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Spreadsheets Page 6

by Jaclyn Quinn

  “Oh ho! I know that look. Follow me, kid. Pretty sure aisle three is gonna be the mothership of your wildest dreams.”

  Fifteen minutes later, he was walking down the block with his grocery bags in hand. It absolutely was not weird that he had a bag from Ace’s Wild shoved inside a bag from the Food Depot. The first time he’d left Ace’s Wild with bag in hand, he’d tucked it under his arm. He may be getting adventurous with his purchases, but he sure as hell didn’t want to announce that to all of Vintage Ridge.

  He climbed the outside stairs to his place and opened the door. Every time he saw the Death Star keychain, he couldn’t help but smile. Jeremy set the bags with the cold items on his counter. He went to his bedroom and dropped the other bag on his mattress, pulling one box out, then glanced at the clock. How the hell was it five-thirty already? Griffin would be there in an hour and a half, and Jeremy still had to shower, shave, and order the pizza.

  Quickly, he shoved one of the boxes in his nightstand. The rest would have to wait until later. He rushed back out to the kitchen and put the rest of the food away. This wasn’t a date. So, why the hell did he feel so nervous?

  By the time Griffin pulled up, Jeremy started pacing the living room, shaking the tension from his hands. This was a bad idea. Why did he think this was a good idea? What the hell was he going to talk to the man about?

  Jesus, he was overreacting, because they’d never run out of things to talk about before. This was different, though. This was being in close quarters…alone…with a sexy man who had a ton more sexual experience than Jeremy could ever dream. Why does that matter? You’re watching Game of Thrones with him, for fuck’s sake.

  A hard knock sounded on Jeremy’s door, and he jumped. “Now or never.” He rubbed his sweaty hands on his jeans, took a deep breath, then opened the door. “Hey. Come on in.”

  Griffin smiled that smile that melted Jeremy’s insides and stepped past him. “Thanks.” Once the door was closed, Griffin looked around the small space. “This is nice, and in the perfect location.”

  Jeremy glanced at his place, shoving his hands in his pockets. “I’d like to own a house like yours someday, but it’ll do for now, I guess. Do you want to sit?”

  Griffin nodded and set a bag down on the coffee table before he took a seat on the sofa, his arm draped across the back. His casual nature and sexy confidence were what had drawn Jeremy to him from the beginning. Seeing him so at home in his place made a nervous excitement flutter in Jeremy’s belly. He looked right there. Like he should always be there.

  Jeremy sat on the other end of the couch, his knee bouncing. Griffin reached over and rested a hand on the overactive knee. Great, so my leg is calm, but now everything else is going haywire.

  “I don’t own that house, by the way. I rent it from my parents.” Griffin pulled his hand away, resting it on his own thigh. “They moved to Florida. It’s the house I grew up in. They didn’t want to sell it, and I didn’t want to move to Florida, so it was a win-win. Plus, my rent’s a steal.”

  “So, you’ve lived here all your life?” Jeremy found himself relaxing back into the couch.

  “Yep. Born and raised. I did leave for college, though.” Griffin slid his left knee toward the back of the couch and faced Jeremy. “Went to Penn State. When you live in a college town your whole life, the last thing you want to do is go to that college, ya know? I always knew I’d come back home, though.”

  “It seems like a great town to grow up in.” Jeremy faced Griffin, mirroring his pose. Their fingers brushed on the back of the couch, but Jeremy didn’t pull his hand away. He liked the feel of Griffin’s warm skin against his own. With the label of friend that he’d so brilliantly come up with, that was about all he could get away with.

  “It was great. I was never really worried to come out here, but I know it wasn’t always like that. Ace and Wilder left for a long time because they didn’t feel free to be who they are here.”

  “Oh, wow. I just figured they always lived here, too.”

  Griffin shook his head. “They went to school with my uncle, and after graduation they left town together. I think they’ve been back for about three years.”

  Jeremy cocked an eyebrow. “How do you know them so well then? Do you really go in there that often?”

  Griffin ran his fingers over Jeremy’s on the back of the couch. “No, I don’t go in there that often, but I like the jealousy I hear in your voice.”

  “I’m not jealous!” He couldn’t hide a thing from Griffin. The man read him like a book.

  “You are so jealous.” Griffin gently squeezed Jeremy’s fingers. “I’ve helped them out a bit when they’ve had computer issues. My uncle recommended me to them. They’re cool guys, so I stop in and see them every now and then.”

