Free to Love

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Free to Love Page 2

by Lillianna Blake

  “I was just trying to show my support.” He chuckled as his cheeks flushed. “It was pretty immature, though, wasn’t it?”

  “Honestly, I think it was perfect. It lightened the mood for everyone and the meeting became a lot more productive.”

  “I’m glad you approve.” He looked into my eyes. “I was hoping you would. It didn’t stop you from lecturing me, though, did it?”

  “Sorry about that. I’m sure you didn’t need to hear that from me.”

  “Maybe I did it for the lecture.” He sipped his coffee, then set the cup back down. “You’re so beautiful when you’re mad. You get this crinkle in your eyes and your lips quiver just a little and—”

  “Stop!” I swallowed some coffee so I could use the cup to hide my blush. He wasn’t making this easy.

  “Oops, there’s that crinkling.” He grinned. “Do compliments always make you angry or is it only when I’m the one who’s offering them to you?”

  Chapter 4

  “Oh please, you’re just joking around— I know that.” I realized that I had to put my cup down at some point and slowly lowered it to the table.

  “What if I’m not?”

  He searched my eyes in a way that made me feel as if he could see every thought floating through my mind. I hoped not, because for some reason, despite the fact that he was fully dressed, all I could think about was that snapshot he’d sent of him in swim trunks from his recent vacation. I told myself firmly, Get with it, Noella—before you really embarrass yourself.

  “You are. I should check on Nicole.” I pulled my phone out of my purse and pretended that I didn’t notice that he hadn’t stopped staring at me.

  Wes and I had always flirted back and forth. It was just playful and nothing to take seriously. But now that he was laying it on so thick in person, I had no idea how to react.

  Back home I could make an excuse that I had work to do or that the connection had dropped. But there was no escape when he was sitting right across from me. If only my heart would slow down, then maybe my face wouldn’t feel so hot—and why in the world was he still staring at me?

  When I checked my phone, I saw that I had a text from Nicole.

  “Nicole says that Melody is okay but they’ll be at the hospital for a while.”

  “I’m glad to hear that she’ll be okay.” He relaxed back into his chair. “Does that mean we get more time together?”

  “You’re not ready to get rid of me yet?” I flashed him a grin.

  “Not at all. And that should give you plenty of time to answer my question.” He reached across the table and grabbed my coffee cup. “Without hiding.”

  “Wes, enough with the jokes.” I reached for my cup. “I’m too tired to keep up with you.”

  “It wasn’t a joke. I think you know that.” He kept his grip firmly on my cup, but smiled as I tugged at his fingers in an attempt to unwrap them. “Don’t worry, I’ll give it back—when you answer me.”

  “What if you’re not what? Joking? I think it’s kind of you to say such nice things about me, but I guess maybe a little inappropriate.” I took my cup as he released it.

  “It makes you uncomfortable?” He tilted his head to the side as he looked at me intently. “It never seemed to before.”

  “But now it’s different, isn’t it?” I bit into my bottom lip. “I mean, it feels different. Doesn’t it?”

  “Very. Seeing you in person—it’s really blown me away.” He stretched his hand out on the table, palm up, with his fingers slightly curved. “Does it feel different to you too?”

  I knew he wanted me to place my hand in his. But I wasn’t going to do it. Not a chance. The moment I touched him, I wouldn’t be able to think straight, and things were already weird enough between us.

  I said, “I think we just need to get used to not having distance between us. I mean, the truth is, you probably know more about me than most people in my life. I guess that makes me feel a little exposed.”

  “I don’t know enough, though.” He curled his hand up and drew it back toward his side of the table. “Like what I’m doing to make you so uneasy. I don’t know that.”

  “Oh, Wes, it’s not you. You’re not doing anything wrong. I’m the one that’s acting weird and I’m sorry. I guess I didn’t really prepare myself for how I might feel when I met you. I think I’m just feeling a little scattered—with everything going on—with Justin.”

