Seducing Their Wayfaring Souls [3xtasy Lake 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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Seducing Their Wayfaring Souls [3xtasy Lake 7] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 8

by Corinne Davies

  “Sure, honey.”

  “I haf to do thomething firth.” He ran around the back of the hotel and toward the woods.

  “Zack! I don’t know how safe that is. Be careful!”

  “You worry too much, Mom.” He called over his shoulder as he paused at the edge to the woods. “Mom, come help me pick, okay?”

  Tara jogged over to where a mass of wildflowers grew in the sun. Zack was trying his best to grab the flowers and was ending up with handfuls of stalks. He couldn’t quite grasp the thin stems on their own so she sorted them out and he picked out which flowers he wanted. Using a long, thin leaf, Tara tied a small, neat knot around each of the bouquets. Zack held out his arms and she placed them carefully so he could hold on to them.

  She should’ve known what was going on in Zack’s mind, but she never stopped being surprised by his thoughtfulness. He practically ran down the street toward the yarn shop and Tara had to speed up or be left in the dust.

  “Good morning, Zack.” The three ladies all waved and called out a greeting in unison.

  Zack looked up at Tara, his mouth open in a huge smile. She noticed then one front tooth had started to pop through. Her little man was growing up so fast and right in front of her eyes. He presented each of the sisters with a bouquet and they all cooed and fussed over what a wonderful boy he was. Tara stood back and smiled allowing him to bask in all this attention.

  Poppy stood up and waved Tara over. “I have some milk and cookies inside. Do you mind if we share with Zack?”

  “No, of course not.”

  “Zack is a good little boy, Miss Tara Brewer. You’ve done a good job raising him and I know it couldn’t have been easy for you.”

  Tara shrugged. “It is what it is. I made decisions and I had to live by them.”

  “But he wasn’t a decision you made on your own.” Poppy patted Tara’s arm. “Would you mind running this upstairs to Cris? Those back stairs are getting a little too steep for me these days.” She handed Tara an old book. “He reads to us in the afternoons and I know he’s almost done the Iliad and we would like this one next.”

  Tara glanced down at the old copy of the Odyssey. “I read this book last year. I loved it so much.”

  “I’m glad that people are still enjoying the classics. Don’t worry about Zack, we’ll keep him busy for a while. Lily and Lavender want to teach him how to knit.”

  “Oh, Zack might not be able to hold on to the needles. His fingers aren’t as agile as other kids his age.”

  “Don’t worry about us.” Poppy waved her hands in a shooing action. “We can keep an eye on him. Knitting will be good practice for his dexterity then.”

  “All right, if you’re sure. When you’ve had enough send him upstairs or I’ll come and get him when I come back down. I won’t be long.”

  “Don’t rush, dear.”

  Poppy McGuigan winked at her and waved her off. Tara felt her cheeks flush. Please tell me they don’t know what I want to do up there. How embarrassing. She navigated up the stairs, but the moment her foot touched the landing the door was pulled open. Cris wrapped an arm around her and pulled her up against his body. His mouth descended on hers, claiming her, branding his name across her soul. She relaxed into him. Her body instantly remembered the way he’d made her feel and the pleasure he’d given her.

  He swept her up with a blistering intensity of the moment. He staggered back, bringing her with him as the door closed behind her. She loved being pressed up against him like this. His body was warm and she felt the stress melt from her limbs as he held her up.

  “God, I missed you.” His breath drifted across her neck when he spoke, making goose bumps break out down her arms.

  “You can’t be serious. You saw me yesterday.” Tara leaned back in his arms as far as he would let her and looked up at him. His face was in shadow because of the light coming in from the window behind him, but she could feel the intensity of his gaze.

  Tara had decided when she woke up this morning she was going to seduce Cris. Her images of the three of them together continually invaded her thoughts. Considering her past with Cris, it made more sense he would be receptive to her advances. If his greeting was anything to go by she figured he decided the same thing. This time she knew what she was getting into, a brief affair until she got her car back and then she’d be moving on.

  “I wanted to wake you up this morning.” Cris traced her collarbone with his fingers.

