Reality Check

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Reality Check Page 2

by Sophie Martin

  Still, the whole thing was really tricky, and not many pixies these days chose to leave their plane of existence to come and mingle with other species, including humans. The whole mating dust wasn’t easy on the ones producing it, either. Like human bodies weren’t designed to be in a constant state of arousal twenty-four-seven, the fey ones weren’t designed to produce so much mating hormone Overproduce could be really hard on fey bodies. And if not counterbalanced by a mating itself—something to do with being mated and producing corresponding hormones—the fey could become very ill. Basically if their bodies got too used to producing large amount of dust then they experienced symptoms similar to those suffering from drug withdrawal. All in all, random people touching pixies’ wings wasn’t safe to any of the involved. It was one of the reasons why Jim was so worried about his brother.

  Right now, though, he felt he should be more worried about himself. Although Dominic Sawyer was human and shouldn’t suffer from too many side effects, it was still a dangerous situation, and Jiminy, as hotheaded as he was, knew it perfectly well.

  “D–do–don’t…touch my wings!” Jim finally managed to stutter, but it was obviously too late. He felt the man’s lower body, which was pressed tightly against his own backside, shifting slightly, and there was no mistaking the man’s now-fully-erect cock pressing into Jim’s ass cheek. The man groaned and started involuntarily making small movements with his hips while at the same time releasing the pressure on the top part of Jim’s body slightly.

  Jim could now lift his head a little and look behind himself. Dominic’s eyes were glazed and there was a hungry expression on his face. His pupils were also dilated and it was obvious he’d gotten dosed with the dust. Jim had to do the right thing and for once be the responsible one, as much as he loathed doing it, since his own body responded to the forced mating hormones. He was hard and leaking and he could feel his hole clenching and unclenching, begging to be filled. But it was entirely his fault for sneaking into a stranger’s apartment and hiding in his bedroom, invisibility glamour or not, and now was the time to fix it.

  Jiminy took a deep breath and gathered all his wits about him. He once again looked back and felt his resolve wavering. Dominic Sawyer looked hungry. He licked his lips as he measured Jim’s body with his gaze. Jim could still feel the man’s big cock pressed against his ass. The fey had to actually shake his head to dissuade lustful thoughts brought by this image. He wiggled a little, just so he could get enough room to lift the top part of his body, and it was a testament to how very distracted his captor became when Jim managed to do just that. Jim pushed himself up and turned back as far as he could with the bottom part of his body still trapped. He looked at Dominic again and noticed that something was seriously wrong with this picture.

  Dominic was human, so sure, he’d get aroused, but the dust shouldn’t actually get him high. Humans only felt arousal when in contact with pixie dust, and in rare cases, got euphoric. They did not get stoned or feel such a heavy arousal that would make them pant, like Sawyer was doing right then. And they definitely did not become so aroused that they weren’t able to control their bodies and start shaking, like the man did while Jim was watching him. Those weren’t symptoms that would fit a human. As a matter of fact, only one paranormal race reacted to the fairy dust in this way.

  “Shit, you were supposed to be human, not a werewolf!” Jim blurted out without thinking.

  “What?” How the man managed to look pissed and aroused at the same time when he said those words, Jim would never understand.

  Chapter Two

  Dominic was feeling very weird. It was almost as if he’d been drugged with some heavy-duty aphrodisiac, but it was impossible, right? He hadn’t had anything to eat since lunch, and even then, it was an unopened sandwich from deli. There was no way for it to be drugged with something. He was alone, spying on a cheating bastard from the comfort of his car. His drink was from the deli as well, and wasn’t open before, either. Nobody stabbed him with a needle, as far as he could tell, and there was simply no way for anyone to drug him. Unless…

  Unless the little breaking-and-entering, winged guy did something to him. What was with the wings anyway? Who’d have put something like that on them? And they were moving as well. They did the fluttering thingy the whole time he had the guy pinned to the bed. Speaking of which, when did he release his hold on the man to allow him to get on his elbows and turn to look at him? And why the hell he felt like he was going to die if he didn’t fuck somebody pronto?

