Straight Up [Frostbite Falls Christmas 4] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour)

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Straight Up [Frostbite Falls Christmas 4] (Siren Publishing Menage Amour) Page 8

by Willa Edwards

  Sam nodded along with his cousin. They’d borrowed money from his father to start their business, along with every friend and family member that had a dollar to give. And they’d lost every cent. On top of all their investors’ money and the loans they’d taken out. There wasn’t a place in their lives they could look and not see disappointment staring back at them. It was a heavy burden to carry. They couldn’t add Vic’s pain to the pile, as well.

  “We’ve known women like you, Vic. You require the best. A lot more than we can provide.” She deserved everything she ever wanted. A beautiful house, a wonderful life, a family. Support and protection. None of which they could offer her. At least not now, maybe never.

  Her face hardened, and he knew he’d said the wrong thing. He’d fucked up again, and just like the other times, he had no idea what he’d done wrong.

  “You think I only care about nice things. Fancy bags and expensive shoes. That’s all I am to you.” Her foot tapped against the floor, ringing through the room like a shot gun. “Just a materialistic bitch who only cares about things. Fuck you.”

  Sam scrubbed a hand down his face. He hadn’t meant it like that. This was coming out all wrong. “No, that’s not what I meant. I only meant you deserve the best, Vic, and that’s what we want to give you.”

  But his words didn’t seem to dissuade her anger, though he couldn’t understand why. He wanted to give her the best. He didn’t see how she could be upset about that, but clearly she was.

  “I don’t need anything from you.” She stabbed her finger into his chest, hard enough he’d feel it for a week. “I can take care of myself. I don’t need a man to give me anything.”

  He had no doubt about that. Even right now, turned on as hell, he was also a little scared of her. If she wanted, he had no doubt she could flay him right on the spot, and she’d do it with a smile.

  “We know that, baby.” Trevor brushed a hand down her back to rest on her waist. “We never doubted that for a second.”

  “So that’s why you walked away from me, masculine pride? You couldn’t deal with the fact that I can make my own money after you experienced a disappointing setback.”

  When she said it like that, it did sound small and petty.

  “I don’t care that your business went bust, or that you’re in debt and you needed to take a step back to figure out what to do next. I’m impressed you took that leap to begin with. Do you have any idea how many people don’t take those chances? And you guys didn’t stop. Even after a slight blip.”

  “I wouldn’t say that running our uncle’s store counts as taking a risk.” After everything that had happened with their business, running the feed store had been a nice change of pace. Slow, calming, easy, except for the never-ending family pressure.

  It certainly wasn’t the adrenaline-inducing ride that running their business had been. But the thrill hadn’t been all good, especially not the last six months, as they’d watched their bank accounts dwindle while avoiding their investors—and his father’s—calls. The worst had been the eviction notice on their apartment door.

  That’s when Trevor had called his father, and their uncle Travis had devised a plan for them to take over the store. But it wasn’t a risk. It was probably the safest choice they’d ever made.

  “Really.” She took a step closer to him, tracing the third button on his shirt with her fingernail. “Because I’ve heard you’ve been making changes ever since you showed up in town.”

  Sure, they’d made a few adjustments to the way their uncle ran the place, but anyone would do that if they took over a business. A fresh set of eyes could see a lot the previous owner didn’t notice. But those weren’t really risks. They’d just shifted things around and ordered a few new products. Nothing big.

  “Do you have any idea how many people I’ve heard complain about you clearing out the back corner and getting rid of the coffee pot?” So had they. The first few weeks a day hadn’t gone by without an old friend of their uncle’s coming for a cup of joe and a place to shoot the breeze. They’d all left fuming.

  “But I think it was smart. Business savvy.” Her fingers tracked to the next button on his shirt, distracting him from her words with the stroke along his chest. “This town needs new blood like you two. We need people to come and show us different things, to change up our ways a little bit, no matter how much everyone in town might rail against it. That’s what I came to talk to you guys about this morning.

