by Scott Carson
Richard Pine is an authentic writer’s champion. Thanks for believing, encouraging, and seeing it through, Richard, and thanks also to the rest of the gang at InkWell Management, and to Angela Cheng Caplan.
If you picked up this book, odds are that Nicole Dewey and Erin Mitchell had something to do with it. Many thanks.
Scott Carson owes a special debt of gratitude to his wife, who supported and then tolerated Scott’s existence, and to his dog, who was always up for a hike, no matter the weather or time of day. These are the things that allow a book to be written, and so they should get the credit for anything good that comes of the book.
As for the cat’s contributions… well, he shows up at the desk every day, and he’s never feared a critic. There are good lessons there.
About the Author
Scott Carson is the pen name for a New York Times bestselling author and screenwriter. He lives in New England, just above a dam.
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Copyright © 2020 by Scott Carson
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ISBN 978-1-9821-0459-7
ISBN 978-1-9821-0461-0 (ebook)