Let's Scrooge

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Let's Scrooge Page 32

by R. L. Caulder

  “No,” Grant called out behind me, his voice firm. I let go of Carter to find Grant giving me a stern look while Beckett suppressed a smile. “It’s a legitimate argument! A real tree is the only way to go.”

  “No, it isn’t!” Beckett countered, throwing his hands up in exasperation. “If we get a fake one, we can use it every year. We can even get a pre-lit one! Doing that every damn year can be annoying as hell.”

  “But that’s not the real thing, Beck!”

  “Well, whose place are we talking about? Grant, you could always get a real one at your apartment, and Beck and Carter could have a fake one at their place.” I looked between them when they quieted and turned to give me an incredulous stare. “What? Did I miss something?”

  “We wanted to get a tree for all of us,” Beckett answered slowly. “We were thinking here so we could all celebrate together.”

  My heart skipped a beat at the idea of our first Christmas together. Our relationship had had a little bit of a rocky start because, hello, I’m nothing if not a well-adjusted adult woman, completely in tune with my emotions. Right... But the holidays I could handle. We had celebrated together as friends in the past, so, while it would be different, it wasn’t completely new to spend this time of year with the guys.

  “Makes sense to me.” I nodded, watching in amusement as disbelief filled both of their faces.

  “Really?” Carter asked, his voice echoing the surprise from the other two men. “That’s it? No running or freaking out?”

  I shook my head. “I love Christmas! Besides, I’m trying to be better about all that emotional bullshit.” Grant snorted, the sound turning into a cough as he tried to cover his laughter at my expense. I flipped him off and concentrated on Beckett instead. “And if it’s going to be here, then shouldn’t I get the final vote for what kind of tree we get?”

  “I guess that makes sense,” Beck admitted, narrowing his eyes at my words, and Grant instantly sobered up. I could tell this small detail was a big deal for both of them, and I did have the perfect solution.

  “Yes, please decide!” Carter replied. “Cause dinner is ready, and I’m not listening to this while I’m trying to eat in peace.”

  “We get both!” I declared, giving them a big smile. “We can do a real one and a fake one. One in the living room and the other can maybe fit in the bedroom? I’m not sure, but we can figure it out. No reason not to have both. I mean, why choose?”

  “If we ever get a big place together, you’re going to want a tree in every room. I can feel it,” Grant murmured, but I could see he was happy about my solution. “Deal.”

  “Yeah, sounds good to me.” Beck nodded then turned to look at our boyfriend. “So, about that makeup sex…” Grant laughed and shoved him as they turned to go back into the living room.

  “Hey! What about my hello? You guys didn’t even notice when I came home!” I pouted at them, ignoring Carter’s quiet laugh. All these men finding me so damn amusing today.

  In no time at all, Grant was right there, gathering me in a huge hug before pressing a playful kiss to my lips. He winked as he pulled away and waltzed back into the living room. We didn’t eat in my kitchen since the table wasn’t big enough for all of us; instead, we ate on the couch and watched a television show. We had started watching Ghost Hunters, and it was a blast. At the end of every episode, we always argued whether the findings were staged or not, and the discussions usually ended with me hysterically laughing since the guys got very invested in their opinions. Beckett stopped my wandering thoughts by cupping my face and claiming my lips in a slow and searing kiss. I hummed into the contact and felt him smile against my lips before pulling back.

  “Okay, love birds,” Carter called out as he walked up to us with bowls. “Let’s go see what haunted destination we’re visiting tonight. I have a good feeling about today’s episode.”

  I laughed, taking the offered food and rushing to join Grant on the couch. Collapsing into his side, I smiled when he threw an arm around me so I could snuggle into him. Beckett joined us, sitting on Grant’s other side, and Carter managed to squeeze in next to me. Beck handed Grant his bowl just as the show started to play. One day I’m going to have to get a bigger couch. Or maybe not. Dinner cuddle puddle is kind of nice.

