Somewhere In Between (Madison Square Book 1)

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Somewhere In Between (Madison Square Book 1) Page 13

by Samatha Harris

  “He kissed me.”

  She pushed my shoulders back to look at me.

  “Really!” she said. Then confusion pulled her brows down. “Isn’t that a good thing?”

  “It was on a dare.”

  “Like in sixth grade?”

  I sighed and told her the whole story, about Gwen showing up and crashing our night, about Sean’s game and Drew trying to fake him out by kissing Millie’s cheek. I told her about the kiss and the look I got and about running out the door just in time to throw up on the sidewalk. She just stared at me with her mouth open. She blinked, trying to let it all sink in.

  “I need to go to trivia more often.”

  I snorted.

  Wiley pulled me into a hug. “The way I see it, this isn’t all awful.”

  “How can you say that? Were you listening?”

  “Alex, think about it. Gwen was practically throwing herself at him all night and he did nothing.” I quietly waited for her to go on. “He could have easily kissed Gwen, but he chose you.”

  “He chose Millie.”

  “Okay, she’s his sister-in-law and it was on the cheek, but he kissed you! From what you said, it sounds like it was one hell of a kiss.” She paused. “You have to tell him how you feel.”

  “You don’t know Drew like I do. I know his type of girl and I am nothing like them. Yes, he cares about me, but you didn’t see his face when I opened my eyes. He looked completely freaked out. Telling him how I feel will destroy everything. We won’t be able to be alone anymore without it getting tense and awkward. Eventually, he will get uncomfortable, we will drift apart, and I will lose him. I will lose everything.”

  Wiley rubbed my arm.

  “I can’t lose him, Wiley. I can’t.”

  She just hugged me and let me cry.

  “Okay, but just tell me one thing. How was it?”

  “It was humiliating!”

  “No, not the situation. The kiss.”

  I sighed. I’ve spent so much time freaking out about the consequences, I hadn’t really thought about it. The kiss was amazing. Whether it meant something to him or not, that kiss was everything to me.

  “Home,” I said. “It felt like home. Like it was where I was supposed to be, with him.”

  Wiley smiled. “Then it doesn’t matter what happens now.” She looked at her watch. “I have to get back. Call me if you need me,” she said, looking unsure about leaving me alone.

  I nodded and she turned to leave. When I heard the front door close, I turned over and closed my eyes.

  “I can’t lose him,” I repeated as the tears started to fall.


  Ping, ping.

  I woke with a start and scrambled for my phone.

  Drew: Feeling better?

  I typed a quick reply.

  Alex: Much.

  Drew: Want me to bring by dinner later?

  Alex: Isn’t it poker night?

  Drew: So? I can bail.

  I wasn’t going to let him blow off the guys so he could sit here and awkwardly stare at me.

  Alex: Wiley brought me soup. I’m good.

  Drew: You sure?

  Alex: Yeah. I’m fine. Have fun.

  Drew: Ok, call if you need anything.

  Alex: K

  I set the phone down on the nightstand. The clock said four-thirty. I sighed and dropped my head back to the safety of my pillow.

  Ping, ping. Man, Drew, give it a rest. Why was he being so damn persistent? I grabbed my phone, but it wasn’t Drew.

  Peter: You never sent me your address.

  Shit, Peter! I totally forgot! We were supposed to have dinner tonight. For a moment, I thought about canceling. Maybe I could just get a rain check? I started to type out an excuse, but thought better of it. Maybe this was exactly what I needed to draw me out of this funk and forget about last night. Maybe a fabulous dinner with an equally fabulous man who sends me rooms full of flowers was just what the doctor ordered. I quickly sent him the address.

  Peter: See you at 7.

  I jumped out of bed and into the shower. I had to look amazing and had only two and a half hours to make it happen.


  I went for simple with a little spice. I slipped on my trusty little black dress. The LBD never lets a girl down. It was a short, sleeveless, classic silhouette with a drop back and a full circle skirt. I paired it with a skinny red belt and a pair of sky high red stilettos.

