lobe between my teeth and he tries to stifle a moan. "I need you."


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