Demon's Destiny

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Demon's Destiny Page 2

by Sarah Bailey

He looked down at her hand on his chest, a gleam in his eyes. He stepped away from her.

  “I have not heard of a human who senses the darker beings of this world. That is a rare ability.”

  “I don’t like to draw attention to myself.”

  “You fear you will be used by anyone who found you.”

  “I never revealed myself to those I’ve sensed.” She shook her head. “But now you know, will you seek to use me?”

  He stared at her with an unreadable expression. She took a step towards him.

  “I could.”

  “Will you?”

  “Would you give your assistance willingly if I asked it of you?”

  She pondered on his question for a moment. Would I? She had never used her gift deliberately before. It always seemed to appear at the most inopportune moments.

  “It depends on what you’re offering in return.”

  “Protection from those who would abuse your abilities.”

  “And what exactly do you wish me to do?”

  “Those demons you encountered aren’t the only ones causing trouble. You could say I’m a bounty hunter for Hell.”

  “You want me to help you find demons who escape Hell?”

  “Yes, amongst other things.”

  She looked at him with wide eyes. He was kidding, right?

  “I have a life and a job. Do you expect me to drop all of that to come bounty hunting with you? I don’t even know you.”

  “Yet you revealed your deepest, darkest secret to me.”

  She bristled at his response.

  “You didn’t exactly leave me any choice.”

  He chuckled, his face splitting into a heart-stopping grin.

  “No, I suppose I didn’t.” He took a step towards her. “You would be well compensated.”

  She lived a rather frugal lifestyle. She could not afford much more than the flat she lived in. London was an expensive city. A receptionist’s wage did not stretch very far. The thought of not having to worry about money anymore tempted her a little too much.

  “Are you really asking me to give up everything to work with you?”

  “Do you want to continue hiding away because of what you are?”

  “I’ve stayed out of trouble all of this time.”

  “Those demons found you. Don’t think others won’t.”

  She stifled a sigh. He was right. She wouldn’t remain hidden forever.

  “But I can’t just drop everything.”

  His hand came up and brushed her cheek.

  “You can take some time to think about it.”

  She trembled under his touch. Her breath hitched, heart pounding. His fingers were so warm. He eyed her steadily as if noticing the slight shift in her demeanour. His eyes dipped to her mouth. She bit her lip.

  Lukas was a demon.

  She had to remind herself of that fact as she stepped away and his hand fell.

  “I’ll be back in two days. Think on it, Ella.”

  He turned from her and left. She stood for several minutes staring at the spot he’d been standing in. She shook herself. It was late.

  She changed into her pyjamas and slipped into bed. She curled up under the covers and tried to calm her racing heart.

  Her life altered completely within the space of an hour. She had no idea what to make of Lukas. She was drawn to him and yet, he was dangerous. It didn’t help that he was breathtaking, and those dark eyes made her want to sink into him. He was just asking a lot of her.

  Demons existed. Did that mean there were angels too?

  She burrowed herself deeper into the covers, savouring the warmth. Sleep dragged at her senses. There was time for her to think on this in the morning. He’d given her two days.

  As sleep claimed her, she wondered if his promise of protection was worth giving up everything for.


  Ella made her way into work the next day on the Underground. Her thoughts raced at a hundred miles an hour. She still had no idea what to do. Would more demons come after her or worse?

  The morning passed without incident. She made her way to the nearby Pret for lunch. She’d paid for her sandwich when something pricked at her skin, turning slowly, her stomach dropped.

  There was a creature in the shop. She eyed the female, concern in her expression. She wasn’t human. There was a yellow tinge that signalled a shifter, but she wasn’t a werewolf. Definitely something else. Their eyes met and the shifter’s narrowed.

  She turned away and hurried out of the shop. Damn it. There was no doubt in her mind. The shifter had realised Ella knew what she was.

  She hoped to lose herself in the crowd, but someone grabbed her arm and pulled her into the doorway of a shop.

  “You!” The female seethed. “Why were you looking at me like that?”

  “Sorry, I meant nothing by it,” Ella said, trying to pull her arm out of the shifter’s grasp.

  “You know, don’t you?”

  Fear rushed through her, heart pounding, blaring in her ears.

  “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “How do you know what I am?”

  Ella wrenched her arm away.

  “I don’t. I swear it. Leave me alone.”

  She turned and ran into the crowd, not caring about bumping into people. I have to get away, if she catches me, there’s no telling what she’ll do. She charged into her office a few minutes later, startling the other receptionist.

  “Ella? Are you okay?” Jan said with a frown.

  She panted, out of breath as she sat down next to Jan and placed the bag with her sandwich on her desk.

  “Yes. Sorry.”

  It had been a close call. Who knew what the female shifter would’ve done if she’d caught up to Ella again. Jan eyed her with some trepidation, but she shook her head.

  “I promise, I’m fine.”

  When she had caught her breath, she went into the staff room and chewed on her sandwich mindlessly. Lukas was right. She couldn’t stay hidden forever. It was not a coincidence she’d been attacked last night and today, a shifter had realised Ella knew what she was. She had no defence against the otherworldly beings. Lukas’ offer of protection seemed like her only option if she didn’t want to be a pawn in someone else’s games. But she had no way of contacting him until he came for her.