  “The rest of the town is too scared of my father, to make any real changes. We need people to help us with that. To keep this town growing. I won’t let anything keep Frostbite Falls behind. Not for some stupid reason like foolish male pride.”

  “It’s not just foolish pride, honey.” Sam left off the male part, not feeling the need to bring gender into the discussion anymore. “We don’t want you to be hurt by us. To have to feel the same regret our family and friends did for helping us.” He’d experienced enough of that for a lifetime. The saddened looks, the angry calls asking for the money back they invested or what time they might have it.

  “That’s what you’re really worried about?” She looked back and forth between them, her eyes wide and searching. “You think I’ll be hurt when a setback occurs in one of your lives?”

  Neither of them spoke, letting the silence answer for itself.

  “You mean, if life happens.” She cocked an eyebrow at them, willing them to challenge her, but of course they didn’t. How could they when she used such ironclad logic? “I wouldn’t expect you to promise me nothing bad will ever happen. That you won’t suffer another setback, or make a mistake. And if you do, I’ll be there for you, the same way you’d support me. Because that’s what you do for people you care about.”

  The unflinching look that crossed her face showed a woman who wouldn’t be trifled with when anyone came after those she loved. Which now miraculously included them. How had he ever thought they could walk away from her? It sounded foolish now. She was right. They could never promise her a life with no pain or regrets. But neither could anyone else. And if there was no way to protect her, even by letting her go, why shouldn’t they be with her? Especially a woman willing to fight for them, even when they wouldn’t fight for themselves. That was a woman worth holding on to. And that’s what he planned to do. Hold on and never let go.

  “When you put it that way…” Sam wrapped his arms around her, pulling her into his chest. The soft breeze of her breath against his neck, her sweet scent, the warmth of her body against his, was a comfort he’d never thought he’d feel again.

  “We’re never letting you go.” Trevor nuzzled close to her, settling into the crook of her neck, connecting them into one complete set. For good this time.

  Chapter Nine

  Victoria curled into her two men, loving their arms around her. It had been a lot easier to convince them than she’d thought. She’d been prepared to do battle as only she could, to fight them tooth and nail until they listened, but they’d caved easily.

  She wasn’t sure how to feel about their lack of resistance. She liked a good fight. As a Willis, she’d been born with the need to battle for what she wanted. That’s how her family had gone from poor Irish farmers to the biggest landowners in Frostbite Falls. Yet she liked that they might have given in so easily because they wanted to believe her.

  When it came to love, too many of the Willises before her had fought for years and come up short. They’d fought for people who weren’t worth their time. Her father and uncle were walking examples of men that battled for the wrong kind of women. Women who didn’t deserve them. Maybe an easy surrender was the best sign she could hope for.

  “Vic, are you sure about this?” Sam’s eyes stared into hers, searching. His tone of voice had her armor raising back into place. Maybe she’d been too hasty. Maybe the fight wasn’t over yet.

  “Yes.” She’d never been more sure of anything in her life. She hadn’t spent six months scheming to get them in her bed for kick
s. And that’s exactly where she wanted them to stay.

  “It’s just…we’ve never done anything…like this before…at least not…long-term.”

  “Me neither.” She’d never considered it before them. “But the three of us are pretty smart. I’m sure we can figure it out.” It might take some patience and understanding—neither were Victoria’s strong suits—but she’d figure out a way. She’d already managed to coerce them into her bed, together. Whatever came next couldn’t be much harder.

  “And what about the rest of the town? What if they don’t approve of what we’re doing?” Trevor brushed the hair off the back of her neck, his fingers sending tingles down her spine.

  She only smiled. “Haven’t you heard? I’m the queen of Frostbite Falls. I can make this town believe anything I want them to.” But more important than that, she didn’t care. Even if it ruined her standing in Frostbite Falls, they were worth it.

  “So, what do you say we go upstairs and discuss this in more detail?” She hooked an eyebrow at them, a giddy grin spreading across her lips.

