Demon's Destiny

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Demon's Destiny Page 9

by Sarah Bailey

  “I couldn’t. It would shatter her view of the world. How do you tell your best friend that you’re not entirely human? I mean I don’t even know what I really am.”

  He gave her a sad smile. She let go of his hand so she could cup his cheek.

  “I know I didn’t want you to come, but thanks for being there.”

  He turned his face into her hand, kissing her palm whilst his eyes met hers with an intense gaze.

  “Lukas,” she whispered.

  He said nothing as he pulled her face towards him. Their lips met. She sighed. Heat sparked between them. After their earlier conversation, it didn’t take much.

  He pressed her into the sofa, his legs between hers. She could feel just how much he wanted her. He unbuttoned her jeans as he kissed her. Was he going to make good on what he said he’d do earlier? She trembled in anticipation.

  “I want to taste you,” he growled.

  He tugged off her jeans, her underwear following suit. He leant down, nipping at her inner thighs. She arched up at his touch. She was definitely hot and wet for him right now.

  Her fingers were in his hair, urging him towards her heat.

  “So impatient.”

  “Shut up.”

  “Oh, sweetheart, what is it that you want?”

  He raised his head so he could look in her eyes.


  He grinned wickedly.

  “Tell me.”

  “Please don’t make me say it.”

  She wanted him to touch her, to taste her. She couldn’t stand the way he was looking at her. It was making it worse.


  “I thought you wanted to taste me. What are you waiting for?”

  His eyebrow quirked up in surprise. He smiled at her again before moving towards her. His tongue flicked out, lashing against her core. She cried out at the intensity. Her fingers got tangled up in his hair again as he continued to drive her to distraction.

  “Ah, Lukas! Fuck!”

  His hands were on her thighs, holding her legs apart as he took his sweet time in bringing her to the brink.

  He raised his head, looking at her as his tongue swirled around her core. There was a ring of red around his eyes. She should be scared by his loss of control over his human form, but she wasn’t. She could see the mist around him swirling, intensifying as her hands gripped his hair harder.

  “Don’t stop, please. Don’t stop.”

  She was so close. His eyes darkened, the red becoming more pronounced. A growl emitted from his throat. She felt it thrumming against her skin. The sensation sent her right over the edge. She cried out as wave after wave of intense pleasure ripped through her. He didn’t let up until she pushed his head away, unable to take any more.

  He raised himself back up until they were nose to nose, staring at her with those red-ringed eyes. His hands were gripping her thighs still as if holding himself back.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Ella.” His voice was harsh. “You have to say no.”


  In her lust filled haze, she couldn’t quite comprehend what he was saying.

  “Now, tell me no.”


  “I can’t. I told you I can’t, but I want you.”

  Realisation dawned on her. He was asking her to refuse to have sex with him. Did that mean he couldn’t hold back?

  “Don’t ask me to do that.”


  “Just tell me why we can’t, please.”

  He shook his head. She didn’t want to take no for an answer. She gripped his face, pressing her lips against his. The kiss was brutal as they tugged at each other, passion igniting. He ground himself against her. She was desperate to feel him inside her. She couldn’t stand it.

  “Tell me why we can’t.”


  She growled in frustration, kissing him again.

  A loud ringing noise tore through the room. He jerked away from her.


  He pulled his phone out of his pocket.


  She panted as she watched the red ring around his eyes disappear. The intense heat between them dissipated.

  “Okay. I get it. I’ll be there…. I said I’d be there. Fine.”

  He threw the phone on the sofa in frustration after the person on the other line hung up.

  “Put something on, Ella. We need to go.”


  He got up off the floor, stalking away from her.

  “Please, just put your clothes on.”

  She stared at him, but he wouldn’t look at her.

  “What’s going on?”

  “I’ll tell you on the way. Get dressed.”


  Ella hadn’t noticed it had already got dark until they were out the door and on the Underground.

  “It seems a couple of demons are causing trouble in Raquel’s bar.”

  “What? We’re going to Fright Night again?”

  “She’s not there. Don’t worry. Gavin called.”

  “Why can’t the vamps deal with it?”

  “Not their jurisdiction.”

  He wasn’t meeting her eyes. This was frustrating. One minute they couldn’t keep their hands to themselves. The next he was keeping her at a distance. She wanted to know what was going on with him.

  She didn’t want to go to Raquel’s bar, but it seemed she had little choice. Lukas wasn’t going to leave her at his by herself. As the two of them hurried out of the station, a rush of cold air met them. She shivered, but he tugged her along. She’d forgotten her coat at his.

  He didn’t even bother looking at the vampire manning the coat check as he strode into the bar.

  She looked around, but everything was calm. What was going on? She noticed there were two demons skulking in the corner with two frightened girls. She followed Lukas over to them, frowning.

  “Leo, what are you doing hanging around with this fucker?”

  The two demons turned their heads. One of them smiled, the other looked scared. Lukas just looked pissed. She wasn’t sure who she should be more worried about, the two demons or him.

  “Fucking vamps, calling in the cavalry before we’ve had our fun,” the smiling one said.

