Sawyer's Hope

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Sawyer's Hope Page 9

by Shelby Lynn

  He groaned at the amazing feeling of being inside his mate for the very first time. It was the most intoxicating feeling imaginable. Johnny started bucking under him to get him to move. He pulled almost out and then thrust downward, hitting that pleasure spot each time. That caused Johnny’s eyes to roll back in his head from the pleasure. He was moving inside his ass. The pleasure was out of this world. He started moving faster as he felt the pressure in his balls.

  Sawyer leaned forward to kiss his mate as he thrust his hard cock into his own special part of heaven. Johnny's head, thrown back in abandon, gave him the perfect opportunity to lean over and lick the spot that would show everyone this man belonged to him alone.

  Sawyer screamed as he orgasmed, filling Johnny’s passage with his cum. His mating knot extended and latched onto his sweet spot, sending Johnny into another orgasm, his cum spilling onto his stomach as the knot pulsated against the spot. In that moment, both of them bit into each other’s necks. Each one feeling the mating bonds snap into place. They were breathing hard and so fast, they couldn’t catch their breath.

  Sawyer rolled onto his side and took Johnny with him. He held him close, while the knot released and extended back inside of his cock. This was something that only happens when you find your True Mate.

  Johnny told his mate, “Wow, I have never felt anything like that before.” He truly hadn’t because he had been a virgin.

  “I should have been gentler, Johnny. I didn’t know that was your first time. Did I hurt you?” Sawyer asked.

  “That was awesome! You didn’t hurt me at all,” Johnny said as he smiled over at his mate.

  Sawyer got up and went to get a cloth to clean up his mate. He was determined his mate would want for nothing. He came back and gently cleaned his mate. Johnny held out his arms as Sawyer lay down and took him into his arms. They fell into a deep sleep.

  A few hours later, Johnny was having one of his nightmares, but this one was different. Sawyer, walking beside him, was just a shadow watching everything that happened to him. Chad was bullying him. Then Sawyer watched him healing the small bird. It was like watching a movie screen. It was the same night he saved his mother from dying. He then flashed to the part of Chad coming into his room, demanding things, which no real brother ever should.

  Then everything changed, as Johnny was in the woods hearing a child cry. He ran and ran until he came to a stream and fell to his knees in front of the water. Suddenly he heard laughing, and when he looked up, it was Chad and a demon, but not one that he had ever seen before. Oh god, Sawyer is reliving every detail right alongside of me. What the hell is going on! he thought in the dream.

  Sawyer couldn’t believe what he was seeing as he came awake. He was seeing every detail of his mate’s dream. He felt Johnny thrashing in his sleep. He sat up and tried to sooth Johnny by rubbing his back and talking to him.

  “It’s okay, Johnny. I’m here for you, and nothing is going to hurt you. I will protect you,” Sawyer swore to his mate. He gently rubbed his back trying to wake him out of the nightmare he was reliving right alongside of him.

  Johnny suddenly woke out of his nightmare. He jumped out of bed, and he didn’t know how to react with his mate. His secrets were out to his mate. The first time someone found out about his healing powers, they treated him like a freak—at least his stepbrother had. He didn’t want to see disgust on his mate’s face.

  “Johnny, it’s okay…I’m not going to judge you. I’m proud my mate has healing abilities. That is an amazing gift from the Spirits. Johnny, please look at me. We have both been abused while growing up, but I can promise you this. I will protect you with my last breath. When I came into this house yesterday, I felt an overwhelming peace fill me, and that’s due to you. I know that we just met yesterday, but I felt this intense love for you, Johnny. You are my soul-mate, and you make me feel whole for the first time in my life,” Sawyer told him mate sincerely.

  “Come back to bed, Johnny, and let me hold you. Tomorrow is another day. We will figure out what this means together. If you don’t want anyone else to know about your abilities, then we will not tell anyone,” Sawyer told him.

