I'll Be There: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 5)

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I'll Be There: BWWM Romance (Brothers From Money Book 5) Page 12

by Shanade White

  He slapped a twenty dollar bill on the table and pushed Annabelle out of the restaurant in front of him. They walked to his truck in silence, Annabelle afraid of Michael for the first time. She felt terrible that she’d made the situation worse, but she hadn’t been able to hold her tongue. A person should only have to take so much. When they got to his apartment, she followed him in, trying to think of the right words to apologize.

  As soon as they were through the door, Michael slammed his keys on the table by the door. “Michael I’m sorry, I know I should have just kept my mouth shut but I couldn’t help it. I’ve been bullied all my life and I’m not taking it anymore.” She said, deciding that maybe she wasn’t so sorry.

  Michael looked at her, all the anger draining from his face. “I’m not mad at you, you were great. I didn’t know there was a lioness inside you, it was really hot.” He said, pulling her into his arms. “I wouldn’t mind seeing that side of you more often.”

  Annabelle shuttered with relief, wrapping her arms around him and resting her head on his chest. “I thought you were mad because you lost your expert.”

  “I don’t really care about that, I didn’t like the way she was talking to you. You know that none of the stuff she said is true.” He said, pulling back to look at her.

  “I know, she was just trying to make problems between us, but what she didn’t count on is that I trust you, not to mention I know you well enough to know that a woman like that wouldn’t be your style.”

  “And what would my style of woman be?” He asked in a teasing tone of voice.

  “Well, I......” Annabelle stammered, blushing.

  Michael took her hand and pulled her back towards the bedroom, “Well, let’s see first she should blush adorably when she’d embarrassed, second she should be part innocent and part lioness, and third she should be soft in all the right places.” He said, pulling her down on the bed and burying his face in her breasts. “And by the way, I love it when you get jealous, your eyes get all fierce, it’s very hot.”

  “Just don’t make a practice of making me jealous.” She said, biting his lip when he tried to kiss her.

  “I can’t help it if women find me irresistible.” He said. When Annabelle tried to get out of bed, he quickly added. “But there’s only one woman I want and that’s you.” She let him pull her back into bed, then opened her mouth to reply, but his mouth found hers and the discussion was over.

  Annabelle was staring out the window of her room a few weeks later, spring was in full swing, the snow melt creating rivers of water and turning the roads to mud. She was unhappy because she’d hardly seen Michael since the night he’d fired Carolyn, she understood that he was busy, but it didn’t make her any less lonely.

  Besides being short one craftsman, he’d been having some other problems on the job. A seasoned contractor would have been better able to handle the stress, but Michael was still trying to prove himself. He’d assured her that none of the problems were huge, but he’d been working from sun up to sun down.

  He’d promised to make time to see her tonight, but he’d called a few minutes ago, a worried note in his voice, to cancel their plans. She was angry and abruptly ended the call, but now she felt guilty for not being more supportive. The temptation to get in the car and drive to town and talk to him was great, but if he was in the middle of another crisis she’d only make things worse.

  Grabbing her phone, she decided to send him a text message apologizing for her behavior. Then she wouldn’t have to feel guilty, she sent the text not expecting a response but Michael texted her right back that he’d be there later. Smiling, she put her phone down and feeling much better went in search of some company.

  They’d just finished dinner when there was a knock on the front door, they all looked at one another not expecting any company that night. Whoever was outside knocked insistently on the door again, Donovan got to his feet with Sebastian right behind him. There was the sound of hushed voices, then Donovan poked his head into the kitchen.

  “Garrett could you come to the library with me.”

  Garrett took one look at Donovan’s face and rose to his feet without any questions. When he walked into the room the sight of the man standing by the fireplace stopped him for a minute until he realized that it wasn’t Michael, but one of his brothers.

  “About time, I assume you’re Garrett. I’m Scott, Michael’s older brother, I’ve come to rescue him from the mess I hear he’s made.” The man said, crossing his arms over his chest, a satisfied smile spreading across his face.

