Laura's Submission: The Whole Story

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Laura's Submission: The Whole Story Page 1

by Alex Carlsbad



  Laura is Feeling Frustrated

  Today is the Day That I Die

  Unexpected Turn of Events

  Ms. Laura Gets Acquainted With the Preliminaries

  A Belly Dancer's Backdoor

  Mr. Garrett Changes His Plans

  Schooling Ms. Hancock

  Laura Blushes Deeply

  Laura Begins Her Transformation

  Laura Learns to Present

  Laura is Unplugged

  Lunch Break

  Potty Break

  Study Break

  Cuming and Going

  Laura’s First Proper Spanking

  Laura Sleeps on the Floor

  Laura's Exam

  The Doctor Tests Laura

  Laura Meets the Sultan of Zandalar

  Elizabeth, His Lordship’s Demure Body-Servant

  Copyright @ 2015 Alex Carlsbad All rights reserved.

  No part of this text may be reproduced, in part or in full, without express written consent from the author, except by a reviewer who may quote short passages in a review. All characters depicted are above the age of eighteen. This is a work of fiction and in no way condones acts of violence, sexual or otherwise.

  Adult Reading Material

  The material contained within this book is for mature audiences only. It contains graphic sexual content. It is intended only for those aged 18 and above. This book does not portray sexual intercourse between blood relatives.

  Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, or places, events or locales is purely coincidental.

  *** Warning ***

  To say that this book is for grown-ups is stating the obvious.

  This is not your typical romance. This series is meant for people who are not easily shocked, do not get nightmares easily, and do not mind reading about evil and awful things that happen to innocents. The ancient Greeks called it catharsis – the experience of providing relief from repressed emotions via our imagination.

  I do believe in the power of fiction to shock and even though I humbly ask for your apologies, kind people, you have been warned.

  I do not condone violence, sexual or otherwise. This is fiction, a place where imagination rules. I have tried to build worlds that are internally consistent. Things that are most probably going to appall you, are perfectly normal to the characters that dwell in my stories. All sexual acts performed in my stories are between people of legal age (also known as eighteen years old, or older). Any violence is non-gratuitious and crucial to the plot and character development.

  Do not read this story if you are under the age of consent in your country. Do not be surprised if you feel angry, upset and/or nauseous as you read along. You have been warned.

  Laura is Feeling Frustrated

  At twenty-six, Laura Hancock sometimes felt as if she had been a teacher forever even though it was only five years since she had first started work at the prestigious and private Gordon Levitt Elementary. There were some days when no matter how hard she tried, nothing appeared to work according to plan. It was amazing how ninety percent of these days happened to be Mondays. Today was no different.

  In addition to all the usual work she was expected to do covering for Mrs. Soderquist, the principal who had urgently left to attend a meeting downtown, Laura also had to somehow find time and meet with a number of parents for their scheduled parent-teacher conferences. Laura loved working with children, but the parents – – that was an entirely different matter.

  Laura often struggled to understand how some people could act so entitled that they would completely ignore sound advice given to them by the teachers of the kids. Perhaps it had to do with the fact that the demographic served by her prestigious school skewed heavily in favor of the obscenely rich one half of 1% of society. Laura took a long breath and tried to steal her nerves before entering the conference room. She was just about to meet the last couple for today.

  Unfortunately, Jillian and Carter Garrett were be the epitome of the problem.

  If Laura opened a dictionary to look up the word "bully", she would not have been too surprised to find a picture of their seven-year-old son Billy Garrett. However when it came to his parents, his issues with discipline were never his fault but always a result of another kid's bad behavior or even the teachers' poor professionalism. It was like as if they were completely oblivious to the boy’s naturally aggressive temperament which if left to grow unchecked, Laura knew, would develop into a serious handicap not only for him but for those around as well.

  She knew that for a fact for she had grown up in a family just like that. It had been her foster family, not her own. Her foster parents had lavished all sorts of favors and cut all the corners they could for their darling son Jeffrey while completely ignoring the suffering this was causing their little adopted child.

  Laura Hancock would be damned if she allowed this to repeat itself on her watch. It had taken her all her strength and determination to bootstrap herself out of her own sordid past and build a life that could be called normal the last six years or so. Laura would not allow the other children in the class to suffer the consequences of living in the presence of an unrestrained bully like Billy Garrett. It simply wasn't acceptable for other people to suffer because of the poor decisions being made by his parents.

  Laura knew it was not going to be easy. When it came to Carter and Jillian Garrett, Billy was God's gift to the school and childhood in general. Laura tried to calm herself before stepping into the conference room. She knew that the next twenty minutes of the scheduled conference were probably going to be the most difficult this week. She was going to have to bring up yet another incident that had happened just this Friday at the playground when Billy had kicked and almost actually harmed a kid.