  Taking a look around, I couldn’t believe we had been together for about two months already. It had been a crazy roller coaster ride to get here, and some days were rough, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. Then my mind went back to Grant’s earlier comment, about a bigger place for us all. I waited for the panic to set in at the thought, but surprisingly, I just felt giddy at the idea. I didn’t want to go out and look for homes tomorrow or anything, but the idea of that being in our future was something I was looking forward to. See? Totally mastering this feelings bullshit.

  Chapter 2


  “I don’t see why we’re doing this,” Beckett grumbled under his breath as he and I inspected the live Christmas trees that were for sale. Two days later, the Grinch was still being a grump despite my brilliant compromise. Though, I guess it didn’t help that he was shopping for a tree he didn’t even want.

  I rolled my eyes and elbowed him. “Because Carter is working tonight and Grant had a last minute appointment. Plus, we both want our boyfriend to be happy, so we are getting the tree he wants.” Beckett muttered some things I pretended not to hear as I pulled my hat down lower, trying to ignore the brisk breeze that whipped through the frigid December air. Usually, winters in Sugar Bush were pretty mild, but tonight didn’t get that memo.

  Beckett wrapped an arm around my shoulders and pulled me closer to him, the heat of his body helping combat some of the cold. I smiled up at him in thanks, and he answered with a quick kiss on my lips. As we walked around, I watched the small crowd of families at the tree farm running around, chasing kids and trying to find the perfect tree. With a light dusting of snow on the ground, it made for a picturesque holiday moment, like we were in a damn Hallmark movie. Except I wasn’t a city girl visiting a country town and finding love; I was lucky enough to have found love right here at home. I chuckled at my internal musings as we passed by a stand where people were lined up to buy hot chocolates or coffee. Others were huddled around the heaters, trying to warm up.

  “Let’s pick out this tree for Mr. Christmas Traditions and then get home. The tree I ordered should already be there.” He looked around, face becoming determined. “Now, where are we putting his tree? That can help us decide which one we buy.”

  I hummed in thought. “Why don’t we do the live one in the living room? I think the artificial one might be easier to get upstairs and set up. Plus, not having pine needles all over the place we usually get naked seems like a smart idea.”

  “Sounds good to me.” Immediately, Beckett started to walk with a purpose, making a beeline for a row of trees. “How do we feel about a Charlie Brown tree?”

  Laughter burst out of me at that, but I shook my head. “I don’t think that’s what Grant had in mind.”

  “Well,” he started to reply, a smirk filling his face, “maybe he should have made sure to be home for this trip.”

  “It’s a good thing that my appointment had to reschedule then,” a dry voice called out from behind us. I moved out of Beck’s embrace and held up my hands, making sure my best wide-eyed innocent look was all ready.

  “That was all Beckett, Grant! I told him that you wanted a nice and full real tree.”

  “You said no such thing!” Beck protested, narrowing his eyes in mock outrage.

  “I was about to before he came up behind us.” I lifted an eyebrow. “I am not getting in trouble with him over a Christmas tree. This is your little lovers’ spat, not mine.”

  “Please tell me this argument isn’t still going on?” I whirled around to find Carter standing there, exasperation and amusement filling his eyes as he took in the three of us.

  “Carter! Wait, I thought you had to work tonight?”

; He smiled, the sight still making my heart race that tiny bit with a dreaded case of the feels. Okay, maybe not so dreaded anymore. “Someone wanted to switch last minute because they wanted this Saturday off, so I jumped at the chance to be here with all of you. But if you guys are still arguing about trees…”

  “Beckett was jokingly suggesting we get a Charlie Brown tree for Grant when Grant surprised us.”

  “Not happening,” Grant insisted, giving Beck a playful shove. He stumbled a bit and Grant took off, running to a row of large trees that would never fit into my house.

  Glancing over at Carter, my wonderful safe space in this Christmas tree madness, I looped an arm through his. “Should we supervise them to make sure they don’t try to come back with a twenty-foot tree?”

