First Class to Portland

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First Class to Portland Page 7

by Aj Harmon


  After a leisurely and delicious dinner, they returned to Matt’s suite. Janie had been sure to pack some of the little treasures she had picked up at Victoria’s Secret, hoping that Matt would appreciate them. She exited the bathroom after changing, a little nervous in her selection.

  Matt was sitting on the edge of the bed untying the laces of his shoes as her feet came to stand beside him. His eyes gradually lifted, appreciating the view. She stood in front of him wearing a black silk slip nightie that barely covered her behind. The bust was tight and plunging and had a small satin bow at the bottom of the V. She wasn’t wearing underwear.

  Matt’s mouth opened and his lips curved into a smile. “Fuck!” he whispered.

  Janie exhaled, happy at his reaction, happy at the bulge growing in his pants. She didn’t have much experience in seduction, as Robert was always a sure thing, so she was content with her first meager attempt.

  Her hand caressed his cheek and she leaned in and kissed him sweetly on the forehead. Matt dropped the shoe he held in his hand and grasped her hips. He gently pulled her down to his lap, Janie straddling him.

  “I like this,” he breathed into her neck as he tasted her skin.

  “Well it may not fit tomorrow after dinner tonight. I can’t believe I ate so much!” Janie sighed.

  “I love your body Janie. But I don’t care if you weigh two hundred and fifty pounds because I also love what’s here.” Matt placed a kiss on the exposed flesh of her breast. “And what’s in here.” He kissed her forehead.

  “Well if I keep eating like that you’ll get your wish,” she laughed.

  “I didn’t say I wished you weighed that much,” he chuckled, “just that I wouldn’t love you any less.”

  Janie grinned and kissed him, devoured him. Matt cupped her breasts and massaged, and Janie’s nipples hardened in his palms. She threw her head back and as Matt’s lips kissed down her throat she arched her back and moaned.

  “Your hands are amazing,” she purred.

  Matt slipped the strap off her shoulder and nibbled down the mound of her breast till he reached her nipple, exposed and ready for him to take into his mouth. He sucked and nipped and Janie moaned at his exquisite tongue. He flipped off the other strap and tasted her again.

  “Equal time,” he whispered, and sucked on her other nipple, feeling it’s hardness on his tongue.

  After several minutes her released her and lifted her off him and onto the bed. He stood and lifted his polo shirt over his head. He unbuckled his belt and pulled it through the loops of his jeans.

  Janie scooted to the edge of the bed and undid the button and the zipper of his jeans and shoved them down his legs. He stepped out of them and kicked them aside.

  “We match,” Janie grinned, staring at his black boxer briefs.

  “Yes, we do,” Matt agreed, his eyes filled with desire.

  Janie hooked her thumbs into the waistband of the fabric that was shielding his giant bulge from her and slowly pushed them down his legs. His erection nodded at her and she leaned forward and took him into her mouth. Matt gasped and clenched her hair in his hands. As she moved back and forth, gently sucking, swirling her tongue around him, he groaned as his bucked to her.

  “God, Janie. You. Feel. So. Damn. Good.”

  Janie increased her rhythm and felt Matt’s legs stiffen. She was exhilarated with the knowledge that she excited him, that he wanted her! He could have any woman in the world and he picked her, the naïve widow from Oregon.

  Matt threw his head back and she felt his spasms against her lips as her mouth filled with his salty liquid. He pulled back and sunk to the floor, leaning against her legs. Her fingers played with his hair.

  “Give me a minute, k?” he panted.

  Janie grinned, please he was satiated. After a minute or two, he looked up at her, that devilish grin across his face. He knelt in front of her and pushed apart her knees.

  “Matt, no. I’m really, really wet,” she blushed.

  “Good!” he grinned and pushed her shoulders back to the mattress. He flipped up her nightie and his eyes widened at the sight.

  “No panties!” he exclaimed. “I like this!” And he lowered his head and kissed the inside of her thigh. Janie’s breath hitched and she gripped the duvet in her hands. Hold on! she thought, as Matt’s tongue parted her and made contact with her throbbing clitoris.