  Jeremy grinned. “And buy lube. Lots of lube.”

  “That too. You can never have too much lube.”

  Jeremy nudged his head toward the plastic store bag on the table. “Are you gonna show me what you brought?”

  “Oh shit. I completely forgot; I stopped and picked us up dessert.” Griffin leaned forward and grabbed the bag, pulling a box out and handing it to Jeremy.

  “Pineapple upside-down cake?”

  Griffin smirked. “I figured since you weren’t getting it on your pizza, this was the next best thing.”

  Jeremy laughed. “Funny, because I bought you a present, too. Well, not a present. Not like the keychain you gave me. I never thanked you for that, did I?”

  “You didn’t need to. I saw you switched it out on your keys.” Griffin gripped the back of his neck and looked around. Was he just as nervous as Jeremy was? Man, that would make this so much easier.

  As usual, he looked gorgeous. Jeans that hugged his body just right, a dark gray tee that hid hard muscles Jeremy had seen with his very own eyes. His thick, black hair was parted on one side, a piece sticking out like he’d just run his hand through it. A dark, close-cut beard covered his chin and jaw, surrounding plump lips that probably tasted like sin and sex.

  Sin and sex? Where the hell had that even come from?

  “Uh…” Jeremy looked around. “I have your present here somewhere.” Now that he’d actually told Griffin he’d bought him something, he felt ridiculous because the present wasn’t that great. It was actually just a small gag gift. But where the hell had he put it?

  A knock sounded at the door. “That must be the pizza.” He stood up and grabbed his wallet then remembered something. “You know what? I think I threw the bag with your gift on my bed.”

  “Okay. I’ll get that. You get the pizza.” Griffin stood up and pointed to the back of the apartment. “That door, I’m assuming?”

  “Yeah.” Jeremy opened the front door, handing the money over to the delivery guy as he took the large pie from his hands. He brought the pizza over to the coffee table—and froze. “Oh my God.”

  The bag.

  From Ace’s Wild.

  It’s in the goddamn grocery bag!

  Chapter Six

  “I see we’re keeping with the Star Wars theme, huh?” Griffin’s deep voice traveled across the room, amusement dripping from every word.

  Jeremy stood up, his eyes closed, and felt the heat of Griffin’s body as he came up behind him and whispered, “Is this my present?”

  Oh my God. Oh. My. God. Jeremy! His pulse was beating erratically, a nervous sweat breaking out all over his body.


  “Th-that’s… It’s not what you… Fuck...” Words. Words were hard, and fuck, so was he. He felt Griffin move in closer, felt his heat surround him…how turned on he was. “I…I bought you nuts.” Jeremy hung his head and groaned. I bought you nuts? Really?!

  “Thanks, but I have some of my own, and man, their fucking ready to bust right now. And you say I don’t play fair?” Griffin shifted behind him, and Jeremy finally opened his eyes, seeing Griffin’s arm come around him as he held… “A lightsaber dildo? And I thought the Death Star keychain was cool
. Way to one-up me.”

  A snort escaped, a smile spreading uncontrollably across Jeremy’s face. “I’m never living this down, am I?”

  Griffin’s lips skated across Jeremy’s neck, sending a shiver through his entire body. “Not gonna lie; it may be a while.” Griffin leaned his forehead on Jeremy’s shoulder and inhaled deeply—then took a step back, and immediately, Jeremy missed the press of his body against his.

  Jeremy turned around slowly, his pulse pounding like he’d just run a marathon. His heart sank when Griffin looked around uneasily. “Um…” Jeremy said. He was nothing if not awkward.

  Griffin smirked, but the expression looked pained. “So, Game of Thrones…” His gaze flicked to Jeremy’s before breaking eye contact.

  “Griffin…” Jeremy took a small step toward him, but it was enough to make them only inches apart.

  Griffin cupped Jeremy’s cheek, his thumb running back and forth, soothing Jeremy with every stroke. “No, it’s cool. I told you that the very first night…I don’t want you to do anything you don’t want to.”

  “You know I want to.” Well, hell…that had been really fucking honest. “I’m just worried I won’t live up to…” He had no idea how to finish that sentence. His sexual experiences could be counted on one hand—and he’d still have fingers leftover.