  “Justin?” He raised an eyebrow. “You’re thinking about Justin right now?” He leaned forward some. “Are you worried he might not like the idea of you meeting me, is that it?”

  “Not exactly. But maybe. Things are so new between us. And I like him, I really do. Maybe I shouldn’t have canceled the date with him. Do you think he’ll still want to see me again?”

  He picked up his cup of coffee and for a second I thought he might be hiding behind it, just like I’d been, but then he put it down and looked straight into my eyes.

  “He’s a fool if he doesn’t.”

  “That’s not really true. I’m sure I came across as flaky.” I shrugged. “Maybe I am a little flaky.”

  “There’s nothing flaky about you. Haven’t we talked about you being so down on yourself?”

  “Right, bad habit.” I grinned as I looked at him. “So what have you been up to? Any hot dates to report on?”

  “Other than this one?” He offered a half-smile. “Nope.”

  “Why not?” I ran my gaze over his features again, despite the fact that doing so triggered some major heart fluttering. “You’re so handsome, and at your age you should be playing the field.”

  “I’m not interested in playing the field. Are you?”

  “No, but I’m in a different place in life.”

  “Why do you think that? We’re right here, under the same roof, aren’t we?”

  “That’s not what I mean.”

  “I know. But why do you think it?” He reached across the table again, just as I tucked my hands into my lap. He rested his palm against the tabletop and shook his head. “Maybe we should get out of here. Do you want to take a walk with me?”

  All at once I was certain that it had been a mistake to meet him. His eyes swallowed me whole. His voice traced patterns through my senses that left me dizzy and the way he reached for my hand made my whole body feel weak.

  “Maybe I should just head to Nicole’s. They’ll probably be back soon.”

  “If that’s what you want.” He lowered his eyes, then glanced up as a waitress brought over some pastries. “Can we get them to go, please?”

  Chapter 5

  I watched Wes’s expression as he paid the bill and collected our pastries. Something had changed. His amusement had faded and now he appeared a bit tense—or maybe he was just tired.

  “I really appreciate you picking me up, Wes.”

  “It was my pleasure.” He led me toward the door.

  Once we were in the car, the silence brewed between us again. I wasn’t used to silence between us. Usually we were too busy chatting or laughing for there to be any silence. Now it felt weighted and thick, like it was filled with unspoken words. I began to feel a pressure in my chest, as if something terrible was about to happen. I realized it was because we were getting closer to Nicole’s and I was going to have to say goodbye to Wes.

  I might never see him again.

  “Would you mind if I took you to one more place?”

  He glanced over at me and the power of his attention on me made my heart race again. What I really wanted to do was get out of the car and as far away from him as I could, before he figured out what I was feeling inside. How embarrassing that would be. But the hope in his eyes made it impossible for me to say no. He was my friend and he wanted to share something with me.

  “You won’t even have to get out of the car, I promise.”

  “Alright, sure.” I smiled.

  “I think I’ve told you about this spot before.” He turned down a side street, then a few more.

/>   I had the sense that we were traveling away from Nicole’s house and, I guessed, closer to where he lived. As I watched the scenery change I did my best to tamp down my feelings.

  “Do you like living here?”

  “Sure. Honestly, a place to live is just a place to live. I feel like it’s the people around you that make it home. Here—well, I don’t really have too many people.”

  “Maybe you don’t get out enough? You could try a dating site yourself, you know.”

  “Not interested.” He shot me a smile. “You meet crazy people on those sites.”

  “Ouch.” I laughed. “Justin seems pretty normal.”

  “You like him, huh?” He glanced over at me again and instantly a rush carried through me.

  “I think so. I mean, I think I should. There’s no reason not to.”

  “Here we are.” He pulled into the parking lot of a large park. The rolling grass and large old trees seemed incredibly inviting. “This is where I go to find my peace.” He smiled as he looked out through the windshield.

