Fated Redemption [Kindred of Arkadia 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)

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Fated Redemption [Kindred of Arkadia 8] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) Page 3

by Alanea Alder

  “We’re heading out too. I have a feeling they will need someone to watch Lucian while they are in the meeting, and who better than his favorite uncles?” Rian said, standing with Damian.

  “Chin up, Rhys, everything will work itself out.” Damian smiled warmly.

  “We need to hurry, I want time to stop at Nic’s and grab some coffee before heading home,” Rian said.

  “Good idea.” Damian nodded and they left the diner talking about their next caffeine fix.

  Moe walked over to Rhys and pulled him into his arms. Rhys sagged against him leaning on him just to stay upright.

  “How about we grab some extra meals, Peyton’s lunch, and head back to the bar? We have all afternoon to relax before the bar opens this evening.” Moe easily supported his mate. Rhys never looked up, just nodded as he kept his face buried in Moe’s chest.

  “Ma, can I get a meatloaf lunch with extra gravy, pie and coffee for Peyton, and a couple of boxed lunches for Rhys and I for later?” Moe asked.

  “Of course son, give me one second.” Ma kissed her grandson on the top of his head before doing the same to his mother.

  “You head straight home and rest. Doc said you’re still anemic from the blood loss from having my grandson. You need to take your iron and get some sleep.”

  “Yes, ma’am.” Rebecca yawned and struggled slightly with the car seat. Aleks looked torn. Moe could clearly tell he didn’t want Rebecca driving. Moe was about to offer her a ride when Ashby and Gabriel stepped forward with Arthur all bundled up.

  “We can take her home. We carry an extra car seat base in the trunk in the event Rebecca and Ashby need to go somewhere together. That way you have your car for later. Aleks, I imagine you want to…check in on that wolf beta and the lawyer.” Gabriel wrapped a steadying arm around Rebecca and gently took the car seat with the other. Aleks let out a sigh of relief.

  “I’d really appreciate that. I want to make sure they understand the rules of Arkadia,” Aleks said ominously.

  “Please convey my personal safety advice to them.” Gabriel’s eyes flashed red.

  Aleks’s grin was devious.

  “Of course.”

  “Rhys, if you ever get bored hanging around that bar you’re more than welcome to come over and be Super Nanny.” Rebecca leaned forward and kissed his mate’s cheek.

  “You are one exceptional woman, Alpha Mother. If we weren’t mated…” Rhys wagged his eyebrows, eliciting giggles from Rebecca and growls from Aleks.

  “Great. Now I have to watch out for the pair of you.” Aleks pointed to him and Rhys.

  Moe looked over to Aleks, surprised.

  “What did I do?”

  Aleks just scowled. He leaned his huge frame over the car seat in Gabriel’s hand and kissed his son. He stood only slightly straighter before kissing Rebecca.

  “I’ll see you at home, love.”

  “Hurry,” she said, waving good-bye as he left.

  “Come on, Becca, let’s head to your place. I bet you still have some of that lemon drop cake left, don’t you?” Ashby licked his lips.

  “You know I do.”

  “I would like a slice as well. The piece that mon ange brought home from his last visit didn’t go very far between the two of us,” Gabriel said, surprising Moe. Rebecca gently nudged Gabriel in the ribs.

  “I knew I could convert you to a sweets eater.”

  “I have to admit, everything you have made thus far has been exquisite.”

  “Bring some home, we haven’t had any yet.” Daniel pouted.

  “Come on you two, I have a new project in mind and it will be perfect for keeping you two out of trouble. Then I’m off to Purgatory. I have several conferences with the Regional Coven Leaders scheduled over the next month or two that will keep me out of town for a while.” Roman stood.

  “Is it illegal?”

  “Is it dangerous?” they asked. Roman nodded.

  “We’re in.” They chimed in together and followed Roman out to their car.

  “Will they be okay?” Ashby asked, biting his lower lip. Gabriel winked at his mate.

  “Let’s go.” Rebecca smiled at her friends and they left.

  “Here you go boys. I packed an extra pie for you. Now Rhys, you let this wonderful man take care of you.” Ma walked up and handed the white plastic bags containing their to-go boxes to Rhys.

  “He is wonderful isn’t he?” Moe felt himself starting to blush.

