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Relentless Page 4

by Vanessa Dare

  A server came around pouring coffee and I gratefully took a sip, knowing there was hours to go. Zach clasped my hand, gave it a gentle squeeze. I looked up at him, his groomed blond hair and tanned skin. He was very attractive, a strong jaw, full lips and strikingly blue eyes. It was impossible to miss the ladies in attendance take a second glance at the bride’s brother. I was the perfect eye-candy for Zach, keeping him completely heterosexual in the eyes of his parents and the rest of his family, and keeping those other women away. He’d held my hand as he introduced me to those he knew, kept me company as we mingled with those we didn’t, even gave me a gentle kiss on the cheek or forehead throughout the weekend as part of our plan. It was easy to play along because Zach was safe. He wasn’t going to leap over the invisible line I’d made, a line that I wouldn’t allow any man to cross. He had no interest.

  Needing a break, I excused myself to the ladies’ room, grabbing my clutch off the table. Zach stood as I did, gave me a wink. The restrooms were down a long hall with windows also facing the Rocky Mountains. Small groupings of chairs were placed for quiet conversation. As I rounded a corner, I ran into a wall. A warm, solid wall dressed in a tuxedo. “Oh,” I gasped, trying to step back, yet stumbling in my heels. Strong hands gripped my upper arms, steadying me. Rock-hard abs pressed against my breasts, my head against his chest.

  I sucked in a breath as my body recognized and responded to a virile male aligned so perfectly to me. My nipples tightened instantly into tight points. I hadn’t been touched by a man in this way in over a decade, and the sensations racing through my body weren’t remotely the same. Before, it had been with a complete lack of feeling on my part, just two bodies making contact as if for survival on a freezing night. But this…this was utterly new. Utterly incredible. And very scary.

  “Are you all right?” a dark voice murmured close to my ear, his warm breath tickling the hair at my nape. His palms were warm on my exposed skin, his touch gentle. He let me pull back enough to look up into dark and brooding eyes, shadowed by a strong brow creased with…concern? Irritation? My gaze roamed over his features. He was tall, well over six feet, forcing me to angle my head back to look my fill. His jaw was square, at least two days growth of dark whiskers made him appear dangerous. His dark hair was cut short on the sides, longer on top. Well groomed for the wedding, I had no doubt the ebony locks would fall over his forehead on less formal occasions. Women must flock to him. One side of his full mouth was tipped up in a bemused, half smile. Oh God, I was ogling him and he knew it. Small crinkles at the corner of his eyes softened all his hardness, making him seem…wow.

  I felt my cheeks flush, my heart pound.

  My fingers curled into the lapels of his jacket, crinkling the smooth fabric. “I’m so sorry,” I mumbled as I released my hold, smoothed down the material. Confirmed his muscles were indeed impressive. I gave myself a little mental shake and stepped back, although he didn’t loosen his grip on me.

  “No harm done.” His voice was a dark rasp.

  I couldn’t look him in the eye. Had he felt my nipples harden against his belly? Flustered, I stared at his broad shoulders and nodded. That wasn’t helping because I swear I hadn’t seen a tuxedo so well filled out before. His scent swirled around me, a slight hint of spicy aftershave.

  A finger lifted my chin, forced me to look at him.

  “Um…” I couldn’t form a proper sentence when his piercing gaze was on me, when they roved over my face as if he wanted to do something. He was so attractive, so appealing that my brain had somehow shut off, practically short-circuited. “I really need to go.”

  He grinned, exposing straight white teeth and a dimple on the right side. Oh, dear Lord, a dimple. I had no idea one little dimple could make my body react so quickly, so easily; my panties were instantly wet, making me squirm. My body was scaring me, reacting like it was. Instinctually, honestly. Unlike my brain which screamed, Flee! He was a whole new kind of danger. Danger I knew nothing about, didn’t know how to defend against.

  “Right, the restrooms.”

