I'll Be There: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 5)

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I'll Be There: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 5) Page 1

by Shanade White

  Table of Contents

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  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

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  I'll Be There

  Brother From Money 5

  A complete, sexy BWWM billionaire romance by Shanade White of BWWM Club. Features another free bonus book.

  Annabelle’s been through some serious tragedy - her home was invaded, her parents were killed, and she was shot in the hip.

  But she’s rebuilding a new life, heading to Colorado to work for the Terrells as a nanny and start a new life.

  It’s there she meets Michael, a handsome young construction manager helping his cousins with the restoration of their mansion.

  There’s instant attraction, and soon the two are falling in love hard!

  But there’s trouble brewing in paradise.

  With the men who killed her parents trying to track Annabelle down, and Michael’s bullying older brother showing up determined to tear them apart, will their love crash?

  Or will they find the strength to rise above it all and find their happily ever after?

  Find out in this fast-paced yet passionate romance by Shanade White of BWWM Club.

  Suitable for over 18s only due to sex scenes so hot, you’ll desire your own billionaire hunk to run to!

  Tip: Search BWWM Club on Amazon to see more of our great books.

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  Copyright © 2016 to Shanade White and AfroRomanceBooks.com. No part of this book can be copied or distributed without written permission from the above copyright holders.


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Free Book - Evgeni, My Russian Savior

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

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  Chapter 1

  Michael knew he should pull the car over and rest for a few minutes. He’d been on the road for nearly twelve hours, determined to put as much of the trip behind him the first day. He’d charted the trip on a map before he left California, an old fashioned way to plan a trip, but sometimes the old ways worked best. He’d been using the GPS on his phone as well, the mechanical voice some company if nothing else.

  Things back home hadn’t exactly gone the way he’d expected, his brothers as usual had treated him like a child. He’d always been treated differently as the baby of the family, born when his oldest brother was thirteen, the age difference had prevented he and Scott from having the kind of relationship brothers usually shared. The kind of relationship Scott shared with their other brother Marc.

  The two of them were inseparable, only three years apart, they’d shared a close relationship their whole lives. Always united in their love of torturing Michael, from the innocent teasing to the constant pranks that often left Michael in frustrated tears. Scott had always been the leader, Marc following his orders like any good side kick, never taking the time to consider his own opinions.

  Nothing had changed as they’d grown up, except that Michael had grown up enough to defend himself from Scott and Marc’s attacks and tricks. As bad as it had been, at least he’d had his father, who doted on him. Now as an adult he could understand why his brothers had hated him, because to him that had been how it felt growing up. Up until he’d been born the four of them had made the perfect little family, so it had been a shock when he’d come along.

  As the dark countryside rushed by, he thought about the pictures of the family before he’d been born, all four of them blonde and perfect living a charmed life. But when he’d been born, everything had changed. The four of them became five and the balance was distorted forever, especially when the five became four again with their mother’s death only a few years later.

  He knew that his brother’s blamed him for her death, they had made that clear more than once. His father however had reacted the opposite way, spending all his time caring for the toddler, only using hired help when absolutely necessary. It had created a gulf between the brothers that had only widened when he’d gone off to college, since neither of his brother’s had gone.

  Scott had scoffed at the idea, “I don’t need to go to school to learn how to run the business, you can teach me everything I need to know.” He’d said, waving away the application packet his father had handed him.

  “Son, there’s more to learn in this world than how to run a business. College will give you more than just an education. You’re young, you should be out having fun.” His father had said, trying to hand the application back.

  Scott had thrown it to the floor, where Michael had picked it up later after his father and Scott had left the room. “Look pop, I know you had to work hard to get your degree, but school’s just not for me. I already know how to run the business, I just want to go to work and start making money.”

  Michael could see how disappointed his father had been, but knew when he’d lost an argument so he’d let Scott have his way and instead of college he’d started at the construction company that was the foundation of the family business. It had been no shock when Marc had followed in his brother’s footsteps and gone right to work after graduation.

  Since then, with the help of their father, they had created an empire that was worth billions. What had started as a construction company, was now a multi-billion dollar enterprise, with investments all over the world. Scott now ran the company with Marc at his side doing his bidding since their father had retired a few years ago.

