Smuggler’s Contubernium (Mea Lupus Series Book 1)

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Smuggler’s Contubernium (Mea Lupus Series Book 1) Page 5

by Kahaula

  “After impacting your night so negatively, the least I can do is offer you dinner,” I paused to skeptically consider his offer. Hope shined in his eyes.



  I followed the wolf to his pack mate’s table. My skin prickled as if bugs were running all across my body. I had not been this close to another Mea Lupus in ten long years. Silence seemed to hang over the table as no one spoke.

  “My name is Aphelele,” a stunning bald and smooth muscled Mea Lupus with skin the colour of space and eyes as clear as a glacier across from me, introduced himself first.

  “Yes, where are my manners,” the empathic wolf smiled weakly, “I’m Quintillus and—“

  “I’m Oli!” The wolf to the right of Quintillus waved like an excited pup. He must be the Chosen Mea Lupus who hasn’t manifested an ability yet. I would need to be careful of that one.

  “Bhar,” rumbled the one with the glow tattoos and the pale green eyes. His gruffness matched the restless anger that simmered in his eyes.

  “Adohi,” Cassie was right to say this one had beautiful cheekbones, it gave his face a sharp kind of beauty that equalled his apathy towards interpersonal interactions. He barely paused his eating to give me his name and had chosen to order food before his companions. I snorted in my head, this one may play at being unaffected but I could see his keen gaze on me when he thought I wasn’t looking.

  This gambit of mine was tricky at best. Managing five Mea Lupus was going to be a dangerous game that could only lead to death if I failed. Never once could I lose sight of my goal. And my goal was to worm my way into their thoughts, and as as result, their secure quarters. I needed to make enough of an impression that I could gain access without suspicion.

  If I could plant my orbs there, then I stood a chance of staying ahead of them in their search for the Ferryman as well as scoring some premium data. If I accomplished these two things simultaneously then it would make me insanely wealthy, while solidifying my alter-ego’s innocence. It was a lot of ‘ifs’, I knew that. But even if I ran right now, time would never be on my side. This pack could hunt me to the end of my natural life and not break a sweat. My life meant nothing to them, I was just a case to clear.

  “Captain Kara of the Lyre, purveyor of goods but never people,” I winked at Oli watching him blush slightly. I smirked, “Although, I was told there would be dinner. I’m not one to pass up a free meal.”

  “I bet,” mumbled Adohi.

  “Yes, sadly I’m just a humble Captain of a small yet beautiful ship,” I shrugged then brushed of lint from my tech suit top, “Some of us must work hard for every meal. Not all of us can suckle freely at the teat of the Imperial Union.” I ignored Oli’s choke and Aphelele’s discomfort to give Adohi a sharp smile of challenge.

  “The Mea Lupus serve the people under the Divine Guidance of Menrva and Caesar,” answered Quintillus tightly, “even now we’re here for judicial duties.”

  “And to track down an infamous smuggler and murderer,” Adohi’s sharp gaze tried to cut into my own but I refused to drop my eyes, “Perhaps you’ve heard of him? They call him the Ferryman.”

  “Ah,” I drank the last of my whiskey as I watched his eyes dart over to Quintillus beside me. “I see now,” I turned to face Quintillus while still keeping the rest of the wolves within my periphery, “this wasn’t your apology for violating my emotions earlier, this was a way to set me up for an unofficial interrogation.”

  “You did what to her?” Adohi’s eyes shimmered and his question ended on an angry and possessive snarl. Some of my natural shock bled through my faux indignation. What the...

  “It was an accident,” Quintillus licked his lips and I let myself indulge in the spark of desire knowing everyone at this table would be able to smell my arousal. “I honestly didn’t mean to reach out like that. I don’t know what came over me.” That last sentence he said not just to me, but everyone at the table. If I were anyone else, I would have been reassured by his humility. Good thing I wasn’t so gullible. “And I did bring you over here to provide you with dinner as a way to apologise. Adohi’s been working all day so he’s just a bit overly focused on the case right now.” He smiled that hopeful smile again and begged me with his eyes to stay.

  “I’m sure Adohi can speak for himself,” I raised one eyebrow and stared down the wolf in question.

