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Shadows Page 10

by Amber Lacie

  "I don't like being laughed at." I try my best to give him a mean glare, but his smile is contagious.

  "I'm sorry. I promise not to do it again, but you surprised me." He lays the book on the table as we leave the library. "I ordered some pizza for dinner tonight. I hope you don't mind.” Before I can respond, I hear yelling coming from the foyer. I look over at Theron, fear is emanating from him. He drags me behind him as he picks up his pace almost running down the hall.

  "Get out. I won't tolerate your arrogance in my house. You're a cruel man. I did not raise you this way. What on earth has made you so hateful?" Isa is pointing at the front doors for Thomas to leave. The anger in his face changes into and devilish grin as he sees Theron approaching.

  "That waste of space, has made me hateful. I've done my best to give him everything he needs in life, but he took her from me. I tried to move past that by giving him a chance with my company and changing his life for the better, but he threw that in my face. He broke our arrangement. I will not stand here and watch him throw his life away for some leech. She's beneath the both of you and I will not watch her take you for granted. She's using you. Do not let her fool you. I know her kind too well." His voice booms across the room. I have never felt so small in my life.

  "I said get out!" Isa screams at him. Theron steps towards him, but his gram stops him. She places her hand on his chest. "Not now. Okay? He'll get his, just not now." She hangs her head low as I watch Thomas stomp off to his car.

  "I hate him." Theron is breathing hard and his hands are balled in to fists at his sides.

  "I know. Don't let him get to you, dear. He's not worth it." Isa rubs his back trying to comfort him and turns to face me. "I'm very sorry you had to see that…I'm really tired now. I think I'll call it a night." Stepping up onto the stairs, she grabs on the handrail. Her back is to us, but I notice her shoulders drop. This is the first time, I've noticed how thin and frail she looks. Thomas must really take everything out of her.

  "Night, Gram. I'm sorry."

  "Don't be, dear. It's not your fault. Take this pretty girl back to your place and spoil her. I'm old and I need my beauty sleep."

  "Yes, ma'am. Come on, beautiful. Dinner will be here soon."

  As we walk back to the guest house Theron takes me by the waist and spins me to look at him. His gorgeous eyes look worried and his brow is furrowed. "Don't let what my dad said get to you. Promise me."

  "I promise."

  He searches my eyes for a moment. I think he’s looking for the truth that lies beneath my words. He must find it because, he kisses my cheek and we walk into the house.

  I opt for a shower. Today has been a long and rather odd day. I've made the decision to move in with in him and now his dad thinks I'm some kind of leech. I'm not that kind of person and I shouldn’t let it bother me, but it's pecking away quietly in the back of my mind. I'm glad I texted Anne earlier. Turning the shower on, I step under the waterfall. I really need to ask Theron how to work all the knobs and levers. My eyes are closed and I'm enjoying the water flow over me as I rinse the last of the conditioner out of my hair. I hear a tap on the glass and I jump.

  "What the hell?" My hand is covering my heart as I spy Theron through the door.

  "I just wanted to let you know the pizza is here. What were you thinking about? You really jumped." He's trying his best not to laugh at me and is suppressing a smile. That's twice he's surprised me today.

  "I was just rinsing the soap out of my hair. I'll be right out."

  "Okay, beautiful. I'll be in the kitchen."

  I turn off the shower and quickly dry off. I throw on an oversized t-shirt and brush my hair. I walk barefoot into the kitchen, my feet padding on the hardwood floor.

  "There you are. I almost started without you. I thought we could eat on the couch tonight." Theron motions me over by him and pats the cushion beside him. He has pizza, plates, and drinks already set up on the ottoman. I fix myself a plate and take a bite of the pizza.

  "This is delicious. It's got ham and pineapple on it. How did you know?"

  "Lucky guess?" He shrugs his shoulders at me. "About my dad, I really am sorry."

  "Let it go. You shouldn’t have to apologize for someone else." I take a sip of my drink and decide I should let him know about my plans tomorrow. My car! I forgot about my car. Paul was supposed to drop it off at my parents, but I didn’t see it there. "Theron, where's my car? It wasn't at my parents."

