Marshall's Park, The Complete Series . 01-2014

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Marshall's Park, The Complete Series . 01-2014 Page 9

by Lisa Worrall


  Five minutes later, fully clothed this time, even though he looked like he was waiting for a flood in Aiden’s sweatpants, Finn trotted down the stairs. In the kitchen he sat down at the table, and couldn’t resist ruffling Kaylee’s hair as he did so. He shot a glance at Aiden who simply glared at him, still red-faced and returned his attention to the bowl of spaghetti and meatballs in front of him. Finn inwardly chuckled and took the heavily-laden plate Patti handed to him.

  “Wow!” Finn exclaimed as he stared at the mountain of food. “I’m not gonna fit in my suit if you keep feeding me like this, Patti.”

  “Hush up,” Patti scoffed, returning to the counter for her own meal. Finn caught her eye over the top of Aiden’s head and heaved a silent sigh of relief as she gave him a thumbs up before she sat down.

  Finn’s grin grew wider as he speared a meatball and popped it in his mouth. He’d spent half an hour on the phone with Patti earlier and enlisted her help to secure Aiden’s absence from work on Friday. He took her sign to mean she had been successful. He tipped Aiden a wink who shook his head in bewildered confusion, blissfully unaware of the cogs turning in Finn’s brain or the little voice in Finn’s ear that whispered—phase two complete.


  Aiden reached out and searched blindly from beneath the duvet for the snooze button on the alarm. Pressing it, he snuggled back under the covers and yawned widely. He was shattered, and his week wasn’t over yet. The new client the firm had taken on, and who Aiden and his team had been put in charge of, wanted their entire workforce of seven thousand set up on a new in house profit sharing scheme. This meant Aiden and his colleagues had been flat out for nearly three weeks, and there still wasn’t an end in sight. He tossed back the duvet and sat up, planting his feet firmly on the floor and stretching his arms over his head. His back gave a satisfying crack and his sleep-warm muscles groaned in complaint at being disturbed. He stood up, ignoring the grumblings of his body and padded along the landing to wake Kaylee for school, only to find her bed empty.

  Downstairs in the kitchen, a frown creased his forehead at not only the sight of Kaylee already dressed and eating her Cheerios, but at Finn pulling faces at her from the other side of the table. “Um… what are you doing here?” came flying out of Aiden’s mouth before he could stop it.

  “I see you’re not a morning person,” Finn stated with a shake of his head. “Don’t I get a hello kiss?”

  “Ugh,” Kaylee said, dropping her spoon into her cereal and then clapping her hands over her eyes.

  “Ugh?” Finn mock-growled. “What do you mean, ugh?”

  “It’s gross,” was her eloquent reply.

  “Why?” Patti asked from her spot at the stove as she added more bacon to the pan.

  “It just is,” Kaylee prevaricated, removing one of her hands from her face and waving it at Aiden and Finn. “I’m not gonna kiss boys.”

  “You might rethink that in a few years, sweets,” Finn laughed.

  Aiden watched the scene from the doorway, still not awake enough to comprehend what was actually going on, apart from the fact that Finn was here at six-thirty in the morning on a Friday, and why was that again? He sank down in the chair beside Finn and scrubbed his hand over his face then smiled gratefully up at Patti as she handed him a mug full of fresh coffee. He sipped at the hot drink and sighed. Everything always made more sense after coffee.

  “Do you think Daddy’s ready to talk yet?” Finn stage-whispered across the table to Kaylee.

  “Not yet,” Kaylee replied after studying Aiden’s face for a few moments. He poked his tongue out at his daughter over his coffee and she giggled around a mouthful of cereal.

  Aiden turned to Finn and leaned in to kiss him. He licked his lips. Finn tasted of coffee and Patti’s special blueberry pancakes. “Morning,” he yawned. “Not that I mind or anything, but why are you here?”

  “I’m picking you up,” Finn crossed his arms across his chest, looking very pleased with himself.

  “Huh? You’re giving me a ride to work?“Aiden’s confusion was magnified, not lessened.

  “You’re not going to work.”

  “I’m not?” Aiden’s gaze flitted between Patti and Finn. He was definitely not awake enough for this.

  “Nope,” Finn shook his head and motioned to the suitcase Aiden had walked past without noticing. “We are going to take a drive up the coast and spend the weekend together.”