  As I was dropping my stuff into my little red clutch, there was a knock on the door. I glanced at the clock. Six forty-five. He was early. I opened the door, but it wasn’t Peter. Damn it!

  Drew stared at me for a minute. “I figured I would come by and see how you were before I headed to Sean’s. You look nice. Guess you’re feeling better.” He put his hands in his pockets and tilted his head to one side.

  “Yeah, I’m feeling much better. I told you earlier.”

  “Right.” He nodded. “So, where are you going?”


  “With who?”

  “With me.” We turned to see Peter coming down the hall. He leaned past Drew and kissed my cheek. “Hey, Alex. You look beautiful,” Peter said, ignoring Drew and focusing on me instead. To say it was awkward was the understatement of the century. I glanced at Drew. He was staring daggers at Peter. If looks could kill…

  “You ready, babe?”

  Peter held out his hand to me. Drew flinched when he heard Peter say babe. I figured I better take Peter and leave before things got even tenser. I took his hand and looked apprehensively at Drew.

  “Bye. Have fun at poker.” I pulled the door shut and turned to follow Peter down the hall. Drew took a step to follow and reached for my arm.

  “Red, text me when you get home.”

  I looked down at his hand, which was still wrapped around my arm, then back up into his face. “Okay.”

  “Promise?” There was something strange about his eyes. They were sad and a little angry, but there was something else there I couldn’t figure out, like maybe fear.

  “I promise.” I gave him a small smile.

  Drew dropped his hand and I followed Peter out to his car. I got in and looked out the window to see Drew standing on the stoop. He didn’t move as we pulled away from the curb. I couldn’t help but watch him as he shrunk away in the mirror. I looked at Peter, hoping I hadn’t just made a huge mistake.


  Peter pulled up outside this little Italian place. It was nice, if not a little cheesy. It was one open room with brick columns spaced here and there. The whole place smelled of garlic and parmesan cheese and fresh baked bread. The comforting smells seemed to warm the air.

  The light was dim. Wine jugs with candles in various stages of melting dripped wax down the sides of the plump bottles on every table. A waiter with an impressive mustache showed us to our table while an accordion player strolled around the room playing “That’s Amore!”

  This place was great, but such a cliché. Where a man takes you on your first date says a lot about him and his intentions. If he takes you somewhere he loves, somewhere that is unique, it shows effort, that you mean more to him than just a casual fling. A place like this takes no thought or effort. There are a bunch of these cookie cutter first date restaurants that will work regardless of the women. The fact that we were here spoke volumes about Peter and the kind of man he was. I couldn’t help but giggle. I knew he was full of shit.

  “What?” Peter asked, wanting to be in on the joke.

  “Nothing.” I dismissively waved my hand. Peter picked up his napkin and set it in his lap.

  “Something that makes you smile like that isn’t nothing.” He reached across the table to take my hand. I couldn’t help myself. I laughed, biting my lip in an effort to hold back the guffaw threatening to escape.

  “It’s just that—” I giggled, “—this place.” I covered my mouth, trying to hold in the laughter. “I expect Lady and the Tramp to be out back pushing a meatball with the
ir nose.” I couldn’t hold back any more. I burst into laughter.

  “Then,” I snorted, “you said that line…”

  I trailed off as my laughter became hysterical. Tears leaked from the corner of my eyes. I couldn’t stop. My stomach was aching. I finally got a hold of myself and took a breath. A stupid smile was still stretched across my face until I looked at Peter, who did not look amused. I coughed, the smile slipping from my face.

  “I’m sorry. I haven’t been feeling well the past few days. I’m not myself.” Ugh, nice save McCabe.

  “It’s okay.” He shrugged. “If you want, we can go somewhere else? Maybe some place that doesn’t serve dogs in the alley?” Well, what do you know, he made a joke.

