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Empire Builder 2

Page 7

by Dante King

“Isn’t that a good thing?” Melody asked.

  “It just makes all this feel more real somehow,” Ben said.

  “She is the fruit of your union with monsterkin, just like the other children,” Melody said. “I’m sure you’re surprised to see a child that looks so much like, well, you after Nipper and all the rest. But she’s a monsterkin, all the same. She’ll be loyal and loving to you, just like all the others. And there’s no doubt in my mind that you’ll be an incredible father to her, too.”

  “I suppose you’re right. It’s no stranger having this child than any of the others.” Ben kissed Melody on the cheek. “You always manage to help me make sense of this new situation. I’m glad once again that you were the one sent as my guide.”

  Melody smiled at him. “I’m honored to be your guide, and to be part of your growing family.”

  “It’s growing quickly,” Ben said. “I’m going to run out of names before long.”

  “You seem to have had no difficulty naming your children until now,” Melody remarked.

  “It’s keeping track of the names that will be difficult,” Ben said. “How will I remember them all?”

  “I can’t imagine forgetting the names of my children,” Melody said. “But then again, I don’t have quite so many as you.”

  The nymphs were all still playing with Lily. Pearl and Sap had joined them as well. But Lulu seemed to overhear the conversation Ben was having with Melody.

  “Forgetting the names of our children?” Lulu repeated. “That’s absurd.”

  Ben shrugged. “Maybe it’s a dad problem.”

  “Well, we won’t have any difficulty naming our children,” Vinata said. “Perhaps we should take care of that job.”

  Ben thought for a moment and came to a solution. “You can name them if you like, but I’m going to use numbers.”

  “Numbers?” Lulu’s face contorted with disdain. “You would number our children?”

  Ben laughed. “It’s not so bad. Once we have fifty of them running around, I’m sure you won’t be complaining.”

  Neither Lulu nor Vinata appeared satisfied.

  “Does this mean you won’t use the names you gave our children today?” Lulu asked. She seemed disappointed.

  “I’ll tell you what, we’ll make a compromise,” Ben said. “You each get one named child, the ones who were named today. That means your first child will be named too, Imogen.”

  This seemed to do the trick. Lulu put a webbed hand to her chin in thought. Ben was worried about what might come next. The undine could be hard to please.

  “But Melody has two named children. That doesn’t seem fair,” Lulu said.

  That was true. Ben wasn’t about to go back on what he’d said though, and after fighting battles with Nipper and Pearl by his side, he didn’t want to just give one of them a number.

  “Melody was my first wife,” Ben said, “and she’s the one who brought me back to this world. She gets two named children.”

  Lulu frowned, but said nothing. Ben realized that this was one of those moments where having so many women around would be difficult. He was going to have to make decisions that would leave them all happy.

  “It’s because of Melody that you are all safe and here with me in the first place,” Ben said. “I think this is a fair arrangement. You can still name the children yourselves.”

  Lulu’s face lightened. “I suppose that is fair.”

  “Very good,” Ben said. He came closer so he could look at his children again.

  Lily was sitting on Imogen’s shoulder, playing with her frizzy white hair. Imogen looked happier and more relaxed than Ben had ever seen her before.

  Imogen looked at Ben. She took a deep breath. “I think I’m ready to become your wife now, Ben.”

  Ben was a little startled, but not too surprised. “Are you sure about this?”

  Imogen reached up and took Lily’s little hand in her own. She nodded. “I want a child too.”

  “Be honest,” Lulu interrupted. “You just want to see Ben’s massive cock again.”

  Vinata and Melody laughed. Imogen blushed, her cheeks a deep shade of tan.

  Ben had caught Imogen staring at his cock a few times when they’d all been in the bedroom together before. She’d even touched it a couple of times, gingerly, but she still hadn’t joined in with them yet. She had seemed close several times, though, and she seemed much less shy now.

  “If you’re sure you’re ready,” Ben said.

  “I’m sure,” Imogen said. “I’m ready now.”

  Melody touched Imogen on the arm. “I’m happy for you. It will be good for you to join our family officially.”

