Fumbled (The Girls of Beachmont #1)

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Fumbled (The Girls of Beachmont #1) Page 7

by T. K. Rapp

  I looked at the ceiling and scoffed before looking at him again. He was watching me with an amused grin, waiting for my response. I’d talked about him to Grace and Trevor. And if my brother-in-law were a woman, I knew for a fact that he would be throwing himself at Tabor. That thought alone was enough to make me smile.

  “That’s what the take-away is here?” I asked before leaning forward and raising a brow. “Why did you introduce yourself as Tabor?”

  He ran his hand along his jaw and inhaled like he was preparing to face a firing squad. I feigned a smile to lighten the mood because I wasn’t angry when I found out, just confused.

  “That’s what my family and friends back home have always called me. I wasn’t even thinking when I said it. Most people around here recognize me, and I’ve just gotten used to it. But when you didn’t, I guess I just went with it. But I was going to tell you the truth,” he said.

  “Oh yeah?” I challenged.

  He sat back in his seat and watched me intently. His features were hard to see without the flickering of the candlelight so close to his face. Tabor leaned in again and rested his arms on the table, never allowing his gaze to leave mine.

  “I was going to tell you later tonight.”

  “Are you saying I bailed you out? It was eating you up inside to find the right time to admit the truth and I just went and made it really easy for you?” I teased.

  “Something like that,” he admitted with a sly smile.

  “Okay, go ahead then,” I said, leaning back and taking a sip of the wine the waiter had placed in front of me.

  “What are you talking about?”

  “Show me the big reveal,” I said with a smirk.

  “Are you serious?” he questioned with a smile, clearly amused by my request.

  “Yeah, why not? You shouldn’t get off so easily,” I said.

  Tabor exhaled loudly and rubbed the back of his neck before looking at me again. He pursed his lips and leaned forward. “I have a confession to make,” he started.

  My mouth opened wide and I feigned shock. “You’re married?” I teased.

  He was quiet for a second too long and panic surged through my veins.

  Shit! I didn’t research much about him, so maybe he is married. But wait, he said that he isn’t seeing anyone. And Gracie said he’s the most eligible bachelor in town.

  Sweat was beginning to dampen the back of my neck and my stomach churned until he cleared his throat and shook his head.

  “Nah.” He grinned. “My name is Tabor, but I’m known in town as JT Hunter.”

  “As in JT Hunter, the football star?” I clarified, playing along. I couldn’t help but be charmed by his shyness at the admission.

  “That would be me.”

  “So why the secrecy?”

  “It wasn’t supposed to be. Like I said, when you didn’t recognize me, I wanted to be that guy. The one that no one knows…a regular guy. It’s hard going places where everyone is calling your name and asking for a piece of you. I knew I had to tell you the truth, but I liked how you saw me…as Tabor.”

  “Your family calls you Tabor?”

  “When I was growing up and getting in trouble, Mom would scream out my full name—Jordan Tabor Hunter, get your ass in here now!—and I knew she meant business. I hated being called Jordan, and I’d never met another Tabor. So in junior high, I started introducing myself as Tabor. The rest is history.”

  The waiter returned, interrupting our conversation, and we ordered our food. When he left, an uncomfortable silence had settled between Tabor and me. I didn’t care for it at all.

  I liked the easy flirtation and banter between me and the guy I’d met on the road. I didn’t even know him, but it was refreshing. As it was, the evening was quickly turning into a disappointment with all the pretenses and awkward silences.

  “What are you thinking?” he finally asked.

  I shook my head and considered my words. “I’m a pretty secure woman. I’m not needy and never fish for compliments, but I have to ask…why me?”

  Tabor didn’t hesitate before responding. “When I was driving home the other day, I saw you on the ground next to your car, busting your ass to change that tire. I considered driving past, just like everyone else did, but I didn’t. I was fascinated with your determination. For whatever reason, I got out to help and that was it.”