  Matt brought her quickly to orgasm, masterfully using his tongue and she cried out as it rippled through her body.


  The Oregon Zoo was one of Janie’s favorite places to visit. She hadn’t been there in many years so when Matt asked her what she wanted to do when they awoke on Tuesday morning, it wasn’t hard to decide.

  They strolled hand in hand through all the exhibits, stopping and watching the animals, laughing as all the kids pushed them aside to get in front.

  “When the boys were little we used to have a yearly pass and so we would spend a lot of their summer vacation here,” she smiled, remembering warm days and picnics on the grass watching the bird show and riding the zoo train.

  “I can’t remember the last time I went to the zoo,” he frowned.

  “Well when you have kids you’re at the zoo all the time,” she said, noting the expression on his face. “Have you never wanted children?” she asked, hesitantly.

  Matt shrugged and walked closer to the elephants. “Although I wasn’t in love with Suzanne, I guess I came to be excited about being a dad,” he admitted. “But then it didn’t happen and I made the decision to never let a child be used as part of a game. It isn’t fair. It was probably for the best that Suzanne lost the baby.”

  Janie’s heart broke as she heard him speak. “You would be a wonderful father,” she smiled. “Any child would be lucky to call you daddy.”

  “Let’s go get lunch,” he changed the subject.

  There was no more talk of babies and daddies as they continued their tour of the zoo.


  That evening, as promised, Matt took Janie back to the Red Star Tavern for dinner, and once again he enjoyed watching her peruse the menu, even though he knew exactly what she was going to order. It was a long time since he had experienced life through someone else’s eyes and that’s what he had done today with Janie. She admitted going to the zoo more times than she could count, yet she approached each animal exhibit as if seeing it for the first time. And it was the same with the menu. She was just adorable. His chin was in his hand as he watched her, unable to take his eyes off her, even when the waiter approached and he ordered a bottle of wine.


  “Hmmm?” she replied, still studying the menu.

  “I have to go back to New York on Thursday.”

  Janie’s head shot up, eyes opened wide, disappointment across her face. “No,” she whispered.

  “I have an inspection on Friday and I just can’t miss it,” he explained. “But I would like you to come with me.”

  “What?” she exclaimed.

  “Come back with me. I have a big bed that misses you,” he grinned.

  “For how long?”

  Forever! “For as long as you want. I’m not willing to be away from you.”

  “Thursday?” she questioned.

  Matt nodded and watched as a smile appeared, her blue eyes sparkling. “Is that a yes?”

  “Yes.” She covered his hand with hers. “Yes!”


  Janie needed Wednesday to get ready and to pack for her trip with Matt and to tell her mother and her sons about him. She wasn’t ready to do that but there would be too many questions otherwise. With her suitcases ready to go and waiting by the front door, Janie had spoken with Amanda about the home inspection scheduled for next week, she had gone to the bank, although she was sure Matt wouldn’t let her use any of her money, and she put her mail on hold, then she headed over to her mother’s house to catch them all before dinner.

  As usual, the boys were watchin
g SportsCenter on ESPN and her mom was in the kitchen making tacos.

  “Hi, Mom.” Janie plopped on the stool at the counter.

  Patty looked up and smiled at her oldest daughter.

  “Mom? It looks like the house has sold.”

  “Yeah, the boys were telling me that the other day. That’s great! Have you decided where you are going to live?”

  “I think I am going to stay with Katy for a bit and make decisions based on my wants, rather than the need to find something quick,” Janie explained.

  “That sounds like a good idea,” Patty agreed.



  “I met someone while I was in New York.”

  Patty put down the spatula and turned slowly to her daughter. “And?”

  “Well he came to Portland and, well, I am going to go back to New York with him for a little while.”

  “Are you sure?” Patty questioned.

  Janie smiled. “I am, mom, I really am.”

  “When do you leave?”

  “Early tomorrow morning, and I’m not sure when I will be back.”

