Christie,Agatha - Murder At Hazelmore.doc

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by Murder At Hazelmoor aka The Sittaford Mystery (lit)


  "James Pearson? James Pearson, who's he? Do you

  mean one of Trevelyan's nephews?"

  "I presume it would be a nephew. He had one called

  James, hadn't he?"

  "Not the least idea. Trevelyan had nephews--I know

  that. But what their names were, I haven't the vaguest


  "The young man in question was at the Three Crowns

  last night. You probably recognized him there."

  "I didn't recognize anybody," growled the Major.

  "Shouldn't anyway--never saw any of Trevelyan's neph-ews

  in my life."

  "But you knew that Captain Trevelyan was expecting

  a nephew to call upon him yesterday afternoon?"

  "I did not," roared the Major.

  Several people in the street turned round to stare at


  "Damn it, won't you take plain truth! I knew nothing

  about any appointment. Trevelyan's nephews may have

  been in Timbuctoo for all I knew about them."

  Inspector Narracott was a little taken aback. The Ma-jor's

  vehement denial bore the mark of truth too plainly

  for him to be deceived.

  "Then why this twenty-five past five business?"

  "Oh! well--I suppose I had better tell you," the Major

  coughed in an embarrassed fashion. "But mind you--the

  whole thing is damned foolishness! Tommy rot, sir.

  How any thinking man can believe such nonsense!"

  Inspector Narracott looked more and more surprised.


  Murder' at Hazelmoor

  Major Burnaby was looking more uncomfortable and

  ashamed of himself every minute.

  "You know what it is, Inspector. You have to join in

  these things to please a lady. Of course, I never thought

  there was anything in it."

  "In what, Major Burnaby?"

  "Table turning." "Table turning?"

  Whatever Narracott had expected he had not expected

  this. The Major proceeded to explain himself. Haltingly,

  and with many disclaimers to his own belief in the thing,

  he described the events of the previous afternoon and

  the message that had purported to come through for


  "You mean, Major Burnaby, that the table spelt out

  the name of Trevelyan and informed you that he was


  Major Burnaby wiped his forehead.

  "Yes, that's what happened. I didn't believe in it--naturally,

  I didn't believe in it." He looked ashamed.

  "Well--it was Friday and I thought after all I would

  make sure and go along and see if everything was all


  The Inspector reflected on the difficulties of that six

  mile walk, with the piled up snowdrifts and the prospect

  of a heavy snow fall, and he realized that deny it as he

  would Major Burnaby must have been deeply impressed

  by the spirit message. Narraeott turned it over in his

  mind. A queer thing to happen--a very queer thing to

  happen. The sort of thing you couldn't explain satistaetorily. There. might be something in this spirit business


  Agatha Christie

  after all. It was the first well authenticated case he had

  come across.

  A very queer business altogether but, as far as he could

  see, though it explained Major Burnaby's attitude, it had

  no practical bearing on the case as far as he himself Was

  concerned. He had to deal with the physical world and

  not the psychic.

  It was his job to track down the murderer.

  And to do that he required no guidance from the spirit



  8. Mr. Charles Enderby

  G L A N C I N G at his watch, the Inspector realized he

  could just catch the train for Exeter if he hurried off. He

  was anxious to interview the late Captain Trevelyan's

  sister as soon as possible and obtain from her the ad-dresses

  of the other members of the family. So, with a

  hurried word of farewell to Major Burnaby, he raced off

  to the station. The Major retraced his steps to the Three

  Crowns. He had hardly put a foot across the doorstep

  when he was accosted by a bright young man with a very

  shiny head and a round, boyish face.

  "Major Burnaby?" said the young man.


  "Of No. x Sittaford Cottages?"

  "Yes," said Major Burnaby.

  "I represent the Daily Wire," said the young man,

  "and I--"

  He got no further. In true military fashion of the old

  school, the Major exploded.

  "Not another word," he roared. "I know you and your

  kind. No decency. No reticence. Clustering round a mur-der

  like vultures round a carcass, but I can tell you,

  young man, you will get no information from me. Not a

  word. No story for your damned paper. If you want to

  know anything, go and ask the police, and have the de.

  cency to leave the friends of the dead man alone."


  Agatha Christie

  The young man seemed not a whit taken aback. He

  smiled more encouragingly than ever.