  I was so stupid! I shut my eyes, hoping when I opened them he would be gone. But, he was still there, still smiling at me. If I thought my cheeks were heated before…had I just told the man I had to go? Not go as in go away, but go as in—

  “Please,” I whispered, my voice thready and desperate. This time when I stepped back, he released his hold, my arms chilly where his warm hands had been. My gaze focused solely on the pattern in the hotel’s carpeting, I made a hasty retreat to the ladies’ room to hide. Forever. I could handle seeing a dead body with a hole in its forehead but couldn’t talk to a man. Couldn’t have the most basic of conversations. A man who, in the span of twenty seconds, made me flustered like a tongue-tied teenager. My heart continued to pound as I leaned against the wall, dejected. I could talk to Zach, to the guys at the dojo. To clients. This guy? Not a chance.

  Thankfully, the room was empty. No one could see the tears that came to my eyes, my feelings scalded not only by his touch, but by mortification. My body had reacted to him in a way I’d never felt before, but really, why would he be interested in me? I wasn’t anything special. Anything at all. I was just a silly woman who couldn’t watch where she was going.

  I angrily wiped at a tear that rolled down my cheek. Just one more day. One more day and I could get back to New York and forget this entire trip happened. Everything that could go wrong had. Dead body, half-sister’s forced marriage, inability to talk to the most attractive man I’d ever seen without sounding like a complete idiot. If it hadn’t happened to me, I wouldn’t have believed it. I mean, seriously, a dead body?

  I sighed. Zach would send out a search party for me if I hid much longer. Touching up my makeup, I ensured there were no visible signs of my little breakdown. After washing my hands with cool water, I retreated from the quiet safety of the ladies’ room, hoping to duck back to my seat without running into Mr. Handsome. No such luck. He stood looking out the window at the soft glow behind the mountains that signaled twilight, hands in his pants pockets. Hearing me, he turned around, smiled.

  Seeing him from a distance, he was more gorgeous than ever. I’d observed his wide shoulders, felt the expanse of his chest, his solid abs, but now I noticed how his hips were narrow, his legs long. Standing tall, not only his physique but his bearing as well, was of a military man, someone who didn’t just work out, but lived strong. Required it.

  “I owe you an apology,” he said as he stepped closer, his voice still soft, as if he only wanted me to hear even though we were alone in the corridor. I wanted to retreat, but knew I had to hold my ground, hold on to the shreds of dignity I had left. “I was completely inappropriate and made you embarrassed. I’m sorry.” He looked contrite, sincere. “I’m just not used to beautiful women running me over. I was fumbling for words and the wrong ones came out.”

  I lifted a brow. He thought I was beautiful? “I did not run you over.”

  “Beneath this brawny physique”—he ran a hand over his belly, which had zero fat—“I’m actually very tenderhearted.” His smile grew and I glimpsed straight, white teeth.

  I couldn’t help it. I smiled, too. “Right,” I replied sarcastically. “A woman like me could never hurt a man like you.”

  His grin slipped just a little. “You’d be surprised. Let’s start over. I’m Nick Malone.” He held out his hand. I stared at it a moment before placing mine in his. His grip was again gentle, and my palm was completely engulfed by his large one, making me realize how much bigger he truly was.

  “Anna Scott.”

  “Anna. That’s a pretty name.” He released my hand only to place his at my lower back, guiding me back toward the reception.

  My eyes darted away, then back. He made me nervous. “Thank you.”

  “Bride or groom?” he asked, taking a quick glance at the party.

  I paused. “What?”

  “The wedding. Which side are you with?”

  “Oh, um…my date is the
bride’s brother.”

  “Where is this date of yours?”

  We stopped at the edge of the room, giving us the vantage of the entire reception, without being overly noticeable ourselves. I looked toward my table, not seeing Zach, then glanced around. A string quartet played a piece by Beethoven as guests were either still at their tables, mingling in small groups, or at the bar, like Zach.

  “Over there,” I pointed.

  He looked in that direction. “Talking with the woman in the purple dress?”

  I nodded. They were too far away for us to hear their conversation, but the woman tilted her head back and laughed at something Zach said.


