Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca

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Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca Page 5

by Maggie Ryan

  Mrs. Williams nodded and again hugged the young woman hard. If only others had the grace to recognize the hard work of the many who kept the few fed, clothed and entertained. “Don’t worry about it Rebecca, it wasn’t your fault and I’ve faced discipline before. I will survive. Just live a good life as you truly deserve it. You have more strength inside than anyone I’ve ever known. God bless you Miss.”

  Rebecca’s eyes filled with tears and she simply nodded as the woman stepped over to stand beside Miss Lambert. It was obvious she would not yet be excused. Rebecca could feel the hatred of Miss Lambert boring into her back. Gathering her courage one more time, she turned and forced herself to meet the woman’s eyes. Rebecca could feel the hatred in the air.

  Edna stepped forward a step and hissed, “I wouldn’t act so high and mighty Missy. You might regret your disrespect when you are labeled a harlot. I’m telling you, his intentions are nothing but the same as every other male on this planet! You might think your status was lowered by becoming a servant, just wait until you are spread beneath him and the town knows you left here to become nothing more than his whore!“

  Mrs. Williams gasped and Rebecca was stunned at the vehemence in the woman’s voice. She also understood what the woman was saying and her face flamed. She hadn’t considered anything but getting away from this place. She was an innocent but had seen the way people avoided women if even a hint of impropriety surrounded them. Reputation was everything in this society and she wondered what would become of her own. She was even more confused and her hands fisted in her dress again, worrying and twisting the fabric. Her eyes found Mr. McGavin’s, her fear clearly written across her face.

  Patrick was beyond angry. In his opinion, even whores deserved more respect than this shrew. He turned away to Danvers. “I suggest you teach your staff to hold their tongues. If breaking a plate is cause for a caning, acting like a shrew surely deserves one as well.”

  They all heard Edna give a screech but he ignored her. He turned to her. “You ma’am, and believe me I used the word only because Miss Matthews is in the room, need to curb your tongue and keep silent. Though it is certainly none of your business, I have decided to take Miss Matthews as my wife. I had better hear nothing more of your vulgar accusations.”

  Mrs. Williams smiled and was delighted even as Edna’s mouth dropped open. Not only was this man treating her rudely, he had elevated this stupid servant girl’s status up to that of a wife!

  Patrick ignored Rebecca’s gasp and enjoyed Edna’s. “Mr. Danvers has the proper documents and I will be filing them myself. Rebecca will be able to hold her head up high and as far as I can tell, is a far more refined person at her young age than you will ever be.”

  Rebecca sank down onto the chair. Wife? She was going to be married? How could she marry? She didn’t even know this man.

  Edna was the first to turn away but only after casting another evil look at Rebecca.

  Rebecca didn’t flinch from the woman’s gaze though she looked as if she could faint at any moment.

  Patrick watched the exchange. He was proud of the girl’s spirit but he also knew she would soon find it necessary to draw on her inner strength again. She had no idea but the moment he had decided to take her as his wife, and that was a title she would have in name only, she was basically exchanging one servitude for another. She would no longer be waiting hand and foot on people who didn’t care for her. No, her life would be spent on serving and obeying and pleasing only one person—him. He smiled as his cock twitched in his pants.

  Rebecca felt his stare and looked to him. The look he gave her made her knees begin to shake again and her heart race. The intensity of his gaze was such that she suddenly didn’t feel so brave. His size alone made her feel inconsequential. Her future was unknown and she wondered if she had the strength to begin again. She hadn’t even been courted and never kissed. It seemed she had no choice in her life. She had gone from being a pampered child to an orphan, from a student to a servant and now, according to this stranger, from a servant to his wife. The way he looked at her made her feel he wanted to eat her alive, and Rebecca found herself wondering if this man had truly rescued her or simply was leading her into an even greater hell.