  "Oh, I called Paul while you were in the room with your dad. Since you're going to be living here now, I figured you would need your car dropped off here instead. Is that okay?"

  "Yes, that's fine. I was hoping to have it by tomorrow morning."

  "Why? Are you planning on leaving me in the morning?" He genuinely looks nervous as he runs his hands through his hair.

  "No, babe. I need to go to work. I still have bills I have to pay, and I need to catch up on my accounts." I twirl a lock of my hair around my finger. I really don’t want to upset him.

  "I thought we talked about this. Don't let my dad get to you. You don't need to go into work, beautiful. I'll take care of you."

  I set our plates on the ottoman. I take his face into my hands, my palms resting on the sides of his face. "I haven't let him bother me. I texted Anne earlier in the day to let her know I would be returning. I don't want to wallow anymore. I need to get back to my usual routine so I can move on with my life…so I can move on with you." He closes his eyes and I softly place a kiss on the corner of his mouth.

  "Are you sure? I like the idea of you staying here better. How can I keep you if you are away from me?"

  "You can't put me in your pocket and hide me away. I still have friends and a job. I need to get back to them." He scoops me into his lap, my legs straddling his. "I guess you will be needing a car to get to work tomorrow."

  "I guess so."

  "Well, then you my dear, Eve, are very lucky."

  "Why is that?" I ask with a playful grin.

  "Because I have the keys to Badass in my pocket. If you can get them out, you can take my car in the morning."

  "What? Are you serious?" I squeal like a little girl while trying to fish them out of his pockets. He's making it difficult by trying to block my hands. He squeezes my sides and I hysterically laugh. "It's not fair. You can’t tickle me."

  "Who said anything about fair?" Grabbing me around the waist, he holds me with one hand and uses his other hand to try and tickle my sides. I’m laughing so hard I can barely breathe. Then I snort. My hands fly up to cover my face. I'm completely embarrassed. He pulls my hands down with one of his hands. His other hand is dangling the keys in front of me. I scrunch my face up trying to understand why he's handing them over. "Snorting while laughing is an automatic win."

  "I didn’t know that was in the rules." I snatch the keys from him.

  "Oh, it is. It's rule number one. Any sexy girl sitting in my lap, who snorts while laughing, automatically earns the right to drive Badass. Hence, me handing over my keys to you."

  "Any sexy girl? That seems very vague."

  "Well, let’s get more specific. Any sexy girl named Evelyn sitting in my lap wins."

  I cut him off with a kiss to his lips. I really like his playful side. I stand to put his keys in my purse and he grabs my hand.

  "Surely the keys to Badass are worth more than a kiss?"

  "Of course they are. I just need to put them in my purse."

  "You mean your giant luggage of a thing you carry around?"

  "It's not luggage. It's my purse!" He smacks my ass as I walk away. I roll my eyes at him.

  "Since you're insisting on working tomorrow, shall we head to bed?"

  "It's only eight Theron. How much sleep do you think I need?"

  "No one said anything about sleep beautiful. I'll clean up dinner. I want you in our bed, naked, in ten minutes. Go."

  I don't hesitate. I turn around and quickly pad down the hallway. Playful and in charge? I'll take this side of Ther
on any day. I've done exactly what I was told. I'm staring at the door, looking and listening for any kind of movement. I feel nervous and excited at the same time. I'm biting the inside of my cheek. Needing to calm down, I take a couple of deep breaths and then I hear the click of the door.

  "Close your eyes." I immediately comply and bite my bottom lip. "That lip is mine to bite, not yours. Let it go."

  I slowly release my lip at his words. I hear a drawer open and close. I can hear him breathing. I feel soft material cover my eyes as he taps the back of my head with his finger. I lift up so he can tie the material. It's soft and feels like cotton. "What is that?"

  "Shh. It's just a bandana. I'm improvising. Don't question me again." His voice is firm. I swallow not knowing what to say. "Since you've decided to leave me in the morning, I have decided to make tonight so remarkable you'll have to squeeze your legs together at just the thought of my name."

  "Confident, aren't we?" Slap! I gasp. My nipple is stinging as his hand leaves my breast. I'm so aroused. I can feel the moisture pooling between my legs.