  I turned to face Nick, licked my lips. If I was going to be Zach’s safe date for the weekend, then he could be mine. I didn’t know Nick at all and even though I was attracted to him, my mind was screaming stranger danger! “Yes.”

  His eyebrows shot up. “Really?” He darted a glance at Zach, then focused back on me.

  I nodded, worried he could see through my lie. The way Nick looked at me, it was as if he could see to the truth. About everything. “It surprises you I have a boyfriend?”

  He tilted his head ever so slightly, gave me a bemused smile. “I would be surprised if you didn’t.”

  “But you don’t believe me.” I lifted my chin. Zach was pretty hot. I could land a guy like him, if he wasn’t gay. I just had to try.

  “I think you’re a naughty girl.” He grinned. He was flirting with me. One didn’t have to be good at it to know it.

  I gulped, cleared my throat and just stared at his dimple. “Um…why do you say that?” I was the least naughty person in the entire world.

  “Because you’re lying. That’s definitely not your boyfriend.”

  “Oh? How can you tell?” I crossed my arms over my chest, trying to be defiant. I wanted—no, needed—to use Zach as my boyfriend for protection from Nick, to hide these immediate and intense feelings that had my heart beating as if I’d been on a long run, my palms sweaty.

  “I like that gleam in your eye when you get angry.” When I said nothing more, he continued. “He’s gay.”

  I felt my mouth drop open. “How—”

  He shrugged one very broad shoulder. “It’s obvious. The woman in purple, she’s quite attractive. Even if he was madly in love with you, he’s not glancing at her cleavage. Any conscious, straight man would at least glance at it.”

  He had a point. The woman did have her abundant breasts on display. They were like a car crash; I couldn’t help but stare at them. Clearly, she was hoping to get lucky at the reception, maybe even with Zach. As if that would happen. Only a man like Nick, virile and oozing pheromones—and straight, there was no question about that—could get lucky with the woman in purple.

  I couldn’t blame Nick for wanting her. I couldn’t compare and not just in cup size. She could obviously flirt, knew how to play the game. Just the thought of Nick leaving me to go score with another woman made me furious. “Then why don’t you go over there and take a peek for yourself?”

  Nick raked his gaze down my body, back up again. “I like a woman who’s a mystery. That leaves a little bit to the imagination. It builds…anticipation.”

  I assumed he meant my dress, which didn’t offer a hint of décolletage with the severe, high neckline that ran from shoulder to shoulder. Anticipation for…oh. Anticipation to see what’s underneath. The room’s temperature just went up a few degrees.

  Redirecting Nick away from talk about what was beneath my dress, I asked, “What else?”

  I eyed Zach from across the room, looking for some obvious sign that said “gay” only Nick had picked up on.

  “You’re over here talking with me and he doesn’t care.”

  My heart turned cold, recognizing the error in his words. “That doesn’t make him gay. That makes him a typical guy.” I thought of Todd and his brother, David. He’d given me to his brother and hadn’t cared.

  You’re worthless. Go and try to please David. Todd’s words haunted me, lingered and reminded me what men were like. I forced a quick, false smile and took a step away, ready to leave him and return to my table. I felt uncomfortable with this man—no matter how attractive he was—or the direction our conversation had taken. I should just get another glass of wine and stick to Zach’s side the rest of the night.

  I felt Nick’s big hand on my shoulder, just like in the picture of Elizabeth with Todd. Just like the almost identical picture of Todd and me from years before. Goose bumps rose on my arms, a tingle of panic raced over my skin. Nick slowly turned me back to face him, but he must have seen the reaction to his touch and dropped his hand. “Easy there.” His voice was low. “I just meant that if you were mine, I’d know where you were at all times.”

  Oh God. Those words. Men were the same. Even the gorgeous ones.

  “Jesus, you’re going to faint if you don’t breathe.” He held his hands up. “I won’t touch you, but you need to breathe.”

  I did as he said and forced in a few deep breaths, trying to calm my racing heart, trying to scrub away the memory of Todd’s hands, David’s hands, on me. I’d know where you were at all times.