  The guy measured him with a careful gaze that soon turned to shock.

  “Shit, you were supposed to be human, not a werewolf!” he blurted all of a sudden. Dom thought he was either more doped than he thought and didn’t hear it right or his little captive had something wrong with his head.

  “What?” Dominic asked, wanting to clarify which case was it. Suddenly the guy looked a little panicked as he pushed at Dom with all his might and, successfully pushing him off of himself, scrambled back the bed.

  “I…I was told you were human. I only wanted to check if you were trustworthy enough to entrust my brother’s rescue mission to you. I didn’t know you were a werewolf, I swear. I would never come into your apartment like this otherwise.” Dominic started to feel that it was a case of his uninvited guest being crazy and not Dom being drugged out of his mind. Which was good. Kind of.

  “That I’m a what?” he asked again, wanting to be one hundred percent sure he heard right.

  “A were…Um…Sorry…Sorry…I forgot you all prefer to be called wolf shifters, not werewolves. So yeah… um… sorry for that. And breaking into your apartment. And dosing you with my mating dust, I guess. You aren’t going to attack me, are you? ’Cause you’re hot and all, but I don’t do fangs and claws and doggy style. Only once in a while.”

  Yep, it was confirmed, the guy was batshit crazy.

  “Why do you think I’d attack you? I’ll simply call the police and let them deal with your little spying stunt. I don’t need to attack you to keep you here until they come.” The man’s eyes got huge.

  “So you mean you don’t feel an irresistible urge to attack me, mount me, and have sex with me? Like, right now? You don’t feel like you’re going to die if you don’t?”

  Dominic groaned as the urge filled him once again.

  “I didn’t a second ago. Thank you for reminding me. Now I can feel it again.”

  “Ups!” The man gave him a sheepish grin before quickly looking around. For escape routes, Dom reckoned.

  “There’s no way for you to escape, little one.” Dominic growled, feeling some weird possessiveness toward the guy. He didn’t want him out of his sight. He wanted to have him close—underneath himself preferably—and he wasn’t going to let the man run from him.”

  “Oh, hell,” said the man right then. “So you are a wolf shifter. Shit, fuck, hell! I’m not going to have sex with you! I only wanted a good private investigator to help me find my brother, not to get fucked by a virtual stranger!”

  The man jumped to his feet and backed himself into a corner where the bedside was against the wall. He also lifted his hands in a “don’t come any closer” gesture. That was when Dominic caught himself stalking closer to his prey. And what the hell was with all the growling and predator-prey comparisons? The man’s crazy talk had to have gotten to him more than he thought.

  Dominic shook his head, trying to dislodge some of the fog clouding his brain. It didn’t work. He looked down at himself. His cock was hard and leaking and he could feel his mouth salivating at the mere thought of fucking the pretty stranger. Because the intruder sure as hell was pretty. With his longish, golden-blond hair and regular features, he was beautiful without looking too feminine. His body was proportional, from what Dom could see of it, and even the strange sight of dragonfly-like wings didn’t subtract from his beauty. The man looked at him with those sky-blue eyes and Dominic felt an urge to kiss those pouty, full lips of his. And that made him angry. Since
when did he turn into a sap, using flowery language, even in his own head? He was a man. He didn’t do sappy, cheesy, girly talk, damn it!

  “What did you do to me?” he asked once again. “And how do I make it stop?” He wasn’t above asking the intruder for help. Since he was the cause of Dom’s predicament, surely he should be able to fix it, right?

  “Um…” The man looked even more unsure of himself. “There’s good news and bad news,” he said reluctantly.

  “Go on…” Dominic clenched his fists, trying to stop himself from launching at the guy and fucking him senseless.

  “Well, the good news is, there is a simple spell that could stop the mating heat you entered.”

  “And the bad news?” asked Dominic, suddenly sure it couldn’t be so easy. Not with the way the guy was darting glances for a way to escape.

