“Go ahead and cry, you little slut. It makes my dick hard when you cry.”
That really hurt, Stormy thought to herself. This shit is getting out of hand. She was thinking of a way to hurt Korea back, but she wasn’t allowed to hit her. So she let out an unpredictable giggle, turning her face away, purposely fixing it with false guilt.
“What?” Korea asked her.
“I’m sorry, Daddy. That’s all.”
“What? What are you sorry for? Fucking some man?”
“No, I’m sorry that I liked sucking his dick so much. I liked it so much, I came before he even put his big cock between my fat pussy lips.”
Stormy was so convincing, Korea wondered if she was telling the truth, or maybe expressing some deep desire.
Whispering, Korea said, “Baby, maybe we shouldn’t play this game tonight. Why don’t you be the waitress or something?”
But Stormy ignored her lover. She was on a roll. She realized she never got a chance to do or say anything rebellious. Maybe there was something to this role-playing stuff. “His dick was so big that it split the corners of my mouth. I sucked it good and I liked it.”
Stormy was braced for the slap this time and when it came crashing across her cheek, she did not wince and submit. Instead, she laughed out loud, releasing a cackling, nerve-wracking Who’s Afraid of Virginia Wolf kind of laugh that enraged Korea. Stormy did not expect Korea to spit in her face. The feel of the slimy glob on her cheek and in her eyelashes silenced her laughter. She tried to roll over, sit up, and brace herself for escape, but suddenly, Korea pushed her down and stood up over her, one foot by her left ear, the other pressing her face into the floor.
“So, bitches want to suck on something,” Korea said, rubbing her toes through the slime on her lover’s face and forcing her big toe into her mouth. “Are you laughing at me, you simple bitch? You like sucking on things? Suck my fucking toe.”
Conceding to remain the mistress for a game that had gone too far to turn away from, Stormy did as she was told.
“Oooh, you are a dirty fucking whore. You like that, don’t you?”
“I love it.”
“Stop.” Korea stepped back a little and wiggled her boxers from her hips. “Take them off me,” she commanded. Stormy reached up and pulled the shorts down to Korea’s ankles. Korea shook them loose into Stormy’s face. “Wipe your face off with my drawers, bitch.”
Stormy took the underwear and began to wipe the slimy spit away. The smell of the beer and spit made her nauseous.
“Now, wipe your nasty dick breath off my foot.” Stormy was getting ready to wipe Korea’s foot with the boxers, when Korea screamed at her to stop, pouring beer on Stormy’s breasts. “Don’t you dare use those nasty things on my pretty foot.”
Korea reached for the serving tray and tossed a few baby wipes down from where she stood exalted over her whore on the floor.
Korea took a swig of her beer, and opened her legs to reveal her pussy. Stormy was instantly excited at the sight of her perfect pussy with the tight dark lips, that was rarely hers to see, and never hers to savor.
“Why are you eyeballing me?”
Stormy didn’t say anything.
“You want to see my dick, don’t you? You want to suck it, don’t you?”
Korea set her beer down and planted her feet on either side of Stormy’s face. Stormy could feel her temperature rising. Beads of sweat formed on her lower back and between her thighs, as she glanced up into a pussy heaven. Stormy had never eaten pussy before, and wasn’t sure she even knew how. But she knew how having your clit sucked passionately felt. She wished to herself that this would be the night Korea would completely let go. She wished she could will Korea’s knees to fold so that her pussy would fall graciously onto her face and that her own natural passion and experience as a bottom would teach her what to do.
Though she knew it would never happen, she could only imagine, as she watched from below, the woman opening her tiny dark folds to reveal a very large, dark pink clit.
“Oh how you want to suck it,” Korea taunted.
She lubricated it with KY Jelly and began to stroke it. Her knees folded and, for a moment, Stormy thought her fantasy would finally be fulfilled. Korea lowered her hips slowly, so Stormy could get a good look at the thing she could not have and wanted most.