  “Go on, Immy,” Vinata encouraged her. “We’ve always been like family, this is just the last step.”

  “Yes, go on, Immy,” Lulu added. “Give in to those primal oread urges. We know you have it in you.”

  Ben stifled a laugh. “Well, as much as I know you all enjoy watching, I suspect Imogen might prefer a little privacy. Am I right?”

  Imogen nodded, still blushing.

  Lulu and Melody grumbled good-naturedly. The three women all herded their children out of the room, leaving Imogen and Ben alone together.

  Chapter 5

  Imogen faced Ben, trembling slightly, though it wasn’t cold in the room. She glanced down at the broken eggshells that had just birthed three more children. Then she gazed back up at Ben, a small, nervous smile on her lips.

  It struck Ben as slightly strange to be doing what they were about to do in the room where they’d just watched Ben’s children birth. But it was easily put out of mind.

  But now that the other women had left the room, and couldn’t pressure Imogen, Ben wanted to check that she still wished to go through with this.

  “It’s alright if you’re not ready, Imogen,” he said. “I wouldn’t want to rush you.”

  Imogen laughed softly. “Rush? You must think I’ve been such a prude, holding out all this time.”

  “You’re such a nymph.” Ben smiled. “Ten days is hardly a long time.”

  “Vinata and Lulu might think so. I’m a princess like them, why would I hesitate to be wedded to the ruler we have so long awaited?”

  Ben stepped closer to Imogen and put a hand on her shoulder. She took in a short breath as she felt his touch, then relaxed her shoulder into his hand. Her clear white eyes gazed into his.

  “I’ve been happy to wait for you,” Ben said.

  “I don’t want to wait any longer,” Imogen said softly.

  “You want children, like the others?” Ben asked.

  Imogen’s eyes shone. “When I felt Lily’s fingers in my hair, it awakened a desire in me that I’ve never felt before.”

  “Did the oreads discourage you from thinking about motherhood?”

  Imogen smiled ruefully. “We oreads can be a grave people. I was not discouraged, but these things were not spoken of openly.”

  “Well, with Lulu and Melody here, I suspect you will have to learn to be a lot more open very soon,” Ben said.

  Imogen laughed. “Yes, I think that’s true.”

  “All in good time though. So, you want to become a mother?”

  “I do.” Imogen paused. “I’m not sure what sort of children I will have, as an oread. Perhaps little rock gnomes that will play in the dust and build castles out of pebbles?”

  Ben smiled. “Maybe I’ll learn a thing or two from them about building.”

  Imogen reached up and placed tentative fingers on Ben’s cheek. “To think that my children should be sired by the Forgotten Ruler. I never allowed my dreams to stray so far.”

  Ben cradled the oread’s fair neck in his hand. “Neither did I.” He drew her closer to him.

  Her tiny waist pressed against his. She gave a small exclamation of surprise and looked down. “I’m not the only one anticipating our union.”

  Ben laughed. She was right about that. He couldn’t wait any longer. Gently drawing her face closer with his hand,
he brought his lips to meet hers.

  Imogen closed her eyes and sank into his embrace. Their lips locked passionately. The mountain nymph’s soft, trembling lips brushed against Ben’s own, awakening his hunger for her.

  He opened his lips wider, his tongue finding her mouth. As her saliva first hit his own, he felt what he could only describe as an avalanche of pleasure tumbling through his lower torso, stimulating him almost to the point of madness.

  Imogen felt him against her. She broke off their kiss and smiled sweetly. “You’re growing harder already?” There was an innocent curiosity to her tone.

  “Rock hard, you might say.” Ben smiled.

  “So, that’s the magic of my people.” Imogen’s white eyes widened in wonder.

  Ben tried to imagine experiencing the sex magic of all three nymphs at once. Even with the powers of the Forgotten Ruler, he didn’t know if he was up to the challenge of drinking such an exotic cocktail of pleasure. For now, what mattered was the beautiful nymph in front of him.

  Imogen put a hand to the white garments she wore. “I know I’ve been a bit shy sometimes, but I understand it’s not customary at this point to leave all my clothes on.”

  Ben chuckled. “That’s true, let me help you.”

