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by Savannah Stuart

  Heated Mating

  Savannah Stuart

  Saroya has always been fascinated by Linc and never understood his reluctance to be near her. When he makes it clear he’s sexually interested, she jumps at the chance to join him in bed. But things get more complicated in the light of day.

  Linc has wanted Saroya from the moment he met her, and throughout her short mating with his brother. His culture might encourage two males to mate with one woman, but Linc could never share Saroya. Not even with his brother. When his brother dies, leaving her unmated, Linc intends to claim her. Before he can win that battle he’ll have to swallow his warrior pride and win her heart once and for all.

  Ellora’s Cave Publishing


  Heated Mating

  ISBN 9781419933523


  Heated Mating Copyright 2011 Savannah Stuart

  Edited by Shannon Combs

  Cover art by Syneca

  Electronic book publication June 2011

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  Heated Mating

  Savannah Stuart


  Planet Lumineta, 2235

  As Linc stared at Saroya’s exposed back, he understood his dead brother’s love of the dark-haired beauty.

  The funeral pyre burned before them and the entire clan. The firelight played off the sheer shift Saroya wore. Compared to what most of the females of the clan wore her clothing was more than acceptable but he hated that the material dipped low, exposing most of her back. The arch of her spine was delicate and beautiful. He wanted to trace his fingers up the length then follow with his tongue. Unlike the females of his people, Saroya and the handful of other women they’d rescued from the dying blue planet were smaller, more fragile. Not weak, they’d proven that much. Just different in some ways.

  Ever since his brother Gage had returned from that fateful mission with Saroya and ten other foreign females in tow, Linc had cursed the Goddess that he’d busted his knee up the week before and Gage had met her first.

  If he hadn’t hurt himself during training he’d have been on that mission. A mission his scholarly brother had only been on to collect data. And Linc would have seen Saroya first. She’d have been his and only his. It didn’t matter that his society consisted mainly of male-female-male joinings. And it didn’t matter that Gage and Saroya had tried to welcome him into their bed on more than one occasion. None of that shit mattered because he didn’t share.

  He would not share her. With anyone. Not even his own brother. So he’d always declined their invitations. He couldn’t be sure but she seemed to think he preferred the opposite sex. That was fine with him. Let her have her assumptions.

  A few wisps of her dark hair had come loose from the clip she’d secured it with. As he watched her, he noted a small tremble race through her. His people did not show much emotion but hers were very different as he’d learned over the past six moon cycles. Though he couldn’t see her face, he knew she was crying. Linc wanted to reach out and comfort her but he was a warrior. That wasn’t done.

  When she shifted her weight forward, as if she were ready to throw herself off the cliff and onto the burning pile of her lover’s remains, he felt his entire fucking world shift. He nearly lost a century of his life.

  Lightning fast, Linc lunged at her and wrapped his arm around her waist in a hard, tight grip. Even if she wanted to leave this life, this planet, he would not let her. Could not.

  She struggled against him, silently crying until he twisted her around to face him. Barely reaching his chin, she wouldn’t look at him as she beat his chest a couple times with her fists. Her words were incoherent and laced with grief. He was pretty sure she called him a heartless bastard too. He wasn’t sure why, but the words pierced him. Hard. That was his brother slowly turning to ash down there. He was hurting too, even if he couldn’t show it. And he hated himself for wanting his dead brother’s mate so badly.

  Just as suddenly, she stopped fighting and molded against him. Her arms wrapped around him and she buried her face against his neck. Shame burned through him as the rest of the clans present tried not to stare at the spectacle they made. No one but Saroya and his brother knew that theirs had not been a true bonding. That only Gage and Saroya had been lovers. But he’d just been a roommate. Now surely everyone knew that she’d preferred his brother over him.

  Goddess, he needed a drink. Her wet tears streamed down the back of his neck and onto his shoulder as her slender body pressed to him. To his absolute fucking horror he felt his cock growing. With her soft body molded against his it was impossible to control himself. He, a trained warrior of Lumineta, could not rule his cock.

  Thankfully she seemed oblivious because she just held him tighter. “Get me out of here.” Her voice was shaky and thick with tears against his neck.

  Without pause or apology, he turned and hurried toward one of the transport platforms. He would do anything she asked, even if it meant leaving his own brother’s funeral. Gage would understand. Still holding her tight, he punched in the code to their home. Moments later they stood in their main living space. The once-bright fire burning in the stone hearth had dwindled considerably.

  As soon as she realized where they were, Saroya shook herself and stepped away from him. Her electric blue eyes glittered with unshed tears. They looked like the bright gems found deep in Lumineta’s mountains. As rare as she was.

  “I’m sorry.” Her voice was soft, hoarse.