  “Oh, no you don’t. I’m scary in the morning.” She went up on her tiptoes and darted a playful kiss against his neck. “My hair sticks up all over the place and I’m downright grumpy till I get a coffee.”

  “I don’t believe you.” Cris pulled her closer and slowly bent down to claim her lips again. “I bet you look like an angel when you sleep and I’d love nothing more than to wake up next to you in the morning. If it means making sure I have a cup of coffee waiting for you, I can do that.”

  He wrapped his hands around her bottom and lifted her up against him. His cock felt rock hard behind his zipper as he pulled her body against him. She tilted her hips and he lifted her higher so her pussy pressed against his lower stomach, his mouth at the V of her shirt. He nuzzled the cleft between her breasts, nipping lightly at the skin. She ran her fingers through his hair as he played.

  A beeping noise sounded behind them, drawing her attention.

  “Shit.” Cris walked over and sat down in a chair by a desk loaded with switches and computer monitors. He pulled over the microphone and flicked a switch on the board across from him. “That, my friends, is another great song from Great Big Sea. Now, I know I promised you a new book today, but my favourite listeners haven’t picked one…”

  Tara gasped and waved her arms as Cris spoke. “Oh, sorry about that, it looks like I’m mistaken. My lovely librarian has arrived to hand deliver this week’s novel and it’s…” He took the book Tara handed him and glanced down at the cover. “The Odyssey by Homer. A fitting choice since we finished the Iliad yesterday.”

  Cris grabbed her hand and tugged her closer to him, and moving his chair out to give her room, he pulled her down in his lap. He continued to talk about the history behind the book as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and stroked her from her calf to her ass in one long sweep. Tara gasped in surprise and then slapped her hands over her mouth as she stared at the microphone in horror. Everyone will be able to hear that!

  “I’ve been given a list of things to remind everyone of before we get started today. First off, Max Shay is keeping the fry bus open until the snow reaches the second level of the bus. I, for one, say thank you, Max.” Cris grinned and let his hand stroke up and rest over her breast. There was something very naughty about letting him touch her like this while the entire town listened in. “I’m so addicted to his poutine. I wasn’t certain how I’d get through the winter without a fix…”

  An illicit thought crossed her mind and she carefully rearranged herself so she straddled his hips on the chair but didn’t make a sound as she did. Cris arched an eyebrow as if daring her to continue. She wasn’t certain where the bravery to do this came from, but she started to press light kisses against his neck, trailing up to his earlobe as he continued to speak. She slipped her fingers under the soft cotton of his T-shirt and ran her hands over his tight stomach.

  “For those of you with a lead foot and who know Officer Walker is hiking through the woods today, speed at your own risk.” Cris took in a deep breath and stroked her back with his hands. He pressed his mouth against her ear. “Oh yeah, Tara, more,” he whispered quickly before turning back to the microphone. “Remember, Officer Campbell’s hiding…somewhere out there.”

  Tara loved that she’d made him pause slightly, but it wasn’t enough. She wanted to know how far he’d let her go. Slipping her hand down between them, she boldly cupped his cock through the denim of his jeans. Cris jumped slightly and took another deep breath before continuing on. “In sports…”

  His hands
gripped her hips as she popped open the button of his pants. Cris read from a piece of paper on his desk, but she loved the way his voice deepened as he spoke. As he read off the results to the NFL games on the weekend, she slipped to the floor between his legs. He pulled the microphone closer to him but moved as she tugged his jeans down his hips enough to free his cock.

  Tara stroked her fingers along his length. This was the first time she’d ever seen a cock this close before. It had been dark that night she first met Cris, and while she’d looked at pictures, because she wasn’t a prude and appreciated the male form, two-dimensional replicas were nothing compared to real-life flesh and blood. It looked so soft and silky, flushed dark pink. It stretched up toward Cris’s stomach. When she wrapped her hand around the width, she could hardly touch her fingers together, and he was incredibly hard and hot to the touch. She ran her fingers up and down the length, watching, fascinated as the crown flushed darker.

