Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca

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Becoming His: The Teaching of Rebecca Page 16

by Maggie Ryan

  She froze, shocked at what he was doing.

  He drove into her kitty as far as he could and then bent down to whisper. “And, this, sweetheart, this sweet little pucker is mine. I will take you here as well.”

  She didn’t understand, couldn’t think straight as he returned to grasp her throbbing nipple again. She only moaned and sobbed as he took possession of what was his. By the time he poured himself into her, she was writhing beneath him, her breasts swollen and aching, her nipples extremely sore and sensitive from his continued pinching and pulling. Though she had spent twice, the ache had returned in full force.

  He finally pulled out of her fully aware that she needed to spend again. Her bottom continued to lift and wiggle as she unconsciously offered her sex to him. He smiled but simply reached up and unbuckled her cuffs.

  She flushed hotly as he stripped the nightgown from her. He chuckled and lay down beside her. He pulled her back against him, her roasted bottom against his groin. She stiffened and then relaxed as he wrapped her in his arms. Without realizing it, she put her hands on her breasts, cupping her aching nipples.

  Patrick was quick to pull them away. “Naughty Becca. You will never, ever touch yourself unless you are given permission. Your body doesn’t belong to you, little girl. Only your Papa and your Nanny will touch you. We are the only ones who will bring you to your pleasure. Now, do I need to put your restraints on, Becca, or do you think you can be a good girl and keep your hands off your titties and bottom?”

  She blushed as his coarse words filled her mind but was quick to answer. “I’ll be a good girl Papa. I… I won’t touch my… myself. Please… please don’t restrain me.”

  Patrick kissed the back of her head and pulled her even tighter against his body. “Good girl. Good night, Becca.”

  Rebecca wiggled away just a bit as her bottom still burned from her spanking.

  Patrick pulled her hard against him, and she felt his cock nudge against the cleft of her bottom. “I don’t care that your little bottom and titties hurt you, Becca. You will most likely spend most of your nights with a well spanked bottom, your nipples on fire, the ache between your legs unfulfilled. Now, don’t be naughty Rebecca, stay still or I’ll put you in your crib.”

  Her heart hammered at his threat of a continually spanked bottom and her nipples seemed to burn even hotter. She was so ashamed that he openly discussed what she so desperately craved. She felt tears slide down her face. However, that threat didn’t compete with the one of being left all alone in that horrible crib. Though she probably would never understand what this man was causing her to feel; she knew she was desperate for the simple comfort of his presence against her aching body.

  As if to prove her obedience, she pressed her aching bottom even harder against him, trying to ignore the flare of pain as well as the persistent tingling between her legs. “Please, Papa. I want to sleep in your bed. I’ll be a good girl, Papa.”

  He loved hearing her words, hearing her call him Papa so easily. He kissed her again and felt her relax against him. He fell asleep though he kept her pressed against him and Rebecca found she felt safer and more relaxed than she had ever in her life. She refused to think about what was happening, she’d think about it tomorrow. She fell asleep with a red blush on her face to rival the red blush covering her bottom.


  The next month was spent in Becca’s continued training. Patrick had postponed his trip having decided it just wasn’t the time to leave his little girl. Becca settled into a schedule that had been agreed between Patrick and Catherine. Every morning she was awakened by her husband. He always took her at least once, often twice. He always brought her to the edge again and again and never once allowed her to reach her end. She would remain frustrated and sexually aching for the entire day.

  Her nanny would take her hand once Patrick led her from his room. She would be naked as Patrick never replaced any gown she had been allowed to wear.

  Rebecca was always blushing when her nanny led her into the bathroom to give her a bath, both in shame at her nakedness as well as knowing that her nanny was aware of what transpired in Patrick’s bed. She couldn’t hide the bruises that were often on her breasts from his rough handling. She couldn’t hide the stickiness that was always between her thighs when she was taken in hand by her nanny. She often wondered if her nanny could hear her screams and begs for both mercy and permission to take her pleasure behind Patrick’s thick door.