  “The only other person who knows about my abilities is Alpha Blackwood. He took me in after I had to leave. He saved me, literally, and he has been a friend and father figure as I reached adulthood,” Johnny told his mate. Without Blackwood, he truly didn’t know what would have happened to him.

  Chapter Five

  Fury couldn’t believe his luck. His Spirits must truly be with him. He had found the Dream Weavers he was assigned to locate. Fury needed to get away after everything he had seen, so he took Jarrod and teleported them to his home plane. Something was happening between the two of them that Fury didn’t understand, but he wanted to explore, and he wasn’t going to let Jarrod go.

  When Fury arrived home, his superior was there waiting for him.

  “Fury, why have you brought your wolf man home?” his superior asked him with furious voice.

  “Sir—I have some great news! I returned, and had to take my blood partner with me. Can we sit down, and I will explain everything?" Fury would’ve liked nothing better than to kill the Son of a Bitch.

  “Okay, Fury, but this better be good.” His superior smirked.

  “Sir, it happened like this. My blood-bond, Jarrod, has a thing for a man named Shannon, who's mated to the Alpha of the Cedarhill Pack, and in order to get to this man, Jarrod stole his son, Timmy. While Jarrod was out setting up a trap for Shannon, I was curious about the little boy and went to see him. When I arrived, the boy was asleep. I entered the boy’s dream. When he awakened, the boy told me that he needed my help. The Spirits had come to him in the vision and told him that he would have to die for their second Dream Weaver couple to bring on the change that would complete them, in turn making the third Dream Weaver couple’s gifts come to the surface. This was destined for thousands of years.

  “Without my help, the Spirits said that we would never get the portal to this world. Our people are Spirit believers themselves, so I took what the boy saw to heart. Knowing that his blood-bond wouldn’t be happy at all, this infatuation had to stop before he was killed for being stupid. I did what I had to do!

  “But this is where it gets interesting! I saw a man attacking my blood-bond, so I had to do something to stop it! I teleported to a truck driven by the Alpha of the Blackwood Pack and stole this man’s mate.

  “Jarrod had informed me he is the Blackwood Pack’s doctor. So I appeared right before this man’s eyes, and before he could get the jump on Jarrod, I drained this man of his life essence. I grabbed Jarrod and went invisible to see what would happen next.

  “The man ran over to his mate just when the doors to the warehouse were ripped open by a pair of dragons. He cradled his mate, and the dragons seemed to disappear into a mist—before him stood the Alphas of the Haven Pack.

  “This sounds all very interesting, Fury,” said his superior.

  “Oh, I’m not done yet, sir. You see, sir, the Cedarhill Alphas ran for the stairs. On the second floor of the building, they could smell their son, and they followed the scent to a closed door.

  “They opened the door each rushing into the room and their son lay on the bed as if asleep. They walked hand in hand over to the bed and they both lifted their son across their laps. As they looked down at him, their tears fell upon Timmy’s face in unison. This caused a shimmering effect that seemed to surround them all in that moment.

  “The Alpha mates stared at each other for a moment in confusion, right before they all disappeared from sight. From out of the mist flew three of the most amazing Phoenixes. There was fire burning from their wings as they took to the sky.

  “From out of know where three of the Firebirds of Legend flew to the man holding his downed mate. They circled overhead as the smallest one swept down toward the couple before anyone could do a thing. Slowly, they watched his tear fall onto the face of the doctor, and he woke up in the next moment.

  “Glittering lights surrounded the Firebirds and that made everyone else close their eyes. When they opened them once again, there stood the Cedarhill Alphas with their son, Timmy. The boy stepped forward and addressed all the adults, sounding so much older than his years, ’I am so sorry to have worried you all tonight. I was given a vision from the Spirits, and they told me that I would need the help of Fury the Demon.’

  “The boy also told them he needed to die to form their Phoenix bond. The fates didn’t want one of the Dream Weaver Hybrids to miss their calling, because they had taken a son into their home that would one-day die. ‘Even though you didn’t know this, your Phoenixes did, and they refused to one day lose me.’ Timmy told them all.

