In the Stacks

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In the Stacks Page 2

by Marie Carnay

  “I love dogs,” Leah answered, trying to claw back the librarian veneer. “I wish my place allowed them. What are their names?”

  “Well, Monkeyman is my brute, he’s a mastiff, and a total goofball. And Tweeter is a mutt.”

  Leah cocked her head and raised an eyebrow. “You named your dogs after a Bob Dylan song?”

  “Traveling Wilburys actually, although Dylan sang it. I’m impressed. Not many people get the reference—most just think I’m weird. You a Dylan fan?”

  “Yes and no. Sometimes I find him a bit too much. But when I’m in one of those melancholy and introspective moods, I’ll listen. Usually I’m more of an angsty, electronic sort.”

  “Is that what you were listening to upstairs?”

  “Yeah… Again, I’m sorry about that, I don’t usually goof off on the job.”

  “Don’t be. So…you’d usually be out right now drinking and dancing?”

  Leah looked at her watch—1:45 a.m. “Yes, for at least a few more hours.”

  Bruce’s gaze swept over her, his eyes twin flames of desire. Every place his eyes paused, every place on Leah’s body they lingered, a fire kindled and sparked with lust. Her waist, her breasts, her collarbone—they all ignited, a burst of heat melting her skin and muscle, turning her liquid. “I’d love to see you, watch you dancing in your element at a club. I can only imagine how sexy that would be.”

  Leah laughed, “I don’t think you’d even get in the front door, looking so…well, normal. Which would be a definite shame since you’re…”

  She trailed off as Bruce stepped closer, their bodies inches from each other. Up close, Leah could see the stubble that shadowed his hard jaw and showcased his lips—lips that parted so he could wet them with his tongue, their pale softness lush and ripe for kissing. Leah inhaled and all she could smell was the smoke of desire and lust and need that billowed and undulated around her. It clouded her judgment, obscured her reason, made her delirious and lightheaded. She closed her eyes and leaned in to kiss those wet lips, ready to spontaneously combust, when a loud beep jolted her back to reality.

  “I think the computer’s ready,” she whispered, her eyes fluttering open, focusing on Bruce. His fingers stumbled over her jaw as he staggered back and nodded, letting her turn to face the computer. She exhaled a jagged breath, heavy with unsatisfied need, as she entered the tax ID into the database and clicked. After reading the results, she frowned, asking, “Are you sure the number is right? I’m not coming up with anything.”

  “Here, let me check.” Bruce slid up behind her to look at the computer screen. He leaned in and placed his hand over hers, guiding the mouse beneath her fingers. Leah’s breath caught as his chest raked her back. She shivered and he leaned closer, his lips grazing her neck as he smiled and whispered in her ear, “It looks like you switched a few numbers, math genius.”

  “Hey!” Leah elbowed Bruce in the ribs. “Someone distracted me.”

  Bruce chuckled as he reached up with his free hand to reenter the ID. As he typed, his arm brushed the swell of her hip, the hollow of her waist, the firmness of her breast, sending a simmering fire deep into Leah’s core. As the computer worked, their embrace deepened, Leah’s body a melting pat of butter draped beneath his. She oozed over his firmness, sliding and spreading across his chest, stomach and thighs, until she found his cock, swollen and stiff inside his jeans.

  She rocked her hips against his cock, grinding like a dance-floor harlot in the basement club across town, hoping he’d get the hint. He did, sliding his hand over her liquefied body and up her side until his fingers wrapped around her breast. He froze at the sensation of braless flesh against his fingers. Leah arched her back, pressing her breast into his hand and thawing his body with her rhythmic grinding. Her head fell back on his shoulder and she moaned as his fingers squeezed and stroked and circled her nipple. His other hand slid up her waist and caressed her other breast through her dress. His hands moved in rhythm with her, rolling and gyrating to a silent beat. The embers flared to life in her belly, sparking and spitting until she nearly cried out in frustration. His lips found her shoulder and he trailed small, gentle kisses up her shoulder, her neck, her earlobe.

  “So,” Bruce whispered, “can you help me locate the record? I’m helpless when it comes to the library. I need someone to show me exactly what to do and where to go.”

