Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca

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Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca Page 11

by Maggie Ryan

  Patrick thought it was a great idea though Rebecca was horrified. Nap? She had just gotten out of bed. She couldn’t possibly sleep now. She discovered she had no choice in the matter.

  Patrick unlocked the tray and picked her up, settling her on his hip. She was forced to wrap her legs around his waist and her arms around his neck in order to feel secure. Patrick adored both the feel of her legs wrapped around him as well as the slim arms around his neck. His hand was underneath her short dress and she buried her face in his neck at the shame of it. He patted her bottom causing her to squirm again.

  Eleanor noticed and said, “Goodness, don’t tell me her little bottom still hurts from those little spankings last night.”

  Patrick chuckled, “No, but I’m sure it is still tender from the spanking she earned this morning.” Both of them smiled loving the fact that Rebecca buried her face against Patrick’s shoulder trying to hide her embarrassment. Patrick carried her into a room she hadn’t yet seen.

  She raised her head when she heard Eleanor say, “Oh Patrick, this is delightful. What a pretty room for a pretty little girl. You’ve been busy and have done an excellent job for your little one.”

  Rebecca’s mouth dropped open. She was in a room that was full of frilly little girl items. The walls were painted light lavender with gleaming white woodwork. Accents of light green were scattered about the room. The result was very feminine, very airy. Against one wall was a huge crib, the largest Rebecca had ever seen. She instantly understood that it was for her. She whimpered louder, not wanting to sleep in such an infantile bed. The bedclothes were lavender and green plaid and there was a huge mobile hanging above the crib. She looked at the gently swaying butterflies and flowers hanging from the mobile and then around the room. In addition to the crib there was a huge white rocking chair and ottoman, a dresser, a bookcase full of infant toys and, sitting alone in one corner, a very small white stool. Rebecca felt her heart stammer as the reality of her husband’s earlier words began to truly sink into her soul. “I… I thought I was sharing your… your room.”

  Patrick gave her a stern look. “Don’t be silly, Becca. Little girls need a nursery. You will only be in my room, and in my bed, when I decide to have you there.”

  Rebecca blushed anew as she saw Miss Summers smiling at the pair. She felt humiliated and desperately ashamed at having this strange woman witness this conversation.

  Patrick totally ignored her discomfort as it had absolutely no bearing on his decisions. “Now, you are certainly being whiny, Becca. Do you need to go potty again?” She blushed hotly and shook her head.

  Eleanor grinned at the girl’s discomfort. “I know I packed some nappies for you Patrick. I’d hate for your little one to have an accident while she naps. I’ll find the box and bring her nightgown as well. I’ll be right back. Why don’t you get her undressed?”

  “Oh, while you are doing that, could you please bring up the box you brought this morning?”

  Eleanor agreed and smiled as she turned to leave.

  Rebecca watched as the woman left and found herself being set onto her feet. Nappies! Oh God, he was going to put her in nappies just like an infant! That potty chair was humiliating enough. She could barely tolerate being forced to do her necessary in front of her husband. God, he wiped her himself! No! There was no way she would ever accept being diapered! She turned and ran for the door. Patrick easily caught her before she reached the stairs. He lifted her kicking her feet and flailing her arms at his chest and chuckled at her ridiculous attempt to escape his hold.

  “Where do you think you’re going, little one? Exactly where would you go? Who else do you know in this city? Even if you managed to make your way back to the school, I assure you that Danvers would be quick to see you returned. You are my wife, my property. You willingly made your choice Rebecca. We’ve consummated our marriage and you will always belong to me.”

  Unable to make him release her, Rebecca began to pound her fists against his chest, tears streaming down her cheeks.

  Eleanor returned carrying some boxes to find Rebecca half undressed, her face tear stained, her breathing coming in short bursts as she sobbed.

  “Oh my, did you have to spank her again?” Patrick shook his head.

  “Not yet. She is going to be getting her bottom blistered in just a moment. She needs to learn not to hit an adult and never to run away from her Papa.”

  “Good, I found her new hairbrush as well. Her lessons can’t begin too early. You must teach the naughty one who exactly is the boss in this house.”

