Smuggler’s Contubernium (Mea Lupus Series Book 1)

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Smuggler’s Contubernium (Mea Lupus Series Book 1) Page 19

by Kahaula

  I pushed people out of the way and knew I scared others as I shouted from growling fangs for them to clear the way. I passed through the last of the crowd and tipped my nose up to the air once more. I clamped down my jaws on the urge to whimper and whine.

  Kara never stumbled, she never fell. She was strength personified, her determination and grit regularly gave me a run for my credits. I panicked knowing that something had caused her to bleed. I ran through corridor after corridor blindly, following a now meandering but straight path deeper into the bowels of Castra 3.

  Was she running away from someone?

  Was she only winded or was she seriously injured?

  Guilt and regret tried to overtake me but I wouldn’t allow the selfish indulgence to take precedence over finding her first. The dingy halls down here, more maintenance passageways than anything else, were tall but narrow. If Kara was being chased it would make defending herself safer. I tried to access my comm on my gauntlet but whatever was down here seemed to be blocking my signal. At the next turn I almost ran right into Kara.

  “What happened,” I growled. She had a small gash on her head and a slightly puffy cheek. The gash covered half her face in sticky blood but looked worse than it was.

  “We both know you don’t care so don’t start pretending now,” she rebuffed and tried to walk around me. My guilt and frustration ate through my gut like acid. I pushed my chest against hers and flattened her against the wall.

  “Of course I care,” I yelled. I cupped her face and let everything I was holding back show on my face. My voice was hoarse and raw when I continued, “Gods, if anything happened to you I wouldn’t be able to live with myself.”

  “Liar,” she challenged. The air was charged with everything we were and weren’t saying. Her chest heaved and I panted along with her. We were locked in a battle of push and pull for a strip of common ground.

  “Fine,” I ground out. I got nose to nose with her and gripped her arms tightly, “I know what I said crossed the line.” Kara tipped up her chin in defiance and her nose brushed against mine. She was a blood covered queen, waiting for her due. “And I’m sorry I said what I did, but you and I both know you didn’t storm off because of that.”

  Kara’s heartbeat remained steady and she gave away nothing from her beautiful face. I was riding my ability hard, using it to track her mind and soul. I stood a single breath in front of her, but she was sectors out of my reach to comprehend. Pure instinct flowed through my veins as I leaned forward and cupped her face. I heaved in a breath and continued.

  “Whatever the reason, it doesn’t change that I would never put you in danger or hurt you,” I kissed her gently. I felt her breath catch and took my opportunity to slip my tongue in her mouth. I begged her with my mouth to forgive me and trust me. “Just tell me what you’re hiding,” I pressed my forehead softly against her own. I squeezed my eyes shut not wanting to see the lie that I knew was coming.

  “I’m not hiding,” her breath fanned my lips and I nuzzled her with a soft pained laugh. I pulled back far enough to look her in the eyes.

  “Liar,” I challenged her as she had done to me earlier, a twisted smile on my lips. Kara rubbed her blood covered nose across mine, a sultry look in her eyes.

  “Do you care?” She purred in my ear.

  “No,” I growled. Her smile was wicked and it hooked into my heart pulling me closer towards her dangerous embrace. I hit the secondary auto-fastener at my waist and pulled out my cock. Lifting her dress and hooking her leg around my hip I slammed up into her.

  “Oh, yes, Adohi!” Kara clawed at my neck and pumped her hips down hard. We had made our peace with each other in our own way. Kara was unshakable but I was relentless. Every hard stroke into the wet heat of her devastating cunt was my promise to meet her every challenge. Every twist and slam down of her hips strangling my cock was her promise to always defy my expectations of acquiescence.

  If this was the only truth we would share, then I would gladly stay right here between her thighs.


  I trailed behind Adohi earlier and nearly lost him in the bazaar when he suddenly pushed through the crowds and ran. Fearing the worst I ran after him. If I hadn’t had my own Mea Lupus senses to trail him I would have lost him.

  Finally I caught onto what must have had him sprinting. The smell of Kara’s blood. The narrow passageway was dark and empty in both directions. The more I followed the scent of blood, the richer the air became.

