A Pius Legacy: A Political Thriller (The Pius Trilogy Book 2)
Page 25
The Pope nodded slowly.
“They’re coming to kill us all.”
To be concluded in book three
A Pius Stand
Authors Notes
Before the lynch mob starts, read this note, and the previous book. Why? Because unlike some people who write fiction claiming to have historical elements, I like to point out what’s real and what isn’t.
All of the history in the opening of this novel from Matthew Kovach on Pius XII is real. See the bibliography of my last book, A Pius Man, for confirmation.
To start with, we all know that the United Nations and the World Wourt could never go after the Catholic church, right? Well, funny story...
To start with, look at Jed Babbin’s Inside the Asylum for many of the random facts in this book about the United Nations. The resolution equating Zionism with Racism was #3349, in 1975—and the United Nations has already announced that the Catholic Church has declared a war on women. In recent years, there has been a push for certain organizations to go after the Catholic church. Guess which ones.
If you said “The World Court” or “The United Nations,” you’re correct.
Using RICO (Racketeering Influence and Corrupt Organizations) against the Catholic Church is not original. When the 21st century just started, it had been proposed to use it against the American Catholic Church for a pederast-priest witch hunt. The ACLU, the UN, and affiliated groups have been declaring for years that the Catholic Church is inhumane, mainly for the reasons stated in the novel; all the UN would need is the right set of circumstances, and this novel could happen.
Also, Sudan has been on the Human Rights Commission, which makes about as much sense as Syria on the committee on arms proliferation.
Everything you read during the Pope’s trial is true. For example:
1) Slobodan Milosevic was tried by the Hague for his crimes in Serbia. The trial lasted for five years, and he died in his prison cell. The Court issued a warrant for the President of Sudan over the genocide of Darfur—for some reason ignoring the other twenty-plus years of Sudan’s war. As of this publication, he still hasn’t been brought before them. The Hague barely got around to convicting fellow genocidal prick Slobodan Praljak by the time of this most recent edit.2) The bioethics portion of the trial is a compilation of “bioethicists.” Dr. Cantor herself, obviously, does not exist, but she is an amalgamation of philosophies – including “retroactive” (read: post-birth) abortions. Any quotes attributed to other people are from those real persons. The numbers are also real—including the interest of the Dutch in infanticide. And, yes, Congressman David Weldon had proposed a law to protect doctors and insurance companies from being forced to participate in abortion. Barbara Boxer (D-CA) said that the law treated women worse than criminals – because a Doctor who hesitates before killing a baby is apparently worse than your average bank robber.
3) I hear that the birthrates of Europe have changed since this was first written in 2004. But, it would have to change for long enough to make up for the years it had been down.
For further nightmares, read The Culture of Death by Wesley Smith, The Party of Death by Ramesh Pannuru, and The Cube and the Cathedral by George Weigel.
4) For those of you paying attention, you will notice that I did not address the issue of pederasty/pedophilia in the Catholic church. Why not? Well, I have. If you go to APiusMan.blogspot.com, and type in the search term “never attribute to malice,” you’ll find the history behind it, why there was a whole bunch of stupid, and why using it to beat up on the Catholic church is the wrong move. If I’ve done all that work, you ask, why isn’t it in the book? Because I thought that twelve pages of documented history would put you to sleep. Not to mention that a band of villains that include Muslims do not want to bring up the concept of child sex as a bad thing, lest they alienate their canon fodder.
5) The rape/abortion discussion is as true as I can make it with the statistics available. The standard number agreed on is that there is, maybe, one pregnancy for every thousand rapes – 0.1% The highest number is 5%, but most people seem to agree that the latter number is bogus. The reasons stated for abortions, however, is accurate, from the cited Alan Guttmacher Institute (AGI). AGI has published several studies examining reasons for abortions in the United States. Rape/incest was the reason given for 0.5% of all abortions in the 2005 survey; 98% are elective.
The number of rapes per year is estimated, and I picked it up in a course on criminology. You can check out the National Crime Victim Report, US Justice Dept. Aug. 95, R. Bachman, for the rapes reported. The estimated rapes, as Pope Pius XIII noted, were based on the assumption on how many were not reported.