  A cracking noise distracted her and she looked over at where Cris was gripping the arm of his chair so tightly with one hand, his knuckles looked white. His voice shook ever so slightly as he read something else on the page, but she was more interested in the way he was reacting. Thank god for romance novels because she had an idea of the mechanics of a blow job, if not actual experience. Let’s hope the books were right and I can’t really mess this up.

  Fascinated, she watched Cris’s face as she held on to the base of his cock and ran her tongue experimentally up his length to the tip. His thigh trembled under her hand and a smile curled his lips as he continued to talk into the microphone. On the second stroke, Tara ran her tongue from the base of his cock to the tip and this time swirled her tongue around the crown and back down his length. The musky taste of him spurred her on. This time she wrapped her lips around the side of his shaft and sucked on the skin as she moved upward and over the plum-shaped top. She breathed through her nose and allowed him to slip into her mouth, sucking on him as she flicked the tip of her tongue in the opening at the top.

  “Music! That’s what we need right now! Here, listen to this.” Cris fingers slammed down on a button on the console and he groaned deep in his throat as he pushed the mic away from his face. She retreated from his cock and let him slip from her mouth, stopping at the crown and then sucking him back down. The trembling in his thighs increased and he sounded more and more animal-like. Tara imagined he was like the half-man, half-animal heroes in the romance novels she’d been reading. He sounded so incredibly sexy and her body responded faster than it had last night.

  She felt him run his fingers through her hair and massage the base of her skull. It was an incredible feeling of control. She was making this big male shake all on her own. Looking up at him through her lashes, she met his gaze.

  “Oh god, that’s good, Tara.” Cris’s hips flexed and his head dropped back against his chair. “Oh, fuck yeah.” The fingers in her hair guided her into a rhythm she could tell he really liked. He was too long for her to take him all so she kept her fingers wrapped around the base and stroked. She curled over him and reached between his legs to cup his testicles, rolling his balls between her fingers at the same time.

  He growled again and she soaked her panties. She imagined him as she had in the shower and in her dreams last night, demanding she give herself to him, growling out her name when she didn’t move quick enough.

  “Fuck, I can smell you from here.” Cris wrapped his hand over hers and squeezed his cock tightly at the base. “I’m not coming in your mouth, Tara.”

  “Why not? I want you to.” She wanted to feel him pulse against her tongue and taste him as he came in her mouth.

  “Oh, fuck. Don’t say things like that.” Cris sat up and grabbed the waistband of her pants. “Off, I want these off now.”

  Disappointment fled in light of his orders. As Tara pulled her pants off, Cris reached over and pulled on a cord that dropped the blinds over the window outside. “Won’t they wonder what you’re doing up here?”

  “I don’t care what they think.” Cris kicked off his pants and pulled his shirt off, exposing his broad chest. “Come here, baby.”

  “How?” Tara wasn’t entirely certain what he wanted her to do. She expected him to get out of the chair, but it didn’t look like he had any intention of moving.

  “Straddle my thighs.” His orders were rough and she watched him roll a condom over his cock. As soon as she moved in the position he wanted, he cupped her ass and pressed his scorching cock against her pussy lips. She was so wet his cock slipped along the sensitive skin and against her clit. Tara started shaking immediately. This was so much better than her fingers.

  “How long?” Cris asked as he rocked his cock along the seam, dragging the length of his cock against her clit. His tongue traced a line up her throat.

  “Waaa, huh?” Tara didn’t understand what he was asking and couldn’t formulate the words to ask.

  “Tara, when did you last have sex? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  She blinked as his question sank into her thoughts. “Only you, Cris.”

  “Oh, Christ.” He pulled her into his arms and held her against his chest. “I’m aching for you, baby, and you’re going to be so fucking tight.”

  Tara felt like she was about to go up in flames. The soft hair on his chest tickled her nipples and her pussy ached to feel his cock deep inside. “Please, please, I need you.”

  “Never as much as I need you.” Cris cupped her ass and lifted her up. “Put me inside you, baby.”