  “But I’ve got a deadline.”

  “They can manage without you for one day,” Finn said firmly, taking his hand between both of his. “Everything has been arranged. Work, Kaylee, everything. You and I are going to sit by the pool with a couple of those frou frou cocktails with umbrellas in them, and not move until it’s time to come home on Sunday.”

  “But—” Aiden snapped his mouth shut as Finn lifted his hand and pressed a kiss to the inside of Aiden’s wrist.

  “I want to spoil you,” Finn said softly, his gaze unwavering. “Let me?”

  Aiden thought if he wasn’t already half way in love with this man, this moment right here would have been the clincher. The excitement in Finn’s gaze, the genuine desire to want to do something as wonderful as this, when it had been so long since he’d had anyone put him first—it was a no-brainer as far as Aiden was concerned. A whole weekend alone with Finn—totally alone—come on, he wasn’t stupid.

  “When do we leave?”

  Finn whooped and stood up, hauling Aiden to his feet and then ushering him out of the kitchen and toward the stairs. “As soon as you’re dressed we’re good to go, so move it.”

  “What about—?”

  Finn cut him off and delivered a stinging slap to his ass. “Patti’s taking Kaylee to school. I told you, everything’s taken care of.” He stepped onto the staircase and pressed his body against Aiden’s. “Now are you going to get in that shower, or do I have to come in there with you?”

  “I hate you,” Aiden mumbled when whatever blood his brain thought he could do without headed south for the winter, and his cock strained against the soft fabric of the sweat pants he slept in. He adjusted himself and backed up the stairs away from Finn. “I really, really hate you.”

  “I know.” Finn grinned wickedly. “Hurry up. There’s a cocktail with my name on it and if you’re not down here in ten minutes, I’m going without you.”

  Saying goodbye to Kaylee had been hard—for Aiden. He’d not been away from her overnight in two years, and he felt like his heart was being ripped out his chest as he’d hugged her to him. Maybe it was a testament to his parenting that he was the one having separation anxiety, but a tiny part of him might have liked at least one “Daddy, please don’t go.” Not his independent little firecracker. She’d even patted his cheek and told him if he got scared, he could call her. He smiled to himself as her earnest face swam behind his eyes, so concerned about his own wellbeing, a tiny mother hen. God, he loved that kid.

  “You okay?”

  “I’m great,” Aiden replied, turning his gaze from the panoramic view of the coastline out the passenger window to Finn behind the wheel.

  “She’ll be fine, you know that, right?” Finn soothed, giving Aiden’s hand a reassuring squeeze. “And we’re only ninety minutes away.”

  “I know,” Aiden sighed heavily. “She’ll do better than me.”

  “Don’t you worry, babe,” Finn grinned, lifting Aiden’s hand and pressing a kiss to his knuckles. “You’re going to be way too busy to think of anything but you and me.”

  A shiver of anticipation sparked up Aiden’s spine at the purposeful gleam in Finn’s eyes. They needed this. Alone without the possibility of interruption. The chance to spend all weekend enjoying sun, sea and each other. The images the thought created heated Aiden’s blood and he could practically see it now; Finn’s hazel eyes half-lidded, darkened with need as he beckoned Aiden to him, his golden-tanned skin in stark contrast to the crisp white of cotton sheets—Aiden blinked. Did they ha
ve white sheets where they were going? Actually, where the hell were they going?

  “You wanna tell me where we’re going?” Aiden said, grabbing his soda from the drinks holder next to his seat. “Or is it another surprise?”

  “I thought I told you,” Finn spluttered. “Did I miss that bit out?”


  “Sorry,” Finn apologized. “I bet I had what Katie and Chris call my Mission Impossible face on, too.”

  Aiden clapped a hand to his forehead and let out a hearty laugh. “That’s it! That’s exactly it!” he exclaimed, fighting the urge to bounce in his seat. “Kaylee calls it your rollercoaster face, but Mission Impossible is dead on. Chris?”

  “No, Katie,” Finn huffed then momentarily took his eyes off the road and shot Aiden a beseeching look. “Is it really that bad?”

  “It’s adorable,” Aiden replied, his breath catching in his throat as he gave way to the chuckles bubbling in his chest. Mission Impossible, priceless.