  “I remember. You said you like to come here when you’re trying to figure yourself out.” I sighed as I gazed through the thick and gnarled branches of a nearby tree. “It’s beautiful.”

  “I always find that being outdoors opens my mind—and my heart.” He shrugged. “It sounds a little cheesy, I know, but it does the trick for me.”

  “It’s not cheesy at all. I could use a place like this.”

  “Maybe sometime this weekend we could take a walk together. Only if you want to.” He tipped his head toward me. “I know you’ll be busy with your girl time and I don’t want to take any of that away.”

  “I need my Wes time too.” I laughed and tilted my head down to hide the blush in my cheeks.

  I felt his fingertips graze my shoulder as he brushed my hair back behind it.

  “You don’t need to be shy around me, Noella.”

  I could barely focus on his words, as the delicious memory of his touch was enough to make my head spin. But I smiled. It was the only thing I could do.

  He stared at me for a few moments—maybe waiting for me to say something—then started the engine again.

  “Thanks for showing me, Wes. I’d definitely love to explore this place.”

  “We’ll make it a date then.” He nodded.

  I felt more relaxed on the drive to Nicole’s. We talked a bit about what it was like for me at the new job and what the boys had been up to. He indicated that he’d yet to really settle into his new apartment and wasn’t so sure about the neighbors. It felt like us—the old us—the us that didn’t have this strange tension brewing between us. But when he looked at me, that same rush still carried through me.

  He pulled up to Nicole’s house, just as a car pulled into her driveway.

  “Perfect timing. Thanks again, Wes.”

  As I stepped out of the car, he leaned over and looked up at me.

  “I have the whole weekend free. I want to take a walk with you.”

  “That sounds nice. I’ll see what I can do.” I looked at him a moment longer, then turned away and headed for the driveway.

  As I walked, I could feel his eyes still on me.

  Why was he still staring? Why did it make me feel as if I would absolutely explode inside to know that he was still watching?

  No matter how I struggled to believe that this was all in my head, I couldn’t convince myself. It wasn’t until I heard him pull away from the curb that I realized I’d been holding my breath. I released it and my heart fluttered.

  Already I missed him.

  Chapter 6

  How could a feeling be that powerful when we’d just met for the first time in person? It had to be just my overactive imagination.

  “Noella! It’s so wonderful to finally meet you in person. I’m so sorry I wasn’t there to get you.” Nicole threw her arms around me.

  “Oh, don’t be, it was fine. My friend Wes picked me up. And it’s great to meet you too.” I grinned and shook Gavin’s hand when he introduced himself to me with a light kiss on the cheek.

  “Wes from work?” Nicole smiled. “Oh wow, I’m so glad that worked out.”

  “How’s Melody?”

  Gavin lifted her out of the back seat in his arms. The little girl was sound asleep with a sling on her arm.

  “She’ll be okay.” Gavin smiled. “But she is completely worn out.”

  “I’ll bet.” I smiled softly at her. “Sorry she had to go through so much pain.”

  “She was quite a trouper.” Nicole watched as Gavin carried her daughter inside. “Wow, that still blows me away.”

  “What?” I looked at the same sight.

  “Gavin with her in his arms—that amazing man who came into my life out of the blue—a man I never could have predicted, a man I trust completely with my children, which seemed impossible before I met him.” She slung her arm around my shoulders. “I can’t wait until you experience that too.”

  “It is beautiful.” I swallowed hard as I thought of the time I’d just spent with Wes—how awkward and intense it had been at the same time. He could never be a father to my boys. He was so young. He needed to have children of his own.

  As we headed inside, Nicole peppered me with questions about the flight. I greeted her son Jordan, who came in through the back door, offered a fairly polite grunt, then headed to his room.

  “I’m sorry about that.” Nicole laughed. “That’s about as friendly as he gets lately.”