  Tara reached down and gripped his now-slippery cock. Her juices had covered him as he dragged his cock over her. She angled him until he pointed at her entrance and then Cris lowered her slightly. His cock slipped into her entrance, stretching her more than her slim vibe ever had. She clenched around him and he growled against her neck. “Let me in, Tara.”

  “Growl again.” She almost didn’t recognize her own voice, but as soon as she voiced the demand, Cris growled, the sound vibrating against her skin, and he bit down on the muscle joining her neck to her shoulder.

  He pressed up into her and Tara tilted her head back, crying out. Her legs hung over the edge of the chair, and her fingers gripped the back of Cris’s neck as he lifted her up and down his shaft. It felt exquisite and she began curling her legs in order to push herself further down his length.

  “I don’t want to hurt you, Tara.” Cris gripped her hips, preventing her from moving.

  Tara clenched the walls of her pussy around him in retaliation and pulled his hair. “Fuck me.”

  Cris’s lip lifted in a snarl and for a brief second she thought she saw his eyes change colour from brown to a bright amber, but at that moment he pushed up hard inside of her. Her eyes closed at the incredible sensation of his cock stretching every muscle. She gave herself into the pleasure that coursed through her, swirling her hips every time he pushed inside of her, loving the feel of his cock shuttling in and out of her. It was everything she remembered from the first time they’d touched and more.

  “Would you let Lars watch, Tara?” Cris whispered the idea, his voice low and animalistic. For a split second, she imagined Lars standing in the doorway watching them as he stroked his cock. Cris pressed his thumb against her clit and swirled the bundle of nerves around in a tight circle, and Tara felt as if time stood still.

  “Yes!” Pleasure rocketed through her, pulling her along for the ride. Cris gripped handfuls of her ass as he shuttled his cock into her. He paused and growled into the air, his cock throbbed deep inside her, and she shuddered and came again.

  He held her close to his chest, with her head resting against his shoulder. Her lips tasted the salty dampness of his neck as they both tried to regulate their breath. “That was fantastic.” He trailed his fingers along her back, creating shivers that danced along her spine.

  “I better go. Zack’s downstairs in the yarn shop.” A sick feeling washed over her. “Did they hear anything?”

  “No, I swear it.” Cris chuckle
d as he lifted her off his cock and carried her over to a soft-looking sofa along the wall. “This room’s completely soundproof. Sometimes I like to turn the music up and I don’t want to disturb them.”

  He removed the condom with a tissue, wrapped it up, and tossed it in the garbage. “If it’s okay with you, can I come down with you? I’d like to see Zack.”

  “Of course.” At the mention of her son, Tara suddenly felt exposed. She scurried over and pulled on her damp panties and her jeans. Cris came up behind her and kissed each shoulder before pulling her shirt over her head.

  “Don’t you have a radio show to do?”

  “Oh, yeah.” He shrugged and tilted her face up for a kiss. “But you and Zack are more important.”

  Tara wanted to believe him, but something held her back. She didn’t plan on staying and a small voice in the back of her head warned her something was wrong. She couldn’t put a finger on it. There was the possibility Cris was seducing her to get close to his son, but he didn’t have to do that. She’d already said she would let him see Zack whenever he wanted.

  “We really should try this in a bed one day.”

  Tara laughed. She’d had sex twice in her life and never in a bed. “I don’t have any complaints.”

  “Neither do I, baby. Let me get my boots on and tell my audience we’ll start the book later on.”

  * * * *

  Lars sat at a table by the window of The Shack. He tried to concentrate on his book, but his eyes kept straying to the second-floor window across the street. The blinds were down, which everyone would assume meant Cris wasn’t in the station and his voice on the radio was a recorded soundtrack, but Lars knew differently. He saw the blinds drop and the flash of short blonde hair. Tara was up there with him and Lars had never felt so torn.

  He wasn’t jealous. If anything he was looking forward to Cris telling him about what happened, but he wondered if she would be interested in the kind of relationship he and Cris had spoken about. From what he’d learned she came from an incredibly sheltered background and he didn’t know how much of that would extend to her day-to-day life. Hell, she’d been a virgin when she’d first met Cris.


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