  “I was unaware of what had happened earlier and was merely making conversation,” he mumbled. That was probably as close to an apology as he would ever come.

  “Well, if it’s only friendly conversation then yes, I know the Ferryman,” I smirked at his irked face, “Everyone knows the Ferryman. Especially never to get on his bad side.” I pretend shuddered and let a slice of fear show.

  “You’re afraid,” Bhar’s voice seemed to be perpetually gravelly as if he didn’t use it much for regular conversation. “Are you afraid he would hurt you?” This complete stranger’s concern for my well being, much less a Mea Lupus, was completely foreign to me. I didn’t even know them twenty minutes ago and now they were acting as if my life mattered to them.

  “I don’t know the man personally,” I shrugged trying to make my nonchalance a shield they wanted to get under, “But...”

  “But what?” Asked Quintillus. His hand covered my own. I knew these were reactions I was endeavouring to create in them but it didn’t make it any less odd to receive them.

  “But I hear the stories,” I half whispered and tried to look stealthily around me as if looking for possible eavesdroppers. I couldn’t give in so easy. I needed to string them along and make them concerned for my safety. This way when I spoon fed them information drop by drop they wouldn’t question why it was given so reluctantly or slowly.

  “Would you be willing to tell us those stories?” Quintillus’s thumb traced the top of my bare hand and I didn’t suppress the tingling that zinged between my thighs. I pulled my hand from his quickly and doused the arousal in the air with fear.

  “It’s all right,” reassured Aphelele in his smooth deep voice, “We wouldn’t let anything bad happen to you.” I hardened my face as if to say I was putting on a brave front, but let my fear continue to seep out of my pores.

  “Let’s just eat dinner first,” Adohi shook his head and chastised the others as if it wasn’t he who had started this train of thought. “Please, Captain Kara, order whatever you like.”

  “You can call me Kara,” I gave him a small half smile. I watched his eyes light up briefly before he turned away back to his food. “Please, all of you, just call me Kara. It’s obvious we got off on the wrong foot and I’m eager to get something delicious in me.”

  “I can help you with that,” joked Oli. Bhar smacked him upside the head and he let out a muffled, “Ow, asshole!” I laughed and chose my food from the holomenu, feeling the previous tension lift as dinner continued.


  Divine Couple, I was so worried I had messed everything up. Kara probably didn’t know this but she could have taken me to court for what I unintentionally did. I would have honestly confessed my guilt and made recompense. I would have been far more concerned about breaking her trust because of my strange reaction to her.

  Even now as we sat here talking and eating, I could read her as clearly as the weather. I did no intrusive scans but she seemed to wear her emotions so honestly and openly. Her fear about being questioned over the Ferryman was real and not shocking, if the reports we had were even half true. What was surprising was our collective reactions to her fear and unease.

  We had all seemed to form a defensive instinct where Kara was concerned. Even our resident cynic Adohi had spoken up to redirect us all so she would feel more comfortable. Bhar’s concern for her safety had been a welcome change to his swinging moods hinged on aggression and despair.

  Watching her make small talk and joke with my pack mates left me with such a feeling of contentment and warmth. Sitting this close to her, I was able to notice that her hair wasn�
��t black like Bhar said. It was the deepest shade of brown, like rich fertile earth. An easy mistake to make in the dim lighting of the club.

  She was covered head to toe in a tech suit similar to ours but wholly her own. The only bare skin I could see was her hands and head. Her hair was in a variety of different braids, some of which had beautiful and random adornments. I was sure I could see ship wiring in one of them.

  Little cuts along the back of her hands and the callouses I could see on her fingers told of a life built with hard work. Body art wasn’t uncommon here on the frontier so it was no surprise that she had what appeared to be a black septum piercing in her nose. Its unique design made it look like a rounded scythe sat just above her full lips. Lips that were moving. Shit, she’s asking me something!

  “And what do you think about that?”

  “What?” Adohi snickered at my stammered response.

  “She’s asking what you think of Castra 3,” Adohi explained. He also helpfully mumbled, “Jackass.”