When Korea was finally on her knees, her hot, wet pussy literally dripping slowly on Stormy’s face, she went in for the kill. Making sure to pin Stormy’s long hair to the floor so that she could not reach up and touch her pussy with her tongue, she said, “I’d let you suck me but you wouldn’t know what to do with my kind of dick. So you can just watch how I make myself cum and, in another three years, maybe, just maybe, I’ll give you some.”
With that, the whore on the floor was defeated, and the tear, trapped in the corner of her eye, released itself and brought a million soldiers with it as Korea’s pussy swelled to insatiable heights and released twice into Stormy’s stream of tears. Korea never even mentioned the tears, as she came and came again until her clitoral dick deflated into a masculine grunt. Korea rolled over onto her back, her spent pussy in her hand. She breathed heavily for a while, staring and panting into the spin of the ceiling fan.
Then Korea lovingly cleansed Stormy’s face with a cool baby wipe and spoke in the sweetest voice. “How you doing in there?”
It took a moment for Stormy to swallow the lump in her throat, but it was on its way down to be digested with the rest of the evening’s bullshit, so she decided to finish the game. “I’m good,” Stormy whispered back. Then, out loud, she said, “Yeah, Daddy, it felt too good to get my pussy and my asshole fucked by a real man. I’m glad you taught me a lesson. I was starting to feel guilty.”
“Oh, is that a fact?” Korea asked, surprised that Stormy had not had enough.
Korea reached for the tray again. She drew back a red leather cat of nine tails and quickly stung Stormy’s voluptuous thigh with it. Stormy’s scream aroused Korea. She hit her again, harder. Stormy screamed again, trying to cover the skin of her thigh that was beginning to welt.
“Move your fucking hands!” Korea stung her again. The more Stormy tried to fight, the more Korea was turned on. “Turn your ass over,” she commanded her.
Stormy slowly rolled over onto her stomach. She gripped handfuls of the blanket and braced herself for pain. But Korea sat on the back of her legs, rubbed her ass gently, and kissed it softly with her lips. Stormy felt the cool wetness of Korea’s tongue, tracing circular patterns on her ass, and then the sting of the whip on her skin again, and again, and again. Korea was getting off again as Stormy broke down and cried for mercy. Pins shot through her pelvis, her clit hardened, and the remains of her orgasm began to ooze. She climbed up onto Stormy’s ass and humped until her sticky cum shined on Stormy’s stripes.
“Will you fuck me now?” Stormy asked, making her dissatisfaction known.
The pain had been too intense and Stormy was definitely not aroused. But she knew that once the game was over, she could take Korea into the rapture of her hips, and let her fuck her like the man she wished that she were.
Korea didn’t think that Stormy understood that she wasn’t a woman pretending to be a man. Deep inside of her, there was actually a man who needed his respect. Stormy’s behavior at Club X had been anything but respectful. She was trying to stop hating her for it, but the images were always in her mind. Korea rolled Stormy over onto her back and slapped her again. Her dick was swelling but Stormy’s pussy was getting dry. So instead of playing any more games, Korea opened her own pussy with her fingers and stuck her still pulsating dick between Stormy’s pussy lips, and fucked her, and did not stop until she felt Stormy’s waterfall washing over her.
“Why are you spending so much time in the bathroom?” Shawna asked her husband as he popped back into bed for the third time.
“I don’t know. I just have to go.”
/> “Is your stomach upset?”
“No. I just have to pee.”
“I didn’t hear you pee. You were in there for a long time, too,” Shawna said. She lay on top of the comforter, wearing one of Hartford Crow’s T-shirts; her provocative pose unappreciated by her husband.
“Well, I thought I had to pee, but I didn’t have to this time,” he said, fluffing his pillow behind his head and reaching for the remote control. Shawna lifted one arm up over her head and exhaled a sexy breath. “Tired, huh?” Hartford flipped through the channels. “Hey, do you mind getting off of the comforter? You’ve got me trapped in over here.”
“Unbelievable,” Shawna said, stubbornly climbing under the covers.
“What is?”
“Nothing.” Shawna pouted, pushing her face into her pillow.
Hartford looked over at his wife and sipped his tea. He knew exactly why she was frustrated. But lately, he had not felt like doing anything about it.