  Both of his brothers had dedicated their lives to making money, Scott’s fascination with accumulating wealth bordering on an obsession. Michael knew the importance of running a thriving profitable business, but the bottom line wasn’t as important to him as his brothers. He’d grown up listening to his father’s stories of how he struck out on his own to build what they had today.

  He’d fallen in love with the idea of creating something, planning to spend his life running the construction division of Terrell Enterprises, while his brothers took care of th
e rest of the business. He’d had his life all planned out, college to get the rounded education his father thought was so important, then head of Terrell Construction and a life of creating not only beauty but functionality.

  Up until the last few weeks, things had been going according to plan, he’d gotten an excellent education both at school and at the jobs that he worked during the summer. One of those summer jobs had been working for a contractor who specialized in the rehabilitation of old buildings. They’d spent an entire summer restoring an old church, bringing it back to its original glory one layer at a time.

  From that moment on, Michael had been planning to create a new division of the company specializing in the restoration of historical properties. He'd been in the process of recruiting a crew of very skilled workers who were all willing to go where ever the work might take them. It would be an adventure as well as an opportunity to travel all over the country.

  He’d kept his plans a secret until he’d graduated from college, then business plan in hand, he’d presented his proposal to his father and brothers. But things hadn’t gone as smoothly as he’d hoped. Scott was immediately against the plan, informing Michael that he’d decided to sell the construction company, because it wasn’t bringing in the profits it had in the past.

  This was not something that had been previously discussed with anyone in the family, it having always been understood that Michael would take over someday. “Son, where has this come from? That company is where all this came from.” Nicolas said, looking at his oldest son.

  “I’ve been thinking about it for a long time, but when I thought that Michael would be coming home and taking over I was willing to let things go for a while. But now that he’s got this crazy idea, I think it’s time to let the whole thing go.” Scott had said, crossing his arms over his chest defensively.

  “And you didn’t think you should discuss this with me?” their father had said.

  “You retired and left the business to me to run as I thought best. This decision is what’s best for the company.”

  “Marc, you agree with your brother?”

  “Dad, Scott only has the best interests of the company in mind. The construction company makes the least money for the company.” Marc said, after looking at Scott for permission to speak.

  It made Michael furious to see how much control Scott had over his brother. He’d always hoped that he’d be close to Marc one day, but he realized that it would never happen as long as Scott had control over him. At times, it was difficult to watch how much Marc idolized his older brother, even going so far as to dress like him. Like Scott he’d never married or even had a serious relationship as far as he knew.

  Scott had decided long ago that women weren’t worth the effort it took to make them happy, many times he’d lectured Michael about the evils of women. How they’d spend all his money, want all his time, and make his life difficult if they didn’t get their way. Michael was sure that many of his brothers problems stemmed from losing their mother at such a difficult age, but any time he’d tried to talk to Scott about it, he’d shut him down.

  He’d long ago given up on any kind of relationship with his brothers but he’d never dreamed Scott would pull his life’s dream away to make him suffer, but that felt like exactly what he’d done. Of course he’d never accuse Scott of that, but he had a feeling he’d been planning this all along.

  “Well, I don’t know where that leaves Michael then.” Nicholas had said, clearly displeased with his oldest son.

  “I’m not sure either. I’m sure we can find room for him somewhere at the home office, he’s got that fancy college degree.” Scott said, with a false smile.


  Annabelle sat down in her favorite chair in the sun, loving the feel of the warmth soaking into her sore muscles. After nearly two years, she’d just finished what would be her last therapy session at Peterson Manors, which had been her home during her long recovery. Now the doctors had decided that she was ready to go home, except she had no idea where home was going to be.

  At only twenty years old, she’d been through more in the last two years than any young woman her age should have had to. The worst part was that she’d had to go through it alone, well not completely alone, she had the people from the church who had never given up on her. Even when she’d been at her worst, shouting at people and hurting people’s feeling on purpose, the women had continued to visit her and the men had kept her room full of flowers.

  She’d made peace with her behavior and the people she’d hurt long ago, now eternally grateful for their stalwart support when she’d been too broken to appreciate it. In fact Minnie would be picking her up tomorrow so she could stay with her until she figured out what she was going to do with her life now that she was healed.