  “No, no, this is great.” I smiled. I was determined to enjoy myself despite my reservations about Peter. Who knows? I could be wrong.

  The waiter came over and handed Peter the wine list. He said something I didn’t understand and picked a wine with a complicated name, from a place I couldn’t pronounce. The waiter brought the bottle, and I tried desperately not to laugh when he sniffed and swirled and swished and every other pretentious thing you could do with a glass of wine before nodding his approval.

  The waiter poured me a glass and left the bottle. I was curious to see what the fuss was about so I took a sip. Peter was saying something about a smoky taste or an oaky finish. It sounded more like describing pulled pork than wine, but it tasted good, so I just nodded.

  We placed our orders and the conversation was casual. Nothing riveting, but I was having a nice time. He told me about his time in London and about Christmas in Paris. It all sounded great, but I found myself counting the stripes on his suit jacket to pass the time, tuning in enough just to get the gist of what he was saying.

  The waiter brought our food out and it was incredible. I quickly forgot all of my snide comments about the place. I would’ve happily eaten this in the back alley with Lady.

  I stuffed myself on pasta ‘til I was too full to move. Peter seemed shocked that I was eating so much. He must only date the salad eaters. You know, the people who go out on dates and order a small garden salad and then go home and gorge themselves on pizza-flavored Pringles and M&M’s. Ooh, note to self, get Pringles and M&M’s.

  “I’m interested in seeing what kind of ideas you have for my loft. Maybe you can come by on Saturday, take a look?” Peter asked, wiping the napkin across his lips. “I’ll make us dinner.”

  Smooth—using decorating to secure another date and get me alone at his place. I knew what he was doing. He had discovered my weakness and was using it to his advantage. Well played, Mr. Russell, well played. I figured, why not? I was having a nice enough time. Maybe in his own place, he would loosen up a bit.

  “Sure, that sounds great.”

  The waiter came by with the check and a couple of mints. Peter handed him his credit card. Once he signed, we headed out to the car. He opened the door for me, waited until I pulled my legs in, and closed it behind me before jogging to the driver’s side. Such a gentleman.

  Peter walked me to my door and lingered for a bit while I got my keys out and put them in the lock. He was clearly waiting for me to invite him in, but I wasn’t going to.

  “Thank you, Peter. I had a lovely time.” I leaned in and kissed his cheek. Then I turned the key and walked through the door, softly closing it behind me.

  I kicked off my shoes, grabbed my phone, and shot off a quick text to Drew to let him know I was home, as promised.

  As I hit send, there was a soft knock at the door. I pulled it open and Peter stepped inside. “We can do better than that,” he said with a sexy grin.

  He pulled me to him, pressing his lips against mine. He brought a hand to the back of my neck, his tongue seeking access to my mouth. He shrugged out of his jacket and dropped it on a barstool as he slowly walked me backwards into the apartment.

  I gave in to the kiss. It felt nice. It wasn’t even close to the kiss I had with Drew, but it still felt good and I welcomed the distraction. I needed something to take my mind off Drew. You know what they say. The best way to get over someone is to get under someone else.

  Peter was easy. There was no effort with him, no doubt. I didn’t really care how Peter felt about me. I wouldn’t wake up tomorrow wondering if everything was ruined because I kissed him. Fooling around with him was fun and uncomplicated.

  My knees hit the back of the couch and Peter eased me down to my back, his lips moving to my ear. “You’re so beautiful,” he whispered. “I’ve been thinking about this since I saw you at the gala.”

  He kissed his way down my neck as his hands began to roam. He dragged his hand down my arm, to my side, to my hip, then my thigh. His lips returned to my mouth as his hand reached the hem of my dress. He tasted like peppermint, sweet with a little bite. He seemed to be a little over zealous with his tongue, but eh, that could work in my favor in another capacity.

  He slipped a finger under the hem of my dress and I sighed. Taking the sound as encouragement, he started to move his hand higher and higher, pushing my dress up and exposing more of my thighs.