  She was going to have to bring up the real possibility that Billy might be expelled. She had made up her mind to offer his parents one last opportunity to try and right the ship of their son's future. If they didn't step up and sign the kid up for counseling, there was very little she could do but initiate the process that would eventually lead up to his expulsion.

  Today is the Day That I Die

  Carter was definitely looking forward to his little tête-à-tête with Billy's young teacher. Given his wife Jillian's last-minute trip to Hong Kong this past weekend, he had had plenty of time on his hands to prepare for this one-on-one opportunity. God only knew how over due their meeting was.

  Ever since that first day of school almost thirteen months ago, when Carter had noticed her at Flag Salute, he had immediately been curious about the diminutive, cute as a button, young brunette teacher that had immediately caught his eye. Carter's main occupation nowadays was to consult with powerful law firms on matters of jury selection and character analysis. Over the years, he had developed a preternatural ability to judge a person's true nature in less than a couple of minutes of simple observation. These ten minutes of looking at Ms. Hancock, that first day thirteen months ago, were all Carter needed to make up his mind that she was one hot little number even if she didn't realize it herself.

  Dressed in shades of gray, wearing high black leather boots, the body language of the small brunette conveyed volumes of information to Carter Garrett's trained eye. He still remembered that she was wearing one of these little silver crucifixes that through no fault of her own merely served to accentuate the suppressed sexuality that her obviously athletic body exuded. Laura Hancock was not wearing an engagement or wedding band and had clearly worked hard on her choice of professional attire designed merely to convey an air of teacherly austerity. The demure nature of her attire contrasted nicely with her beautiful oval face an
d high cheekbones which would have spoken of an East European ancestry had it not been for her straight black hair and olive skin that made her pale green eyes stand out so much more.

  Carter had been prepared to wager his entire professional reputation on the line right then and there and bet that with the proper approach this young woman could be transformed into a tigress of sexuality.

  That had been little more than one year ago.

  Since then, he had spent a small fortune on learning more about Ms. Hancock's past. He chuckled to himself when he thought about how much he had learned via his friends in the police department. It was remarkable how normal people imagined that there was such a thing as privacy. There might have existed a notion of that sort in the past. However today, with the power of the Internet which when coupled to a prodigious amount of money became a veritable force of nature, there was nothing that could remain private in the real world given the slightest interest.

  Carter Garrett had hit pay dirt with Ms. Laura. He had a thick folder with pictures in his briefcase that spoke to that effect. His friend Jeffrey Stiles had provided such a bevy of information on Billy's little young teacher that would have made the NSA proud. The little minx actually had a criminal record for juvenile prostitution. Apparently she had been dragged into it by some unsavory characters that had picked her up when she had been a runaway from some bad family situation in the city. Poor thing! Carter Garrett knew he should to feel sorry for her but that was one feeling that during the sixty-six years of his life he had never experienced.

  The young Ms. Laura had eventually been pardoned by the court system and once eighteen, her record had been expunged. Somehow she had succeeded to jumpstart a career in education after having graduated summa cum laude from Columbia University with a national merit scholarship. Apparently the kid was smart too. That only made Carter hornier. He liked smart women. A fertile imagination was going to be of critical importance for what he had in mind to do to her later. Once done with college, Laura Hancock had secured a job as a full-time teacher at the ultimate private elementary school in New York City where only the crème de la crème of society sent their precious little ones to get indoctrinated in the ways of life.

  The fact that a place such as The Gordon Levitt School had hired a virtual nobody such as her straight out of college, had given pause to Carter Garrett. He knew for a fact that there was no such thing as charity when it came to money and family, both of which would have been considerations in hiring a teacher that could potentially influence the minds of the next generation of the one half of 1% in Manhattan.

  Evidently Laura had had an ace or two up her sleeve, or up somewhere else because she had quickly been promoted to assistant principal and now held one of the top jobs at one of the best private schools in the country. Additional prodding had finally provided Mr. Garrett with the answer he knew had to be hidden out there somewhere.

  Today was going to be the day when Laura Hancock was going to die. Her rebirth was going to start immediately and Carter Garrett was going to guide her through it.

  Unexpected Turn of Events

  Carter knew his son quite well and already had a pretty good idea of what Laura Hancock intended to discuss today. Carter smiled as he took his seat at the conference table waiting his turn to meet the good Ms. Hancock.

  Too bad they were not going to stick to her talking points today.

  He had made sure he had her last interview for the day not wanting any distractions. On the way into school he saw flustered nannies hurriedly picking up the last kids from aftercare. At four thirteen in the afternoon, the school grounds were probably the most deserted place in the city.