  Rebecca didn’t dare to lift her face. She was exhausted with her struggles. She stopped fighting discovering she wanted nothing more than to climb into that horrid crib and cry herself to sleep.

  Patrick stripped her totally until she was standing naked as the day she was born.

  Eleanor clucked over the condition of her bottom which still was a little pink from her earlier spanking. She also had several handprints on the front of both of her thighs, evidence of the battle that had ensued trying to escape being undressed. “Poor thing, her bottom looks so sore already but you can’t let that stop you from teaching her a lesson. She needs to know that naughty little girls will get their bottoms spanked each and every time they choose to be disobedient.”

  Rebecca hated her even more at that moment. The woman was practically begging her husband to spank her.

  Patrick had no problem with the advice. Before he bothered dressing her, he sat on the ottoman and pulled her across his lap, trapping her legs with one of his own. He took the offered hairbrush and Rebecca was soon howling as he applied it to her upturned bottom.

  Eleanor watched and smiled as the girl’s bottom received the promised blistering under the application of the hard wooden brush.

  Patrick didn’t lecture the girl, he just spanked her until she was begging for him to stop and then continued until she went limp over his knees, all the fight disappearing. Her bottom had never hurt more, every inch now a bright red. The brush drove the pain deeper into her body and she was throbbing all over.

  Patrick looked over at Eleanor and saw her smile. “That should help remind her not to be naughty. However, you will find the lesson even more helpful if you make her spread her legs wide during spankings. Keeping her feet flat on the floor instead of kicking them around will also give you additional control. It also helps keep her bottom lifted higher making it an easier target for your hand or brush. The position is called ‘presenting’ and I know you’ve seen the little ones at my school assume it quite often. It is quite effective in more ways than one.”

  Patrick heard Rebecca cry louder. He grinned remembering the delightful views of Eleanor’s little ones getting their own bottoms roasted. He removed his leg from where it had held hers. “Of course, you are absolutely correct. Rebecca, you will present yourself properly over my lap for your spanking.”

  Rebecca didn’t move a muscle, she just sobbed at the pain he’d already driven into her aching bottom.

  Patrick drew back the brush and it slapped down on the back of her left thigh. She raised her head and screeched as the tender area reddened immediately.

  Eleanor stepped close to the young woman. “You must listen to me young lady. Now, Rebecca, spread your legs for me. Open them wide so your Papa can finish your spanking.”

  Rebecca was horrified and was unable to move. That was until that horrible brush slapped down on the back of her right thigh. She screeched as he continued to spank that tender flesh, alternating between her thighs.

  “Your Papa will continue to spank your legs until you obey me, Rebecca.”

  She believed the horrid woman and forced herself to open her legs a little.

  Eleanor grinned down at Patrick. Every adult-child-woman who had been under her care had learned this totally open, humiliating pose. “That’s a good girl, Rebecca, but much wider please. Turn your heels out, toes in, and lift up your bottom to your Papa. You’ve earned yourself a spanking by being su
ch a disobedient little girl and your Papa needs to make sure you get your lesson. Now, present yourself properly before you earn another session.”

  Eleanor instructed Rebecca knowing the woman was growing to hate her more every moment. She didn’t care; this was what she lived for. Teaching little girls involved humiliating them and she, for one, thoroughly enjoyed her job.

  Rebecca didn’t move again until the brush slapped her thigh once more. She sobbed as she felt the woman’s hands on her legs, pulling them far apart. Eleanor dropped her hands to the small woman’s feet and guided them into the proper, heels turned out position.

  Rebecca sobbed as she felt Eleanor pat her bottom and say, “Lift that naughty bottom, Becca. Push it up and out for your Papa.”

  She sobbed but obeyed, forcing herself to lift up her bottom as if she were begging for a spanking.

  Evidently she was in the proper position because she saw Eleanor step away. “That’s good Rebecca. Now, ask your Papa to finish your spanking.”

  Rebecca sobbed, her heart pounding, her face flaming. The room was silent except for her cries.

  “Now young lady or I will paddle you after your Papa finishes your spanking.”