  Garrett was instantly on his guard, this was not a very nice man standing in front of him. It appeared that he thought Michael was in some kind of trouble and was taking great joy in it. “Why don’t you come sit down? I’m Garrett and I assume you’ve met Donovan and Sebastian. You must be one of Uncle Nicholas’s other sons.”

  “Yes, I’m the oldest, but let’s not waste time on all that. I need to know how bad it is. I’m prepared to do what’s needed to get Michael out of whatever problem he’s gotten himself into. I told him that this was a waste of his time, but as usual he wouldn’t listen to me.” Scott said, taking a seat in front of Garrett’s desk and surveying the room and its contents, clearly evaluating its worth.

  “Well, I’m not sure what problem you think Michael has, as far as I know everything is going according to plan. I’m not really involved in the renovations, you’d have to talk to Nate about that and he’s not here tonight.” Garrett knew that Nate was upstairs with Allison and the baby right then, but wasn’t going to spoil his night as well. Until he knew what was going on, he planned to go forward very carefully.

  “Well, where is he? When will he be home?” Scott demanded.

  “I’m not sure, but I really think tomorrow will be soon enough for us to get to the bottom of this.” Garrett said, putting an end to the discussion.

  “Look Garrett,” Scott began, his voice condescending, “I’m a busy man, I don’t have time to waste waiting around, I’d like to get this solved and be on the next plane out of this place as soon as I can.”

  “Well, I’m sorry neither Michael nor Nate are here tonight. You’ll just have to come back tomorrow.” Garrett was quickly losing his temper with his rude cousin.

  “I also want to speak to you about the money my brothers and I have been cheated out of all these years.” Scott said, standing up to leave.

  “What money?” Garrett asked.

  “The money we should have been getting from the trust fund all these years, you’ve cheated us out of what is rightfully ours and I intend to collect that money for myself and my brothers. It will help bail Michael out if nothing else.” Scott said, then stomped to the front door, slamming it on his way out.

  Annabelle had been standing at the top of the stairs listening to their conversation, she really didn’t care who caught her, she’d heard Michael’s name mentioned and stopped. She came slowly down the stairs and poked her head into the library. Garrett saw her and motioned for her to come in.

  “I’m sorry I have to admit I was listening, but I couldn’t hear everything. Is Michael in some kind of trouble? I know he’s been having problems with the restaurant renovations but I didn’t think it was that bad.” She said, feeling even worse about her behavior earlier that day.

  “He has run into some problems but we’re still way ahead of schedule, losing Carolyn was a bit of a blow, but he’s already found someone else.” Garrett said, clearly as confused as she was.

  “That was my fault.” She said. “You can’t blame Michael”

  “Oh, that needed to happen, that woman was dangerous. You actually did us a favor. Honestly Annabelle, I can’t think of any reason Michael’s brother would think he’s in trouble. We’ll just have to wait until then and see what he has to say.”

  “Okay, but I need to tell Michael. He said he’d be stopping by tonight, he needs to be warned. His brother doesn’t seem like a very nice man.�
�� Annabelle said, thinking that although they looked a lot alike the scowl on Scott’s face when he’d come through the entry way had made him ugly.

  “I would have to agree with both of those statements.” Garrett said, then stopped when they all heard the front door open.

  Michael went right by the library, obviously on his way to the sunroom where Annabelle spent most of her time. Annabelle rushed after him, calling his name. He stopped when he heard her and turned, then rushed over to her immediately when he saw the look on her face.

  “What wrong? What’s happened? I don’t know if I can handle another emergency today.” He said, pulling her into his arms.

  “Maybe you better come into the library, we had a visitor a few minutes ago and I don’t think you’re going to be happy.” Annabelle said, squeezing his hand.

  “I don’t like the sound of that.” He said, not liking it any more when he saw all three brothers gathered around the desk.