  “Hey, man, Lukas. This isn’t what it looks like,” the other said.

  “And what does it look like, Leo?”

  “We’re just talking to them. We weren’t planning on doing anything,” Leo said.

  He had blonde hair with the same dark eyes that Lukas held. The other had a bald head and muscles the bulged out of his shirt.

  She didn’t find either of them particularly handsome. They didn’t hold the same attraction that Lukas did. At least she wasn’t attracted to demons in general. It was just the one next to her with his sultry voice and pleasure-inducing tongue.

  She scolded herself. She shouldn’t be thinking about what had happened between them earlier.

  “No? You weren’t planning on making a deal, were you?”

  “No, dude!”

  “Leo might not have been, but I was,” the bald one said.

  “Ladies, leave us,” Lukas said to the two girls who scampered away, both looking terrified. “Kobal, this shit has got to stop.”

  “Who put you in charge?” Kobal replied.

  “You know very well who. Do you want me to send you back to Hell?”

  Kobal frowned and shook his head.

  “Leo, stay away from this guy.” Lukas pointed at the bald-headed demon. “You and I are going to have words, Kobal.”

  “Okay man, I’m sorry!” Leo said, putting his hands up.

  “Just get out of here already.”

  Leo got up and scuttled away. Why was he so scared of Lukas? She’d seen him tear demons apart, but did he really have that much power? Just what was going on?

  “This is the last time, Kobal. I seriously don’t want to hear that you’re causing trouble in the bar agai
n. Besides, I’m sure Raquel will ban you for this shit.”

  “Fuck her, that vamp bitch needs to be taught her place.”

  Clearly, this Kobal did not have an ounce of respect for anyone but himself.

  “You’re walking on thin ice. You know the rules.”

  “Yeah, man, whatever. This vamp bar sucks anyway.”

  She tried not to laugh. Vamps. Sucking. She put a hand to her mouth and earned a raised eyebrow from Lukas. Kobal’s eyes met hers as if seeing her for the first time.

  “Who’s this? I thought you liked to work alone.”

  “None of your fucking business.”

  “Don’t you think He would like to know you’ve got some chick tagging along with you?”

  “I’m only going to say this once. You should be more concerned with your own ass. Leave it alone.”

  “Or what?”

  “Or I take you outside and rip your head off. Send you right back to Daddy with your tail between your legs.”

  “All right, Lukas, take it easy.” Kobal put his hands up in defeat. “Shit man, what’s gotten into you?”

  Lukas’ hand darted out, pulling Kobal up by the shirt and staring down at the demon with rage in his eyes.

  “Don’t push your luck.”

  He released the demon. Kobal looked like he was about to wet his pants.

  “Dude, you need to get laid.”

  The demon shuffled off, giving Lukas a dark look before he left the bar. She was hesitant to touch him. He was giving off waves of anger.

  She put a hand on his arm. He turned to her, his eyes still blazing. She flinched. He looked down at her hand and something in his expression softened.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Yes, that idiot just doesn’t know when to stop.”

  “Who were they?”

  “Kobal is a piece of shit. Leo is a half demon. I’ve been trying to look out for him. I don’t know how he ended up hanging out with Kobal. I need to talk to him about that at some point.”

  She noticed his body was still trembling with anger.

  “Do you want me to get you a drink? You know, to take the edge off.”

  He nodded and sat down at the table the two demons had vacated. She strolled over to the bar, waiting until the bartender became free.

  “Hi, uh… whisky neat and a vodka and coke, please.”

  The female vamp looked her up and down with interest before she set about preparing her order.

  “Tell your demon friend thanks for sorting those two dicks out.”

  “Were you the one who called Gavin?”

  “Yeah. I’m Neave.”

  Neave placed a tumbler on the bar and poured out the whisky. Ella had no idea which one Lukas liked to drink, but she assumed the vampire did.

  “I’m Ella.”

  “Oh yes, I’ve heard about you.”

  “Apparently I’m causing quite the storm.”

  Neave smiled at Ella, her fangs gleamed in the low light of the bar.

  “You’re an interesting one, that’s for sure. No one knows what to make of you.”

  “Yeah, well, join the club.”

  Neave chuckled as she set the vodka and coke on the bar.

  “It’s on the house.”

  “Are you sure?”

  The vampire nodded and gave Ella another toothy grin.

  “Least I can do. Lukas is the only one who can control his demon friends.”

  Ella thanked the vampire before she picked up the glasses and made her way back to Lukas. She handed him his drink before she sat down next to him. He nodded at her and took a large gulp before setting it down on the table.

  “Neave says thanks for getting rid of Kobal and Leo.” She glanced at his profile. “And the drinks were on the house.”

  “Oh really?” He looked over at the vampire bartender who gave him a grin. “Seems someone has a crush.”


  “Neave never gives away drinks.”

  “Wait, you mean she likes me?”

  “Who else would I be referring to?” He raised an eyebrow, his eyes full of amusement. “You could do worse. Neave is a decent sort, for a vamp.”

  She huffed.

  “You know very well I’m not interested in her.”