  “Probably the best call, gorgeous.” I opened my mouth to reply, but he cut me off by slanting his mouth over mine. Not caring about all the people around us or my other two boyfriends running around like crazy people, I sunk into the kiss. He brought his hands up to cup my face as I nibbled his bottom lip. Carter moaned and pulled my body flush against his, the cold air forgotten as we made out like teenagers until someone bumped into me from behind.

  I broke away from the kiss, my panting breaths fogging the air between us as I held his heated gaze. “Think they’ll notice if we go home?”

  A wicked smile curled his lips as he held out a hand. “We’ll never know unless we try.”

  “Bet,” I agreed and took his hand.


  I lifted a brow as I heard Grant and Beckett calling my name; they must have found trees and wanted me to pick the winner. “Are we staying?”

  Carter shook his head, and I couldn’t hold back my amusement as we started to hurry to the parking lot. I stumbled a bit on some slick snow, but Carter kept me from falling. His car was near the front, so a minute later, we were in the car, grinning like fools. We were pulling out of the lot just as my phone started to ring.

  Digging around in my purse, a smile grew when I pulled out my phone and saw Grant’s name on the screen. I put it on speaker phone and answered sweetly, “Hey, Grant!”

  “Princess, did I just see you and Carter leave?”

  Carter snorted beside me, and I hit his arm to shush him. “I mean…”

  “Did you just say she and Carter left?” I heard Beckett ask.

  “We trusted you guys to figure out the tree situation,” I tried, biting my lip and trying to maintain my innocent tone. “It seems to be a form of holiday foreplay for you two; I wouldn’t want to stand in the way.”

  There was a bit of silence, then Grant sighed. “You guys left to go have sex, didn’t you?” I giggled when Beck’s growl clearly came through in the background.

  “I mean… you both can give me a talking to when you get home and we have the trees decorated?” I offered, my blood heating at the idea of just what those two alpha men would plan as retaliation. I fidgeted in my seat, rubbing my thighs together as scenarios ran through my head.

  “Given how much she’s wiggling at her own suggestion, Grant, it will be worth it,” Carter called out, not even the least bit sorry about throwing me under the bus.

  “Hey!” Carter placed a hand on my thigh, his grip tightening with each escaping chuckle.

  “We’ll see you both back at her place… eventually.” I hung up before Grant or Beckett could respond and didn’t bother to hide my excitement.

  “You could pretend to not be so eager about them teaching you a lesson,” Carter commented with a shake of his head.

  I just smirked in amusement and shrugged. “But it’s always so delicious when they team up to do that. Besides, you just say that because you haven’t tried it.” His amused expression shifted to curiosity as he pulled up in front of my place and parked. “That’s an intriguing look. Did I pique your interest?”

  He leaned forward and brushed his lips against mine in a whisper of a kiss. “I’m always game to try something at least once before I say it’s not for me.”

  I gasped at his bold declaration, but he pulled away and was out of the car before I could fully process what he’d said. Blinking, I tried to gather myself, but I couldn’t move, my jaw open in shock. Finally, he must’ve given up, because he opened my door for me. “I’d hate to take away from the promised fun later, so why don’t we start some food and get the decorations out?”

  “But—” I protested, my words cut off by the finger he pressed against my lips.

  “Gorgeous, one way or another, tonight I’ll be fucking you so hard you won’t even remember your name. It can be quick right now or slow and rough later. I know which one I want, how about you?”

  I swallowed hard at that and gave a jerky nod, pushing myself to speak. “Later, definitely later.” Nice job. Almost managed that without the rasp.

  “That’s what I thought too.” He helped me out of the car, something I didn’t normally let any of them do. That, if nothing else, probably told him how distracted I was by visions of a foursome dancing in my head. Fuck sugar plums. I’ll take my three gorgeous men, please. “Now, about food…”

  He started prattling on, but I didn’t hear him, my mind too busy conjuring images of Carter entwined with Beckett and Grant. How far is he willing to go to try something out? With who? Would he like it, or would this be a one off thing? What if he didn’t like it? I had so many questions swirling around that one minute we were outside and the next I was helping him in the kitchen. I didn’t even know what I was helping him cook, and it was a rare moment that I didn’t appreciate Carter’s food. Damn, it had been a crazy day indeed.