  She stood, determination in her eyes, and strode from the room, chucking the rest of her sandwich in the bin. Ella’s courage did not falter as she told her boss she was quitting. Nor did it fail as she packed up her stuff, leaving without a word to Jan.

  When she made it back to her flat and sat on the sofa. Her decision crushed her.

  What the hell was she doing?

  She’d quit her job.

  Her only source of income.

  How would she afford the rent on her flat?

  She curled up on her sofa and pressed her hands into her eyes. She was a fool. Terror had driven her, not sense. Now she’d done something she regretted sorely.

  Her phone buzzed. She tugged it out of her pocket and checked the message.

  ‘I got the tickets, pick them up later?’

  It was Daisy. Her amateur dramatics society were performing this week. But before she had a chance to reply, the buzzer for her door rang. She sat up, startled. Who could that be?

  “Hello?” she said into the intercom.


  She stiffened at the voice. Lukas.

  “What are you doing here? You said I had two days.”

  “Are you going to let me in?”

  She couldn’t exactly leave him out there. She pressed down on the button next to the intercom for several moments and paced in front of the door. She couldn’t understand why he was here. As soon as he knocked, she wrenched the door open. Staring at him with confusion as he stepped in.

  “Why are you here?”

  “Why aren’t you at work?”

  “I quit.”

  She hadn’t meant to tell him that. She put a
hand to her mouth as she let go of the door. It slammed shut behind them as he stepped out of the way. He cocked his eyebrow. A blush crept up her neck.

  “Does that mean…?”

  She turned away from him and shuffled over to the kitchenette. Resting her hands on the counter to steady herself.

  “A shifter worked out I knew what she was. All it took was a single look from me. She questioned me. I was terrified. I can’t protect myself.”

  She heard the shuffle of footsteps behind her. A hand rested on her shoulder.

  “Something has changed. I can’t remain hidden any longer.”

  He turned her towards him slowly. His other hand brushed her brown hair out of her face.

  “You will protect me, won’t you?” The words came out in a hushed whisper.


  “Then I will work with you.”

  He ran a hand through his hair as he stared down at her.

  “I didn’t come here to see if you had an answer for me.”

  “Why then?”

  “I came to warn you.”

  “About what?”

  “There are stirrings in Hell. My contacts tell me that one of the higher demons is looking for someone.”

  She stared at him with wide eyes. Stirrings in Hell?

  “Beleth is a formidable demon.”

  “What has this got to do with me?”

  “If Beleth discovers your existence…”

  “Then he’ll use me to find what he’s looking for,” she finished for him.

  He nodded slowly.

  “Who is Beleth?”

  “A Duke of Hell. Personally, never had the pleasure, but I’m told he is most unpleasant.”

  She bit her lip.

  “Then it’s a good thing I quit my job.”

  He smiled. Her heart skipped a beat. His other hand was still on her shoulder. The heat radiating from his skin seeped through the fabric of her blouse. She hadn’t even changed out of her work clothes. She didn’t really need them anymore. Not now she’d agreed to work with a demon.

  “Lukas, why would you protect me when you’re a demon yourself?”

  “Not all demons wish to harm humanity. I live on Earth for a reason.”

  “And that is?”

  “My work. Someone has to track down escapees.”

  She didn’t believe for one second, he was telling the truth, but she couldn’t call him out on it. He had offered to protect her if she worked with him. He might have an ulterior motive, but she didn’t have any other options. She had to trust he would keep to his word.

  “So, how is this going to work?”

  “When I receive a contract, you will come with me. Simple as that.”

  “You said I’d be compensated.”

  She needed to know how she’d afford to live in her flat without an income.

  “And I meant it.”

  “Then I don’t have to leave my home?”

  “Not if you do not wish to, but you would be much safer with me.”

  There was a gleam in his eye. It made her nervous, her hands shook.

  “Safer with you?” Her voice came out as a squeak.

  He smiled down at her.

  “I told you. I can protect you. You’ve already seen what I can do to my own kind.”

  He was strong, terrifyingly so.

  “If you do not wish to leave your home, I can always remain here with you.” His voice was low and sultry.

  What did he just say?

  She trembled, imagining the two of them living in this cramped space together. She only had one bed. Her cheeks grew hot at the thought. Her eyes sought out his mouth. Those sensuous lips. His closeness was almost suffocating. She needed to get a grip, but as her eyes met his again, she saw desire reflected back at her. Did Lukas find her as irresistible as she did him?

  He moved slowly, his hand gripping her shoulder tighter as the air around them rose a few degrees. Heat pooled between her thighs. He leant towards her, his eyes on her lips. There was but a hair’s breadth between them when a loud buzzing sound erupted.

  He pulled back and frowned. He tugged his phone out of the pocket of his jeans and answered it curtly.


  She took the opportunity to back away from him. The spell between them had been well and truly broken. She pressed her hands to her heated cheeks. She was so sure it’d been his intention to kiss her.