  “No? I’ve been told Neave is very adventurous in the bedroom.”

  She wanted to slap that self-satisfied smile off his face. What the hell was he playing at?

  “There’s only one person I want in the bedroom and it isn’t a female vampire I just met.”

  That made him look at her fully.

  “And who would that be?”

  “If he wasn’t being such a dick right now, then maybe I’d tell him.”

  “He’s a lucky man in that case.”

  “Stop being dense. You’re perfectly aware I only have eyes for you.”

  His eyes were dark and the way he was looking at her made her tremble. He leant in close, his voice dropping down an octave.

  “Are you saying you would like to continue what we started earlier?”

  Chapter Twelve

  There was a loud clapping noise which startled the two of them before Ella had a chance to respond. Both their heads whipped around.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here?”

  She stiffened. Standing a few feet away, leaning against the wall was the perfectly manicured blonde vampire hell-bent on causing trouble.


  Lukas’ voice was like ice as he stood. She shrank back into the chair, clutching her drink in her hand.

  “Have you come to offer me a deal?”

  “Cut the crap, Raquel. You know Gavin called me to deal with your little demon problem.”

  Raquel’s smile was deadly.

  “Of course, how could I forget? But you did bring your little pet girlfriend with you.”

  Raquel’s eyes wandered over Ella in a distinctly predatory way. She jumped up, hiding behind Lukas’ tall frame after she’d set the glass on the table.

  “I won’t tell you again. She is mine.”

  “Explain something to me then.” Raquel stalked towards them, eyes blazing. “Why can’t I smell you on her?”

  “Raquel.” There was warning in his voice.

  “Haven’t you fucked her yet, Lukas? I see the way you look at each other. Where is her brand?”

  Brand? What was Raquel talking about?

  “Fuck off, Raquel.”

  The vampire laughed, throwing her head back in glee.

  “Oh. You think I don’t know about your little curse. Poor demon with half a soul.”

  “You don’t know a fucking thing about me.”

  “Don’t I? All those poor girls you’ve been with, damned for eternity.”

  Ella’s eyes were wide with confusion. She’d never seen him look so enraged. He was struggling to maintain control. She could see his fingernails lengthening, growing dark. His demonic form was itching to get out.

  “Lukas, let’s just go,” Ella said.

  He didn’t seem to hear her as the demon and vampire stared each other down. He took two steps towards Raquel, leaving Ella on her own.

  “What you going to do, demon? Fight me?”

  “Your reign of terror has gone on far too long, Raquel.”

  He closed the distance between them, eyes blazing with uncontained fury.

  “Careful, demon. You don’t want to start a war now, do you?”

  “Leave. Ella. Alone.”

  “You’d love that, wouldn’t you? You could go back to playing house with the girl.” Raquel smiled. “Seize her.”

  Ella shrank back as two vampires appeared out of the shadows in front of her.

  “Do not fucking touch her.”

  Lukas stepped away from Raquel and stared at the two men. They seemed to hesitate, looking between Raquel and Lukas with concern.

  “Don’t listen to him.”

  “You know what I will do to you if you so much as lay a hand on her. Ell
a, come here.”

  He put a hand out to her. She hesitated, looking at the vampires with uncertainty.

  “What are you two waiting for? Grab the girl.”

  She stepped away from the two of them and slowly made her way over to Lukas. He wrapped an arm around her, shielding her from the vamps.

  “You two are fucking useless cowards.”

  The two vamps disappeared behind a door marked ‘Staff Only’.

  “We are leaving now, Raquel. Do not seek to follow me. I will not hesitate next time.”

  Raquel glared at him but said nothing further. He dragged Ella out of the bar. She could feel the tension rippling through him. What the hell was that all about?

  As soon as they were outside in the street, she tore herself away from him.

  “What the fuck?”

  “Ella, please don’t do this here.”

  “No. I’m not going anywhere with you until you explain what the hell Raquel was talking about.”

  He put a hand out to her, his eyes wary.

  “I promise, I will explain. Just let me get you home, please.”

  She wanted to know what was going on, but they weren’t going to be safe outside of Raquel’s bar.

  She took his hand. His skin was so hot. He looked tired. The red rings around his pupils were burning.

  “Are you all right?”

  “No, but I’m worried they’ll follow us. Come on.”

  He took her back to her flat. She stood in the centre of the room, zipping and unzipping his hoodie in agitation. They hadn’t spoken the entire tube ride home.

  He sat on her bed, dropping his head into his hands.

  “Why did she ask you if we’d had sex yet, Lukas? Why did she think I would be ‘branded’? Is that why you won’t sleep with me?”


  “No. You said you would explain it all.”

  “Can we not do this now?”

  She could see the fatigue overtaking him. He sounded so defeated, shoulders slumped and he wouldn’t look at her. Her heart threatened to break in her chest. Here she was, demanding he’d answer her questions when he was dealing with the after-effects of his encounter with Raquel. What must it have cost him to keep his demonic form under control?

  She knelt in front of him, taking his hands away from his face and holding them in her own.

  “Should we just go to sleep? We can talk about it in the morning.”



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