  My dick twitched in my tech suit as the lush smell of Kara’s arousal filled the air. Taking soundless steps I approached and my ears pricked with the wet slapping sounds of flesh on flesh. I was so painfully hard. Adohi, the bastard, was showing his contrition and getting to be with her because of it!

  Frustration and envy ate away at me. No, not again. I took one purposeful step in front of the other. Turning the final corner I inhaled sharply as I took in Kara’s bloody face. There was no pain, only pleasure as her limbs held on tight. The lower half of Quintillus’s gifted stola was bunched around the top of her hips, the fabric pressed between their bodies. Her eyes opened on a moan and she saw me. She smiled sharply but never stopped rolling her hips down onto Adohi’s hard thrusts.

  He was fucking her so hard against the wall one might be confused as to who was punishing whom. She tapped the auto-fastener at Adohi’s throat and reached under his collar. She dug her nails into his back and gouged into him. Adohi only shivered in pleasure and fucked her harder with her every deep scratch.

  “Your shy puppy likes watching me fuck you, Kara,” Adohi didn’t stop his thrusts but he looked over his shoulder at me.

  “My sweet wolf isn’t an animal like you, Adohi,” Kara teased and bit his ear, drawing blood. Enough. They were baiting me and I wasn’t about to turn down another opportunity.

  “Move,” I growled and shoved Adohi so he spun with his back to the wall. Kara bared her teeth in a feral grin and reached for me. I hit the lower auto-fastener but I was so close to Kara that she reached in and pulled out my dick for me. I groaned into her mouth and attacked her lips with my own.

  I pulled her hips off of Adohi and she lined herself up. I slammed her against the wall and hooked my arms underneath her thighs. If she thought Adohi had been rough then I would prove her wrong. I drew back so only her shoulders were pressed against the wall and bounced her on my dick as hard as I could.

  I snarled at Adohi as he reached between us and pulled the gold cord keeping the top of her stola closed. Adohi pushed aside the fabric and cupped her bouncing tits.

  “Don’t you love how her breasts bounce so beautifully when you fuck her nice and hard,” Adohi sucked in one plump nipple and Kara wrapped his hair in her fist in ecstasy. “Let me in her too.” Adohi pulled Kara into his chest, wrapping his arms around her from behind.

  “No,” I growled loudly. Adohi laughed and threw me the first genuine smile I had seen on his face since we came to Castra 3. I blinked away the surprise as he looked at me with open respect.

  “Fine,” Adohi conceded with a mischievous grin. He slid his dick along mine, lubing up on the overflowing honey from Kara’s beautiful pussy. “Kara likes it rough but I’m not about to hurt her by fucking her ass dry.” Kara let out a throaty laugh that was more moan than anything else.

  “So you’re a courteous asshole then,” Kara snarked, her words broken up in time with my thrusts. Adohi sucked in her earlobe and nipped her neck playfully while he pinched her nipples.

  “Only where your ass is involved,” he teased. Kara laughed loudly and her pussy spasmed and jumped around my dick. I had to stop my movement in order to get a hold of myself.

  Adohi seized his opening and pushed his dick slowly into Kara’s ass. He pressed his hand between our bodies and ghosted his fingers over her clit and stretched lips over my dick. I could feel him sliding up against me through the thin internal barrier. I groaned and bowled over, burying my face between her tits. I felt myself going feral with sensation. I
bit and nipped at her tits leaving my marks all over her.

  “Taste how much she loves us fucking her hard together,” Adohi’s wet fingers pulled away from between us and he lifted them to my mouth. Kara watched entranced and I sucked and licked each digit. I swore and licked my lips, her taste burned into my mind.

  “Fucking delicious,” I snarled and reared up. Together like never before, Adohi and I pounded in and out of Kara. Her cries of pleasure were deafening in the small space, and the smell of her filled the air like a heady perfume.

  I could feel my jaws adjust and widen. My wolf rode me hard, demanding to claim every inch of her. Mind, body, and soul. I flicked my eyes up to Adohi and saw the same feral need take hold of us. Without warning, Adohi shifted to his half form. Kara cried out as his dick grew larger in her ass.