  “The bad news is, I wasn’t the most attentive student, and I don’t remember it. Now, my brother…he would know of it by heart. He’d probably recite it backwards if you asked it of him. But he’s not here. He’s gone missing, and that’s why I came to you. I wanted your help looking for him…” Dominic decided the man babbled either to distract him or to stop thinking about the situation they found themselves in. Unfortunately, it wasn’t working—the distracting part, at least—and Dominic felt his control slipping.

  “How long until it passes?” Dominic asked, interrupting the man’s rant.

  “Uh, it depends. If you’re an alpha then probably after a few hours. If beta then it’ll be closer to an hour, or hour and a half, and if any other kind of wolf, then even shorter.” The man looked at him hopefully. “Please tell me you’re not an alpha.”

  “I have no idea what you are talking about, man. I’m human, not any kind of wolf. There is no such thing as werewolves.”

  “Wow.” Jim’s eyes somehow managed to grow even bigger. “Fuck, man, are you in for one huge reality check,” he mumbled, but Dominic wasn’t listening to him.

  “You’re delusional,” he said, “but we’ll discuss it later, when the damned drug leaves my system. Now, if I were you, I’d get my ass in the bathroom and lock the door, cause I’m not sure how much longer I’ll be able to control myself.” The man didn’t wait to be asked twice, and he shot out of the room and into a bathroom as soon as Dom finished talking. And it was good he did, as Dominic’s last thread of control snapped and he ran after him.

  He got to the door and yanked to try and open it. The man apparently turned the lock, though, and fortunately for him, Dominic had changed his bathroom door for a sturdy wooden one instead of the cardboard thingy the apartment had before. The door held.

  The next hour and forty five minutes was spend by Dominic on —yep, he had no idea why he growled, but he did—yanking and pounding on the door trying to get inside of the bathroom. He also made some tiny whining noises but he would never admit to that if someone asked. He felt like his blood was on fire, like he had to fuck somebody more than he needed to breathe. If this drug was on the streets, he reckoned people who sold it would make a fortune. It was better than Viagra and incredibly powerful. And if people ever learned of its properties… Dominic preferred not to think about all the hell that would break lose.

  Finally, he felt the effects subsiding. He could think more clearly and the urge to fuck was diminishing rapidly, leaving him absolutely exhausted and at the same time really, really pissed. Once his desire to fuck the little intruder was gone, an equally strong desire to strangle the little fucker took its place. Dom didn’t trust himself not to hurt the punk, so he left him in the bathroom as he slid down the wall next to the still-closed door.

  Dominic panted heavily, feeling his heart beating rapidly when he came crashing down from his weird high. He had no strength left in him. His eyes were heavy as he tried hard to keep them open. He heard the lock in bathroom door disengage, but he couldn’t look up if his life depended on it. His eyes slid closed involuntarily and his head dropped. The last thing he saw was the little intruder’s worried blue eyes when the man crouched in front of him.

  * * * *

  The time he spent locked in a bathroom of Dominic Sawyer’s apartment was the second most horrible hour and forty-five minutes of uncertainty Jim could remember. First place went to the time he discovered his brother’s disappearance, of course.

  Still sitting on the lid of toilet and biting his nails, Jiminy promised himself that he’d start thinking before acting. Sure, that was the same thing he had promised himself since he was a kid, but this time was different. Infecting a closeted werewolf with mating dust had to be the dumbest shit he had ever done. And true, it wasn’t entirely his fault. After all, Dominic didn’t have to grab at his wings as soon as the man saw them, but that was the whole point of having wings, wasn’t it? So that people couldn’t resist touching them. And it was just Jimmy’s luck that bad shit happened whether he wanted or intended it or not. Like that time when he dragged his brother for a hike, still in their world, and they ended up accidentally encroaching onto mountain troll territory. It was only thanks to Timmy’s quick thinking that they didn’t end up dead. An enraged troll was something to better steer clear of.