  Patrick signed the last paper and turned to Rebecca. “There is no need for your signature as Mr. Danvers can act as your proxy, however, I would like you to sign our wedding document Rebecca and, please, Mrs. Williams, I’d asked you to witness her signature. I don’t want there to ever be any cause to question my wife’s status.”

  Mrs. Williams smiled and immediately stepped back to the desk. She too could feel Edna’s hatred boring into her back but ignored it. She turned to Rebecca and smiled. “Congratulations Rebecca.”

  Rebecca continued to just stare at Patrick’s outstretched hand that was holding a pen. Slowly, as if in a dream, she stood and took the pen. “But…but why would you marry me?” she asked quietly. “You don’t even know me?”

  He grinned. “I am your legal guardian, appointed by your father, Rebecca. You were placed with your uncle only because I was unfortunately absent. It was understood that if something should happen to your parents, I would take you into my home. If I had known of your parents deaths, I would have hired a governess and you would never have stepped foot in this place. For that, I apologize but am glad to see that you made the best of your situation. That sort of bravery will suit you well in your new life.”

  His words caused her discomfort as well as reassured her that her parents had never wanted her to be under Uncle Albert’s care. What did he mean by speaking of bravery? Surely being a respected lawyer’s wife would not need courage? Perhaps he meant to say that she was such an innocent never having been introduced to society as yet. Part of her missed the thought of being gently led into society; yet, being as shy as she was, a larger part found that she was glad she was basically skipping over that chapter of a young woman’s life.

  Her attention was once more directed to him as he continued. “Miss Lambert was correct in that statement at least. It would have been unseemly to have you join my household without a governess or nanny.”

  Nanny? How old did he think she was? Children needed nannies and even the need for a governess seemed a bit silly for a woman close to her majority.

  Patrick saw the doubt and confusion dash across the young girl’s face and softened his voice a bit. “Rebecca, you don’t seem to realize that you are now eighteen. Your birthday is today. You are of legal age to wed. I find you acceptable so have decided to wed you. Now, unless you wish to remain in Mr. Danvers’ employment, no more questions, sign here please.” He tapped a spot at the bottom of the page.

  She couldn’t focus on the document. Her eyes were filled with tears. She had no idea that today was her birthday. Mr. McGavin had spoken of her parents with respect. Her father had obviously trusted this man. How she wished her parents were still alive. She wished she could speak to her mother just once more, and ask her father about this man. “But…but I don’t know you and don’t know how to be a wife.”

  Patrick heard Miss Lambert snicker and shot her an angry look. She had the good sense to flush and look away from him. Patrick placed his hand over Rebecca’s trembling one. “Little one, I’ll teach you all you need to know to be the wife I desire. Stop dawdling Rebecca, and sign your name.” His tone was firm but not unkind.

  She flushed and felt he was speaking to her as a disobedient child. She had often been accused of dawdling and had gotten her hands smacked several times. She didn’t believe he had any intention of doing the same but she found herself wanting to please him for some reason and there was no longer any question of her staying here. She could feel the hatred of Miss Lambert permeating the very air she was attempting to breathe. Perhaps a future unknown was preferable to the horrid life she knew awaited her in this house. Before she could change her mind, she bent forward and quickly scrawled her name where indicated.

my good girl.” She blushed at his words, feeling a ridiculous thrill of pleasure.

  Mrs. Williams witnessed the paper and it was soon blotted dry and sealed. Patrick slipped it into his pocket. He held out his hand and shook Mrs. Williams’. “Thank you, ma’am and thank you for the kindness to my wife. I have a feeling it was the only kindness she has received under this roof. Please feel free to call upon me if you ever find yourself in need.”

  Mrs. Williams nodded and thanked him, slipping the card he had handed her into her apron pocket. She hugged Rebecca for a final time once again congratulating her on her marriage.

  Rebecca was extremely nervous but Patrick simply gathered her valise, took her hand and led her from the school without another word. She found herself outside and down the walk, through the gate and being lifted into a waiting carriage all within moments. She sat down and was soon joined by Patrick. He leaned out the window and instructed the driver to an address.