  "You're testing your limits, I see. May I suggest that you don’t?" He palms by breast rolling my nipples between his thumb and forefinger. My back arches pushing more of my breasts into his hand. His hand leaves my body and I'm left aching for his touch. My nipples are now erect and stinging from pleasure. I feel his breath on my neck as he whispers in my ear, "I want to try something I haven't done before. This might be cold."

  I hear what I think is the snap of a plastic lid. I let out a shocked gasp as I feel cold syrup drizzle over my breasts and down my stomach. He circles my belly button before continuing to drizzle it farther south. "I think we need some right here." Theron spreads my legs apart with his knee pinning my left leg open with his knee, and my right leg with his hand. "Deep breath, beautiful." It's so cold. I feel the syrup drizzle across my wet slit. Taking his finger he runs them front to back sliding across my clit, making sure to hit my hard bundle of nerves with a flick of his fingers.

  "Ah!" It's sticky and cold, but I can feel it melting from the heat emanating from my body. I feel his hands start to smear the syrup across my breasts. "Chocolate syrup? Isn't that a little cliché?" Slap! A loud moan escapes my body. My nipple is electrified from the rough touch of his hand.

  "Don't question me again. I will not hesitate to flip you over and take it out on your ass." I whimper from the thought. "You'd like that, wouldn't you?" He wraps his hand around the base of my neck, his grip is firm, but not hard or painful. His lips press against mine. I open to him, his tongue dominates my mouth. He ends the kiss and places another one softly against my forehead. "The idea of chocolate syrup may be cliché, but I am not. This is butterscotch."

  A soft smile forms on my face. Butterscotch syrup isn't so different from chocolate, but I don't question his logic. I feel his lips on my breast, sucking my nipple into his mouth while his fingers are pulling and tugging expertly on my other breast. Sucking and licking at the butterscotch he has smeared across my body, his mouth and fingers move back and forth between my breasts and down to my belly button. I feel his tongue trail down the center between my legs. The anticipation is killing me. Spreading me open with his fingers, he flattens his tongue, licking and circling my clit. His tongue slips into my pussy and my hips jump up to meet him.

  "My two favorite things, butterscotch and your pussy. God, you taste so good." He slowly slides two fingers in and out of me. "Open your mouth." His fingers brush against my bottom lip as I close my mouth around them. A moan escapes me as I circle them with my tongue sucking off every bit of the sweet sticky syrup. Pulling his fingers from my mouth, he sucks them into his. "Sweet, salty and all mine."

  I feel him move from the bed. I hear another drawer open and then I hear the sweet sound of foil ripping. Yes! I can't take much more. I need him. I feel his hands grip my waist and he flips me over. "On your knees. Put your arms out in front of you and lay your face down on the bed." I kneel, spreading my legs so he can see how wet he makes me. Bending at the waist, I lay my shoulders and face on the bed. I turn my head so my cheek is resting on the mattress with my arms straight in front of me. I feel his hands caress my thighs and cup my cheeks. Then, I feel a whoosh of air. Smack! My ass is stinging from where his hand has undoubtedly left a mark. “Mine." His fingers graze my slit. I'm panting, waiting for his next move. I feel his tip slide between my wet lips, pushing on my clit before he slams into me.

  "Theron!" He stills. His hand reaches under me and pinches my nipple. It's just slightly painful. I gasp. Sliding his cock out of my body, he slams back into me again. Fuck. It's so incredibly deep and hard.

  "You're so wet. You feel like silk wrapping around my cock." He pulls almost completely out and slowly slides back in. The change of speeds consumes me. I don't know what's coming next and the anticipation is only heightening my need for him. He starts a steady rhythm, thrusting in and out of me as his hand slide around to find my clit. He flicks my bundle of nerves, and I see a slight glimmer of stars out the corner of my eyes. My electrified nerves are pushing me to climax, I have no idea how much longer I can hold it back.

  "This" Thrust. "Is." He flicks my clit, again. "Mine." Thrust. "I am." Flick. "Keeping you." Thrust. He rolls my clitoris between his fingers and pounds into me.

  My thighs are shaking as my orgasm rips through my body. "Oh my, God! Theron!"