  If the nanny did, she valued discretion. Catherine never made any comments.

  Before Becca was allowed to step into the tub, her nanny always checked her kitty for her cream though she told Becca she was checking to see if she needed to be shorn. Rebecca wasn’t stupid but forced herself to keep her legs apart for her nanny’s inspections.

  Catherine had grinned but said nothing the first time that Rebecca reached for the little duck and played with it while she soaked in the tub. Rebecca had quickly learned that fussing was not the way to start her day because it always led to having an aching, hot bottom.

  Catherine would then straighten the room as Becca returned her toys to their proper place. Becca was always dressed in clothing far beneath her age.

  Patrick and Catherine took turns preparing meals that Becca was only allowed to eat after she drank a full bottle of milk. The first time she had suddenly balked at the hated taste of the milk and thrown the bottle, Patrick had grabbed her out of her chair, lifted her dress, skimmed down her bloomers and given her a very hard spanking with the large wooden spoon that was always present on the countertop. Her feet and arms had kicked and flailed as he roasted her bottom. By the time he sat her down on her feet, she was a mess.

  Catherine had taken her hand and led her to the corner. A corner in every room had been designated as her naughty girl corner.

  Rebecca had sobbed as she was placed nose to wall, her skirts tucked under her hands, her bloomers at her ankles. She had been forced to remain in the corner knowing the others were looking at her bottom while they finished their breakfast and Catherine cleaned the kitchen.

  Rebecca’s stomach growled which only caused her to sob harder knowing she would not be eating the pancakes that smelled so good. When the kitchen was clean, Rebecca was called from her corner. She hobbled to her Papa, her bloomers at her ankles, her dress well up and had made her penance.

  Patrick kissed her forehead and then led her to the chair where Catherine was sitting, the hated bottle in her hand. “You will go without lunch and supper as well little one. Your bottom will be roasted before meals today so that you will learn to appreciate what you have been given.”

  Rebecca sobbed at his promise of a very difficult day even as Patrick helped her to climb onto her nanny’s lap. She found herself held and fed her bottle exactly like an infant would have been except that her bottom was still bare and throbbed and burned. Catherine kept one hand under her charge’s well roasted cheeks and one holding onto the bottle as Rebecca was fed. Her Papa was as good as his word; her bottom was incredibly sore by the time she was tucked into bed that evening and her stomach growling with hunger. She never threw her bottle again though she continued to fuss and whine about having to drink it.

  Patrick returned to work and Becca was left with her nanny. She was quiet and nervous the first few days.

  Catherine remained firm yet gentle with her young charge.

  Rebecca was schooled in lessons that Patrick felt she was delinquent in. She was a voracious reader but her math skills were practically nonexistent. Rebecca wondered why she would ever need to know her multiplication tables unless she was required to multiply how many swats she earned each and every day on her aching bottom after receiving a paddling for expressing her dislike. She eventually settled down to do the best she could. She also learned that if her nanny had seen fit to punish her during the day, her husband made sure to add his own layer onto her bottom when he returned home. Her behavior improved quickly.

  After lunch, she wa
s always put to bed in her nursery, always wearing the thick nappy between her legs. She still fussed and cried every single time her nanny pinned it tightly around her. Her feelings were ignored as usual as she was put into her crib, pacifier placed into her mouth, her bunny and doll her only comfort. It didn’t take long before she grew accustomed to daily naps though she had never napped at the school.

  Catherine spent her afternoons straightening up the household and starting preparations for dinner.

  Eleanor continued to visit and was truly amazed at the transformation in the young woman. She had known the girl was a submissive, but her regression into childhood was much faster than even she had expected. She was also a little worried when Catherine reported that Rebecca had not been spanked in several days. She knew that Patrick believed in strict discipline as well as enjoyed having a little one across his knees. She was visiting Catherine one afternoon when it was time to get Becca up from her nap. She followed Catherine into the nursery and smiled at the sight. Rebecca was on her tummy, one arm clutched around her stuffed rabbit, her mouth working on the pacifier in her mouth. Catherine patted her diapered bottom and rubbed her back gently to help her little one wake.