  “‘Those are our thoughts as well, my son. Our wishes would have been the same,’ I heard the Cedarhill Pack Alphas agree in unison.

  “The boy told them the Spirits said without their bonding the rest of the Dream Weavers couldn’t unite as well, and they have waited patiently for the right ones to be born for each one. That each one would have special gifts and remember a very special story, which had once been told to their mothers, which would help identify them.

  “They also told the boy that his father, Shannon, and Garrett, the mate to Alpha Haven, are the first Co-leaders of the Dream Weavers. It would be up to them to find a way to find the others who are out in the world. The Dream Weavers were born in love, but each has known the loss of their families. Many are in pain and hurting from the abuses found in this world. It is up to them and their mates to find these lost souls.

  “So you see, sir, the Dream Weavers are back. This doctor has to be a part of them,” Fury told him. “Now, I need someone to check into this Dr. Johnny from the Blackwood Pack. Who can we send, sir?”

  “I will send Slater, let’s see what he finds out about our doctor. He is the best tracker we have, and it will be good to have two demoniacs on the earth plane. I will call him right now!”

  Slater appeared in a matter of minutes, saying, “You summoned me, sir?”

  “Slater, I have a job for you, and it involves you going to the earth plane," his leader told him.

  “Sir, how may I help you?” Slater asked.

  “I want you to do a background check on a person named Dr. Johnny. He is from the Blackwood Pack. That’s all the information I have on him. One of the reasons I called you in for the job, Slater, is I know you will use discretion, and you are good at your job,” his leader said. “Slater, I don’t want you to interact with anyone until you get the information about our doctor, then we will go from there.”

  “Yes, sir, I will leave at once,” Slater told him.

  Slater transported to the Blackwood Pack house, and Johnny’s adopted Pack. He walked around and listened for any information on this Doctor Johnny. After several hours of meaningless conversation, he heard that Johnny was staying at the Cedarhill Pack house. He decided before he left he would check the doctor’s room at the Blackwood Pack. There was a picture on the nightstand that drew his attention of a man and woman. Well, it seemed the doctor had a past worth checking in to. He was going to have to find out where this doctor originally came from.

  He realized he wasn’t going to find anything else in this room, so he decided to head over to Johnny’s neighboring Pack, the Cedarhill Pack, where Johnny was staying with his mate.

  Just when he popped into the room of the Cedarhill Pack, invisible to all around him, he heard them talking. Slater couldn’t believe his ears, it seemed this doctor could heal people and animals. He also heard Johnny’s mate tell him that he would protect him with his life.

  Who was after this doctor? Slater thought. Why would someone want to hurt him? Slater didn’t know the answers to these questions. It was time to head back to his superior with the information he had uncovered.

  He teleported back home to his superior’s office.

  “Slater, that was faster than I thought it would be,” said the superior. Devon hadn’t expected him back for a day or two at least.

  “Sir, I found out something very amazing. This information could be very useful,” Slater told him.

  “What did you find out, Slater?” Devon asked.

  “Well, sir. I overheard the doctor talking to his mate, and they were discussing how he could heal people and animals. I also found out that someone is after the doctor. There was a family picture on his bedside table, so I would like to look into his past. This is all I found out so far. Give me a little more time and I will find more information,” Slater told his superior, Devon. “Shit, I almost forgot, they are going to Washington to live in the Haven Pack. This is his mate’s pack, but that won’t be for a while,” Slater added.

  “Okay. Slater, I want you to return, and get me more information on this doctor!” his superior told him. “From everything I’ve heard this could be the one we are searching for.”

  “Sir, I’m on it,” said Slater.


  What was going on? Slater thought. Well, whatever it was, it must be important. Otherwise, his superior wouldn’t let him go to the earth plane. Now it’s time to have some fun!

  This Earth plane sure as hell had something going for it! Maybe if he delivered for his superior, he would let him stay on this plane when he completed the job!