  “I always thought so.”

  “Bye, Ma.” Moe waved.

  “Bye, boys.”

  Chapter 2

  Moe held Rhys’s hand firmly as they walked back to the bar. Whenever he looked over at his mate he could tell that his mind was a thousand miles away from him, and he didn’t like it one bit.

  Moe unlocked the door and held it open for Rhys. He closed the door behind him and locked it again. With Glenn in town Peyton would double and triple check the locks when they weren’t open, at the time Moe thought he was overreacting. Now he wasn’t so sure.

  Rhys followed behind him as they made their way up the stairs to the second floor.

  “I have something to tell you. You are not Mary’s father.” The sound of Peyton’s daytime soaps drifted into the hallway. Moe knocked and heard the sounds of Peyton scrambling for the door. When it swung open, Peyton’s eyes were misty.

  “So Connie turned out to be a slut after all, huh?” Moe asked, and handed him a to-go box. Peyton’s head bobbed.

  “I knew she had a thing going on with Derek. She is going to break Steve’s heart!” Peyton actually looked worried for the fictional Steve.

  “I bet she contracts a disease,” Rhys said. Peyton’s eyes widened.

  “That would make sense! She has been complaining about her head hurting after the drug lord kidnapped her.” Peyton looked deep in thought. Moe turned to look at Rhys, who winked up at him.

  “Okay we’ll leave you to it. Enjoy lunch.” Moe waved.

  Peyton just nodded absently and shut the door.

  They didn’t say anything until they had made their way up the stairs and had firmly closed their door behind them.

  “Oh my God, he is too adorable.” Rhys laughed and collapsed on their bed. Moe put the boxes in their refrigerator and walked across the open studio apartment to the bed. He kicked off his shoes and lay down next to his mate.

  “You don’t watch that show do you?” Moe asked.

  “No, but if you’ve seen one, you’ve seen them all. Lauri was addicted to soaps in the seventies, I can’t imagine they’ve changed all that much since then.” Rhys turned on his side to face him.

  “You know I won’t let them near you, right?” Moe asked, as he watched a shadow cross Rhys’s features.

  “I don’t want anything to happen to you.” Rhys wrapped his arms around himself.

  Moe reached over and pulled him into his arms.

  “I only hope that they give me a reason. I haven’t forgotten that Salsiby is partly responsible for petitioning for your death.” Moe growled low and pulled Rhys flush against his body.

  Rhys shuddered as their cocks rubbed against each other through their jeans. Moe breathed through his nose and tried to reign in his growing desire.

  “Baby, I am holding on by a thread here, you’re going to have to tell me you’re not ready.” Moe ran his hand up and down Rhys’s back. Rhys looked up and with regret in his eyes scooted back away from Moe.

  “I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to tease. I don’t think I’m ready. The moment I find release my body will want blood, I can’t risk drinking directly from you. I need more time.” Rhys brought his arm up to cover his eyes.

  Moe pulled Rhys’s arm down and leaned forward to pepper his face with kisses.

  “I meant what I said. We’re going to take this at your pace. I’m not going to lie, I want you more than my next breath, but I’m not willing to send you into a relapse for sex.” Moe pulled Rhys back into his arms. He was unwilling to let their bodies be separ
ated, he had waited too long for them to be together.

  “I’m sorry,” Rhys whispered.

  “Hush, get some rest.” Moe rubbed up and down on Rhys’s arms, mimicking Rhys’s nervous gesture. Slowly Rhys relaxed and fell asleep.

  * * * *

  The sound of glass breaking had Rhys turning to see Peyton frantically turning this way and that, staring at the floor. Rhys waved a concerned-looking Moe off and went over to help the smaller man. Evening came quicker than they had both liked and it was time to open the bar.

  “Hey Peyton, need some help?” Rhys asked. He crouched down and started picking up shards of glass.

  “I swear I didn’t mean to!” Peyton pleaded. Rhys laid a calming hand on Peyton’s shoulder.

  “I have an idea. How about I take over at the bar, and you can walk around and take orders?” Rhys suggested. Peyton paused and looked over at Rhys.

  “Are you sure? That would be amazing. I really suck at being a bartender. But I don’t want you getting stuck doing it.” Peyton looked dejected.