“Hartford, do you think you can drink the tea without sipping like a British hag?”
“Sorry, Love,” Hartford said softly, hoping she could hear that he was also apologizing for his lack of desire for her. He set the teacup on his nightstand and gently stroked her hair as he watched MTV.
“If you keep having to use the bathroom, maybe you shouldn’t be drinking tea at this hour.”
“You think?”
“Da-ah,” Shawna said sarcastically, and then shooed his hand out of her hair. She needed to hurry and fall asleep to keep from pining. Her sexual desire had been building up for weeks and she was on the verge of exploding. The last thing she needed was Hartford playing in her hair.
In her dream, she stood on her father’s feet as he danced around the living room with her.
“Are you ready for the big dip?” her father asked.
“Yes, Daddy, dip me, dip me!”
The man dipped the little girl and slipped his tongue into her mouth. The child smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck so he could carry her to the bedroom, where her mother lay sleeping.
“Just lay right here on top of me. That-a-girl, that-a girl…” Shawna could hear her father’s voice echoing as she came awake suddenly and sat up in the bed.
“Call Jim,” she told her husband. “Tell him you can’t seem to stop pissing. It could be your prostate. My father had prostate cancer.”
Shawna got out of the bed and locked herself in the bathroom. She sat on the toilet and rubbed her pussy until the pressure was gone.
EVEN THOUGH THEY WERE GOOD FRIENDS, Hartford Crow did not know how to talk to Dr. James Maddox about why his Johnson had gotten hard during his prostate exam. Both men had seen it get hard. Both men had seen Hartford’s semen spill involuntarily. But Dr. Maddox had simply handed him a wad of tissue, and asked him casually about his daughters and his wife, Shawna, as he tossed his gloves into the wastebasket and washed his hands.
Damn, Hartford thought as he dressed. I’ll be forty years old on my next birthday; I should know more about my own body. How am I supposed to ask my friend about this? “Uh, hey Jim, when you stuck your finger up my ass, it sure felt good. Is that normal?”
Hartford knew he wasn’t gay. But he couldn’t stop thinking about the incredible sensation as he drove home from the doctor’s office. The thing that bothered him most was the fact that he was barely aroused by his wife lately, and when he was, it was difficult to maintain it.
“What did the doctor say?” Shawna asked.
“He said what you said.”
“He said you have prostate cancer?”
“No, he said to stop drinking tea in bed.”
Hartford was unusually flirtatious with his wife over dinner. And by eight o’clock, he was in the bed waiting for her to get out of the shower. He had seen a cobalt blue silk gown and robe hanging on the back of the bathroom door, and lay back on the bed, envisioning Shawna wearing it. But when she emerged from the bathroom, she had on the same tired houserobe she had been in for weeks. Underneath it, he could see that she had on one of his V-neck T-shirts.
“Why don’t you come over here and lay on top of me?” Hartford asked her.
“No, I’m cool.”
“You’re cool? What does that mean?”
“Do you really want to know?”
“Yes, I really want to know.”
“It means, do you think my getting on top is going to keep your dick hard?”
“Who the fuck do you think you’re talking to?”
“Well, you did ask.”
“You’re pushing it,” Hartford warned her. He watched her climb in the bed beside him. He could see that she didn’t have anything on underneath the T-shirt. “Since when did you turn into a missionary maiden?”
“A what?”
“You know, a pillow princess; lying on your back all the time… making me do all the work. That shit gets old. A man needs to be fucked sometimes, too. Maybe if you changed it up, did a little dance, or put on some of that sexy shit you got stashed all over the room in boxes and drawers, it would help us out. Who are you buying that shit for anyway? You sure don’t wear it for me. For me, you wear that ugly-ass houserobe and those dirty-ass slippers.”
“I buy that stuff for myself.”
“You buy that stuff with my money. You keep on being disrespectful, and you won’t have any credit cards to shop with.”
“Don’t you threaten me with money like I’m some kind of hooker you’re paying to be here, Hartford. I don’t appreciate it. I’m your wife and the mother of your child; you need to respect that.”