  “Lift her up onto me,” his words were a demanding rumble of power. “Grip us tightly Kara, trust us and we’ll hold you up.” Kara arched her back and gripped a handful of Adohi’s neck scruff. His large wolf’s head hung over her shoulder and he pressed his snout into her neck.

  Kara yanked on the neck scruff she had bunched up in her hand and he growled out loudly. His pace and strength ratcheted up and she choked out a sob of pleasure. When she didn’t feel me moving with them she threw me a savage smile of her own and slowly tipped her chin back to expose her neck to me.

  I shuddered at the implication of what she was offering me. Adohi’s wolf eyes challenged me to make a decision. I slapped the auto-fastener at my throat and half shifted. Kara cried out once more as my dick grew larger inside her as well. Whimpering and panting she kept her neck wide open in invitation for me.

  What she was giving us both right now made drool drip down my jaw onto her tits. We fucked her with wild abandon. Our cocks never satisfied with just one orgasm from her. I had only read about shifted sex, whether in our half form or in our wolf form.

  This was something usually reserved for Mea Lupus and their mates. Outside of the random kink club, shifted sex was the ultimate sign of trust. For the most part we could count on another Mea Lupus seeing our different forms as extensions of our sentient self but that’s not how everyone saw it.

  Shifted sex was relegated to very exclusive or upscale kink clubs because it was considered dangerously scandalous. It was the kind of sex that people still pointed to and used against us, calling us animals. Was this just scratching a kink or was it checking off something from a list of ‘things to try at least once’ to Kara?

  My hesitation must have shown because she reached for me and murmured as if in a daze, “My sweet wolf, let go with me.” Adohi paid us no heed, our moment private and absolutely perfect. I felt all her muscles relax and she gave over to us. She showed me with her body that this was real. She saw me.

  Shoving all doubts and thoughts from my mind I roared in joy. Adohi joined me in my guttural howl, uncaring if anyone heard our echos of passion. I snapped my jaws down over her arched neck and pressed down. Kara’s dripping pussy crushed us both in response.

  Adohi yelped and pounded into her ass faster and harder. I panted and drool from my open mouth dripped down my fangs between her tits. I pressed down just enough to leave her gasping for air before letting her breathe deep. Then I did it all over again and again.

  After Kara screamed out two more dick crippling orgasms I could feel Adohi and I flagging. We had held out for so long but even in our half form we were reaching our limit. Dripping with sweat and spit, Kara shook in our arms. I nodded to Adohi and with one last rallying effort we slammed deep in Kara and built her up to the edge again.

  I silenced her whimpers and cries when I clamped my jaws down on her throat one last time. Adohi pulled and plucked at her breasts, then mindful of his claws, flattened her clit under his warm fingers. He ground her clit down into her pubic bone and rolled it in sweeping circles.

  “Oh, Gods, yes! Yes!” Kara rasped out and her hips convulsed uncontrollably. I pulled back my jaws and felt her gasp in a breath as her massive orgasm locked us inside her. Her inner muscles squeezed out every drop of sanity and cum we had in us.

  We shifted back and clung desperately to one another. Adohi shivered and buried his face on the right side of her neck while I pressed my own onto the left side. Kara absently stroked our now unbound hair that hung around us in a curtain of intimacy and quiet breaths.

  Kara shakily put down her feet and we slipped out of her on a moan. I wanted to wrap myself around her and sleep for days. The feeling was made even more intense knowing Adohi, my pack mate, was also here to protect our mate. How could she be anything but our mate after that?

  Kara gingerly took two steps from us and adjusted her clothing. I felt a sheet of deadly ice fall between us. We stood there unmoving, clothes half off us and our softening dicks hanging out. I so badly wanted to reach for her, I almost whimpered in agony.

  Without a single look back Kara left us where we stood and walked away.


  I had heard of the walk of shame. I always thought it was exceptionally prudish. I didn’t think so anymore. What else could I feel but shame?

  I kept my head down and went straight to the Charopos. I made sure to stay visible on the surveillance bots that I was supposed to know about and only crossed into one dark spot that I knew Adohi would still see me on the bot he had recently planted there.