  “It’s very... unique,” it was the most diplomatic thing I could think of. Unlike the others I had solely taken on the judicial duties for Castra 3 and didn’t have much time for anything else. Adohi shook his head haughtily and rolled his eyes.

  “Unique?” Kara raised her eyebrow as if to say ‘Really, that’s what you’re going with?’.

  “I haven’t had much time outside of the station’s courtroom,” I grumbled. I knew I was being petulant but I couldn’t help but feel regret. I had taken on all the judicial duties instead of splitting them with the others. They trusted not only my judgement but also my empathic abilities to get them done more efficiently than they could themselves.

  “So you got stuck with all the grunt work while these 4 visit the local brothels then,” laughed Kara. Her dark eyes twinkled with amusement and I found myself being drawn in once more.

  “Haven’t visited a brothel yet. With the skills I saw you wielding I should get suggestions from you first,” smirked Bhar and gave her a heated look. Aphelele and Kara shared an indulgent laugh.

  “I know the Mea Lupus are long lived,” Kara leaned forward and held Bhar’s stare, “But some things can’t be taught. Like my natural talents.” She gave a saucy wink and Bhar wasn’t the only one who had to adjust themselves.

  “Captain Kara!” Cassie broke through our collective moment, her wide hips and large breasts bounced as she pressed up to our table. “It’s so good to see you again as always!”

  “I’m never one to avoid pleasure or a good time,” Kara circled her arm about Cassie’s waist and pulled her close. She traced the tip of her finger slowly down the buxom woman’s corset, “It’s a shame you’re no longer on the menu yourself, Cassie.” Cassie’s lips parted on a sigh before she bit her neon green lip.

  “You don’t do commitments, dear Captain,” she giggled and played with one of Kara’s braids, “Besides, you’re always working! I’m surprised you’re here long enough for a third show.”

  “Third show?” Kara’s brow scrunched up in confusion then raised up in surprise. “Shit! Thanks for reminding me Cassie, I’ve got to drop off that shipment!” Kara rose up and laid a quick kiss on Cassie’s waiting cheek.

  “Don’t you have crew that could handle that?” Questioned Adohi irritatedly. This was the most he had engaged with Kara directly during the entire dinner and yet he still managed to sound like an asshole.

  “Some of us don’t have the money or clout to pay for a crew to be at their beck and call,” scoffed Kara.

  “You’re saying you run your ship by yourself,” Adohi’s arrogance seemed to crank up even higher. The others were used to his sharp tongue but even they seemed confused by his wilful abrasiveness.

  “I know it’s hard to understand, Adohi,” Kara looked at him with such sympathy, even placing a hand on his shoulder and giving a little squeeze. “Being an entitled asshole and all is rough for you. You need your emotional support wolves. But I simply have to rely on my own mental and emotional fortitude to get things done.”

  Adohi just sat there in shock as Kara walked out like a conquering queen surrounded by the raucous laughter of Bhar and our pack mates. I had never seen someone so expertly put Adohi in his place in all the time I had known him. Not even Gaius was so ruthless is dealing with Adohi’s prickly mouth.

  “I’ll see you all back at quarters later,” I sidestepped Cassie and trailed after Kara. If she didn’t have a crew to help her with her shipment then maybe she would accept my help. It was a shameless ploy to spend more time with her, I knew, but I didn’t care.


  I knew Quintillus was following me but I wasn’t going to acknowledge him. I didn’t need him wondering how some random woman could not only feel his empathic touch but also hear the near silent approach of a Mea Lupus. Only so many skills could be hidden or explained away before suspicion would grow, even if only on a subconscious level.

  “Kara!” His steps sped up so he could catch up to me in the empty corridor. “Maybe I could be of some assistance.” The end of his sentence was more a question than statement, like he was hovering between proving his usefulness and giving me a suggestion. Eyeing him up and down slowly I let him feel my suspicion and wariness.

  “And what will that cost me, wolf?”

  “No, nothing,” he supplied quickly. It wasn’t hard to feign skepticism. “I just... You mentioned you didn’t have a crew and I had a bit of time, so if... um, if you wanted to make use of my strength I wouldn’t mind.” His rambling was so damn adorable I just stared at him. He shifted from foot to foot and the tips of his ears only seemed to get pinker.