  “What difference does it make how experienced I am? I mean, yeah, I’ve got some experience. I’ve had my share of one-night stands, but that night… I’ve never done anything like that before you.” He looked so vulnerable right now, in a way Jeremy had never seen him before.


  Griffin huffed out a laugh, his hot breath ghosting across Jeremy’s skin. “Who do you think I am? Ace and Wilder? If you want stories of sexual adventure, they’re your guys.” Griffin moved closer, their bodies lined up, chests touching. “But if you want a guy who can’t stop thinking about you…a guy who’s going crazy wondering how you taste everywhere…then I’m your man.” Jeremy let out a small sigh when Griffin moved in, his mouth a breath away, but didn’t close the distance. “You know what I want, Jeremy. This is your call.”

  Jeremy whimpered as he pressed their warm lips together. He’d done it. He’d taken what he wanted, and damn, Griffin kissed him back. Holy shit, the man kissed him back with an urgency Jeremy had never felt before. He heard a thump on the couch behind him, then strong arms wrapped around his waist as he clung to Griffin’s neck, Jeremy’s body rejoicing when Griffin’s tongue explored his mouth. Jeremy pushed his hands up into that black hair, sighing at the soft feel of it.

  Griffin’s hands slid down, cupping Jeremy’s ass and pulling him closer, pressing their erections against each other. Jeremy let out an embarrassing squeak, but Griffin didn’t seem to notice. Jeremy’s groin, apparently having a mind of its own, thrust against Griffin’s, currents of pleasure racing through his body.

  Griffin broke the kiss, traveling his wet mouth down Jeremy’s jaw, his tongue drawing a line to Jeremy’s neck. “Tell me something, Jeremy.”

  “Yeah?” he whispered.

  Griffin pulled his head back, his eyes hooded and dark. “How many times have you used those beads since that night?”

  Jeremy smiled shyly, looked down, but then lifted his gaze again to meet Griffin’s. He found an ounce of bravery, from who knew where, to answer softly, “Let’s just say, I had to buy more lube today.”

  Griffin’s head fell back as he laughed. He brought his mouth forward again, claiming Jeremy’s. This felt so much easier than Jeremy had expected, and honestly, it made sense. There had been something calming about Griffin from the very beginning. This feeling like they’d known each other forever.

  When Griffin pulled back again, he said between breaths, “I want you so bad right now, but if you’re not ready—”

  Jeremy silenced him with his mouth, savoring the passionate dance of tongues. “I’m ready.” He’d never been so sure of something before. He didn’t have to overthink it; it just had to feel right. Fuck, did it feel right. Jeremy started to push Griffin back toward the bedroom when Griffin abruptly stopped.

  “Wait…” He let Jeremy go, walking over to the couch. “There’s no way we’re not breaking this bad boy in.” He stalked back over to Jeremy, green lightsaber dildo in hand. “Come on. It’s been way too long since I’ve seen you naked. Gonna take my time tonight, memorizing every inch of this body.” Griffin’s gaze slid down, taking in Jeremy’s trembling frame. How did this guy make him feel so sexy with just one look? Hell, he’d made Jeremy come without ever touching him. “You gonna let me, Jeremy?”

  Jeremy rapidly nodded his head like a bobblehead doll because words were still so damn hard. Griffin laughed and grabbed his hand, pulling him back toward the bedroom. When he glanced at the bed, nerves began to take root.

  “Hey”—Griffin took his face in his hands—“it’s just you and me. No ridiculous expectations or assumptions, okay? You have no idea how hard you get me, and all you have to do is look at me.” Hadn’t Jeremy been thinking the same thing about him only moments ago?

  “Where the hell did you come from?” It was like he’d walked straight out of Jeremy’s dreams, changing his life into something Jeremy no longer recognized but absolutely loved.

  “You may ask yourself that again months from now when my annoying habits drive you crazy, but you’ll be stuck with me by then.” Griffin kissed Jeremy again, probably having no idea how the words he’d just spoken ricocheted off every surface of Jeremy’s mind. Months from now... He wants more than just this.

  With a newfound confidence that was liberated by that bold statement, Jeremy pushed Griffin’s shirt up, forcing the man to pull back and toss the dildo on the bed as his shirt passed his arms. He didn’t miss a beat, his trembling fingers pushing the button through the hole in Griffin’s jeans, feeling as Griffin did the same to his. Jeremy was forced to let the denim go when Griffin shoved his shirt up and off, letting it fall to the floor.