“Come on, baby, let’s not fight tonight. Just get on top, baby, please.” Hartford tried to make nice. He rolled over and kissed Shawna on her neck and then pecked each fingertip.
Shawna could feel him pressing his hips into hers, and she could feel that his dick was still limp. She was disgusted. If she didn’t take control, she would spend half of the night trying to revive his flaccid little friend.
“How about this?” Shawna said, sliding her body from beneath Hartford’s.
He smiled broadly and rolled over on his back as she climbed on top of him and sat there, staring at him with her captivating Scorpio eyes for a long moment. She lifted the T-shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor, revealing two perfect breasts that Hartford had not seen in a while. She leaned forward and slapped Hartford’s face gently with them.
“Remember them?” she teased.
She pushed both breasts together and rubbed her nipples against his lips. His lips parted and his tongue felt for her cinnamon mounds.
“Yes, I remember them,” he answered.
He held them gently in each hand and made love to them. Hartford licked in circular motions with his tongue, sucked with his lips and mouth, nibbling and pulling gently on her nipples with his teeth.
Satisfied that Hartford was fully aroused, Shawna lifted her right breast and licked at it with her own tongue and let out an invitational moan as she sat back on his lap to feel for an erection with her ass. Nothing.
“Better yet, how about this?” She reached over and turned the lamp on and opened the nightstand drawer. She pulled out a pink rabbit dildo and turned it on.
“What are you going to do with that?” Hartford asked.
“How about I let this nice hard dick fuck me…while you go fuck yourself?”
Shawna rolled her body back over, plunged the toy inside of her pussy, and let the vibrating rabbit ears take her to an instant baby climax. Hartford watched her, feeling his nature begin to rise. She had come so quickly, Hartford could only stare at her as she pulled the dildo out of her pussy and put it in her mouth.
She sucked the head. “Mmmm,” she moaned. “Damn, I taste good. Kiss me. Maybe the smell of my pussy can get you hard.”
“Yeah, alright,” he said, getting out of the bed. “Don’t be mad when I replace your sorry ass. Can you say pre-nup? Oh, would you look at that,” he said, looking down at himself. His dick was as hard as pet
rified wood and pointing right at her. Hartford wrapped his hand around the shaft and stroked it from top to bottom, waving it over Shawna’s face. “Ain’t no good ole’ hot blood pumpin’ through that little toy of yours. You go on playing with your little plastic; I’m going to sleep in the den tonight.”
“Wait,” Shawna said. “I was just playing. I was trying to get you hard. It worked, too. Come on and get back in the bed; I’ll get on top.”
“Nope. I’m going to go fuck myself now.”
“Damn, I swear you act so bitch-made sometimes.”
Hartford’s dick was pointing at her through his pajama bottoms now, as he slipped his arms through his pajama top. “I’m going to need a ride to the airport tomorrow.”
“Of course, you do. How long are you going to be gone this time? A week? A month? I’m not your babysitter, you know?”
“It’s not babysitting when they’re your children.”
Shawna shot him a look as if to say, they’re not both my children.
“Take them to Dream Crow for the week. I’ll call and let you know when I’ll be back. Somebody’s got to work to pay for all those sex toys and fancy panties.”
“Get off of it, Hartford. You haven’t made new music in years. You make enough off royalties to take care of two families and never work again.”
“Trust me, if I stopped working, and paid more attention to you, it wouldn’t be long before I left you. So, you need to shut the fuck up and recognize that I’m only here for my daughter. If it weren’t for her, I would’ve turned your ass into a pillar of salt by now.”
Hartford closed the door behind himself.
Shawna let out a frustrated sigh and lay back on the bed. She turned the vibrator back on and stuck it back inside of herself and fixed her clit between the rabbit ears. She closed her eyes, trying to make herself cum again but nothing was happening.
“Damn it,” she said.
She got out of the bed and went in to the bathroom. She rinsed the rabbit in the sink and grabbed a towel. She dried the rabbit and walked back into the bedroom, opened the nightstand drawer, and put the rabbit back inside. Then she pulled out her Magic Wand and plugged it in.
The Punany Experience Page 10