  “Sounds like a good idea to me.” Sam’s growl had every sensitive spot in her body throbbing.

  “Damn right,” Trevor almost screamed in her ear.

  With a hand on the small of her back, Sam directed her toward the back of the store and the stairs that led upward, she assumed to the apartment above. She’d honestly never been this far into the feed store before. She’d never had a reason to walk more than a few feet past the door to ask for her father. She had a feeling that would be changing from now on.

  “Not so fast,” Trevor called to his cousin before they hit the first step, yanking his hand back from her. She almost moaned at the lack of Sam’s strong hand on her back, leading her through the store. “You’ve got to close the store.” Trevor didn’t try to disguise the smugness from his voice. There was probably more to the expression that she didn’t know, but she didn’t push. There was plenty of time to figure them out later.

  “Fine.” Sam glared at his cousin, before glancing back at her. “But don’t get too far ahead without me.”

  Trevor shook his head. “I’d never dream of it.” She’d never heard a less genuine expression in her entire life.

  The deep growl rumbled from Sam. He’d heard the same, but he didn’t argue. Instead, he raced from the stairs back into the shop. Happiness bubbled up her chest with his speed. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone had been so desperate to be around her.

  Standing alone at the top of the stairs, she glanced down at Trevor who still hadn’t made it up one step. Even after all his cocky boasting to Sam, he hadn’t made a move to touch her. “Aren’t you coming?”

  “Absolutely. I was just enjoying the view on the way.” When she scowled at him, he only smiled wider. “You know I love your ass.”

  She did. He’d mentioned it several times. But that didn’t mean he had to keep his distance. “If you really loved my ass, I’d think you wanted to touch it, not just look at it.”

  “Oh, I will baby.” He stepped onto the first stair. “I plan to do all kinds of naughty things to that ass of yours.”

  Now that’s more like it. “Promises, promises.” She snickered.

  Somewhere down the stairs, the sign clattered against the door as he shifted it from open to closed, followed by the click of the lock sliding into place.

  “Oh, I’ll gladly make those promises a reality, baby.” Trevor chased her up the stairs. Her heart pounding, and her pussy dampening, she ran from him, a deep chuckle echoing up the stairwell behind her.

  “That’s it. The rest can wait,” Sam screamed through the store, heading their way.

  “Quick, before he joins us.” A little giggle escaped her as Trevor wrapped his arm around her waist and tugged her through the doorway to the right.

  Before she could even look around the room, he grabbed her close and slammed his mouth down on hers. His kiss was instantly hot, hard, and demanding. Not that she minded. Not one tiny bit. She reveled in his demand. Her knees weakened with each firm slash of his tongue against hers.

  She tunneled her finger through his hair, pulling him closer as she pressed her body against his. Desperate for each touch. It hadn’t been more than twelve hours since the last time they’d been together, but even that felt way too long. Every inch of her flamed, needy for more. More touches, more kisses, more them.

  The sound of the door shutting drew her attention. Sam stood just inside the room. His dark eyes watched her, his chest rising and falling with ragged breaths.

  “You said you’d wait for me.” Sam growled more than spoke, stoking the flame inside her higher.

  “I couldn’t wait.” Trevor chuckled before brushing kisses across her throat, turning her head to give him more room to work with. “I can’t wait for anything anymore, baby.”

  “I certainly understand, cous.” Sam’s voice echoed in her ear only moments before his hands gripped her hips and slowly coasted up. “I really do.” His hard cock pressed against her butt cheek. Her pussy dampened in response. “But if we’re going to do this, we need to work on your patience.”

  “Later.” Trevor picked her up and threw her on the mattress. His fingers went to the edge of her dress and pushed it to her waist. “Right now, I need to taste you. Or I might explode.”

  “We can’t have that. I have a strong anti-combustion rule in Frostbite Falls.” She ran her fingers through his hair. “You wouldn’t want to displease the queen of Frostbite Falls, would you?”