  “Okay,” I answered, unable to think of anything better to say.

  “Well, that wasn’t really it.” He smirked. “I did get out to help, but when you asked to see my eyes, I was waiting for you to recognize me. You had dirt on your face and were sweating like crazy, but you didn’t seem to care that I was seeing this. It was sexy as hell. I was watching you, and you truly didn’t know who I was and agreed to the date anyway. I didn’t want you to go out with me because I’m JT Hunter. I wanted you to go out with me because I made you laugh. I’d forgotten what that felt like—someone laughing because of something I said and not because of some celebrity status.”

  His words hit me right in the heart. I couldn’t imagine being in the spotlight and worrying about if people liked you for you or for who they thought you were. I gave him a reprieve, and that was all I needed to know.

  “If you wanted to keep your anonymity, why did you bring me here? Not that I’m complaining.”

  “The food is great, but even better—the staff is under strict orders not to bother the customers, and the rest of the diners respect that, too. So I can come here and enjoy a meal without people walking up to me every five seconds while my food gets cold.”

  “That would get annoying.”

  “I love the fans, I really do. I wouldn’t be where I am without them. But it’s nice to get a break every once in a while.”

  “So what now?”

  “Well, that depends on you.”

  “What about me?”

  “I like you, Dani. You’re beautiful, smart, and so far, you’ve kept it interesting.”

  “I like you, too,” I replied shyly.

  “Does that mean I can see you again?”

  The silence grew between us and I weighed my options. Tabor was fun and charming. I liked the way he looked at me and how comfortable he seemed in my presence. But who he was was stopping me.

  “I’m not sure I’m cut out for the life you lead,” I admitted. “I’m a teacher, Tabor. I’m with little people all day long. I barely know how to deal with adults, let alone someone with an entire city of fans.”

  “I take it that’s a no?” he questioned, and I couldn’t ignore the disappointment in his voice.

  “It’s definitely not a no. It’s a let’s hang out and get to know each other—perhaps away from your career?”

  He started to speak, but the waiter began setting our food in front of us.

  “Does everything look okay?” the waiter asked.

  I looked up from my food to see Tabor watching me.

  “Everything looks perfect,” he answered, never taking his eyes off of me.

  C h a p t e r 8

  D A N I

  “Wait,” I said, panting heavily. “I can’t go again. I need a minute.”

  “Are you okay?” he asked, looking down at me as sweat beaded on his forehead.

  I nodded and swallowed hard, unable to answer with words. When my heart rate finally, slowed I cleared my throat.

  “That was crazy,” I finally managed.

  “You’re pretty good,” he complimented and I laughed.

  “Don’t patronize me. The next one is all mine,” I said, narrowing my eyes playfully.

  “If you say so.”

  For the last twenty minutes, Tabor and I had been in an intense game of Just Dance, and somehow he’d managed to beat me. Every. Single. Time.

  For someone of his build, he had impressive dance moves. We took turns picking out the song to compete to, and inevitably I ended up standing behind him laughing so hard that I couldn’t dance. He had every step down and even attempted to throw some sass
into his moves. He was adorably awkward to watch dance, and I loved it. I couldn’t remember the last time I had so much fun playing a video game or laughed so hard.

  When we’d left Metropolis, the local fans had swarmed the sidewalk outside of the restaurant. Apparently someone had Tweeted Tabor’s whereabouts, and that was all it took. I stood back while he dutifully signed every piece of paper, picture, and jersey that was shoved in front of him. He would look over and give me an apologetic shrug, but I waved him off. He talked to all of them with a smile and asked them questions. It was easy to see why people liked him so much.

  After nearly thirty minutes of signing, he wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling my body to his. I melted into him as if I belonged there, and I didn’t want him to let me go. As he guided me toward his SUV, there were eyes watching us and whispers—something that was foreign to me.

  Neither of us was ready for the night to end, so we went back to my place to hang out and get to know one another better. I had no idea he was a video game junkie too.