  “Peyton, before I came here I was a bartender at Purgatory. It’s what I do.” Rhys laughed at Peyton’s hopeful expression. Was he really that bad at bartending? It caught him by surprise at how easy it was to laugh lately, being with Moe made all the difference in the world.

  “Seriously? You mean I don’t have to do it anymore? Thank God!” Peyton practically sobbed. Rhys wrapped an arm around the smaller shifter.

  “Go put on an apron and see what people want. I’ll finish cleaning up here.” Rhys gave him a one-armed hug and pushed him toward the open room. Peyton beamed at him, and Rhys was taken aback at how utterly handsome he was.

  “Yes, go ahead, Peyton.” Moe’s low voice moved through him. Peyton smiled again at Rhys and took off like an over-caffeinated rabbit. Rhys grabbed the rest of the larger pieces of glass and stood. He threw them away and had just picked up the foxtail and dustpan when he realized Moe was still standing at the end of the bar. When he looked up, Moe’s gray eyes had darkened to an unreadable onyx.

  It dawned on him that Moe was jealous. He couldn’t hide his satisfied smile if he tried. Moe’s smoldering eyes and shadowed jaw coupled with the ink peeking out from his black tee shirt made him look dark and dangerous. God help him his man was so damn sexy right now. He put the foxtail and dustpan down and sauntered over to Moe.

  “Hey baby, you do know that you’re it for me, right?” Rhys looped his arms around the large man’s waist. Moe took a deep breath and crushed him against his muscled frame.

  “I’m sorry, it’s just we haven’t mated yet, and my monkey is going nuts.” Moe’s eyes widened when he realized what he said. Rhys couldn’t help the chuckle and slid his hand between their bodies to cup his mate’s bulging package. He saw Moe’s eyes practically cross as he dropped his head back on his shoulders.

  “I may not be ready for sex, but I won’t leave my mate in such a state. I’ll take care of your monkey, baby.” Rhys stroked him through his jeans.

  “Now? You’re ready now?” Moe looked down at him almost in tears. In the background Peyton fired up the jukebox. Rhys winked.

  “Now you have something to look forward to.” Rhys gave the impressive bulge one final squeeze and stepped back.

  “Heart—heartless.” Moe took deep breaths and reached down to readjust himself.

  “Oh, Moe darling!” An older woman’s voice carried across the bar. Rhys nearly laughed out loud as he saw his mate’s “problem” quickly deflate. Moe turned to him.

  “You wouldn’t want to serve some nice older ladies would you?” he asked. Rhys shook his head.

  “Go get ‘em, lover.” He blew kisses at Moe and turned to finish cleaning up behind the bar before the night crowd started.

  “Coming, Ms. Tully!” Moe shook his head and walked to the other end of the bar.

  Rhys looked around and smiled. He was behind a bar again, he felt like he had returned home. This he could handle with his eyes closed and one hand tied behind his back.

  He had just finished setting up behind the bar the way he liked it when he heard a throat clear.

  “Excuse me, barkeep.”

  Rhys turned around and smiled. Rian and Damian had taken seats at the bar.

  “What can I get you, gentlemen?”

  “Thank god, a real bartender,” Damian exclaimed.

  “I love Peyton to death, but he couldn’t make a drink for shit. Where is his tweaky little self anyway?” Rian asked.

  Rhys pointed to where Peyton was chatting with Gina and Cecelia at a corner table.

  “He’s much better suited as a waiter. He looks happier.” Damian nodded his approval.

  “He reminds me of a guy I know from Purgatory. Micah was constantly dropping glassware, but insisted he wanted to be a bartender. Roman would damn near cry at the end of every month when we had to shell out money for more glasses.” Rhys laughed.

  He looked over and Rian was watching him with a strange look on his face.


  “You look like you again. Maybe being in your natural ‘habitat’ helps.”

  “He’s not a damn zoo animal, Ri!” Damian gave Rhys an apologetic look.

  “God I need a decent drink.” Rian exhaled, pouting.

  “Don’t worry, Rian, I have just the thing for you.” Rhys reached behind him and grabbed three bottles. He poured a thick white liquor in the bottom of two shot glasses. Then he carefully layered a green and blue liquor, one on top of the other. When both drinks were done he scooted them over to Rian and Damian.