  I locked up my ship and walked into my cabin’s bathroom. It was nothing compared to what I took for granted at the Mea Lupus Quarters but it was mine. It’s cold interior was the truth behind all the lies I swam in.

  I looked in the mirror and saw myself. Everything I was wearing was rumpled and covered in Adohi and Oli’s scent. The ache between my thighs only drove home the reminder that they had fucked me with savage innocence not ten minutes ago. The stickiness of their cum and mine coated my thighs and leaked from between my ass cheeks.

  I sucked in a breath and fought back a sob of self loathing and shame. I covered my mouth with both hands to try and stifle the noise of my soul coming undone. I wasn’t ashamed of what I had done. I was ashamed because I knew what it meant to have shifted sex.

  I fell to the floor and tried to bury my cries in the fabric of my stola but its soft blue bird shell colour made me weep harder. I had done so many vile things to survive. But this, this is what broke me.

  Adohi and Oli had shared something only freely given between Divine Mates. It wasn’t a rash decision on their part or something done in the heat of the moment. They weren’t animals.

  I swallowed back another sob and smothered my ragged breaths with my stola. They had given me something so precious and raw because they wanted me to know how much they cared. How scared Adohi had been when he found me. How frantic Oli had been to claim me and ease any pain or doubt I may have had.

  I curled up on the floor and wept at the sick mockery I had made of their hearts.

  I laid there for minutes or hours, I wasn’t sure. I felt soft fingers caressing my face. My ship was the one place I was safe but I hadn’t heard Ai approach. I blinked gunky eyes up at her and she smiled softly.

  “Hey there, sleepy head. Floors are for fucking and beds are for sleeping,” she joked. I snorted a laugh, feeling sore and drained. She helped me up off the floor then turned on the shower. I peeled myself out of my stola but kept on Oli’s necklace.

  Ai left me to my shower while she cleaned my clothes. I fingered the eight black twisted glass beads on the gold rope choker. It was a gift perfectly suited to my tastes—my real tastes. Stepping out of the shower I took it off and put it away in a hidden compartment.

  By the time Ai came back with my beautiful stola I had already changed into my working tech suit. I took the stola from her and folded it neatly before putting it away in another small hidden storage space with the other clothes that the pack had bought me.

  When I had left this morning I seized the opportunity to take anything of worth that they had given me as well as contact Ai to update her. I left the
bag at one of our drop spots and she had brought it here to the Charopos. She walked around with one of my sleeping garments from the Mea Lupus Quarters, helping me to lay false trails for Adohi. The rest of the pack weren’t hopeless at tracking but as the one who caused this mess I knew they would send him out to find me with a noose hanging around his neck.

  I had rammed my face into a bulkhead to make it seem like I had a small scuffle, nothing unexpected for an unarmed woman in an expensive dress wandering about. Making sure the wound was nothing too big was also important; generating too many questions led to too many lies to maintain. I needed them to worry and feel guilty, not start looking for assailants that didn’t exist. Head wounds always made for good theatrics because they bleed so much.

  Ai stood silently as I berated myself for bringing anything from the Mea Lupus Quarters. For all I knew Adohi could have found a way to put surveillance bots in my gifts. I sighed and pinched the bridge of my nose. I tried to feed my need to chastise myself with nonsensical hypotheticals in order to avoid addressing the real reason why I had taken all those things.

  Because they were gifts from them.

  “Kara...,” Ai started.

  “Don’t,” I snapped. Ai stiffened at my tone.

  “No,” she ground out, “You don’t get to come home covered in the cum of two wolves for me to find you in a sobbing puddle passed out, and not allow me to say anything.”

  “I think you covered everything,” I said sarcastically.

  “Kara!” Ai yelled. “What the fuck is going on? And I mean it, what’s really going on.” I pinned her down with my glare and let all my self-loathing show.

  “I wasn’t crying because I was having second thoughts,” I snarled.

  “I didn’t say you were,” she insisted, “but something else is going on and I damn well deserve to know what it is.”

  “How did you feel after you killed Fillion?” I asked. Her head snapped back in confusion and unease.


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