  Rebecca glanced out the window, confusion and concern on her face. Patrick glanced at it as well. “Are you truly sad to be leaving your home Rebecca?”

  She shook her head and whispered, “No…I…hated it here…it was never home. I’m worried about what he is going to do to Mrs. Williams.” She blushed as if unaccustomed to speaking her true feelings.

  Patrick had a pretty good idea of what Conner had in mind but he had no authority to do anything about it. She was his employee and if she had broken rules of that employment, she would either pay the price Conner deemed appropriate or seek employment elsewhere. “It is kind of you to worry Rebecca, but there is nothing you can do about it. All you can do is to be brave as she wants you to be, to live your life.”

  He tapped the roof of the carriage. Rebecca was sitting on the very edge of her seat and squealed when the carriage started, the motion throwing her forward. He caught her and smiled as he sat her back onto the bench. “Careful little one.”

  She blushed again. She felt like he thought she was a child and according to him, she was now an adult. She reminded herself to be brave. Taking a deep breath and said, “Sir, I’m not little. I’m a grown woman now. In fact, according to you, I am now eighteen and your wife.”

  He chuckled which caused her to blush even more. “You are of legal age my dear, but you’ll find you are not a grown woman by any means. You are also now married but have yet to learn what that means to our relationship. Despite either your age or your new title, you are most certainly little. In fact, you are one of the tiniest women I have ever seen.” He loved the flush on her face. He leaned forward and put his large hand over her clenched fists which were lying in her lap, easily covering them both. “I met you years ago when you were quite small and I must say, you haven’t grown much since then.”

  Rebecca wanted to protest but hearing his words piqued her curiosity. “I don’t know you… umm... Patrick.”

  “No, Becca. Sir, you may call me sir for now.”

  She flushed as she hadn’t been called Becca in years and his use of it regressed her back to childhood. Her father had always called her Becca unless he was disappointed in her. His memory again made her eyes tear. “It doesn’t surprise me that you don’t remember, Becca. You were just a very small child but I promise you, your father and I spent a lot of time together while you played in your nursery.”

  His mind returned to the several meetings he had with Rebecca’s father. He hadn’t much paid attention to the man’s little daughter but did remember thinking the tot would probably grow up to surpass even her mother’s beauty. He was proven correct as he looked across the small space and saw the adult version seated before him. He pressed her hands once more. “In fact, I do remember you used to carry around a rather tattered stuffed rabbit. You seemed quite attached to it.”

  She looked at him in shock. She hadn’t thought about her favorite stuffed toy in years. Hearing him speak of Bunny brought a small smile to her lips and he knew she finally believed him.

  “I’ll have to see if I can find you a replacement.”

  She looked at him and gave a small laugh. “That’s hardly necessary. Stuffed animals belong in nurseries and I assure you, I left mine quite a long time ago.”

  Patrick just smiled and felt his cock stiffen. The talk of her childhood, stuffed toys and nurseries was very dear to his heart. He squeezed her fingers and then sat back and watched the emotions run across her face. She was absolutely adorable. He looked her over more clearly and was definitely not pleased with her attire. He leaned out the window and gave the driver another address.

  Rebecca was trying to calm herself but wasn’t having much luck. “Are we really married?”

  Patrick leaned forward and once again took her hands. She tried to pull away but he held her too firmly. “I usually will not repeat myself Rebecca, especially to answer silly questions from a little girl. You signed the document and know we are. Now, I’m prepared to grant you a bit of leniency since I’m sure this is all a shock to you. However, you will remember to address me respectfully or learn the consequences. Do you understand me?”

  His voice was very deep and very firm. She again tried to remove her hands, suddenly extremely uncomfortable in his presence. She squirmed on her seat and didn’t speak.

  “I suggest you answer me young lady. When I ask a question you will answer and will learn that when I give you an order, you will obey.”