  The thought of having this horrible woman lay another hand on her, as well as the promise of yet another spanking, finally broke Rebecca.

  Sobbing and stuttering, she wailed, “Pl…. please, span… spank me.”

  Patrick was about to comply when he saw Eleanor shake her head. Understanding, he spoke firmly, “Properly, young lady, or you’ll spend the rest of the day over my lap getting your bottom roasted.”

  Rebecca shuddered as she felt the brush tap against her upturned bottom. She sobbed, “Please Papa, please finish… finish my spanking.”

  Evidently this was acceptable as the hairbrush began to roast her bottom again.

  Patrick discovered the position was marvelous. He could now see the pouch of her sex as well as her sweet little pucker. His cock rose in his pants at the sight. He looked over at Eleanor to see her grinning. He also saw her lift her hand pointing at the juncture of Becca’s legs. Patrick grinned and nodded acknowledging Eleanor’s intentions. He lowered the brush to rest against Rebecca’s very red bottom and drug his fingers through her sex and held them up. He rubbed his fingers together, the slickness proof of his wife’s unconscious arousal though she was obviously in great pain. Rebecca moaned at the invasion but didn’t close her legs.

  Eleanor almost clapped at the wetness coating his fingers. The girl might protest but Eleanor knew she was protesting a bit too much. She might hate having her bottom roasted, but part of her obviously loved it. She was absolutely sopping wet.

  Eleanor nodded at Patrick and he couldn’t help but grin back. He returned to finish her paddling before finally putting Rebecca onto her feet and pulling her to stand between his legs. She desperately wanted to rub her burning bottom but he captured her fluttering hands in his. “Don’t be naughty, Becca. You know you aren’t allowed to rub your bottom even though I know it must be aching very much. That’s two spankings already today and don’t think I will hesitate to give you another if you disobey me.”

  She nodded her head, her body pulsing. He gave her a moment and then sighed, “Oh, Becca, what does it take for you to remember the rules?”

  She was confused and then found herself turned bottom up yet again, the brush being reapplied to her bottom. As he spanked her again, just as hard as he had the first time, she finally realized what she had forgotten. She arched her head back and screamed, “I’m sorry, Papa, please, stop, I’m sorry I forgot.”

  Patrick stopped spanking her and once again she was placed between his legs, her hands held in his. She gulped as she attempted to stop crying, her hands aching to clasp her roasted rump. Eleanor stood quietly, entranced by the domestic scene. “I’m…I’m sorry I was naughty, Papa. Thank you for spanking my bottom.”

  Patrick smiled and leaned forward to kiss her forehead. Rebecca leaned into him which surprised him. He couldn’t help it. He lifted her to sit on his lap and wrapped his arms around her. She sobbed into his chest, her bottom burning so badly but needing the comfort from the same man that had caused her such horrible pain.

  Eleanor shook her head at him silently warning him not to spoil the effect of strict discipline. He nodded back and reluctantly lifted the little woman off his lap. She wailed louder and earned herself a quick pop on her bottom. “Settle down, Becca. It’s past time for your nap.”

  She continued to cry as he lifted her onto what she discovered was an adult sized changing table. She wailed as he accepted a pile of nappies from Eleanor and stepped aside as she showed him how to tightly diaper a fussy little one.

  When Rebecca tried to roll away, she found that Eleanor used the hairbrush just as effectively as her husband. Rebecca was flipped over onto her stomach and another layer of spanks applied to her bruised bottom. “Your Papa told you to settle down, little girl. You are being fussy and disobedient and now your bottom will burn even more inside your nappy. Now, stop trying to roll around and ask me to diaper you or I’ll continue spanking your naughty bottom.”

  Rebecca tried desperately to outlast the horrible woman. However, as her bottom continued to be assaulted with the heavy brush and the burn continued to build, she discovered she would say anything to make the hairbrush stop descending onto her bottom. “Please… please di… diap…. diaper me, Miss Eleanor.”

  Eleanor smiled over at Patrick and saw him grinning as well. She was flipped back over and her legs lifted as a pile of the cloth was slipped under her bottom. Eleanor brought her legs back down but didn’t close the nappy yet. Instead, she ran her hands through the cluster of red curls covering Rebecca’s mound. Eleanor turned to Patrick.