  Before she’d been hurt, her life had been laid out for her, college, then a career in cancer research just like her father. Her mother had pushed her towards teaching, but she’d never been comfortable in front of large groups, if she’d been able to teach kids that would have been fine. But her mother had big dreams of her being a college professor just like her.

  “Honey, it would be a waste of your mind to teach children their alphabet and how to add. No, you need to think bigger.” Her mother had said, when she’d suggested elementary education.

  She’d finished her first two years of college, refusing to attend summer school or load her class schedule to finish early. For once in her life she’d stood up to her parents, moved into the dorms and enjoyed herself. Passing her classes had been a breeze, with her intelligence allowing her to ride out her first two years with little effort. By the end of sophomore year, she’d had her break and was ready to throw herself into her studies again.

  Her parents hadn’t stopped riding her about coasting, but they’d learned enough to give her some space. To their utter joy, when she registered for classes in the fall, she bumped up her course load and filled it with math and science classes. However, she made it clear to them that she was going to spend the summer doing things she liked, before buckling down again.

  She got a job working with the summer program in town, took several trips, including one to the mountains in Colorado camping. She fell in love with the rugged terrain and untamed nature of the mountains, vowing to return in the winter and try skiing. The little town of Pleasant Valley where they’d gotten a room after spending a week sleeping in a tent, had charmed her and she couldn’t wait to see it blanketed in snow.

  Growing up in the south, she’d never seen snow and everyone she talked to said Pleasant Valley always got the best snow. She’d promised herself on the way out of town that she’d come back and go skiing that winter, but when she got home events out of her control would make that impossible.

  She’d been home for a week when her dad had started acting weird. He was restless, constantly getting up and pacing around the house. He’d close the drapes, then peek out at the street, then go to the alarm and check to make sure it was on. The phone would ring and he’d race to answer it before she or her mother could get there. When either of them asked what was wrong, he denied that there was anything the matter and stomped off to his study.

  Her mother seemed to be as clueless as she was, couldn’t even guess what the problem might be. Together they resolved to make him tell them what was wrong the next night at dinner, they couldn’t go on this way. There was so much tension in the house that Annabelle was thinking about going back to school early.

  That night her mother set the table in the big dining room, Annabelle had always loved the room which had a set of glass doors that opened onto the garden. Even in the deep of winter, her mother had been able to grow flowers thanks to California’s mild winters. With the doors open, no matter the season, the dining room would be full of the fragrance of flowers.

  With the lights turned down low and candles on the table, it was a magical setting, one designed to relax her father. But when he saw the open doo
rs, he rushed over and slammed them shut and locked them. “What are those doors doing open?” He screamed at them.

  Shocked they stared at him with their mouths hanging open. When he realized what he’d just done, he sat down heavily on a chair and looked at both of them, clearly sorry he’d yelled, but reluctant to say why.

  “What’s going on?” Her mother had finally asked when he didn’t say anything. “We know something is going on, you’ve been behaving strangely all week.”

  Her father sighed, “I didn’t want to tell you, I was hoping the whole thing would just go away.” He said, running his fingers through his hair.

  “You’re still not making any sense. What is it you want to go away?” Her mother was beginning to get scared and it was coming across as anger.

  “I solved the problem with the cancer drug. When I’m finished we’ll have the first cancer vaccine that can prevent almost all kinds of cancer.” He said, getting up to pace around the room.

  “But that’s great. I still don’t understand what the problem is.” Her mother said, getting up and going over to where her father was sitting and putting her hands on his shoulders, something her mother always did when her father was upset.

  “It’s great, but what’s not so great is all the people who want to get their hands on the vaccine.”

  “Well, of course. It will change the face of modern medicine. It’s always been your dream.”

  Without a word, her father got up from the table and disappeared into the back of the house. They could hear him rifling through his desk, then he appeared with a stack of envelopes in his hands. “Look at these and you’ll understand.” He said, handing the stack to her mother.

  Her mother took an envelope, opened it then quickly scanned the contents. “This doesn’t look that bad, they’re offering you a lot of money for the vaccine. We knew that would happen.”

  “Look at another one.” He said, pointing to the stack of letters.

  She pulled another one off the stack and opened it. This time as she read the letter, her face began to change, the happy look soon replaced by concern. “This is a threat.” She said, sitting heavily down at the table.


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