  He frowned, and against his better judgment, he cupped her cheek. Touching her was like touching fire but at this moment he didn’t care. He’d just lost his brother and the only female he’d ever cared about stood before him in pain. “For what?”

  She ducked his gaze and stared at the stone floor. Her hands plucked at the sides of her shift. “For shaming you. I should have controlled myself.”

  He forced her chin upward with his finger. “You have nothing to be sorry for. I don’t care what anyone thinks.”

  As their eyes locked, her blue ones filled with too many emotions for him to register. Confusion, pain and something he didn’t understand. Finally she spoke but her voice was strained. “Will you be bringing someone else into our union after the mourning period?”

  “No!” The word came out louder and sooner than he’d intended. He hadn’t expected the question. Though maybe he should have. With the higher ratio of males to females, it was standard practice among his people to bring in another male after six moon cycles. But that wasn’t going to happen. Even if his leader demanded it. He would not. Not for anyone.

  Her brows knitted togethe
r. “Then you wish to let me choose…someone else?” Her voice cracked on the last word as more tears spilled down her cheeks.

  Had she lost her mind? “Why would you ask that?”

  Confusion and a trace of hurt clouded her expression. “You’ve never touched me. Barely look at me. I thought you might want me out of your house. Maybe I’m not your…preference?”

  If he looked at her too much the pain made it difficult to breathe. “You were my brother’s female and this is your house too.”

  Her frown deepened. “According to your culture, I’m yours too. We’re technically mated…unless you decide you don’t want me.”

  He sighed. It had taken most of her females many moon cycles to get used to his people’s way of life. Some still hadn’t chosen males. Saroya had taken to their way of life quickly because of her feelings for his brother. The speed with which she’d embraced their world had made it even harder to keep his hands off her. But he hadn’t been willing to touch her when it had been so obvious she loved his brother. It didn’t matter that he’d been within his rights. Why would she want him, a scarred warrior? He struggled to find the words without confusing her. “I…don’t share.”

  She tucked her bottom lip between her teeth as she digested his words. “So you do wish for me in your bed?”

  “No, yes. I…” Was there a right answer to her question?

  Her eyes flared for a moment, then she shook her head. “I don’t even know why I’m asking about this now,” she muttered as if she were speaking to herself.

  Before he could think of a response, she turned and strode from the room. The soft-soled slippers she wore were silent against the cold floor. Every fiber inside him told him to go after her, to comfort her, but his legs wouldn’t listen.

  Chapter One

  Six Moon Cycles Later

  Saroya stripped her silky black shift off and draped it on the trunk at the end of her bed. She’d hang it up tomorrow. Without bothering with the cover, she fell on top of it and stretched out. Blindly, she stared at the gauzy white canopy draped above her bedposts. She knew Linc would never enter her chambers without announcing himself. And he’d never do that anyway so she didn’t bother with clothes either. As far as she knew, he’d never set foot in her room.

  Her heart was heavy and confused. Many moon cycles had passed and even though she missed Gage and the friendship they’d shared, she still wanted Linc. Was ashamed she fantasized about him even now. She’d been terrified when she’d first learned of the Luminet custom of two males to every female. That’s why she’d aligned herself with Gage so quickly. Only too late she’d realized that they would give females a choice about who they wanted to mate with. Gage had been a good mate, and a kind lover, but she hadn’t loved him. He’d been more of a friend than anything.

  Back then she’d been so scared of their culture until she’d met Linc. Then she’d been nervous but excited. But he’d never touched her. In the six moon cycles she’d been with his brother and the six moon cycles since then, he’d never once touched her. And she’d fantasized more than once about what it would feel like to have those big hands on her body.

  Caressing her breasts. Her pussy. Would he be gentle? Probably not. Everything about him screamed pure male power. To her surprise, she didn’t want gentle. Where Gage had been sweet and caring, their relationship had not been particularly passionate. She’d never initiated sex between them. Had always let him come to her. And she had a feeling he’d known why.

  Her hand strayed between her legs. Maybe it was wrong to think about Linc while she touched herself but she couldn’t help it. Even though her mourning period was officially over she’d been emotional and lonely the past few days. She wanted to feel release and get some sleep.

  Spreading her legs, she lightly touched her clit. It pulsed under her finger. Stroking farther down, she rubbed her slit but didn’t penetrate. Just touched.

  And imagined.

  What would it be like for Linc to feel her there? With his fingers, his tongue…his cock. She’d seen him shirtless before but he’d never allowed her to see more than that. He’d been on a space mission the past three moon cycles and even before that he’d been virtually absent in their home. It was almost as if she lived by herself and she was tired of it. At least she could use the memory of his broad, muscular chest as a starting point for her fantasy.