  Or that other time when they visited a neighboring kingdom and almost instigated war when Jim started flirting with the wrong person. If not for Tim’s diplomatic skills, they wouldn’t have escaped with their heads. Tim could be the quiet twin, but he was also smart, cunning, and could be very convincing when he wanted.

  Jim thought that his lack of luck would stop once he came to human realm. Nope, no such luck, ironically enough. Even here among humans, Timiny was still constantly pulling him out of trouble. Maybe it wasn’t the deadly kind of trouble, like in their mother land, but it sure was a nuisance.

  But now Timmy was gone and Jim had to deal with whatever problems he caused on his own. So he sat on that toilet, kept biting his nails, and listening to growls, pounding, and other noises the wolf on the other side made, and promised himself to gather all the courage he had and straighten things up with the man and get him to help Jim find his brother.

  That was why, as soon as the sounds ceased, he got up and approached the door carefully. He stood there, ear to the wood, trying to decide if it was safe to come out yet. Finally, he couldn’t wait any longer and decided that it was now or never. The sight that met him as the door opened made his heart swell with some unknown emotion.

  The man who just moments ago made him tremble in fear was now half asleep. His still-naked body was covered in sweat as he sat with his back to the wall next to the door. His legs were bent, elbows resting on knees, and his head drooped with heaviness of an exhausted person.

  Jim crouched in front of the man, wanting to check if he was all right, and he managed to catch his last gaze before Dominic Sawyer’s eyes closed and he fell asleep right then. His gaze was tired and yet so full of anger and still-lingering passion that Jim almost choked on it. Oh, how he wished he had approached the man straight out without the whole spying stunt. He should have never tried to use his glamour, as weak as it was. He never intended to hurt the man, and yet he did. Now more than ever, Jim felt like a complete and utter failure.

  He had never cared about his penchant for getting in trouble before. No harm, no foul, after all. But now, looking at the man before him, he started suspecting that his parents were more right than he previously thought when they accused him of being careless and dragging his brother into too much trouble. Before, there was always Timmy with him, ready to tell him not to worry, that his parents simply couldn’t comprehend that all those situations weren’t really Jim’s fault. But now, with Timmy lost, Jim was started to think that maybe they really were. that maybe he was simply damaged in a way, bringing trouble on all the people around him.

  Before he could ponder too much on this question, the sitting man started to bend forward and Jim had to intervene so that he didn’t hurt himself. After that, there was no time for thinking. Jim decided that the only thing he could do now wa
s to take care of the man. And Sawyer would need the help, too. Jim recalled faintly something about a werewolf coming down from the mating heat high and needing lots of liquids, and to be warm.

  As Jim grabbed the man under his shoulders and started to drag him back to the bedroom, he started to prepare mentally for when the man woke up. He knew the least he could do was to wash him, put him in bed, and wait for when he woke up so that he could explain the whole accident to him. It was going to be a long evening.

  Chapter Three

  It turned out that it wasn’t only an evening, but a whole night. After Jim dragged Dominic to his bedroom and put him to bed, the man slept for several hours. He only woke briefly after that and wasn’t really lucid. Jiminy gave him some water and the man had drunk it without fully waking.

  Jim sat on pins and needles all night, watching over the private investigator. He felt horrible knowing it was his fault. He remembered a bit more about mating-dust-induced heat. He faintly recalled something about what happened if the heat wasn’t satisfied. Apparently, the person’s body could suffer severe trauma, depending on what paranormal species they were. Thankfully for Dominic, it only ended in extreme exhaustion and mild dehydration, a bit like a hangover symptoms. Still, Jiminy didn’t look forward to the man waking up. He knew he was in for some severe ass-chewing and maybe even beating. He was fully prepared to take it. He deserved it, after all.

  Around eight, Jimmy decided to leave the bedroom and go take a shower. He did just that, discarding his underwear to the bin and going commando afterwards. He also borrowed one of the other man’s shirts. He wanted his wings covered. No point in tempting fate and provoking a repeat of the previous night.


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