  “How is her diaper training progressing Catherine?” Eleanor asked.

  Catherine frowned and shook her head. “She refuses to use them. She naps every day in a nappy but so far has never spilled a drop.”

  Eleanor frowned. “That’s unusual. I’m surprised that her Papa allows that. I know he wants her diaper trained and I would have thought it would be a daily occurrence by now.”

  Catherine looked up in surprise. “He hasn’t said a word to me. I do admit I thought it strange to diaper his little one unless he expected her to use her nappy but hadn’t thought about his reasoning. I’ll discuss it with him. I should have done so before now. He leaves tomorrow and I will be sure to ask him.”

  Knowing that her favorite client loved little adult women swaddled in thick nappies, Eleanor nodded though her eyes were on Rebecca. She was aware that the girl was awake but kept her eyes tightly closed. She had seen the blush bloom across Rebecca’s face and the way she was working her binkie showed her unease. There was something going on and Eleanor knew that whatever it was, the little one felt guilty. She kept silent and just watched as Becca was removed from her crib and placed on the changing table.

  Rebecca refused to look at either of the women as her hated nappy was removed, once again bone dry. She smiled to herself knowing she had won yet another battle but then begin to feel uneasy. She had heard the conversation and was terrified that Patrick would discover she had yet to use her nappy.

  Catherine dressed her for the afternoon and she was soon seated on her blanket, her toys around her. Still refusing to acknowledge Eleanor’s presence, she played quietly by herself. She listened as the women chatted and only breathed a sigh of relief when they went into the kitchen.

  She heard the door open and looked up to see her husband enter. She jumped up from the blanket and ran to him.

  He scooped her up and hugged her close. She beamed at him and his heart thudded. God, she was adorable and he loved being greeted upon his return in such a manner. “How’s my Becca today? Were you a good girl for your nanny?”

  Rebecca felt a clutch of guilt but nodded.

  He kissed her forehead and smiled. “That’s my good girl. No spankings today?”

  She blushed but shook her head. “No, Papa. I was good all day.”

  He grinned, loving the childish tone of her voice that had slowly been changing to reflect her regression into a much younger age. She was wearing a pretty yellow dress with a starched white pinafore, the lace of her bloomers hanging well below the hem of her dress. Her hair was held back with a wide yellow band. She was the picture of perfection. He kissed her again before shifting her to sit upon his hip and carried her into the room. He saw her toys and smiled as he sat her down among them. “I’m proud of you, Becca. Perhaps you would like to read for a bit until dinner?”

  Her smile was radiant and she clapped her hands.

  Patrick pulled a book from his pocket and knelt down beside her. “I know it has been a little difficult for you Rebecca but I’m so pleased with you. You have been such a good girl that I bought you a present. I hope you like it.”

  Ignoring the twinge of guilt, she eagerly tore the brown paper off the book and her face broke into a huge smile. “Oh! Oh, thank you. They had this at the school but I never got to finish it. Thank you, Patri… I mean Papa.” She tensed at the slip but her husband ignored it.

  He watched as she opened the book.

  It was the story of Alice and Wonderland and Rebecca eagerly opened the book to lose herself in the story.

  Patrick kissed the top of her head and stood. He smiled down at the scene and grinned wider as her watched Rebecca slip to lay on her stomach, one hand reaching out to drag her doll close as if wanting to share the adventure with her. He went to his desk to leave his satchel on it. He was about to go into the kitchen when he turned to see both Eleanor and Catherine standing in the room. He saw them glance down at Rebecca and then over at him.

  “Good afternoon ladies. Eleanor, it is lovely to see you again. Isn’t it wonderful how well our little one is doing?” He smiled across at his wife, his heart happy and content.