  After a few minutes of the only sound in the enclosed space being Aiden’s verging on hysterical laughter, Finn drawled sarcastically, “Do you want to know where we’re going or not?”

  Aiden swallowed down fresh peals of laughter threatening to escape and nodded solemnly. “I’m sorry. I’d love to know where we’re going.” He glanced at the scenery flashing past them, and the miles of beautiful ocean coastline. “I’m assuming it’s along the coast.”

  “Very good, Aiden-San.” Finn motioned up ahead. “It is indeed along the coast. In fact, we’re here.”

  Aiden’s gaze widened incredulously and a gasp fell from his lips as Finn turned the wheel and steered them through some open wrought iron gates bearing a sign that heralded the entrance to the Amber Sands Hotel and Spa. “Holy shit,” he breathed, his head turning so fast he was surprised he didn’t get whiplash to stare open-mouthed at Finn. Amber Sands was one of the best hotels on the coast, and one of the most expensive. How could Finn afford this? Aiden had been here once before for a corporate meeting in one of their board rooms and even a simple room for a company meeting had cost his firm a small fortune. “Finn, this is too much.”

  “Shut up,” Finn said pleasantly as he reversed the car into a space beneath shade of a huge tree covered in cherry blossom, put the car in park and turned off the engine. “Wow, this place is unreal.”

  Aiden barely heard Finn scrambling out of the car. He was too busy staring up at the hotel’s beautiful facade. Amber Sands was built in the 1930’s for billionaire and entrepreneur Ramsey Fitzgerald and his movie star wife, Deidra Frobisher, and was still owned by the family. The ten bedroom mansion had been turned into the Amber Sands Hotel and Spa by the current Fitzgerald three years ago, and in that time it had flourished and become the place to stay. Aiden knew all this because he’d taken home several pamphlets on the place after his meeting.

  The sun stream through the trees and cast an almost ethereal glow on the property. Its walls had been painted a soft honey color, made all the richer by the pristine white voile panels hanging at the windows. Once again Aiden was assaulted by an image of Finn spread out on the sheets, urging him on, and he licked his suddenly dry lips. His gaze shifted from the house to Finn standing in front of the car, hands on his lean hips as he stared at the mansion.

  Letting his gaze traverse Finn’s broad shoulders and the firm, defined muscles of his back, Aiden’s pulse quickened. How the hell did he get lucky enough to find him? Um… you had him arrested for kidnapping… remember? Aiden ignored the village idiot response from his inner moron. After all, the question had been rhetorical. His gaze settled on the rounded curve of Finn’s ass and he could almost feel the soft globes filling his palms as he guided Finn’s cock into his mouth—holy fuck, why was he still sitting in the car? His meanderings came to an abrupt end when Finn slapped both hands on the hood and bounced on the balls of his feet excitedly.


  Aiden inwardly groaned at Finn’s turn of phrase and took a deep breath before throwing open the car door and clambering out. Finn’s boyish excitement was contagious. Any minute now he’d be busting out his own Mission Impossible face. Stepping into Finn’s arms, Aiden kissed him softly. “Thank you for this,” he mumbled against Finn’s lips.

  “You’re welcome,” Finn returned, holding him close and rubbing his face against Aiden’s hair. “Come on, let’s get the bags and start this weekend right.”

  “And how are we going to do that?” Aiden smiled, pressing a kiss to Finn’s throat.

  “Speedos, baby.”

  “Speedos?” Aiden echoed.

  “They’ve got an Olympic size pool, dude.”

  “Seriously?” Aiden shook his head in amazement. “We’re finally alone. Totally alone, and you want to go swimming?”

  “It’s Olympic sized,” Finn repeated as if Aiden was a little slow.

  Aiden opened his mouth to respond, but was cut off by Finn’s lips on his in a kiss so hot his brain melted and he was having trouble remembering how to breathe.


  Aiden gave himself a mental shake to clear his head as Finn turned him to face the owner of the cough, a tall, thin young man dressed smartly in black pants and button down shirt with the name of the hotel embroidered on the pocket. “Hi,” Aiden said, his cheeks flushing at being caught almost in flagrante.