  The first press of skin-on-skin as they came back together was exhilarating. Once again, they worked at each other’s pants, shoving them down and stepping out of them until the only thing that separated every inch of skin was their underwear.

  Within seconds, the material was no longer an issue, their hard cocks sliding against each other for the first time, even though they’d both had mind-blowing orgasms with each other before. The thought was erotic as hell, the feeling of Griffin’s erection slipping against his own unlike anything Jeremy had ever experienced. But he didn’t want to think about past disappointments. He wanted the here and now, with this man who was currently blowing every other sexual experience Jeremy had ever had out of the water.

  He felt the back of his knees hit the bed, but reluctant to let Griffin go, he pulled him down on top of him, Griffin laughing against his mouth. Griffin slid those teasing lips down, scraping his tongue against Jeremy’s chin, sucking on his Adam’s apple, before dragging his mouth down Jeremy’s clavicle and latching on to one of his nipples.

  “Holy sons a bitches!” Jeremy cried out. He heard Griffin snort, and Jeremy’s eyes popped open, heat racing over his sweaty skin until he felt Griffin lean his forehead on his chest, his body shaking. “Less laughing, more sucking.” Did he just say that out loud?

  “Yes, sir,” Griffin responded, sucking Jeremy’s nipple back into his mouth, and a sense of power rushed over Jeremy. Griffin licked his way over to the other side, lavishing that one with the same attention. Who knew nipples were so sensitive? Apparently, he’d been ignoring an extremely receptive part of his body.

  Griffin peppered Jeremy’s abs with wet kisses, his skin pebbling from the sensation. Jeremy’s hips pumped, anticipating Griffin’s mouth on him. “Please,” he said breathlessly.

  “I got you, baby.”

  The words barely registered before the wet heat of Griffin’s mouth enveloped his cock. Jeremy’s back arched in pleasure, his fists gripping the sheets on either side of him. “Oh fuck…so good…”r />
  “Though your present was nice”—Griffin grazed his mouth down the skin of Jeremy’s hard shaft—“I much prefer these…” He took one side of Jeremy’s sac into his mouth and sucked, massaging it with his wicked tongue.

  Jeremy managed to say through panting breaths, “I lied yesterday. You can keep your mouth down there. I’ll take my chances.”

  Griffin huffed in amusement, releasing one side and moving to the other. Slowly, he slid his mouth back up, engulfing Jeremy’s cock once again. Jeremy slid his hand into Griffin’s hair, gripping those dark strands.

  With a pop, Griffin pulled off, shifting up to take Jeremy’s mouth again. He maneuvered them both completely on the mattress, Jeremy’s head on the soft, down pillows. Jeremy could hear Griffin’s hand patting the mattress until he mumbled, “Ah ha,” against Jeremy’s mouth. Griffin pushed himself up and sat back on his haunches, waving the green lightsaber in the air. The only light in the room was the glow flooding in from the hallway. Griffin wiggled his brows, pressing the button on the side of the toy. It lit up, casting a neon green glow against Griffin’s face.

  Jeremy leaned up on his elbows, then covered his eyes with one hand in embarrassment. “Why do I find that so fucking cool?” He peeked at Griffin between his fingers.

  Griffin barked out a laugh, shutting the light off as he stood up and opened Jeremy’s nightstand. “Uh…because it is.” Griffin shifted mischievous eyes to Jeremy and then back to the drawer. “Someone’s prepared. Are you expecting the entire Imperial army?”

  “Blast! That was Ace’s idea.” Jeremy blushed, looking at the enormous box of Star Wars-themed condoms. “I may have mentioned you were coming over.” He winced.

  “Remind me to thank Ace.” Griffin grabbed the box and the bottle of lube out of the drawer, tossing both on the bed beside Jeremy.

  Jeremy swallowed hard, anticipation building, his body craving Griffin inside him, his ass clenching. His eyes followed Griffin as he got back onto the bed. Griffin moved each of Jeremy’s legs out and sat on the mattress between them. “Do you know how sexy you look spread out on these sheets like that? Waiting for me touch you? Balls so full they’re pulled up tight and cock so hard it’s leaking on your stomach. Jesus, that night I wanted to be right here…so I could do this…”


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