  Garrett got right to the point, explaining about Scott’s visit, and his threats. When he’d finished Michael leaned over, elbows on his knees, his head in his hands. “My brother is a pain in the ass, I don’t know how else to say it. He didn’t want me to open my business, the only way I managed it was that my father bought into the company.”

  “But why would he think you’re in trouble?” Annabelle asked.

  “When I decided not to go home for Christmas one of the reasons was that I wanted to have the cabins done early, I told my dad that I had a deadline coming. It was easier than telling him that I didn’t want to come home.” Michael finally sat up and looked at everyone.

  “I’m sorry you got pulled into this. I can’t imagine any other reason he’d be here saying things like that. What I don’t understand is why it took so long for him to show up. It’s been months since Christmas.”

  “Well, he’s here and demanding a share of the trust fund for all of you including all the back years you didn’t get.” Donovan said, knowing that he’d be the one dealing with that part of Scott’s visit.

  “Naturally, the billions of dollars we already have aren’t enough for him. Look you guys I’ll deal with my brother, it’s not your problem.” Michael said, getting to his feet.

  “No way, you’re not doing that alone. We’re family and family doesn’t abandon you when things get ugly.” Sebastian said.

  “This is probably going to get ugly.” Michael said, “But thanks, it’s good to know someone has my back.”

  “Your brother will be here first thing in the morning, maybe you should just stay the night.” Annabelle said, as they were walking out of the library.

  “You’ve never asked me to stay here before.” Michael said, stopping in the hallway.

  “Well, besides the fact I think you need some distraction, then you’ll be here in the morning. You look exhausted, have you eaten today?” She knew he often skipped meals when he was working.

  “I don’t remember.” He said, sheepishly.

  “Then get yourself into that kitchen and let’s see what we can find you to eat.” She said pushing him in the direction of the kitchen.

  After she’d stuffed him full of the leftovers Marcie always made sure were available, she put him to bed in her room, promising to come back as soon as she cleaned up the kitchen. He was asleep in minutes, reassured by the smell of Annabelle on the pillows. When she slid in next to him a little later, he didn’t wake up, but pulled her into his arms.

  Early the next morning Michael woke her when he started to get out of bed. “What time is it?” She mumbled.

  “Still early, go back to sleep.” He said, kissing her on the forehead.

  “Where are you going?” She asked, sitting up in bed.

  Michael looked at Annabelle, her face flushed with sleep, her hair a wild halo in the dim light. “I couldn’t sleep, I was going to go for a walk.” He said, sitting down next to her on the bed.

  “You’re very silly, if you need some exercise I can think of a few things that we could do to work off some of that energy. Why do you think I had you stay tonight?” She said, pulling him back into the bed.

  “Well, I could use some distraction.” He said, scrambling back under the covers.

  “Then let me see what I can do to distract you.” She said, her head disappearing under the covers.

  “What did you have in mind?” He said, throwing the covers back just in time to see her take him into her mouth. “Oh, that’s what.” He said, before he couldn’t form any more coherent thoughts.

  Hours later they emerged from her room, freshly showered and glowing. For just a little while Annabelle had been able to make him forget all his troubles and he felt much better for her gentle ministrations. He was ready to face Scott and whatever crazy ideas he’d gotten planted in his head.

  Scott didn’t need to know it, but he’d already made enough money to pay his dad back all the money he’d lent him to start the business. He couldn’t wait to rub that in his face, he wasn’t really worried about the problems at the restaurant. They would sort themselves out soon enough.

  Chapter 12

  After breakfast, Michael sequestered himself in the library in an attempt to run the job site from the ranch. He couldn’t afford to waste a single day, even though the emergency he’d thought he had yesterday, had turned out to be nothing. Summer was quickly approaching and Nate wanted the renovations done as quickly as possible, even offered a substantial bonus if they were done early.

  Donovan was in his cabin on the phone with the law department at Terrell Industries, apprising them of the situation with Scott. Sebastian and Donovan were attending to other chores on the ranch, with summer on the way, the cattle had quickly become their first priority, and calving season was just beginning.