  Leah opened her eyes to the plat book number and page illuminated on the computer screen. Bruce backed away and she turned slowly to face him. His chest rose and fell in choppy, shallow breaths and his eyes burned with unvarnished lust for her. Definitely a lucky night. Let’s see if we can hit extraordinary.

  “Why, yes, I can help,” Leah answered, lowering her head and smirking. “It should be over there, on the far wall. Come, I’ll show you.”

  She ducked under his arms, and motioned for Bruce to follow, sashaying as best she could in unlaced combat boots. They wound their way past rows of records to the final aisle, crammed with plat books. Leah scanned the book numbers, slowing as she neared the end of the aisle. Pushing an abandoned library cart out of the way, she crouched, reading the numbers, her fingers trailing along the spines. As she leaned closer, Bruce crouched behind her, his body close to hers, and the fire surged inside her.

  Chapter Two

  Leah took a deep breath, closed her eyes, and breathed him in. I should ask him for his number and go out on a nice, ordinary date. His musky cinnamon smell, now tinged with heat and sweat, made her stomach clench and practically growl. Or I could just turn around and deep throat him right here in the aisle. Maybe the bathroom. Or the elevator. All three? As she mulled over the possibilities, Bruce’s voice interrupted her thoughts, his whisper featherlight and soft on her ear.

  “You know, the library’s deserted. I bet we’re the only people here.”

  “I thought you needed this property record,” Leah whispered back, tilting her head and leaning toward him.

  “I do, but there’s something else I need first,” he responded as his lips brushed Leah’s neck.

  “And what’s that?”


  Leah groaned aloud at his pick-up line, but then his hand ran up her thigh, the callouses rough against her skin, and all thoughts turned to ashes. He fingered the hem of her dress, tugging on the fabric, running it over her skin, inching it higher and higher until her entire leg was bare and exposed. She leaned into the books, palms bracing on the metal shelf edge as his body pressed closer to hers. His breath hit her shoulder blades and her skin flared, shockwaves of heat rolling off her body. Bruce’s hand swept her hair off her shoulder, revealing the constellation of stars tattooed behind her ear. His fingers traced their path, each touch sending a shooting star of electricity across her skin.

  “Me? You can’t possibly be interested in me. We’re like oil and water,” Leah panted, her words hot and sticky.

  “Hmm. I was thinking more like charcoal and lighter fluid. All we need is a spark.”

  “With all these books, we need to be careful, an uncontrolled fire could bring the whole library down,” she answered, smiling at the thought.

  “Well, then we better make sure it burns itself out, don’t you think?” he whispered, running his lips over her ear.

  “Definitely,” she responded, turning and twisting until she could look him in the eyes.

  Bruce raised an eyebrow and half smiled, his crooked lips lighting up his face with devilish desire. “You really are the sexiest librarian I’ve ever met.”

  “And you really are the most ordinary all-American man I’ve ever met.”

  “We’ll see about that.” Bruce wrapped his arm around Leah’s waist and yanked her to him as he pulled them both up to stand. She gasped at his power, at the ferocity simmering beneath his calm exterior. Leah ran her hands up his arms, soaking in the current running between them. She smiled.

  “About that spark. Let’s light it.” As the words left her lips, Leah leaned in, eyes wide open, and
kissed him.

  He kissed her back, hard and heavy, their lips locking together as his fingers wove through her hair and held onto her skull. Her eyes searched his as they kissed, staring into their aqua pools, picking out the random specks of brown rippling their ocean depths. As his mouth opened and his tongue flicked across her lips, he closed his eyes, his lush brown lashes barring her intrusive gaze.

  She yielded to him, opening her mouth and tasting him inside her, his tongue gently exploring, caressing her own. Mint and sugary soda and Bruce all mixed together in Leah’s mouth as her tongue circled his. The heat built in her mouth to a humid, slow burn that made her ache for more.