  They eyed the green and blue liquids in wonder.

  “It’s so pretty, what is it?” Rian asked.

  “My own secret mix. I call it ‘Underwater Blow Job’.” Rhys crossed his arms and waited.

  “Now I have to try it.” Rian looked over at Damian and smirked. “Bottoms up.”

  “Ass.” Damian shook his head.

  “Exactly,” Rian leered before they both slammed the drink down. Looking astonished they glanced at each other before turning to Rhys.

  “I so want another one of those.” Damian picked his shot glass up and tried licking the liquid out of the bottom.

  “Me too!” Rian swirled his finger around the bottom of his shot glass to get more of the thick Irish cream.

  Rhys laughed and poured them both another drink.

  To his left he heard women’s laughter. He turned to see his mate flexing for the group of older women and they were catcalling and cheering him on. Rhys laughed out loud at the spectacle.

  “Leave me alone!” Peyton’s frantic voice had Rhys turning to see what was going on. While he had been distracted ogling his mate, the wolf beta Glenn had come in and was harassing Peyton. He was seated at a booth and had a hand wrapped around Peyton’s upper arm. Gina and Cecelia looked scared. Rhys bit back a growl.

  “Rhys, darlin’, can I get a cup of boiling water for some tea?” Rian asked, his usually playful eyes serious. Grinning evilly, he went over to the hot water dispenser and filled an entire water glass full of extremely hot water.

  “Here you go, Rian.”

  “Thank you, darlin’.” Rian stood with the glass and walked over to the booth. Damian slid off the barstool and quietly walked the long way about the bar so that he was standing behind the booth unseen by the wolf. Rian, however, made no efforts to hide. He swaggered right up to where Glenn was shaking Peyton around like a puppet.

  “Come on, you little slut. I know you must have missed me.” Glenn growled.

  “Hey, Peyton, when are you coming by to take my order? Oops!” Rian acted like he tripped over one of the chairs and the tall glass of scalding hot water was flung into the beta’s face and completely saturated the man from eyebrow to groin.

  The beta immediately released Peyton who ducked behind Rian and roared out his anger. He cocked his arm back to punch Rian when Damian shoved the long wooden booth, forward pinning the beta between the booth and the table.

. Sorry, didn’t see you there. I dropped a quarter and thought it would be under this booth, I didn’t know you were sitting here.” Damian even managed to sound sorry.

  Glenn shoved the seat back and squared off against Rian and Damian.

  “I’m going to kill you!” he yelled.

  Rian turned to Damian.

  “That sounds like a death threat to me. Does that sound like a death threat to you?”

  “Why yes it does. Ms. Tully, did that sound like a death threat to you ladies?” Damian asked, raising his voice.

  “Yes it did, Damian dear.” Ms. Tully and the entire sewing circle glared daggers at the beta.

  “I don’t need to call the Sheriff, do I?” Moe asked, moving to stand directly between Glenn and Rian and Damian.

  “No, I’m leaving. We can catch up later, Peyton,” he sneered. He pushed past Moe and left.

  “What a D-bag!” Ms. Tully exclaimed.

  “You can say that again Ms. Tully,” Rian agreed.

  Rhys came from behind the bar to check on Peyton.

  “Are you okay, Peyton?” he asked.

  “Yes, I’m fine thanks to Rian and Damian.” He turned to the two lions.

  “You guys were so badass!” he said excitedly. Peyton was staring at them with stars in his eyes.

  Rian grinned and high-fived Damian.

  “Come on, little man, we’ll tell you some of our college escapades.” Damian wrapped a brotherly arm around Peyton.

  “When are they going to leave us alone?” Rhys asked turning to his mate.

  “As soon as Salsiby realizes he doesn’t have a case.” Moe leaned down and kissed him on the cheek.

  “How are you doing?” Moe frowned his concern.

  “Tonight has been a good night, despite that asshole making a scene. I feel comfortable in my own skin for the first time in a long time.”

  “See, Fate knew what she was doing. I own a bar and you’re a bartender. Perfect fit.”

  “I don’t know what I did to earn her favor but I am not going to look a gift horse in the mouth.” Rhys stood on tiptoe to whisper into his mate’s ear.


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