  “I’m surprised you haven’t removed this yet,” Eleanor said. “Little girls certainly do not have women’s hair covering their sweet little kitties.”

  Rebecca sobbed and squirmed as the woman’s fingers explored her body. She blushed and jerked as she felt a finger slip into her. It was horrid when Patrick touched her so intimately. It was far more horrid when this woman did the same.

  Patrick stepped forward and laid his hand on Rebecca’s breast. He played with her nipple which immediately hardened under his fingers. He smiled down at her, loving the sight of her tear stained face flushed from both embarrassment at her spanking and the fact she was being fondled. “I intend to remove her curls during her bath later. I agree they hide far too much and my little one needs to be as bare as possible.”

  Rebecca whined louder as Eleanor pressed her finger deeper. “You were told to settle down twice now, Rebecca. I don’t want to see you squirming around like a little worm. You keep still and let Miss Eleanor tend to you or you’ll find a strap across your bottom.”

  The threat froze Rebecca. She shuddered but didn’t move and Eleanor was not surprised when another gush of wetness coated her finger. She drug the girl’s natural lubricant up and over the engorged little nub and was satisfied to see Rebecca’s knuckles turn white where she gripped the sides of the table. “Such a responsive little clitty as well.”

  At least I now know what a kitty and clitty are, Rebecca thought, her body on fire. Eleanor also enjoyed the sounds of the whimpers Rebecca couldn’t suppress. She continued to tease the poor bud until she felt Rebecca’s body tense. She patted the wet kitty one more time before drawing the sides of the nappy up and pinned them securely.

  Rebecca sobbed with shame of being put into a nappy as well as the fact that she had desperately wanted the pleasure she had experienced that morning. The fact that it hadn’t been her husband’s hand mortified her more than she thought possible. The heat between her legs burned as much as the heat of her bottom trapped inside the horrid nappy. She had never known she could be made to feel this desperate need and it truly embarrassed her to realize she would be willing to beg for release if she thought it would be granted. Her tears streamed down her face as she was sat up and a night
gown was pulled over her head. It was lacy and pretty, but far too short. It barely covered the top of her nappy and had silly bows all down the front.

  Patrick picked her up and carried her to the crib. He placed her inside but before allowing her to lie down, he reminded her, “Don’t you have something to tell Miss Eleanor, Becca?”

  Rebecca sniffled but was quick to say, “I’m sorry I was naughty, Miss Eleanor. Thank you for spanking my bottom.”

  Eleanor leaned down and kissed the girl on her cheek. “I’m sorry as well sweetie. Your poor little bottom must hurt you so much. Try to be a good girl for your Papa.”

  Rebecca nodded, wanting just to be left alone. Patrick laid her down and she quickly whimpered until he rolled her onto her stomach. She shut her eyes tightly, her humiliation great.

  “Sweetie, open your eyes. See what your Papa has for you.”

  She drug her eyes open not wanting to earn yet another spanking. They widened in surprise. Patrick held out a stuffed rabbit that looked almost identical to the one she had as a child. Without thinking, she reached for it and was soon cuddling it to her chest, her face nuzzling against the soft fur. She lifted her eyes which were filled with the gleam of unshed tears. ‘Thank you,” she whispered.

  Patrick’s heart lurched, she was so precious. “You’re welcome little one.”

  She closed her eyes but felt something pressing against her lips and opened her eyes again. Patrick was pressing a large, adult sized pacifier against her mouth. She started to turn her head away but he was quick to reach down and swat her diapered covered bottom. She obediently opened her mouth and the new tears began to slide down her cheeks.

  Her life was totally new and nothing she would ever have thought possible. While she had no longer been a pampered girl, yesterday she had been working in the kitchen of her old school and had grown accustomed to her role. Never would she have thought that less than a day later she would be a wife who was, in reality, a well spanked girl, her bottom burning beyond belief, lying in a crib, swaddled in a nappy and now sucking on a huge pacifier. She couldn’t wrap her mind around her position, her shame intense even as she felt her body stirring as her husband stroked her hair.


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