  Eleanor grinned and went to hug him. “Yes, Patrick it is such a delight to see how well she is settling in. You and Catherine are doing such a fabulous job with her.”

  Patrick beamed, proud of her praise. His smile didn’t remain on his face very long.

  “Although, I am a bit concerned,” she said.

  Patrick looked at her, confused at her tone. “What do you mean? Becca has been such a good girl lately. In fact, she hasn’t even earned a single spanking for the last few days. I think she is doing extremely well and has learned rather quickly.” He looked up to see both the women looking over at Rebecca. She seemed tense and was no longer turning the pages of her book. Warning bells went off in his head and he stepped around his desk to sit on the large ottoman in front of the sofa. The women settled onto the sofa.

  “Catherine, do you know what seems to concern Eleanor?”

  Catherine sighed and said, “I think I might sir. It seems that Eleanor is concerned about Becca’s diaper training.”

  Patrick looked over to see Eleanor nod and then looked down at the blanket. Becca’s face was flushed and her eyes were tightly closed. He hadn’t even given her training in this area another thought. As he no longer put her down for her naps or woke her, he had basically forgotten about her attire during her naps. However, seeing her face, he remembered his instructions to her to that very first afternoon he had put her down. He thought he probably knew what the women were hinting at. “Rebecca, come here.”

  Her heart pounding, her insides churning, Rebecca was terrified. She too remembered his instructions. She whimpered which only served to prove her guilt. She forced herself to stand and then walk to her husband. She still clutched her doll and her book.

  While she looked precious, he was no longer quite as proud and definitely not near as happy. He pulled her to stand between his knees, his hands at her waist. “Do you have something to tell me Rebecca?”

  She swallowed hard, the look in his eyes doing nothing to settle her stomach. She suddenly felt like a very naughty little girl. Her lips trembled and her face flushed.

  Patrick watched as she began to worry her lip and knew she had been a very naughty, disobedient girl. He removed his hands from her waist only to tug her book and doll from her.

  She whimpered and her hands reached for both.

  “I asked you a question young lady and expect an answer.” She shuddered and her eyes darted to her nanny’s. Catherine’s face was stern and Eleanor’s was set in a small smile. Rebecca’s insides tumbled as she saw their faces. She glared at Eleanor who simply smiled wider, one eyebrow arching as if to dare the young woman to speak.

  “Mr. McGavin,
what happened to the firm Papa that you said your little one needed and that assured me you were eager to provide? She not only failed to answer your question immediately, she disrespected you in her choice of address just moments ago. She has obviously been manipulative and disobedient and not even gotten her bottom so much as swatted much less roasted. I don’t believe your little one is anywhere near as well behaved as she’s led you to believe and is basically wrapping you around her cute little finger. Who exactly is the head of this household I wonder?” Eleanor’s voice was smooth as silk but the tone was hard as stone. Her eyes never left Rebecca’s as she let Patrick know exactly what she thought.

  Rebecca’s eyes lowered and her heart began to pound. The room was dead silent as everyone thought about the words that had been so softly spoken.

  Patrick had felt his face flush at the words as his pride was hurt but watching the women in front of him, seeing the way his wife responded, brought him to his senses. He brought the palm of his hand down hard against his wife’s dress and she yelped as she received her first swat in a several days. “I’m not going to ask you again, Rebecca McGavin. Tell me what happens when your nanny puts you down for your nap.”

  Rebecca blushed hotly. Though she was accustomed to being put down to nap daily, her mind still refused to truly think or accept her daily humiliation of what happened before being allowed to sleep. She felt tears in her eyes but forced herself to answer, “I… I go to slee... sleep, Papa.”

  Patrick shook his head. Getting her to confess her naughtiness was always a battle and he realized he had been allowing her to slip in both her behavior as well as discipline. However, it was one he fully intended to win from now on. He reached back and popped her bottom again.


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