  Her eyes flew to his. The air in the coach suddenly thickened with tension. Her breath caught in her throat as his eyes bored into hers. She tried again to pull away, her stomach flipping. She didn’t understand what was happening. She was accustomed to taking and obeying orders, but that was both as a student as well as a servant. Did wives take orders from their husbands? His speaking of consequences brought painful images to her mind, ones she didn’t want to even consider.

  “I’m waiting Rebecca and you’ll find I’m not usually this patient.”

  Without thinking, she whispered, “Yes…yes sir.”

  Patrick was pleased. He was a little amazed at how quickly she had capitulated but had a feeling this was almost a rote answer. He shocked her further by quickly kissing the tip of her nose. “That’s my good girl. I’d hate to have to paddle you so soon.” He released her hands and leaned back. He watched in amusement as she rubbed her nose unconsciously, her face shocked at his words.

  She saw him watching and blushed. She scooted as far back onto the bench as she could, her arms wrapped across her stomach as if it ached. She was so small her feet wouldn’t touch the ground.

  His cock twitched again. She was exactly what he wanted, what he’d been looking for for years. He sent a quick thank you up to heaven for her father having the good sense to send him to her. His only regret was that he had obviously wasted months for the word of his death to reach him. He smiled again, what were a few months when the little beauty was now his for the rest of their lives?

  The carriage drew up and stopped in front of a large house. Rebecca remained seated until Patrick climbed down. Was this his home? He reached in and she gave him her hand in preparation for his help in climbing down. She was shocked when he ignored her outstretched hand. Instead, he simply picked her up off her seat and lifted her out the door. He set her down and she found her feet unsteady.

  She blushed and looked around praying that they had been unseen. Surely this wasn’t the proper way to disembark a carriage. She remembered the feel of hands around her waist and the way her feet had kicked in the air as he lifted her down as if she weighed nothing. She took several deep breaths and tried to compose herself. She heard him instruct the driver to wait and then he simply took her hand and led her up the walk.

  “Where are we?” she asked.

  He looked down and said, “You will see soon enough but remember, little ones should be seen and not heard.”

  She clenched her fist, her confusion and fear overriding her caution. “I am NOT a child so stop acting as if I am. I can get out of a carriage by myself and…and you are
deliberately embarrassing me!”

  To say he shocked her would be an understatement. Before the last word exited her mouth, his hand connected with her bottom. He swatted her a half dozen times before she even responded.

  As he lifted his hand to smack her again, she screeched and struggled to pull away. “Stop it! Stop hitting me!”

  He ignored her, pulled her closer and continued. “I am not hitting you Rebecca. I am very deliberately spanking you. You will learn to behave or you will find my hand or worse on your bottom. If you think you are embarrassed now, believe me, you’ll feel even more so if I have cause to lift your skirts and pull down your drawers to give you a proper spanking.”

  She gasped and then whimpered as he continued to spank her. She was beyond humiliated and her bottom was beginning to burn. His hand hurt far worse than the paddle she had experienced at the school. Despite her continued struggles, he continued to swat her again and again until she was finally begging. “I’m... I’m sorry. Please, sir, please stop.” He popped her once more and then stopped.

  “That’s better. Now are you ready to be a good little girl?”

  She nodded and wiped the tears from her cheeks. She was mortified, especially when she realized that the carriage driver had obviously been able to witness her humiliation. She sobbed, more in shame than from the spanking but didn’t want to give him another opportunity to spank her.

  “I expect an answer I can hear Rebecca or do I need to spank you again?”

  She blushed, “No... no, sir.”

  Patrick grinned enjoying this tremendously. “No? You aren’t ready to be a good girl or no you don’t need another spanking?”

  She felt her cheeks flush and she couldn’t look at him. “I don’t want a spanking, sir.”

  He squatted down in front of her until his face was level with hers. He lifted her chin forcing her eyes to his and said, “Are you being deliberately stubborn, Becca? I didn’t ask if you wanted a spanking Rebecca, I asked if you needed another spanking or if you want to be a good girl for me.”


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