  Chapter Six

  Johnny couldn’t sleep—he tossed and turned. Was his past catching up to him? There was something to these dreams, and he knew he needed help. Maybe Sawyer was right, he needed to talk about his problems. Maybe he would even be able to see his parents. He wasn’t a kid anymore. What could Chad really do to him? Johnny thought. His mate and Alpha knew about his healing abilities, and they would help defend him if Chad found him.

  The morning turned out rainy and cloudy. Johnny wondered if this was an omen to what was going to come. Johnny got up and went to take a shower, and left his mate asleep on the bed. He looked down at his handsome face. He was so lucky to have found him. Many Weirs never find their True Mates.

  While his was in the shower, Sawyer walked in.

  “Johnny, I can hear everything you are thinking, my mate. I didn’t even sleep last night because your dreams were upsetting you. I left you alone last night, and only tried to sooth you. I know all this is new, and you have been hiding yourself for years, but it’s time to come out and face your fears with someone who loves you and will help protect you,” Sawyer told his mate.

  “Sawyer, I was thinking that myself. I want a normal life. Where I can just be myself, and not worry who will find out my secrets,” Johnny told his mate. He smiled at Sawyer; it was so nice to have someone he could count on. It didn’t hurt that his mate was sexy as sin as well. He could already feel his heart beating faster in response to Sawyer. He ran his hand down his mate’s muscled arm. It was like touching a sculpted work of art. How did he ever get so lucky, Johnny thought.

  “I feel it, too, my mate. My blood is singing in my veins from such a slight touch of your hand.” His tongue wetted his lips in anticipation of tasting his mate. Sawyer was one lucky bastard.

  “Why don’t you join me in the shower?” Johnny told Sawyer with that sizzling look he couldn’t deny, not that he would ever want to. Johnny watched Sawyer slowly start to slip out of his boxers. It was a seduction in itself to watch his muscles flex with every movement.

  “Sawyer, I have to apologize to you for ruining our first night together,” Johnny told his mate, unhappy that he’d keep his mate awake.

  Sawyer assured Johnny not to worry about it. They were now a team, and they would face this together.

  All it took was that look from his mate, and Sawyer was kissing Johnny. There was nothing sexier than the hot look he gave Sawyer. As he deepened the kiss, his hands were roaming all over Johnny's body. He was going to make sure Johnny never regretted his trust in him. He wanted nothing other than to make his mate forget his troubles for a little while.

  Johnny was moaning as Sawyer wrapped his hand around his cock. Johnn
y moaned in response. His cock throbbed with each downward thrust. He thought he would go out of his mind when he circled his mushroomed head. Sawyer paid special attention to that sensitive spot right in the crease as he moaned once again in pleasure.

  Sawyer broke the intoxicating kiss, only to nip his way down the curve of his muscular neck. Johnny groaned in response. Sawyer kissed his way down to his already beaded nipple, taking it gently into his mouth, he swirled his tongue around the hard bead.

  “Oh yes! That feels so good, Sawyer!” Johnny groaned.

  Sawyer worked his way down Johnny’s body, loving the feel of excitement he felt from his mate. He reached for Johnny’s hard cock, weeping with pre-cum. There was a satisfied look on Sawyer’s face as he swirled his tongue over the head of Johnny’s cock, tasting his essence.

  “Mmm…you taste so good! I can't wait to have all of you,” Sawyer told his mate as he looked up into his passion-filled eyes, he deepthroated Johnny’s cock. He took him in all the way to the back of his throat, loving the sounds his mate was making, as the muscles of his throat took him deeper still. He was working his way up his cock, all the while swirling his tongue around until he reached the head. Only to stop and suck his cock, as if it was his favorite treat, while he pulled on his balls to keep his mate from coming before he was ready. He came up Johnny’s cock slowly, and increased his suction with every movement. He decided it was time to give his mate a treat while sucking on his cock. Sawyer soaped up his hand and started playing with Johnny’s ass, slowly circling the hole. When he felt Johnny shiver in response, he glided his finger inside and massaged his sweet spot. Johnny bucked in response inside Sawyer’s mouth.

  “Yes…just like that,” Johnny moaned.


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