  He pulled her tongue into his mouth, sucking on it before letting it go and nibbling on her bottom lip. She ran her hands up his arms, gliding over the strength masked by his plain cotton t-shirt. A sense of privilege filled her, privilege to have access to his camouflaged masculinity, invisible under the loose drape of fabric, but fully accessible to her roving fingers. His lips caressed her jaw, cheek, ear, before he nuzzled her neck and took a deep breath.

  “You smell dangerous, and foreign…and hungry,” Bruce murmured as he kissed Leah’s ear.

  She rolled her eyes and laughed. “So does this always work? You trot out a corny compliment and librarians across the country melt into your arms?”

  Bruce smiled and nipped her ear. “No, you are officially the first librarian I’ve ever kissed. I’m a librarian virgin.”

  “Well, I’m flattered.” She smiled back as she ran her hands into his hair and pulled him down to kiss his neck. “It’s not every day I get to deflower a guy as hot as you. You’re not scared, are you?”

  “Terrified. But you’ll be easy and gentle, right? This is my first time, after all.”

  Leah laughed, the sound muffled as she trailed kisses up Bruce’s neck to his ear. She bit him, hard enough to hurt, and looked up at him. “Easy? Maybe. Gentle? Not a chance.”

  Bruce laughed as he ran his hands down her sides and cupped her ass, pulling her to him. The thin jersey of her dress kept no secrets and Bruce’s hands took their time, running over her firm thighs, the barely there lace of her thong, the nakedness of her back beneath the dress. As his hands paused at her back, his fingers fanning out to hold her, Leah’s nipples hardened and her small, high breasts swelled in anticipation. She pressed herself to him, rubbing her breasts against his firm chest and stomach. His hand slid around her waist and up her side, his thumb finding her nipple and circling—’round, and ’round, and ’round. A moan escaped her lips as she arched her back, and let her head fall back. His free hand ran down her body until it found skin, naked and exposed, and ran back up, under her dress, skimming along her thighs, over her panties, and up her side to find her other nipple, desperate for his touch. As his rough, stubby fingers massaged her breasts, sparks shot through her, the incendiary combination of their skin fueling her fire.

  Leah wanted all of him, right there in the basement of the library, as he slammed her up against the books and thrust himself inside her. She didn’t care if anyone came around the corner, didn’t care if the head librarian herself watched the whole thing. Fireworks launched in her body, exploding in a cascade of rainbow stars as they touched, and she felt more alive in the library’s basement than she had in months. Besides, she’d always fantasized about this, about getting it on in the stacks, and here was her chance.

  She found the hem of his shirt and pushed her hands underneath, running over the peaks and valleys of his fevered skin. As her fingers explored his body, he still caressed her breasts, tugging and pinching her nipples until she moaned again and dug her fingernails into his back. “More, I need more,” she pleaded with him and he smiled, kissing her collarbone and her neck.

  “So do I.” He found the edge of her thong and pushed it aside. His fingers ran down her mound to her slit, roving up and down her outer folds, teasing her with his gentle touch. He slipped into her wetness and she arched her body into him, longing for more. He ran his fingers up and down, each time creeping closer to her clit, but refusing to touch. She groaned in frustration, grazing his ear with her teeth and kneading his back.

  Bruce chuckled as he continued his frustrating assault. “I knew you were hungry.” He kissed her hard on the lips, shoving his tongue past her teeth and circling hers, drawing it back inside his mouth. As they kissed, tongues battling each other, he pushed her thong down her thighs until it slid off and landed on top of her boots. She slipped her feet out of her boots and kicked them to the side along with her underwear.

  When her toes touched the cold concrete, Leah picked up her feet, prancing like a cat on wet pavement until Bruce’s hands were on the back of her legs, picking her up and off the floor. She dangled there, suspended by his strength until she wrapped her legs around his waist and held on. She pressed against him, rubbing across his well-defined muscles. Sliding to the left, Leah angled her pelvis until Bruce’s cock, hard inside his jeans, hit the spot she needed. She rocked in his embrace, slowly, gently rubbing herself against him until he groaned and spun them around.

  Bruce kicked out, sending screeching wheels across the floor as he set her on the top shelf of the empty library cart. She gasped at the cold, but Bruce kissed her protests away as he dropped to his knees and slid her dress up her thighs.