  "I say, sir, you know you have got hold of the wrong

  end of the stick. I know nothing about this murder busi-ness."

  This was not, strictly speaking, the truth. No one in

  Exhampton could pretend ignorance of the event that

  had shaken the quiet moorland town to its core.

  "I am empowered on behalf of the Daily Wire," went

  on the young man, "to hand you this check for 5, pounds oo

  and congratulate you on sending in the only correct so-lution

  of our football competition."

  Major Burnaby was completely taken aback.

  "I have no doubt," continued the young man, "that

  you have already received our letter yesterday morning

  informing you of the good news."

  "Letter?" said Major Burnaby. "Do you realize, young

  man, that Sittaford is about ten feet deep in snow? What

  chance do you think we have had in the last few days of

  a regular delivery of letters?"

  "But doubtless you saw your name announced as win-ner

  in the Daily Wire, this morning?"

  "No," said Major Burnaby. "I haven't glanced at the

  paper this morning."

  "Ah! of course not," said the young man. "This sad

  business. The murdered man was a friend of yours, I


  "My best friend," said the Major.

  "Hard lines," said the young man tactfully averting his

  eyes. Then he drew from his pocket a small folded piece


  at ,:l ze l moo r

  of mauve paper and handedil'.,/llt: to Major lUrnaby with ti th

  a bow.

  "With the compliments 0fei/!li5e Daily Wive,', he said. .I.

  Major Burnaby took it andvlthe 9tlbid the only

  under the circumstances,

  thing possible


  "Have a drink, Mr.--er!'

  "Enderby, Charles Endert,',m?n:'! my name is. I got here

  last night," he explained. "l'iqp.e inquiries about ..


  getting g

  to Sittaford. We make it apo:t0a0.t to hand Ch%ks to win- --


  personally. Always pulihati*flgdzh a little i
nteiew' Interests

  our readers. Well, e,:e 9?yone told e it was out

  of the questionthe snoafflllls falling and it simply y

  couldn't be done, and the':h'e the greatest good luck k

  I find you are actuly here, sgat tng at the ree Cros." '"

  He smiled. "No dicultyab::tideobt identification. Everybody

  seems to know eveb% 1 else in this Part of the e


  "What will you have?" said6etlal/e Major.

  "Beer for me," said Ende5. ..

  The Major ordered two b .s.

  "The whole place seems 0{he head with this murder,'' ""

  remarked Enderby. "Rathersten:(ysterious bsiaess y all [[11


  The Major grunted. He irs'0an something0fa q un-

  dary. His sentiments towarja,urnalists reained n-changed,

  but a man who h'hdlst handed You a cc-k

  for gS,OOO is in a privilege?:'i010[.sition. You eannot ry

  well tell him to go to the de',

  "No enemies, had he?" asthe 9fll the young

  "No," said the Major.

  Agatha Christie

  The young man seemed not a whit taken aback. He

  smiled more encouragingly than ever.

  "I say, sir, you know you have got hold of the wrong

  end of the stick. I know nothing about this murder busi-ness."

  This was not, strictly speaking, the truth. No one in

  Exhampton could pretend ignorance of the event that

  had shaken the quiet moorland town to its core.

  "I am empowered on behalf of the Daily Wire," went

  on the young man, "to hand you this check for 5, pounds oo

  and congratulate you on sending in the only correct so-lution

  of our football competition."

  Major Burnaby was completely taken aback.

  "I have no doubt," continued the young man, "that

  you have already received our letter yesterday morning

  informing you of the good news."

  "Letter?" said Major Burnaby. "Do you realize, young

  man, that Sittaford is about ten feet deep in snow? What

  chance do you think we have had in the last few days of

  a regular delivery of letters?"

  "But doubtless you saw your name announced as win-ner

  in the Daily Wire, this morning?"

  "No," said Major Burnaby. "I haven't glanced at the

  paper this morning."

  "Ah! of course not," said the young man. "This sad

  business. The murdered man was a friend of yours, I


  "My best friend," said the Major.

  "Hard lines," said the young man tactfully averting his

  eyes. Then he drew from his pocket a small folded piece

  Murder at Hazelmoor

  of mauve paper and handed it to Major Burnaby with

  a bow.

  "With the compliments of the Daily Wire," he said.

  Major Burnaby took it and said the only thing possible

  under the circumstances.

  "Have a drink, Mr.--er--?"