  “It’s okay.” I smiled. “I can speak teenager. I’ve been studying it in preparation for Brady’s next few years.”

  “It’s quite a ride.” Her eyes widened as she grinned.

  “Okay, ladies, I’m going to bed. I expect this bottle of wine to be empty in the morning.” Gavin set a bottle of wine and two glasses on the coffee table. “Have fun.”

  “Aw, that’s so sweet of him.” I laughed. “But there’s no way I’m drinking half a bottle of wine.”

  “We’ll see.” Nicole grinned. “So tell me all about Justin—I’m dying to hear about him.”

  “Justin?” It took me a second to place who she meant. “Oh, right.”

  “Seriously?” She laughed. “You don’t even remember his name?”

  “No, it’s not like that. I guess I’m just a little distracted with all the excitement.” I smiled as I took a glass of wine from her. “Thanks.”

  “Hm.” She narrowed her eyes as she looked at me. “Or is it that he’s just not the one?”

  “I don’t know if I believe in the one.” I shrugged. “I know you’ve experienced it, but that doesn’t mean that everyone does.”

  “Okay, I won’t argue that point right now. How about this, just tell me what you like about him?”

  “He seems like a great father to his son. He’s very polite and kind. He was really easy to be with.” I smiled. “He’s just a great guy.”

  “But no spark?” She raised an eyebrow. “I feel like you might be talking about your brother if you had one.”

  “We’ve only met once. I’m sure as we get to know one another better, there’ll be more of a spark.” I blinked as I recalled the intense electricity between Wes and me. Nothing like that had happened with Justin, not even close.

  “Maybe.” She rested her head back against the sofa and swallowed down her wine. Then she looked over at me. “There’s more, isn’t there?”

  “More what?” I finished my glass and reached for the bottle to refill both of our glasses.

  “Something’s different about you.” She smiled as she studied me. “What aren’t you telling me?”

  I held my breath for a moment. I felt like if I confessed my experience with Wes it would become real, more real than it already was. But I desperately needed some advice. I knew that Nicole might be the best person to give it to me.

  “Something did happen.” I toyed with my glass nervously. “I don’t really understand it.”

  “With Justin?” She grinned. “I tho
ught you said he was well-behaved?”

  “He was. No, it wasn’t with Justin.” I met her eyes. “It’s Wes.”

  “Wes?” She almost choked on her sip of wine. “You mean that hunk of a man that you flirt with every day at work?”

  “Stop!” I laughed. “I don’t flirt with him.”

  “Sure.” She set her glass down. “I thought you said he wasn’t even on your radar? He’s certainly handsome.”

  “Yes, he is.” My heart fluttered at the thought. “I didn’t think he was on my radar. I really didn’t. Until today, I thought of him as just a friend.”

  “So what happened? Did he sweep you off your feet at the airport?”

  “No, nothing like that.” I laughed, then hesitated. “Well, kind of like that, I guess, since he did pick me up. Honestly, this has all come as such a shock to me. I don’t even know where to begin. I keep trying to tell myself that it’s just my imagination, but the more I try to ignore it, the stronger it seems to get.”

  “Tell me more.” She refilled my glass again. “You’re going to need more of this.”

  Chapter 7

  I watched the wine fill my glass and wondered how to explain it.

  “Honestly, it’s ridiculous. I feel like I have a crush. Isn’t that crazy?”

  “I don’t think it’s crazy at all. I think you’d be crazy not to have a crush on him.” Nicole shrugged. “But don’t worry, crushes fade. I mean, that’s what you want, right?”

  “I think so.” I clutched the stem of my glass as I recalled the way that Wes had brushed my hair back over my shoulder. Just that subtle touch had been enough to set me on fire. That couldn’t be normal, could it? “I mean, of course I do—think it will fade. Even if he feels the same way, we would never work out.”

  “Why do you say that?” She pulled her feet up on the sofa and snuggled into the cushion next to me.


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