  What if there hadn’t been an interruption?

  “I told you I’m on it.”

  She watched him as his frown deepened and his hand curled into a fist.


  He ended the call and pocketed the phone.

  “It seems we have work to do.”


  She hadn’t expected to start so soon.

  “You might as well come along.”

  She looked down at herself. When she raised her eyes back to his, his eyebrow quirked up.

  “That is not appropriate for where we’re going.”

  Her face was burning up yet again, but she turned away and walked towards her bedroom area. Grabbing the curtain, she pulled it shut. Grabbing clothes out of her chest of drawers, she changed.

  When she stepped out again, he appraised her attire. Black jeans, grey t-shirt and a black cardigan. He frowned.

  “Is this not okay?”

  “It will just have to do.”

  “Are you sure? I can change.”

  “Yes. Come on, we need to go.”

  She pulled on her coat and her black Vans before tucking a scarf around her neck.

  It was still cold out.

  Chapter Three

  “Where are we going?” Ella asked when they were outside and walking towards the Underground.

  “A vampire bar.”

  “A what?”

  She almost stumbled at his words, but he caught her by the elbow. A wave of heat spread through her arm.

  “Don’t worry, no one will pounce on you.”

  She huffed. It was exactly what she had imagined as soon as he mentioned vampires.

  His hand moved to the small of her back as he guided her through the barriers. It was a little busy as dusk had already fallen. People crowded the streets, leaving their office jobs for the evening. Forced to stand quite close to Lukas, she felt his warmth through her layers of clothing.

  When the tube lurched, she almost barrelled into him. He wrapped his free arm around her, drawing her ever closer. She stood in his embrace stiffly. Desperate not to melt into him. He stared down at her with dark eyes full of amusement.


  She glared at him. It had been her own fault for not holding on to the bar above them, but he didn’t need to be so smug about it. His lip quirked up.

  She fought the urge to hit him, but she didn’t move away. Partly due to the packed carriage, but mostly because she didn’t want to. Being close to him was intoxicating. She couldn’t fight her growing attraction to the demon.

  What was happening to her?

  Her cheeks stained red. He raised an eyebrow at her again. She couldn’t stand his questioning eyes. She turned her face into his shoulder, breathing in the scent of him. His cologne was sweet, almost spicy. It was delicious. And most definitely not helping her blushing face.

  She scolded herself internally. She had to stop this ridiculous nonsense. Lukas was a demon, remember? He was dangerous.

  She wasn’t very experienced with men, but she’d never felt so drawn to someone before. It was effortless on his part. He only had to look at her and she melted on the inside.

  He grasped her hand when they made their way outside the Underground station and pulled her towards a side street and stopped outside steps that led to a basement. There was a red neon sign above it that read ‘Fright Night’. She cocked an eyebrow. Really? That seemed too obvious.

  He released her hand, leaning in close.

  “Follow my lead.”

  His breath was hot against
her ear. She shivered. He led her down the steps and into the bar. She handed the woman at the coat check her coat and scarf. There was a purple mist around the woman. Her hand shook.


  The woman gave her a bored look as she handed over a ticket. Lukas gave the woman a nod as she took his coat. He had a navy-blue shirt on underneath, untucked from his black jeans. Her mouth went dry.

  Before she could ask him why they were here, he wrapped an arm around her shoulder, pulling her in close. They walked into the bar and a few heads turned at their entrance. He nuzzled her ear. She almost squeaked in surprise.

  “Lukas, we haven’t seen you in a while.”

  She glanced at the source of the voice. There was a woman with blonde hair sitting at the bar.

  She was stunning.


  And a vampire.

  Purple mist swirled around her in waves.

  “Never a dull moment in Hell, Raquel.”

  “Is this your latest piece?”

  Raquel’s inhuman blue eyes flickered over Ella with interest. She felt distinctly uncomfortable by the vampire’s stare.

  “Yes. Keep your hands to yourself.”

  Lukas’ hold on her tightened. A harsh bark of laughter emitted from the blonde vampire’s lips.

  “You never did learn how to share.”

  Lukas led Ella over to the bar, seating her on the other side of himself, away from Raquel. His arm draped across the back of her stool.

  He gave her a warning glance. Follow his lead. She could do that.

  She turned into him, their knees touching as she laid a hand on his thigh. His cheek twitched at the contact.

  “I need information.”

  “Always with work,” Raquel said, pouting.

  “Beleth’s minions are surfacing.”

  Raquel’s eyes narrowed.

  “He has been quiet for centuries.”

  He shrugged.

  “I wasn’t around last time.”

  “Still a baby.”

  Raquel’s smile did not meet her eyes. Ella’s grip on Lukas’ thigh tightened.

  Still a baby? Just how old was Lukas? He didn’t look like he’d even reached thirty yet.

  “Do you know where Valehal is?”

  Raquel’s eyes widened for a moment before her features smoothed out again.

  “Val has been abroad for months.”

  “Raquel, I would not ask if it wasn’t important.”


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