  Tenderly, Ben grasped the strips of white fabric that Imogen bound to her upper body, and undid them one by one. He remembered the trepidation he’d felt when first learning to undo a woman’s bra, but that was nothing compared to the complicated weaving of fabric that Imogen dressed herself with.

  As the bindings came away, the smooth swell of the top of Imogen’s breasts was exposed. Ben kissed the pale slope of her skin, a shiver of anticipation running through her.

  He kept unwinding the fabric, revealing the dark pink areolas below. He kissed these dark circles and gently pinched her nipples with his lips. Imogen took in a sharp breath. The high pitch of her gasp sent a thrill through Ben as he heard it.

  Ben kissed the underside of Imogen’s petite round breasts, leading to the flat surface of her soft belly. The softness didn’t deceive him though. He felt the twitching of tremendous muscles under the skin. The strength of the mountain nymph was well hidden, but he was learning where to look.

  The last of Imogen’s upper garment came away, leaving only a white skirt beneath. A thin line of white hair led from her navel, disappearing where the skin curved downward between the powerful muscles around her slender hips.

  Kneeling in front of Imogen, Ben kissed the skin just above the line of the skirt. Imogen let out a quiet moan and shuddered. He placed his hands on her hips and squeezed the ripe flesh firmly. His cock pulsed to attention at the sensation of her skin against his.

  As Ben slid the skirt down Imogen’s toned thighs, her trimmed white mound was exposed. He kissed that as well, running his hands down the smooth skin of her thighs at the same time. Imogen’s moans grew louder, and Ben glanced up to see that her eyes were closed, her mouth open slightly.

  “I want you inside me,” she said to him, her voice taut with tension.

  “So soon?” Ben asked, a smile on his lips as he looked up at her. He was more than happy to get right to it. But he admitted to himself that he was looking forward to the foreplay.

  “That’s what we would normally do next, isn’t it?” Imogen seemed unsure.

  “You haven’t been paying much attention around the other women, have you?” Ben asked. But he didn’t wait for an answer. “We don’t have to wait.”

  He guided her back to the bed and laid her down, her virgin pussy on the edge of the bed, where he could reach it, her slender legs draped over the end of the bed.

  As the tip of his shaft touched the juices oozing from her sex, Ben’s member stiffened, harder than he had ever felt it before. The oread magic was effective. Looking down, he could have sworn the shaft itself was longer and wider than it had been before. He’d felt stone-solid before, but this was another level.

  Gently, he probed the mouth of Imogen’s opening. She gazed up at him nervously, expectantly, as if she had no idea what to expect from what might happen next.

  “It’s not fitting,” Ben said.

  Imogen tensed. “What can we do?”

  “Don’t worry,” Ben said. “I think you just need to be a bit more ready. Let’s not rush into this, there’s something I can do first that I think you will enjoy.”

  Ben wanted to do all he could to make Imogen’s first time a special experience, especially after she’d waited so long for it. He knelt in front of her slick opening and began to kiss the soft skin of her upper thighs, his hands resting firmly on her hips.

  Imogen’s legs trembled lightly under his touch. As he worked his way closer to her sex, kissing all around her inner thighs and lower abdomen, the trembling gave way to quivering.

  She moaned softly as he continued to stimulate the skin around her womanhood. Her body tensed as his lips first touched the folds of her sex. Her taste was incredible, her juices flowing over his tongue and lips. And each flick of his tongue against her clit brought new moans and sighs from her mouth.

  Ben’s cock had relaxed a little, but it quickly went very hard again as he teased her with his tongue. As he licked her he glanced up to watch her chest rise and fall. He took one hand from her hips and placed it onto her breast, teasing her nipple and feeling it harden against his touch.

  The tension in Imogen’s muscles slackened as the pleasure of Ben’s tongue overwhelmed her senses. Her moans grew in volume, and her pelvis tilted up to meet Ben’s mouth.

  This was not the first time Imogen was experiencing this pleasure. The other women had done it to her several times over the past few days as well. But Ben was more practiced. And the tension that had built from their waiting made it all the more intense.

  “Oh Ben!” she cried, her breath quickening.