  "Good evening, Mr. Garrett," Laura entered and scanned the room clearly mystified by the Jillian's absence. "I was actually looking forward to speaking with the both of you today. Is Mrs. Garrett going to be joining us in a little bit? I'm sure we can make a little time to wait for her, if needed."

  Carter smiled inwardly. It was just going to be the two of them today. He had personally made sure that Mrs. Soderquist was called out to City Hall downtown for an important discussion of some matter involving inner-city kids and whatnot. "I'm afraid Jillian had to leave on an important business trip to Asia on Friday," he said. "I'm afraid she wont be back until the end of this week. Her company is going through some major reorganization and she's been terribly busy even when she's home. I'm afraid I'm all you got for the foreseeable future."

  He attempted to smile encouragingly but knew that no matter how hard he tried, his expression appeared to always portray a steadfast rapaciousness. In law school his colleagues had coined the nickname of The Shark to describe him. Over time it had stuck and come to embody much more than merely his outward appearance but also his character which did not differ that much from the wild animal it invoked.

  Laura Hancock took a deep breath "Mr. Garrett I was hoping to have you both here because what we need to talk about is of the utmost importance regarding your son. I must admit it somewhat unfortunate not to have both of you present given the gravity of the situation."

  Poor Ms. Hancock, always so concerned with the well-being of her students and so clueless about her own. Carter almost laughed out loud.

  "Has he been acting out again?" he asked. "Billy such a little torpedo, what can I tell you," he chuckled. "Oftentimes I can't wait for the weekend to be done with so I can return to the relative sanity of my work.

  "Well, unfortunately then, you might not be too surprised to hear that, yes, Billy has been in quite a bit of trouble lately," Laura started, but got cut off when Carter lifted his arms in the air in a placating manner.

  "Let me stop you right there, Ms. Hancock," he said. "I know my boy. To say he is difficult and merely a challenge, is putting it mildly. To be honest, I cannot say that this surprises me too much. When I was his age, I also did not make life easy for my teachers, or my classmates for that matter. What did he do this time? Did he bite somebody like you told us a couple of weeks ago? Or has he been the bully we all know him to be? Let me make things a little bit easier here and tell you right off the bat that I admire your work with the students and if you think we should sign him up for therapy or something like that, I will do it. I trust you implicitly." He looked up and saw Laura take a visible sigh of relief.

  "I must admit I'm extremely happy to hear that we see eye to eye on the potential issues that have unfortunately materialized. Actually," Laura smiled broadly and Carter's cock stirred, "in that case I think our meeting today will go much easier than I anticipated. Parents are often so protective of their kids and to be honest sometimes just a little extra attention and guidance is all that is necessary to start them off on the right path," Ms. Hancock's little speech got cut short when she noticed Mr. Garrett's face suddenly morph from one of sympathetic understanding to an expression of pure unadulterated rage.

  "Yeah, well, unfortunately for Billy, today's meeting will not be about him really. But rather, about you, Laura Hancock," Garrett allowed his face to relax into its naturally wolfish aspect.

  "Excuse me?"

  He let the silence build enjoying her consternation. The situation reminded him of the first scene in the movie “Interview With the Vampire”. In it, an old and preternaturally powerful vampire played by Brad Pitt was informing the clueless and innocent journalist acted by Christian Slater of the true and macabre reality of the dark power that lived in the shadows. Sometimes, Carter Garrett would catch himself wondering if he might also be a vampire of sorts. One who instead of blood, feasted on the innocence of young and helpless women.

  "Here's the thing, Ms. Hancock, or should I rather call you Laura? Yeah I think I prefer Laura. It has a certain je-ne-sais-quois of female fragility about it."

  He noticed gleefully that her expression changed from one of pure bewilderment to unadulterated shock. She had such an expressive face!

  "Please don't get angry. Here, let me put things on the table as it were," he chuckled as he prod
uced a folder from his briefcase. “I do believe in allowing actions to speak for themselves so here goes,” with a practiced motion he fished out a letter-size blowup of her photos and stood up starting to place them methodically across the table in front of the petrified teacher. They were so many that he first arranged them in an arc and then started fanning out placing the most explicit ones further and further away thus drawing out her bewildered and shocked gaze to scan the sea of black and white nudity that covered the conference table in the teachers’ lounge.

  Ms. Laura Gets Acquainted With the Preliminaries

  Shit! was the only word coursing through Laura's mind as realization struck her. The bastard had somehow come across the entire photo shoot from way back when. On the table in front of her were displayed what had to be dozens and dozens of candids of a young Laura Hancock in various states of undress.


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