  The thought of a Mea Lupus offloading stolen goods to be sold by fences from a smuggler’s ship had me smiling before I could stop myself. His eyes filled again with that hopefulness I had seen before. He returned my smile hesitantly and stood up a bit straighter.

  His personality was that of a sweet and shy wild animal, trailing after me in the hopes of more treats. Was this how the first real wolves were domesticated into dogs? I projected sweet amusement but inside I was as frigid as the tundra. Calculating the risk to myself and the Charopos I decided this was another opportunity.

  “Well I won’t turn down an extra pair of hands,” I gave him a sultry smile and turned back down the corridor, “Come on then, I’ll put you to good use.” I didn’t need to turn back around to know Quintillus was blushing harder than before.

  The docks here were always busy. Unlike stations of planets closer to civilisation, the frontier couldn’t afford to turn away business. Rotating shifts of workers constantly staffed the various loading and unloading of cargo. If you had the money to rent grav-lifts then you were more likely one of the regular suppliers. I was not.

  Of course I could afford them but that would only make me stick out. No single captained ship, would choose to piss away credits by spending it on grav-lifts for their cargo. Not when they could spend it on ship maintenance, fuel, or upgrades.

  “Kara, I got your new boosters!” I kept walking and stepped up to Sunny letting her show me her grimy tablet. “I’ll give you a great price on them too.” Sunny was built like an amazon warrior of old. Taller than me and Quintillus both. He couldn’t see it but her body was lined with muscles, earned here through hard work as head of shipping maintenance and from her time in the various gladiatorial arenas.

  “Don’t give me your shit, Sunny,” I pointed up at her and narrowed my eyes in mischief, “We agreed on the price before I left.”

  “Well, that was before and this is now,” she explained ever so patiently, “plus, you’d think you could afford it with the new friends you’re keeping.” Her eyes looked over my shoulder at Quintillus. He stood there stiffly and completely out of place amongst the noise and grit of the lower docking bay.

  “Now you’re just hurting my feelings, Sunny,” I placed a hand on my heart and leaned back, “You know I don’t have any friends.”

  “Fine you miserly bitch,” she la
ughed, “but only because you brought a sexy man for me to eye fuck, even if he is a wolf.”

  “If I can convince him to take off his shirt while he helps offload my cargo will you give me a discount?” I asked cheekily while I winked at Quintillus.

  “Nice try, Kara. Dick don’t get you discounts just trouble,” she rolled her eyes and stalked off. I laughed honestly and took in the uncomfortable set of Quintillus’s shoulders.

  “Hey, she doesn’t mean anything by it,” I gave him a small half smile. I held back my almost involuntary need to comfort the tall and lumbering wolf. He seemed so serious, it was no wonder Sunny’s joking around had ruffled his feathers.

  “I would have done it if it had gotten you a discount,” he said dutifully. I looked at him in surprise. His lips quirked and then he laughed. The sound was so honest I blushed. I turned and gave a loud jovial laugh. However if he could have seen my face it would have given away just how fake my response had been.

  Quintillus’s laugh was so honest it physically hurt to hear it. I felt like I was stealing from the Divine Couple Themselves. Only those who loved and adored one another could have enough trust to share such an open carefree laugh. I hadn’t heard something like it since my father. I shook away the memories of that and everything attached to it. I didn’t have the luxury of wandering mentally or emotionally around Quintillus.

  Touching the security release sequence onto my suit’s gauntlet I watched my ship’s cargo hold ramp and airlock hiss open. In the time it would take Sunny to work on the boosters I and Quintillus would be offloading my smaller thefts into nearby merchant lockers.

  “No quarantine?”

  “No questions,” I huffed as I lifted a particularly heavy box full of old ship components down the ramp to a nearby locker. Luckily Ai had been watching along via my gauntlet. She had the orbs bring out all the smaller finds from the raid on the ancient Ragnar Station cargo hold from their hidden compartments. This way there would be no need for explanations as to why we were taking goods from the walls of the ship. Quintillus may be mooning after me now, but he wasn’t stupid. He would know what a smuggler’s hidey-holes looked like.


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