  Janie read her mother’s expression and added, “It won’t be longer than a couple of weeks because I have to sign all the documents for the house.”

  “Okay.” Patty picked up the spatula again and stirred the beef in the frying pan. “Who is he?”

  “His name is Matt and he is amazing. He owns a real estate development company and he is the oldest of seven boys. He is incredibly smart and hard-working and he’s funny and drop-dead gorgeous. His eyes are the deepest blue I have ever seen and he makes me really happy.”

  “Who makes you happy?”

  Adam and Tyler were standing behind their mother, obviously smelling food and coming to the kitchen.

  “Umm, well,” she began. “I have met someone very special and I am going on a trip to spend some time with him. His name is Matt and…”

  Tyler cut her off. “Not until we meet him,” he said looking at his brother.

  “Yeah,” agreed Adam.

  “Well we leave in the morning so…” Janie shrugged her shoulders.

  “Well then I guess we are meeting him tonight!”


  Not much made Matt nervous, but meeting Janie’s sons had him sweating, just a little. When she’d called him and invited him to dinner, taco night, at her mom’s house, he had wanted to say no. This was not how he envisioned their first meeting; the sons and mother at the same time. This just put more pressure on him to make a great first impression, otherwise the upcoming weekend may not go as planned either.

  Matt pulled up in front of the house, Janie’s Ford in the driveway. Taking a deep breath he climbed out of the car and Janie bounded down the front steps to greet him.

  “So sorry,” she said. “They said I couldn’t leave without meeting you first.” Janie sighed.

  “It’s fine,” Matt said as he kissed her on the forehead. “I am looking forward to meeting your sons.”

  Janie gripped his hand as they walked through the front door, three pairs of eyes boring into his head.

  “Everyone, this is Matt,” Janie said, trying to sound cheerful. “Matt, this is Adam and Tyler and my mom, Patricia.”

  “Call me Patty, Matt. It’s lovely to meet you,” she said as she stood walking to Matt and extending her hand. “Janie wasn’t kidding,” she said as she held his hand in both of hers. “You are drop-dead gorgeous.”

  Janie was mortified and was about to tell her mother to be quiet when Matt jumped in first.

  “Patty, I see where Janie gets her good looks from,” he winked and lifted her hand to his place a kiss on it. “You have the same lovely eyes.”

  “Why thank you Matt,” Patty giggled.

  He’s good, though Janie. She turned to the boys who had at least stood at the introduction. Matt released Patty’s hand and then lifted Janie’s hand to his lips before he released it and stepped towards Janie’s sons.

  “At least you aren’t identical,” Matt chuckled. “That makes it a bit easier,” he said as he shook Adam’s and then Tyler’s hands. “Your mom says you play baseball, Adam. And football, Tyler?”

  “Yeah,” replied Tyler. “Adam could have a pro career if he wanted. Well, at least the minors.”

  “Wow, that’s awesome. I’d love to catch a game next year.”

  “Sure,” replied Adam.

  “And you’re a wide receiver?” Matt turned to Tyler. “I wish I could have been fast enough to play. I loved football.”

  “I have the speed,” replied Tyler, “but I need more mass. I’ve tried to bulk up but it’s hard. I didn’t get my dad’s stockiness. I got my mom’s genes.”

  Matt laughed. “I used to drink this protein shake when I was seriously lifting a few years ago. I special ordered it from a company in Florida. In fact my younger brother is using it now. He’s training with the NYFD. I’ll make sure he adds a box for you to see if you like it.”

  “Oh thanks, Matt. That’d be great.” Tyler smiled and turned to his grandma. “Dinner ready?”

  “Sure is,” Patty replied and led the way to the dining table.

  Janie remained quiet through most of dinner, letting the boys ask Matt questions, conversation flowing easily. They talked about school, both boys duly impressed that Matt had attended Duke. They asked questions about Matt’s business and told him about their plans for further education.

  “Columbia has an excellent medical program,” Matt said.