  “I have to sit down,” I sighed, fanning my face. “Why are you so good at this?”

  “My sister,” he answered simply, taking a seat near me on the couch.

  His body seemed to take over the entire piece of furniture, demanding attention. His broad shoulders spanned an entire section of the couch, and his arms were thick, widening his frame. He had a strong, sharp jaw, but in the past half hour he hadn’t seemed as intimidating in my living room as he had at the restaurant. I couldn’t help but look at him and observe this man hanging out in my condo. The Tabor I was getting to know was down to earth and charming. I had really yet to experience JT Hunter.

  Or maybe I have.

  Maybe it’s just my perception.

  “Ah, the sister who would like me?” I clarified. “Or do you have others?”

  “There’s just Abbi and me. I don’t think my mom could handle more than the two of us,” he laughed.

  “Are you two close?”

  “Yeah. But she’s back home in Chicago, so I don’t see her often,” he admitted. “She just took her last final and called earlier to tell me she’s getting married.”

  “That’s exciting,” I said. “Do they have a date yet?”

  “I don’t know. I didn’t have time to get the details, other than she wants me to walk her down the aisle.”

  “That’s sweet,” I gushed. “But what about your dad?”

  Tabor shifted and angled his body toward me. “Dad passed away when I was fourteen, and it’s been just the three of us ever since.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “It was a long time ago, but I miss him. He was a great dad.” He smiled to himself and I couldn’t help but smile sadly.

  “How did he die?”

  “Cancer. He fought hard for year, but in the end he was too weak.”

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to pry.”

  “You’re fine,” he answered sadly.

  I didn’t know what I’d do without either of my parents; they were my lifelines. Tabor looked up at me, his eyes pleading with me to change the subject.

  “So how long has your sister been with her fiancé?”

  “Longer than I thought,” he laughed. “A year.”

  “Wow, that’s great.”

  “Yeah. I mean, she’s happy, so I guess that’s all that matters.”


  He leaned back and stared at the ceiling as if he could glean some wisdom from it. I didn’t say anything, because he looked lost in his own head. When he finally looked at me, he shrugged.

  “I’m happy for her, but I guess I’m worried, too. Ever since my dad died, it’s just been Abs, Mom, and me. I’ve done everything I can to support them and be there for them.”

  “What’s Abbi’s boyfriend like?”

  “Marshall? He’s pretty cool. A little on the quiet side, and he was the first guy she brought around who didn’t kiss my ass because of who I am. So there’s that.”

  “What’s your sister like?”

  He placed his hand over mine and squeezed softly, a gesture reserved for people who actually knew each other. While it felt strange, I also liked it.

  I liked him.

  “Enough about my sister. Tell me about you,” he said sweetly.

  “What about me?” I asked coyly. I didn’t like having attention on myself; I was much happier to grant that spotlight to others. But since we were in the get-to-know-you phase, I had to participate.

  “What made you get into teaching?”

  “My roommates,” I laughed. “Millie and I have known each other since high school and we met our roommates at freshman orientation. I was the only one who didn’t know what I wanted to study. Jolie is a lawyer, though you’d never guess it from her tattoos and piercings. Viola is a musician—she actually gives music lessons to kids. And Millie is a teacher too.”

  “So you were general studies,” he teased.

  “Yeah, for the first year. But Millie always knew she wanted to teach, and talked so passionately about it that I got excited too. Honestly, I’m not sure if I really fell in love with the idea of it or her excitement for it. But in the end it was a perfect fit. I love what I do, and the kids I get to work with are incredible.”

  Tabor nodded and smiled, but soon, only the sounds of the paused video game and us breathing filled the room. He was still wearing the same thing he wore for our date, but had taken off his jacket and undone a few buttons. Since I was at home, I’d changed into jeans and a T-shirt, happy for the comfort.

  I shifted in my seat and tucked my knees underneath me to get a better look at him.

  “What about you?” I asked, taking the pressure off myself. “What’s it like?”