Some sources for you on the rape numbers in regards to pregnancy:
Everett & Jimerson, “The Rape Victim,” 237 OB & GYN, vol. 50, no. 1, July 1977, pp. 88-90 – notes that in 117 rape victims, none became pregnant.
As for the facts on post-abortion PTSD, et al, mentioned in the Pope’s trial, is gathered from the previously mentioned Dr. Califano. I know because he was one of my philosophy professors at St. John’s University.
6) Everything about Muhammed and Islam is as accurate as I can make it without having a degree in Muslim theology. One part of it is from George Weigel on Jihadism. Another is from one part the Qur’an, and one part Hadith, from the Sahih Bukhari, the most extensive and comprehensively collected Hadith, numbering nine volumes. Yes, the Qur’an has little context—the two major speakers are Muhammad or Allah—so the Hadith is relied on for context. The quotes as cited are as accurate as the translations allow. All of the modern historical references are accurate—from the Danish cartoon riots to Sharia law being practiced in Europe.
Before someone decides to complain about my portrayal of Muslims in this book, I will simply tell you to grow up, and look around. European Muslims riot over political cartoons, if you don’t think they’d riot over statements like the Pope’s, you need a reality check.
The last words of Muhammad cited here are from the Hadith of Muwatta Imam Malik, which is the closest contemporary of the Prophet—born 80 years after Muhammad died, so evaluate the rest for what it’s worth. And welcome to one of the problems of Islam—what Hadith is considered valid? What does any one individual take away from them? Also, throw in the fact that most modern Muslims can’t read the original Qur’an—it’s written in seventh century Arabic, and translations are forbidden (for a comparison, try reading the King James Bible in Latin without footnotes…and make it worse).
And while there are Muslims who are thoroughly against violence, none of them get half of the press time of the jihadists—and when the Council for American Islamic Relations is a front group for Hamas, I have the feeling that Muslims against violence would be, as usual, drowned out by the much louder nut jobs who talk about the religion of peace as they’re busy destroying something.
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Declan Finn
About Declan Finn
Declan Finn lives in a part of New York City unreachable by bus or subway. Who’s Who has no record of him, his family, or his education. He has trained in hand to hand combat and weapons at the most elite schools in Long Island, and figured out nine ways to kill with a pen when he was only fifteen. He escaped a free man from a PhD program in history. He’s been on the run ever since. There was a brief incident where he was branded a terrorist, but only a court order can unseal those records. And really, why would you want to know? He is currently hard at work on the sequel to his vampire novel “Honor At Stake.” You can find his ramblings over at The Catholic Geeks and his rantings on writing at www.declanfinn.com. To hear him really rant and rav
e, check out his interview show at The Catholic Geek podcast, over at Blog Talk Radio. He is the author of The Pius Trilogy and his urban fantasy series Love at First Bite has received three Dragon Award nominations.
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Declan Finn
The Pius Trilogy
A Pius Man
A Pius Legacy
A Pius Stand
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Murphy’s Law of Vampires
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Good to the Last Drop
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A Pius Man by Declan Finn
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"Wishing Only Wounds the Heart" by Morgon Newquist
Table of Contents
Chapter I - Pius Research
Chapter II - Pius Troubles
Chapter III - An Impious Retreat
Chapter IV - Pious Warriors
Chapter V - Requiem
Chapter VI - Preparations
Chapter VII - Pius Recruit
Chapter VIII - Recap
Chapter IX - Reduction To Absurdity
Chapter X - Send Lawyers, Guns, and Money
Chapter XI - Bankrupt
Chapter XII - Ghosts
Chapter XIII - Operation Avignon
Chapter XIV - Dense Macabre
Chapter XV - In Defense of the Faith
Chapter XVI - Opening Gambit
Chapter XVII - Party of Death
Chapter XVIII - Intercessions
Chapter XIX - A Politic Response
Chapter XX - A Politic Response
Chapter XXI - Every Spy A Prince
Chapter XXII - Rifles of the IRA
Chapter XXIII - Abbatoir
Chapter XXIV - Tempest Fugit
Chapter XXV - Riot
Chapter XXVI - Operation Catherine of Siennea
Epilogue - Checkmate
Authors Notes
About Declan Finn