  “I can’t afford Columbia,” Adam scoffed. “I was looking at a school in New Jersey though.”

  “I’m sure there are scholarships,” Matt added.

  “Well, that’s for next year,” said Adam.

  “I was liking Columbia for my MBA,” Tyler added.

  “Excellent choice,” Matt said. “Wish I had done it.”

  Janie was surprised by Matt’s confession but said nothing. She was really very pleased at how the evening had gone. Both boys seemed to like Matt and her mother just fawned all over him, but Matt was being a good sport and playing right back.

  Could this be my new family? she wondered.

  A couple of hours later, Matt having promised Adam a game in his box at Yankee Stadium and Tyler an introduction to a couple of friends with influence at Columbia University, Janie walked Matt to his car.

  “Thank you,” she whispered as she wrapped her arms around his waist.

  He kissed her forehead and held her head in his hands. “I will do anything for you. Even let your mother flirt with me all through dinner,” he chuckled.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  “You have nothing to be sorry for.” He tilted her chin up to him. “It’s all good. I’ll make you a deal. You and your mother are the only women I will flirt with, k?” He grinned at Janie and kissed her chastely on the lips as Patty watched from the living room window.

  Janie giggled. “Deal.”

  “Are your bags in your car?”

  “No, she said. “They’re back at my house.”

  “Okay, I’ll meet you there.”


  It was dark when Matt pulled into Janie’s driveway. He turned off the car and waited for her to arrive. He looked across the lawn to the neighbor’s house. He didn’t like Danny and the quicker Janie was away from him the better. His stomach turned and his fists clenched as he thought of him watching Janie through her window.

  “I should have beat the shit out of him,” he muttered.

  Just then the garage door started opening and Matt saw headlights in his rear view mirror. Janie pulled her car past him and parked in the garage, the doors closing behind her. Matt got out and walked to the front door, waiting for Janie to meet him from inside. He saw the lights click on and then front door unlock and open, Janie smiling at him.

  “Here they are,” she pointed at the suitcases.

  “Two this time,” he chuckled.

  “I took two last time,” she laughed.

  Matt carried the bags and loaded them in the back of the Navigator and met her back at the door.

  “Got everything?” he asked.

  Janie nodded and pulled the door closed, locking the dead bolt with her key. “The boys are going to come and put everything left into Mom’s garage next week. Then I just have to be back to sign the papers.”

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “You know, I really am.” Janie smiled at Matt and he kissed her and then swatted her on the ass and told her to get in the car.


  Janie and Matt sat in the same first class seats on the same flight on the same airline they had taken a few weeks earlier, this time under very different circumstances. The flight attendant had just delivered their drinks and Matt held Janie’s hand. He pulled it to his lips and kissed her palm.

  “You know it is five weeks exactly,” he murmured into her hand.

  “It is! Wow!”

  How it has all changed, she thought as she gazed at Matt. Five weeks ago she had headed to New York for a once-in-a-lifetime trip. She was unable to move on after Robert’s death and then Matt happened and he changed all that.

  “What are you thinking?” he asked.

  “How lucky I am to have found you,” she blushed.

  “I’m the lucky one. I love you Janie.”


  Ray met them outside LaGuardia and smiled brightly as he saw Janie exit the airport with Matt.

  “Welcome back Janie,” he smiled.

  “Hello Ray.” She stretched up and planted a kiss on his cheek.

  “Hey! No kissing other men,” Matt teased.

  Matt left the bags at the trunk of his BMW and opened the door for Janie. She slid in and Matt ran around and slid in beside her.

  “It’s much warmer now,” she said, buckling her seatbelt.

  “Good! Less clothes on you,” he winked and Janie blushed as Ray climbed in the front seat.

  “Home, sir?”

  “Yes please,” Matt grinned.

  They rode in silence as Janie was once again in awe as she gazed out of the car window at Manhattan. After just two weeks here, she really was in love with the city and was thrilled to be back, especially as she was back with Matt, something she would never have believed just a week ago.


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