  My head was saying this is far enough, but my body was screaming, “More, please!” It had been so long since I had gotten laid, I was ready to just give in. I didn’t particularly want to have sex with Peter, but what’s a little after-dinner foreplay going to hurt?

  I kept my eyes closed, focusing on the sensation of his fingers tugging at the edge of my panties. I was just about to hit the brakes when I heard, “Shit!”

  I froze and pulled away, thinking it was Peter who said it, but he looked just as confused as I was. I looked over his shoulder and Drew was standing just inside the door, livid. You could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears.

  I scrambled out from under Peter, fixing my dress as I sat up.

  “You have got to be kidding me,” Peter muttered under his breath.

  Once I was sitting up with my dress back down where it belonged, I addressed Drew. “What are you doing here?”

  He looked at me, confused. “I…I wanted to talk to you. I didn’t know you had company.” He shot a nasty look at Peter.

  “Maybe I should go.” Peter got up from the couch. “I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  He leaned down to give me a quick kiss. He picked up his jacket and walked out the door. Drew’s eyes followed him the entire trip from the couch to the door. He stared at the door long after Peter shut it.

  “Drew, why are you here?” I was angry and a little embarrassed.

  He turned toward me, running a hand over his face. He looked flustered. Maybe he was just as embarrassed as I was.

  “I don’t know any more, Alex.” He threw a hand up in frustration. “I came over to talk to you. You didn’t answer when I knocked, so I tried the knob, and I come in to find that son of a bitch all over you.”

  “I’m sorry that you busted into my apartment in the middle of the night because last time I checked, this is my apartment.” I can play naked twister with a room full of Bronies if I wanted to in my apartment.

  “Were you going to sleep with him?” he demanded.

  Was he serious? Was he seriously trying to dictate who I could and couldn’t have sex with? I shot to my feet. “That is none of your goddamn business!” I shouted, pointing a finger at him. “Who the fuck do you think you are?”

  His face went red. I have never seen Drew this pissed. “I’m trying to look out for you. That guy is complete shit. I’m just trying to protect you,” he screamed, taking a step in my direction. “If you…”

  “Fuck you, Drew! I don’t need your protection.” Protect me? Was he kidding?

  “You know what? Forget it! You want to fuck him, go right ahead, but when he…” He paused, his beautiful face so full of fury.

  “When he what?”

  “Fuck this!” He threw his hands up and stomped out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him.

  I sank down to the couch. What just happened

  Chapter 13

  Drew (Then)

  “I never got the point of this movie,” I said, grabbing a handful of popcorn.

  “What do you mean the point?”

  “I mean, this old chick trains this girl to fuck with the guy’s head and he just takes it? What a pussy!” Red just looked at me like I was crazy. “What?”

  “It’s romantic!”

  “This is not romantic.” I pointed at the screen. “This is stupid. The old hag tells him she will break his heart. She is engaged when he finds her again in New York, and he still practically begs at her feet. It’s pathetic.”

  “He loves her so much that he spends his life doing everything he can to be worthy of her.”

  “Why isn’t he worthy of her in the first place?” I pointed out. “He’s a nice guy.”

  “It’s a gesture. He wants to prove his love, like what your mom says.”

  “That is nothing like what mom says. You fight to be the man the girl deserves after she loves you, not to make her love you. That guy is an idiot. He falls for the first girl to kiss him, and she does nothing but use him and fuck with his head.”

  “Then why did you agree to watch it?”

  “Gwyneth Paltrow gets naked.” I shrugged.


  “So,” I tried to steer the conversation toward her date with Russell without sounding too interested. “You never told me how your date went.”

  “Eh.” She shrugged.

  “Eh? What does that mean?”

  “It was okay, but there wasn’t really anything there. We have nothing in common.”

  “Well, that’s too bad.” I tried and failed to hide my smile.

  “I think it was mutual anyway. He hasn’t called me, so no big deal.”


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