  His hands grab my waist, holding me up. "Fuck!" He slams into me again and I can feel his cock spasm as he comes. Holding me to him he stills. I'm out of breath. My hair is wet with sweat and matted to the side of my face. Softly sliding out of me he gently rolls me to my side. I hear him walk into the bathroom. I'm exhausted and have no energy to move. My eyes are still covered.

  "Beautiful, you can open your eyes now." Theron slides the bandana off my head and I blink letting my eyes adjust to the light. "Remarkable?" I smile. I can't stop smiling. I'm soaring somewhere above the bed and my body is left lying there unable to speak. "Eve, did I break you?"


  "I see. I'm going to go get a glass of water. I'll bring back one for you. I would ask, but it seems you're incapable of speech at the moment."

  I watch him walk out of the room, never taking my eyes off of him. I close my eyes for just a second. When I open them he's sitting beside me holding a glass of water out for me. Sitting up I take the glass and down every last drop. It's very refreshing. "Thank you."

  "Do you want some more?"


  "Water, you naughty girl. Just water. I think you need some rest after that."

  "No, I'm okay."

  He sets the glass down on the night stand and lays down beside me. I lay my head on his chest and wrap my arm around his waist. "Rest for a little bit, and then I'll wash you off in the shower." His heartbeat is the last sound I hear before I drift off to sleep.

  Chapter 8

  "Are you even listening, Eve?"

  I look up and Ben is standing beside my desk with his arms crossed. I'm sure he's ranting about something, but I can't focus on what he is saying. I just keep replaying last night in my head. Theron wanted to give me a remarkable night. He definitely did twice last night, and once this morning before I left for work. Driving Badass into work was an added bonus to my morning. I roll my eyes at Ben. He's still standing looking down at me, and now he's tapping his foot. "What can I do for you, Ben?"

  "You can do your job. You haven't been here all week. Who do you think has done your accounts?"

  "I called Anne. I had a death in the family." I'm furious. Where the hell is Anne? I hope she's in this afternoon. I can't handle much more of Ben.

  "That excuse is shit, Eve. Kayla came by on Monday to grab her account logs. What have you done? Absolutely nothing. Have you even finished your logs for today?"

  "Listen, Ben, I don't know what your problem is, but I will be taking this issue up with management. Now if you are done, I need to get my work done." I turn back to my computer and open my progr
am. He stands there for a moment longer before he finally walks away. What is his problem? Taking a deep breath, I try to focus on my work. Theron was already a distraction, and now Ben has added to my problems by giving me a headache.

  I finish logging a couple more accounts. Then, I send a text to Kayla around one. I let her know Benzilla is on a rampage and to be weary whenever she comes back to the office. Checking my email one more time, I see a new one from the main office of National Clerk Accounts. I open it and begin to skim through it. It's a notice for a meeting at two o'clock today about merging all of the accounts, but I don't understand it all. I'll have to take a quick lunch to make sure I'm back in time.

  I'm standing outside across the street at one of the food trucks parked along the curb. As I pay for my chips and drink, I notice a blonde in a gray pencil skirt eyeing Theron's car. Taking a sip of my drink, I head back towards the office. "Can I help you?"

  She straightens her shoulders and gives me a look of confusion. "No, I don't think so." Placing one hand on her hip, she gives me a once over.

  I automatically don't like her. Everything in me is screaming at me to walk away, but I don’t. Stepping around her, I hit the unlock button on my keys. I look over my shoulder at her and I can tell she's surprised.

  "This is yours?"

  "Sort of. It's my boyfriend’s car. Is there something you needed?" My tone is sharp. I'm not one for playing twenty questions.

  "No, sweetie. I'm sorry. I was just headed inside." She nods her head towards the office. She has to be a client. She has snob written all over her, with her hair twisted back and perfect face. There's no way she hasn't had any work done.

  I finish my lunch in the car. I really don't want to run into the blonde again, but I need to get back to my desk. I don't notice her as I make my way to my cubicle. I log back in and take care of a couple small accounts before heading to the conference room.

  "It's nice of you to finally join us." Ben smirks at me raising his eyebrows.


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