Master of the House of Darts: Obsidian and Blood Book 3

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Master of the House of Darts: Obsidian and Blood Book 3 Page 39

by Aliette Bodard

Mexicolore - (in particular the article on Tlaloc)


  As always, I remain deeply indebted to the people who helped me with this book, either during the pre-writing brainstorming, the actual writing, and the post-writing process, aka the painful dissection of the bits that weren't working. The sixth Villa Diodati workshop helped me brainstorm my ending: Stephen Gaskell, Ralan Conley, Ruth Nestvold, Nancy Fulda and Sara Genge dissuaded me from having yet another epic battle between various private armies (though, sadly, the stakes in this prevented me from having the quiet, intimate ending I'd first envisioned; next time, I swear…).

  Various people kept me going while I was writing: Stephanie Burgis, Patrick Samphire, Neil Williamson, the late Colin Harvey, Gareth L Powell, and the entire gang at Codex, who listened to me vent my frustrations online.

  My most excellent crit group helped me salvage the disaster of the first draft: Dario Ciriello, Juliette Wade, Keyan Bowes, Doug Sharp, Genevieve Williams, Janice Hardy, and TL Morganfield. As always, Traci Morganfield was a treasure trove of information, a great help for brainstorming, and a wonderful friend whose enthusiasm helped me navigate the troubled waters of writing this book.

  The response to the books has been wonderful so far, and many people have publicised Obsidian and Blood online. I don't have space here for everyone, but here a few people I'm deeply indebted to: Charles Tan and Lavie Tidhar at the World SF blog, Josh Vogt of, Ove Jansson at, Duncan Lawie of Strange Horizons, Lauren from Violin in a Void, Ros Jackson of Warpcore SF, Brad P Beaulieu and Gregory A Wilson from Speculate! for a truly epic set of podcasts, Cheryl Morgan (and co-conspirators Mike Carey, and Jon Courtenay Grimwood), Jenny Barber from the British Fantasy Society, Seb Cevey and his co-conspirators at Angle Mort, Rob at Val's Random Comments, Emmanuel Chastellière of Elbakin, Brenda Cooper, Jonathan Crowe, Gemma Files, Rose Fox, Russ Gray, Alethea Kontis, Jason Loch, Henry Lopez, Anne Lyle, Gillian Pollack, Jason Sanford, John Scalzi, Angela Slatter, Fred Warren and the rest of the gang at Liberty Hall…

  Special mentions to everyone who took part in the Great Honeymoon Giveaway competition on my blog; to the numerous people who entered my goodreads giveaway for Harbinger of the Storm; to the people involved in the Codex Blog Tour (Colin Harvey, Lawrence M Schoen, Nancy Fulda, and Doctor Grasshopper) and to everyone who attended Eastercon, the SFWA Nebula Awards Weekend, and Imaginales – and actually managed to make me feel like a rock star.

  And since space is limited, and I don't have enough of it to mention you all, a big blanket thanks to everyone who read the books, blogged about them, lent me some space on the web for guest posts, or boosted the signal in some other way. You all rock, and I definitely wouldn't be here without you.

  Special thanks to Rochita Loenen-Ruiz, Chris Kastensmidt, Floris Kleijne, JK Cheney, and Justin Pilon for being around and providing much needed friendship and support when I needed it; and to friends closer to home (Charles-Eric Drevet, Clémence Lê, Alexandre Mège, Fabien Terraillot, Mathieu Leocmach, the ex-police interns/Binet Robot team, and the various members of our Nephilim roleplaying group) for reading and promoting the books.

  As always, I owe a lot to the Angry Robot team – Overlord Marc Gascoigne, Lee Harris, Mike Ramalho, and John Tintera – and to my wonderful agents at Zeno, John Berlyne and John Parker, for the dedicated work and the awesome advice.

  And, last but not least, to my family – to my grandparents and my parents and my sister – for always nurturing me, and for propagating my reputation as a writer all over France, Europe and Vietnam. And to my husband, Matthieu, for the brainstorming, the crits – and the general awesomeness.


  A member of the Osprey Group

  Midland House, West Way

  Botley, Oxford

  OX2 0PH


  Not enough sacrifice

  An Angry Robot paperback original 2011

  Copyright © 2011 by Aliette De Bodard

  Cover design by Spring London (

  Distributed in the United States by Random House, Inc., New York.

  All rights reserved.

  Angry Robot is a registered trademark and the Angry Robot icon a trademark of Angry Robot Ltd.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  Sales of this book without a front cover may be unauthorized. If this book is coverless, it may have been reported to the publisher as "unsold and destroyed" and neither the author nor the publisher may have received payment for it.

  ISBN 978-0-85766-160-9

  eBook ISBN 978-0-85766-161-6

  Printed in the United States of America

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