  “Let’s see if we can warm you up, shall we?” Bruce kissed the inside of Leah’s knee. She shivered at his touch, at his delicate caresses traveling further and further up her thigh. He shoved her dress up to her waist and pushed her legs apart, revealing her nakedness to him, soaked with arousal and need. His lips inched closer and Leah grabbed handles of the cart in anticipation, holding on for the ride. Bruce’s tongue flicked the tendon of her inner thigh and she jumped, practically falling off the cart until his hands gripped her thighs and pinned her down.

  As his hands dug into her skin, his tongue darted out and licked her slit from bottom to top, grazing her clit and shooting stars behind her eyes. Her eyes flew open as Bruce continued to lick her, his tongue running up and down and side to side in slow, measured paces. She watched him kneeling on the hard basement floor, licking her half-naked body.

  She turned her head and looked down the aisle—the empty aisle of the university library—as Bruce’s mouth wrapped around her clit and sucked, pulling her tiny nub into his mouth. Her eyes slammed shut and she bucked against his hands, her nails digging into her palms as she held on to the handles of the cart. She braced her feet on his shoulders and pressed into him for support as he flicked his tongue back and forth, the fire of his touch consuming her body, turning her flesh to charcoal. Heat engulfed her, shooting to her core until his teeth grazed her skin and the flames inside her ignited. An orgasm ripped through her body in a violent explosion, searing everything in its path.

  As her body emerged from the flames, a phoenix rising from the burning embers, Bruce stood and picked her up in his arms. She wrapped her trembling legs around his waist and ran her hands, sore from her vise-grip on the cart, up his body and into his hair. She pulled his face down to her and kissed him, tasting herself on his lips and tongue. He pressed into her and his cock, still hard and full of promise against her tender sex, made her hot with desire.

  Leah found the button to his jeans and pulled, yanking them open. Sliding her feet down to the floor, she kneeled, the coldness sharpening her senses. She unzipped his fly, exposing his cock, which was tenting his boxers, and slid them up and over, freeing his sex from its cage. She smiled, seeing the size of him, seeing what she did to him, there in the library stacks.

  Leah shoved his jeans down to gain access to his full shaft and ran her fingers up and down, reveling in his size and aching need. His skin felt like warm metal, smooth and unyielding to her touch. She kissed the head of his cock gently, her tongue flicking out and tracing ever-growing circles. Then she took him into her mouth, sucking on the head and inching further and further until he hit the back of her throat. She groaned, frustr
ated at her inability to take him all. She tried for more, but his height and the hard basement floor thwarted her best efforts.

  So she lubed him with her saliva and used her hand to make up the difference, wrapping it around him and massaging up and down in time with the motion of her head. She bobbed in front of him, working and working until he grabbed her head with his hands and showed her how fast to go. She moaned as he took command and wrapped her hands around his, urging him on. She pressed into his hands, begging him to fuck her, fuck her mouth as he’d fuck her body.

  He all but growled as she gave her mouth over to him, thrusting harder and harder as she moaned louder and louder. He hit the back of her throat and tears welled in her eyes as he fucked her mouth, but the pleasure mounted in her body as he slammed into her harder and harder. She ran her hands down her body to her clit, swollen and dripping. She worked it with her fingers, rubbing frantically, her other hand pinching her nipple and grabbing her breast as his cock thrust into her mouth.

  He slid in and out, the suction of her mouth popping and smacking in time with her own fingers until he tensed and jerked. As his hot release erupted into her throat, she came, a stifled cry escaping her in a burst of pleasure. Swallowing the last of his cum she pulled back and let him go. She rocked back on her heels, wiped her mouth on the back of her hand, and looked up at him.

  He looked shell-shocked, temporarily blind and deaf, the victim of a detonated flashbang. Leah smiled and laughed quietly as she stood and kissed his incapacitated lips. As Bruce’s senses returned, she ran her hands down his still-clothed body. She ached to have him inside her, but he seemed spent and depleted, out of commission. She slid her hands down to his jeans, found his boxers and began to ease them back up when he grabbed her wrists.


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