  “What’s that?”

  “You, being JT Hunter and all the fans and the schedule…what’s that like for you? Did you always want to play football?”

  He thought for a moment before speaking, and I’m not sure what I expected, but I was surprised by his answer.

  “I’ve been with the Quakes now for two years. I finished up college and was drafted in one of the last rounds. No one expected much out of me in the way of performance, but I was determined to prove them wrong. My dad got me into it as a way to channel my aggression as a kid. Dad and I would throw the ball around when I was a kid, and I guess after he died, I just kept doing it.”

  “Doesn’t sound like you like it that much,” I said.

  “When I started, it was about proving something, and I’ve done that. But I’m a part of a great team and I love it here.” He scratched his head. “So what’s it like being me? Most days it’s pretty great. I’ve gotten to travel around the country, met some cool people along the way, and got to start my own charity. These are things I wouldn’t have had the chance to do on my own. But there are days where it kinda sucks.”

  I raised my eyebrows, shocked by his candor, but he simply laughed.

  “Don’t get me wrong, I don’t take a second of it for granted. I’m grateful for everything I have and I want to give back. But yeah, there are days where I wish I could just be me and not worry about people freaking out when I walk into a store. That’s why it was refreshing when I met you. I was able to do exactly that: be me.”

  When he finished, he winced and looked toward the darkness outside the window. I didn’t understand the true reality of his life, but it sounded too intrusive for my liking. Tabor turned back to look at me, his brow furrowed, and shook his head slowly before scoffing. “I sound like a little bitch, don’t I?”

  “Not at all,” I answered honestly. “I can go anywhere I want, and no one knows who I am.”

  “It can get lonely sometimes,” he admitted. “That’s why I’m so close with my mom and sister. They keep me grounded. Ya know?”

  “Yeah, totally.” I smiled, thinking of my own family. “My parents live about thirty minutes away, and my sister is further than that. But we get together every weekend for dinner and catch up on lif
e. It’s nice having them around.”

  “You have dinner with them every weekend?” he asked, wide-eyed.

  “Mom is a great cook—no one wants to miss her meals,” I admitted. “I wish I could cook like her.”

  “Every time my sister comes to town, the media speculates as to whether or not she’s my girlfriend. It’s pretty fuckin’ sick.”

  “Yeah, that’s pretty nasty,” I laughed. “But you’re a celebrity, I guess, right? Part of the territory. I can’t imagine what it’s like for you.”

  “There’s never a dull moment,” he offered.

  “What’s the craziest thing a fan has done?”

  He thought for a minute and smiled. “There was one time when a woman showed up to a charity event and started telling everyone there that I was her boyfriend.”

  “That’s weird,” I laughed.

  “Not as weird as the valet chick at the airport.”

  “What did she do?”

  “That’s the thing—I can’t be sure. This woman with blue hair comes over to take my keys. I can tell she’s legit, she’s in uniform. I could tell she recognized me, so when she asked if she could get a picture, I told her it was no problem. I was flying out to see my mom and it wasn’t until I got inside the airport that I realized I forgot my ChapStick in my car.”

  “Sounds harmless,” I said with a shrug.

  “Yeah, except the ChapStick was missing when I got back from my trip.”

  “Do you think she took it?”

  “I don’t know, but can you picture some woman walking around telling people she has JT Hunter’s ChapStick? It’s weird, I mean, it’s just ChapStick.”

  I laughed so hard, because it was totally something I could see happening. People adored this guy, and getting a piece of him was like winning the lottery.

  “Just watch out—first it’s your ChapStick, and next thing you know, she’s pregnant,” I teased and Tabor laughed, warming me deep inside.

  “You know, Dani,” he extended his hand to mine and when we touched, something ignited inside of me, “I’d really like to see you again, but you should know, if we go out, there’s a chance that you’ll see firsthand what it’s really like to be with me. What you saw tonight was pretty tame.”


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