  He leaned in a little, closing the space between us, but didn’t crowd me. “You can’t go back out there. You’re white as a sheet. Walk with me back toward the bathrooms to give yourself a minute. I won’t touch you. I won’t let anyone touch you.”


  Holy shit, I’d never seen color drain from a person’s face so fast. I’d set her off when I placed my hand on her shoulder. It was innocent enough; we were at a wedding reception, for Christ’s sake. I’d barely touched her beyond a handshake and placing my palm against her back. She was the one who’d run into me in the first place. She’s the one whose lush body had been plastered against mine. Her nipples had hardened against my chest and I’d had to suppress a groan at her body’s reaction. I hadn't done a thing.

  I couldn’t have fucked up this first meeting any more if I’d tried. I’d stuck my foot in my mouth, embarrassing her. I talked to her like a soldier with his platoon, not a lady. Moretti’s idea was for me to make contact with her, get her into bed, pleasure her into giving away her every secret. A little pillow talk. How soft her skin felt, how enticing her curves, it would be no hardship. She had secrets, that was for damn sure, and per Moretti, I was just supposed to fuck them out of her.

  That plan was shot to hell the moment her tongue darted out and licked her lower lip. The moment I could see the dark flecks in her eyes. She wasn’t just a woman who ended up with Bobby Lane’s dead body in her trunk. She wasn’t the coolly detached woman who, in a calculated way, decimated Werbler and Gossing, two seasoned detectives. She wasn’t just the woman Moretti wanted watched. She was Anna Scott who had secrets. Her own personal demons, and somehow I’d brought them back to life with just a touch. No way in hell could I do what Moretti ordered. Hell, I wanted her in my bed, what conscious man wouldn’t, but not because Moretti said so. I didn’t fuck on command.

  Now, in a life-changing moment, I wanted, needed, to discover what haunted her so I could protect her. During my stint in the Army, with the police, I’d been sworn to protect and serve. The words had meant nothing before. Only another deployment, another assignment. Just one brush of her body against mine, her slim fingers clenching into my jacket, and I was done for. She slayed me with just the feel of her skin beneath my palms. I hadn’t felt this thing with Nadine in all the time we were married, but I felt it now.

  It wasn’t about being an undercover agent doing my job anymore. Fuck Moretti. It was about being a man. And she was going to be my woman. She just didn’t know it yet.

  Without touching her, I steered her to a quiet corner by a potted palm, shielding us a little from prying eyes. The music was muted here, making it easier to talk. I bent down so we were eye to eye.

  How could I get her to talk to me, a complete stranger? She definitely knew how to clam u
p, I’d watched it first hand at the station the day before. She most likely wouldn’t talk to me now. Why would she? I was a complete stranger, a guy who’d somehow triggered something that had her panicking. Regardless, I had to try. I couldn’t leave her thinking I would hurt her. “Okay, Anna. Tell me what has you so scared. Is it me?”

  I waited patiently as she ran her hands over her upper arms, her eyes looking anywhere but at me. Her short, quick breaths had her breasts rising and falling, taunting me. I slid my jacket off and wrapped it around her shoulders, careful to keep my hands from brushing over her. If I covered her lush body, then maybe my need for her would lessen. As if. Seeing her dwarfed in my jacket only ratcheted up my protective instincts. The air stirred and I caught a hint of her scent, lightly floral and very intoxicating. Shampoo? Perfume?

  Tugging the lapels together in one small hand, she finally looked up at me, gave me a small smile. “Thanks.” Her color looked better at least.

  In Afghanistan, I’d waited out insurgents during an ambush for days. One woman with a few secrets shouldn’t even try my patience, but I was wrong. I resisted the urge to grab her shoulders and shake her until she talked. Gossing and Werbler had probably felt the same way.

  “Do I scare you?” I asked again.

  “Not…” She cleared her throat. “Not in the way you think.”

  I grinned at her honesty. She felt whatever the hell it was between us. Chemistry. It was definitely chemistry. “That’s good, love. That’s really good.” She scared the hell out of me, too.


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