  Scott arrived mid-morning, but everyone was busy and didn’t notice as he walked around the property clearly assessing its worth. Finally, shoes covered in mud, he banged on the front door. When his knock wasn’t answered right away, he knocked loudly again. Finally Annabelle answered the door, a baby in each arm.

  What had started as a quiet morning had quickly gone crazy when one of Daphne’s daughters decided she was going to feed the babies their lunch. She’d managed to get her hands on several jars of baby food and by the time she’d finished, they were all covered in mashed peas, carrots, and spinach. A group bath had followed and now they were all clean and dry again.

  Scott looked her up and down, then demanded, “I want to see Michael.”

  Annabelle opened the door wider to let him in, watching as he barged past her, leaving muddy footprints on the floor. Without even knocking he went into the library, Annabelle braced herself for a confrontation, but all she heard was silence. Scott came back out of the library, a scowl on his face, “He’s not in here.” Then tried to walk further into the house.

  “If you’ll wait here I’ll go find him.” Annabelle said, blocking his path.

  “I don’t have time for games. I’ll find him myself.” Scott said, trying to push past her.

  “Please wait in the library, you have mud all over your feet and this is a private home. I’ll find Michael and bring him to you.” Annabelle said, standing her ground.

  Scott stared at her for a moment, then said. “If you were my employee I’d fire you right now. How dare you talk to me like that?”

  Just then Sabrina walked through the door, she’d been listening from the kitchen to see how Annabelle would handle Michael’s rude brother but decided it was time to intervene. “First of all she’d not an employee, she’s part of the family and secondly you’re the only one who is being rude.” She said, walking up behind Annabelle and taking her son from her arms.

  “God, how many of you are there?” Scott said, stomping back into the library.

  Annabelle and Sabrina were still standing in the entry way when the men all came in the front door. “Leslie called us.” Garrett said, pulling Sabrina back into the kitchen.

>   Annabelle followed wondering where Michael was, finally he came through the back door with Nate, their feet just as muddy as Scott’s had been. He took one look at the group and said, “Let me guess my brother’s here and he’s making friends.”

  Everyone laughed, glad that he’d broken the tension. “Who’s going to be brave enough to face the monster with me?” He asked, looking around the room.

  “As much as I’d love to hear what happens first hand, I think for once it would be best to let the men represent the family. Are you girls okay with that?” Sabrina asked.

  They all nodded, and the men one by one tromped out of the kitchen and toward the library. Annabelle noticed that Donovan was carrying a huge sheaf of papers, a satisfied look on his face. Michael looked grim, but Garrett put his hand on his shoulder and said, “We’ll handle him together.”

  Once they were all gathered in the library, Garrett in his big chair behind the desk with Michael and Nate standing on one side of him and Sebastian and Donovan on the other, they all looked to Scott. He’d seated himself in front of the desk, but as soon as he knew he had their attention, he got back to his feet and began to pace back and forth.

  They watched him pacing silently, all except Michael, knowing that Scott was trying to appear intimidating. Finally Scott cleared his throat, “Michael I’ve been looking around the property and it looks like you’ve accomplished nothing. The cabin you were supposed to be renovating shows no progress. I’d like to know what you’ve been doing all this time, dad gave you the money to follow your dreams, but to me it looks like you’re dreams have amounted to nothing.” Scott said, standing in front of Michael with his hands on his hips.

  “I’m going to bail you out this one time, but if you ever take father’s money for some scheme like this again you’ll be sorry.” Then turned to Garrett. “I’ve been looking around and it’s clear to me that this place is worth a pretty penny. I’d like to know how much of it belongs to me and my brothers.”

  Scott turned and paced back and forth a few times, collecting his thoughts. Again they watched in silence, Garrett giving a slight shake of his head when Michael opened his mouth to defend himself. Finally, Scott stopped in front of the desk again, seemed to consider something before beginning to speak.


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