  Using her wetness she strayed up to her clit and slowly circled it with her finger. Her orgasms were never spectacular when she masturbated but the release would help her sleep. After a few torturous days of tossing and turning, Goddess knew she needed it.

  As she stroked herself, the door flew open. Her eyes widened as they locked with Linc’s dark, equally surprised gaze. Apparently he was back from his mission.

  His stare tracked over her naked body with slow precision. He lifted one muscular arm and rubbed a hand over his dark buzz cut but he didn’t stop staring. He paused at her breasts then continued until he stopped at the juncture between her legs. His mouth parted slightly. A forbidden shaft of erotic pleasure speared her. He liked what he saw.

  Instead of pulling her hand away, she continued touching herself in slow, even strokes. When she did, his gaze snapped back to hers. His expression was full of confusion and heat. Raw, unbridled desire. But just as quickly, he glanced away and started to shut the door.

  “Don’t go.” The whispered words were out before she realized she’d spoken. She didn’t know if she should feel bad about doing this. According to his culture, they should already be sharing a bed. A twinge of guilt lanced through her, but she needed to feel Linc’s strength tonight. She was tired of being alone.

  When he didn’t make a move toward her she knew she’d have to take the first step. She pushed up and off the bed and strode toward him. Her movements were unhurried. As he drank in the sight of her, her nipples hardened under his intense scrutiny. She could tell he wanted her. For the first time since they’d met, she could see it written on his face. But she was still taking a chance of his rejection.

  When she stood in front of him, she reached up and traced her fingers over the scar that crossed his eye, over his cheekbone and all the way down to his square jaw. He always tried to hide that side of his face from people but she didn’t know why. He was a warrior and should be proud. Even if he hadn’t been on the mission that had saved her and her people, all Luminet warriors were brave, if a little intimidating. They looked like throwbacks to a different time. They dressed similar to the Vikings she’d read about from her history.

  He captured her wrist in a dominating grip and held fast. “What the devil are you doing?” His voice was unsteady.

  She stared into his obsidian eyes and forgot to breathe. The dark, dangerous vibe he emanated was powerful and incredibly sexual. How many times had she fantasized about being so close to him? She reached out another hand and traced it along his jaw. There was a slight rasp of stubble even though she guessed he’d shaved that morning.

  He encircled her other wrist, forcing her to look at him. “Saroya?”

  That deep voice was scorching. It made her already hard nipples tingle in awareness. “What did you say?” she murmured.

  “What. Are. You. Doing?” His voice was clipped yet strained.

  She frowned at him and tried to tug her hands free. If she needed to explain it then obviously he didn’t want her the way she’d thought. Her cheeks burned in embarrassment. “Let me go.”

  Instead, he pulled her until she was flush against him. His erection was hard and hot against her even through his trousers.

  “You think I’ll throw you out now that the mourning period is over? Even I’m not that much of an animal.” His laugh was harsh and dry. “Not that you’d have much trouble finding someone to take you in. You must know that.” He dragged her even harder against him. His cock insistently stabbed her abdomen.

  She didn’t understand why he seemed upset but she slipped her arms around his neck and savored the feel of hi
s erection and hard body. “I don’t understand what you’re saying,” she whispered as she focused on his lips. Just once she’d like to—

  “You don’t have to use your body in exchange for my protection. Something you should know by now.” His voice was filled with disgust. Abruptly he stepped back and was gone before she could blink.

  Her door shut with a quiet click and a slow building fury grew inside her as she finally digested his words.

  After slipping on a robe, she slung the door open and stalked down to his room. The stone steps were so cold—the whole damn house always seemed cold—so she picked up her pace. Maybe she should care about her state of dress but she was so far beyond that.

  Without bothering to knock she shoved his door open. He sat on the edge of the huge bed, his face buried in his hands. He jerked up when he saw her.

  “Did I do something to offend you? Or is it just my presence in general?” she demanded.

  “No.” His voice was hoarse.

  “I don’t understand you, Linc. I didn’t think you even wanted me, then…well, I don’t think you were faking that reaction, were you?”

  His jaw hardened. “No.”

  “Then why did you push me away?”

  “I don’t want you coming to me because you think you need protection. I know your official mourning period is over and I’m not going to kick you out. I’d never do that,” he muttered. He rubbed his hand over his buzz cut and let out a string of curses.

  She frowned. “Protection? I want you, Linc. In my bed. That’s all.”

  When he just stared at her, she was suddenly aware of how naked she actually was. The robe offered so little protection and under his hot gaze, she might as well be nude. She wrapped her arms around her chest and took a small step back. Maybe this had been a huge mistake. Before she could take another step, he’d crossed the room and his hands tightly gripped her hips.


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