  He swirled his tongue around her clitoris. The taste of the nubile mountain nymph was exquisite, and the magic it imparted to Ben nearly made his knees give out under him.

  Ben kissed the area around Imogen’s clitoris gently but forcefully, and that sent her over the edge. Her whole body stiffened as she arched her back. Her cries nearly deafened Ben as she screamed in ecstasy.

  Then her body collapsed to the bed again, her chest heaving, her legs shaking from the intensity of her orgasm.

  She raised her head to look at Ben. “That was incredible,” she panted.

  Then her eyes took on a mischievous gleam that Ben hadn’t seen from her before. “I’ve been curious what that’s like.”

  “What what’s like?” Ben asked.

  “You know… pleasuring someone… with your mouth.” Imogen hesitated as she spoke, as though she were afraid or ashamed to utter the words, but she said them nonetheless.

  “It’s surprisingly enjoyable,” Ben said.

  “Do you think I could try it?” Imogen asked.

  Ben barely suppressed a laugh. “Permission granted.” He sat on the edge of the bed.

  Imogen slid off the bed, her lithe naked body glistening with a sheen of sweat. She knelt in front of Ben and placed a hand on each of his thighs. He stiffened as he felt her warm fingers on his legs.

  The nymph’s eyes widened as she took in the size of his member. “It looks even bigger from down here.”

  She tentatively ran the fingers of one hand down the length of his shaft, getting the measure of it. With the other hand, she gently fondled his balls.

  “What do I do now?” she asked.

  “Whatever you like,” Ben said, sure she would work it out, having seen the other women do it before. “There’s only one rule: no teeth.”

  Imogen nodded and smiled. “I can understand that.”

  She gripped his shaft with one hand, working her fingers up and down slowly. Precum oozed from the tip as she squeezed its length. Imogen carefully stuck her tongue out between her lips, placing the tip on the end of Ben’s cock. She dabbed the precum before withdrawing her tongue back into her mouth. Then she licke
d her lips and glanced away, a thoughtful expression on her face.

  “It tastes…it tastes sweet.” She smiled sensually. “I could grow used to that taste.” Her eyes narrowed hungrily.

  She opened her mouth wide, her dark, rose-colored lips stretching to encompass his girth. Wet warmth engulfed Ben’s member as Imogen’s lips and tongue slid around the head. Ben closed his eyes, focusing on the sensation of the tip of her tongue against his cock. The sensation was heavenly.

  After some teasing, Imogen formed a tight seal with her lips and moved down his length. She began to bob her head up and down, slowly at first, then more rapidly, her white frizzy hair waving. Ben’s tip hit the back of Imogen’s throat, and she coughed softly, her eyes going wide in surprise. When she regained her composure, she continued to suck as energetically as before.

  The sucking noise of Imogen’s lips around his shaft was overwhelmed by the pleasure that filled his groin as her saliva trickled from her mouth. Before long, he was groaning, scarcely able to concentrate on anything but the warm, wet motion of Imogen’s mouth around his cock. He knew that it wouldn’t take much more of this before he came hard.

  Imogen seemed to sense how close he was and quickened her motion, gulping and slurping as her lips rubbed his swollen tip. Her saliva mingled with Ben’s precum, battering him with warm pleasure until climax hit him.

  Ben’s cock pulsed, spurting out hot streams of his seed. Imogen jerked back, startled, but she didn’t relax her grip around Ben’s member. She gulped and swallowed, letting out a soft moan as she tasted his juices.

  Finally, swirling her tongue around the head until it was clean, the mountain nymph leaned back on her heels, breathing deeply. Her bosom heaved as she panted in fresh air.

  “That was…”

  Ben raised an eyebrow, eager to hear how Imogen would describe it.

  “That was…delicious. You taste so good, Ben.”

  “I’m glad to hear it,” Ben said.

  “Did I do well?” she asked, her eyes wide.

  Ben nodded, still recovering his strength.

  “The flavor of your seed was surprisingly pleasant,” Imogen said. Then her face fell, as a thought struck her. “I swallowed it all. Will you still be able to give me a child?”


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