  “Good morning, sirs, and welcome to Amber Sands.” The young man’s smile was dazzlingly white. So much so that Aiden had to squash the urge to put on his sunglasses. “I’m Gino, and it’ll be my pleasure to get you registered and settled in your room. If you’ll direct me to your bags, we can get your weekend under way.”

  “Hey, Gino,” Finn smiled, holding out his hand and shaking the other man’s. “I gotta tell you, I am loving this place and we haven’t even gotten inside yet! Let me pop the trunk for you.” He trotted around the car, looking to Aiden like the proverbial cat with a huge bowl of cream, as he said, “He wants to carry our bags. Is this place cool or what?”

  Aiden caught the gleam in Gino’s eyes and he smiled fondly. “You’ll have to excuse Finn, he sometimes forgets he’s supposed to be an adult.”

  “The Sands tends to have that effect on people, sir.” Gino gave Aiden a smile of understanding and then strolled around the car to take their bags out of the trunk. “Please, follow me, gentlemen.”

  Aiden leaned into Finn’s side as he looped an arm around his shoulders and they walked behind Gino up the marble steps and into the hotel. Aiden’s breath caught in his throat just as it had the first time he’d walked into the Amber Sands. If the outside of the building was grandiose and looked like a moment trapped in time, the inside was a complete contrast of clean, relaxing modern lines and a light airiness that seemed to promote relaxation as soon as you walked in. He glanced up at Finn beside him and saw the same open-mouthed awe on his face as must surely be on his own.

  A warm hand closed around his heart as Aiden gazed at Finn and he tried to swallow past the sudden lump in his throat. In such a short time this amazing man had given him so much more than he could possibly put into words. Finn had made him feel as though he, Aiden, mattered again. Not that he didn’t love being “Daddy”, but he’d lost himself somewhere along the way, and since meeting Finn he’d felt as if he had found his sense of self again—and now this? A weekend together in a hotel Finn couldn’t possibly afford on his salary from the park, just to make him feel special? Aiden was completely blown away.

  It didn’t take long to deal with the registration and minutes later they were following Gino through the hotel to the select rooms that opened right onto the beach. Gino inserted the key card into the lock of room of the third out of the four rooms and carried their bags into the room.

  “Holy shit,” Aiden said, walking through the door Finn held open for him. He paused mid-step to take the opulence around him. “I mean, wow. Christ, Finn, this is fucking amazing, and too much, way too much.”

  “I seem to remember sayin
g shut up,” Finn murmured, sliding his arms around Aiden’s waist and pulling Aiden against him. “This weekend is about us being together, not about how much it cost. Besides,” he pressed a kiss to Aiden’s hair, “Chris’ brother is head chef so I won’t be sleeping out of my car any time soon. Which is your cue to stop worrying and just enjoy, or I’m gonna have to kick your ass.”

  “I’m enjoying, I’m enjoying,” Aiden insisted, placing his hands on top of Finn’s and leaning back, letting Finn take his weight. They were interrupted by Gino clearing his throat once more.

  “Here is your key, gentlemen.” Gino handed Aiden the thin rectangle of plastic. “On the table is a presentation pack for you to peruse at your leisure, and includes the schedule for any spa treatments you have pre-booked. There is also a full list of the treatments offered, and if you wish to arrange any, please dial extension three four eight and I will be pleased to sort that out for you. Breakfast is served in your room at nine each morning, but lunch and dinner are available in the restaurant. A table has already been reserved for you as guests of the hotel under your room number, and the kitchen closes at ten-thirty.” Gino smiled at them brightly.

  “Thank you very much, Gino,” Aiden replied, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a twenty to hand to him, but Gino held up his palms.

  “Please, sir, that’s not necessary,” Gino insisted. “We are very well looked after by the hotel. The biggest tip you can give to me is to make sure you enjoy your weekend.”

  “We will, Gino,” Finn replied as Aiden curled his fingers around the money and shoved it back into his pocket. They stood like that until the door had closed behind Gino. Aiden turned in Finn’s arms and smiled.



  “As much as I’d love to see you in your Speedos…,” Aiden trailed off at Finn’s chuckle.


  “But I’d rather see you in that bed.”

  Finn tilted his head in the adorably inquisitive puppy look he had perfected, and a frown creased his forehead as though he was giving it a great deal of consideration, then a slow smile curved his lips and he whispered, “I have a confession.”


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