  Santa, please let this be as hot as I think it will be and make it happen more than once. I swear I’ve been a good girl this year. Mostly.

  Chapter 3


  Beckett helped me bring the tree we’d picked into Hollis’ house, grumbling the entire time. There was an especially Scrooge-worthy commentary about the mess we were making when pine needles went everywhere as we maneuvered it through the doorway. Then I may have hit him in the face with the tree as we turned it around, trying to find the perfect position. An accident, of course. His glare as he leaned around the tree was hilarious, and I barely held back my bark of laughter.

  Unfortunately, my innocent look was about as good as Hollis’. So, pretty terrible. Finally, after about thirty minutes, it was set, and I stood back to admire the tree. It was about six feet tall and full, and it was going to the perfect tree once it was decorated.

  “So where is your plastic tree?” I asked him, enjoying poking fun at him.He stood beside me, a decidedly Grinch-y grimace on his face; I’d never admit it out loud to him, but he was still sexy despite the grumpiness.

  “Apparently, there was a delay in the shipping,” he grumbled, throwing me a glare in warning. “Don’t say a word.” I obeyed, but I couldn’t hold back my smirk from knowing that my tree would be ready first.

  “Okay, well, what about Hollis and Carter? I don’t hear them going at it upstairs, so where are they?”

  “We’re in the kitchen,” Carter called out.

  Just as I was about to make my way to the kitchen to join them, Beckett placed a hand on my arm, stopping me. I furrowed my brow in confusion and turned to ask him what was up when he captured my mouth in a kiss. Any thoughts of joining Carter and Hollis were put on the back burner, the man in front of me stealing away every ounce of my attention. Wrapping my arms around his waist, I stepped up to him, not letting an inch of space separate us as we battled for dominance of the kiss. Lips, tongues, and slight use of teeth, teasing each other in the best ways. I wasn’t sure how much time passed before someone cleared their throat behind me, making me pull away from Beckett.

  “Someone is being bold today, angel,” Beck commented with a rough voice.

  There was a slight pause, and I moved away from Beck to face Hollis. Uncharacteristically, she seemed to be at a loss for words. I could even see Beckett beginning to look concerned befor
e whatever was on her mind passed. Looking a bit more like her usual self, she gave us that smile that still gave me the slightest hint of butterflies. “I love the tree you guys picked! Carter and I have the food almost done. If you get the ornaments from the attic, then we can decorate while we eat?”

  “Sounds good,” I answered slowly, and she turned and sauntered back to the kitchen before I could question the odd moment before. “Any idea what that could be about?” Beck shook his head before shrugging and leading the way to the attic. We made quick work of getting the four boxes packed with decorations, setting the last one down just as Carter and Holls brought in plates piled with homemade pizza. Man, Carter can cook, and everything he makes is delicious. The smell alone made my stomach growl with hunger.

  “Thanks, man,” I told him as I took one of the plates off the coffee table and flopped onto the couch.

  Beckett echoed the sentiment as he took his own plate from Hollis and sat down on the armrest of the chair she’d settled into. She gave him a saucy smile and wink before taking a big bite of her slice. Whatever had happened earlier was gone because she seemed back to her normal self. Unwilling to let it go so easily, I mulled it over as everyone else talked around me. She hadn’t seemed upset or nervous... It was more like she’d been distracted by something, and Holls was usually in-distractible if one, food was around, or two, Beck and I were going at it.

  “So, how about we make the decorating more interesting?” Carter’s question jolted me from my wandering thoughts.

  I looked over at my friend and saw the spark of mischief in his eyes that immediately piqued my interest. Beckett looked intrigued as well, but what really caught my attention was Holls’ laser focus on Carter.

  “And how would we do that?” I asked, eyebrows lifted in question as I took in all of them.

  “Well, we already know you both have plans to pay Hollis back for us leaving you guys at the Christmas tree farm,” Carter explained, giving all of us a cocky grin. “Why don’t we build anticipation with a competition?”


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