  "Enderby, Charles Enderby my name is. I got here

  last night," he explained. "Made inquiries about getting

  to Sittaford. We make it a point to hand checks to win-ners

  personally. Always publish a little interview. In-terests

  our readers. Well, everyone told me it was out

  of the question--the snow was falling and it simply

  couldn't be done, and then with the greatest good luck

  I find you are actually here, staying at the Three Crowns."

  He smiled. "No difficulty about identification. Every-body

  seems to know everybody else in this part of the


  "What will you have?" said the Major.

  "Beer for me," said Enderby.

  The Major ordered two beers.

  "The whole place seems offits head with this murder,"

  remarked Enderby. "Rather a mysterious business by all


  The Major grunted. He was in something of a quan-dary.

  His sentiments towards journalists remained un-changed,

  but a man who has just handed you a check

  for 5, pounds oo is in a privileged position. You cannot very

  well tell him to go to the devil.

  "No enemies, had he?" asked the young man.

  "No," said the Major.


  Agatha Christie

  "But I hear the police don't think it is robbery," went

  on Enderby.

  "How do you know that?" asked the Major.

  Mr. Enderby, however, did not reveal the source of

  his information.

  "I hear it was you who actually discovered the body,

  sir," said the young man.

  "Yes. '

  "It must have been an awful shock."

  The conversation proceeded. Major Burnaby was still

  determined to give no information, but he was no match

  for the adroitness of Mr. Enderby. The latter made state-ments

  with which the Major was forced to agree or dis-agree

  thereby providing the information the young man

  wanted. So pleasant was his manner, however, that the

  process was really not painful at all and the Major found

  himself taking quite a liking to the ingenuous young man.

  Presently, Mr. Enderby rose and observed that he

  must go along to the post office.

  "If you will just give me a receipt for that check, sir."

  The Major went across to the writing table, wrote a

  receipt and handed it to him.

  "Splendid," said the young man and slipped it into his


  "I suppose," said Major Burnaby, "that you are off

  back to London today?"

  "Oh! no," said the young man. "I want to take a few

  photographs, you know, of your cottage at Sittaford, and

  of you feeding the pigs, or hoeing up dandelions, or doing

  anything characteristic that you fancy. You have no idea

  how our readers appreciate that sort of thing. Then I


  Murder at Hazelmoor

  would like to have a few words from you on 'What I

  intend to cio with the £5,ooo.' Something snappy. You

  have no idea how disappointed our readers would be if

  they didn't get that sort of thing."

  "Yes, but look here--it's impossible to get to Sittaford

  in this veather. The fall of snow was exceptionally heavy.

  No vehicle has been able to take the road for three days

  anyway, and it may be another three before the thaw

  sets in properly."

  "I kn0w," said the young man, "it is awkward. Well,

  well, oe will just have to resign oneself to kicking up

  one's heels in Exhampton. They do you pretty well at

  the Three Crowns. So long, sir, see you later."

  Ie ene'ged into the main street of Exhampton and

  made his way to the post office and wired his paper that

  by the greatest of good luck he would be able to supply

  them with tasty and exclusive information on the Ex-harpton

  Murder Case.

  IIe reflected on his next course of action and decided

  on interviewing the late Captain Trevelyan's servant,

  Evons, whose name Major Burnaby had incautiously let

  slip during their conversation.

  A few inquiries brought him to 85 Fore Street. The

  servant of the murdered man was a person of importance

  today, lveryone was willing and anxious to point out

  where he lived.

  lndeby beat a smart rat-tat o
n the door. It was opened

  by man so typically an ex-sailor that Enderby had no

  doubt of his identity.

  "lZvaS, isn't it?" said Mr. Enderby cheerfully. "I have

  just come along from Major Burnaby."


  Agatha Christie

  "Oh!--" Evans hesitated a moment. "Will you come

  in, sir."

  Enderby accepted the invitation. A buxom young

  woman with dark hair and red cheeks hovered in the

  background. Enderby judged her as the newly-wed Mrs.


  "Bad thing this about your late master," said Enderby.

  "It's shocking, sir, that's what it is."

  "Who do you think did it?" demanded Enderby with

  an ingenuous air of seeking information.

  "One of these low down tramps, I suppose," said


  "Oh! no, my dear man. That theory is quite exploded."


  "That's all a put up job. The police saw through that


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