  He shook his head, as he fell to his knees before her. He pressed kisses across her thighs and stomach, sending shivers through her whole body. “Absolutely not.”

  He licked across her pussy. The brush of his hot tongue along her sensitive flesh through her underwear was so foreign and titillating she couldn’t catch her breath. Every time she turned around, they found some new exciting way to surprise her. And she loved every second of it.

  “I only want to please the queen. Over and over again.”

  She stroked her fingers through his hair. “That sounds good.”

  “You’re not even going to take her clothes off?” She might have laughed at the pure dismay in Sam’s voice, if at that moment Trevor’s face hadn’t been buried between her legs.

  Trevor shook his head. His hot breath brushed against her inner thighs, sending another pulse of awareness across her skin. “Nope. I can’t wait that long to get my mouth on her sweet pussy.” He hooked his fingers in her underwear and yanked them down her legs. He tossed the bundle over his shoulder with a wicked look on his face. “I got the worse position last time. You have to give this to me.”

  Sam chuckled. “You have a point.” Though she doubted logic would have convinced Trevor to stop, even if she wanted him to. Which of course, she didn’t.

  With a hand on each thigh, he spread her legs, inching closer. He lifted her right calf and placed it on his shoulder, doing the same with the other. Her whole body shivered with anticipation. Keeping her thighs spread wide around his shoulders, he licked the length of her slit in one long swipe. A throb of need shot through her, all the way to the tips of her eyelashes. She clutched at the sheets beside her, holding on for dear life, on the brink of melting right into the mattress beneath him. Every muscle in her body liquefied beneath their touch.

  He flicked his tongue across her clit, and she tightened her fingers a little more as starbursts of pleasure shot through her. Her hips bucked closer to his mouth, searching out the pleasure he gave. Not that she wouldn’t have done the same if she were thinking clearly.

  And he moaned, burying his face deeper into the junction of her thighs. He ate her out with a relish that had every nerve in her body shaking. Thrusting his tongue into her, he fucked her with deep demanding plunges that had her toes curling into his back. A deep husky moan echoed from her throat.

  When Trevor pulled away to breathe, she almost grabbed his head and forced him back down. But as much as she could be dema
nding—in and out of bed, if she were being honest—assault seemed a step too far. Though a reasonable one in her opinion.

  Until his hungry eyes met hers, and all the oxygen left her body in one big gust. “Were you serious about what you said on the stairs? Are you up for a little naughty play?” He wiggled his eyebrows at her. She would have laughed, if there was any air left in her lungs.

  Not only was she up for it, she’d been dreaming about it since the Fourth of July. Since the moment she’d realized she wanted both of them. After that, there had only been so many logical conclusions to consider.

  She nodded, using the most authoritative tone she could muster while her thighs were wrapped around one man while the other stared at her with blind, unflinching hunger. “I can take anything you can dish out.”

  Trevor groaned. “This is going to be fun.”

  And then his mouth was back on her. His tongue flicked across her clit, torturing her with little nips of his teeth. She clenched her fingers in the sheets, holding on as every muscle in her body quivered beneath the effects of his lips and tongue and teeth.

  When his thumb thrust into her cunt with the slash of his tongue against her clit. She gasped and shifted her hips, hoping to push him deeper inside. It was a horrible torment, so close but nowhere near what she needed.

  She leaned back and let him enjoy himself as he lazily slid the digit in and out of her pussy, giving in to the pleasure he offered. Each flick of his tongue across her clit and slow thrust of his thumb pushed her close to the edge of breaking. Every once in a while he’d twist his thumb inside her, sending quivers of pleasure through her at the unexpected turn.

  “That is fucking beautiful, honey.” Sam traced soft fingers down her face, so gentle they almost brought tears to her eyes. She turned her head toward him where he lay beside her, completely naked, giving her miles of male flesh to explore with her eyes. At least for now.


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