Possessive Camp Counselor: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 172)

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Possessive Camp Counselor: An Instalove Possessive Alpha Romance (A Man Who Knows What He Wants Book 172) Page 2

by Flora Ferrari

  “Where is everyone?” I blurt out, trying to sound casual but it sounds like I’m shouting. Sean steps closer, seeming to have an easier time of managing himself now somehow. Me, I’m slowly melting into my pantie puddle but just feeling him get nearer and actually wanting to talk to me makes me feel better straight away.

  I usually have the social skills of a cat on coffee, and the recruiters at the camp hiring were a little hesitant, but once I was relaxed enough and comfortable with them I was okay.

  It’s the same now, but back at the office I wasn’t turned on like this.

  I don’t think I ever have been.

  “Ah, one of the other counselors was due today as well, but he broke his ankle… the rest of the staff will arrive the day before camp starts. We got a few days together… just you and me,” he says, the low tone coming back into his voice and as much as I fight it, another sound escapes me.

  A little mewing squeak which makes Sean nod slowly again, his eyes moving like a slow elevator up and down my body.

  I should be self-conscious, I should be calling him out for being so forward.

  I should just go over there and throw myself at him, but I’m still not quite a hundred percent sure yet.

  What if he’s married? Or has a girlfriend?

  What if he’s just not into thick girls who just finished college?

  I wonder if I’d have the same reaction to the first hot guy I saw if I did what everyone else in my year did, and went to Europe?

  Like I could afford that, plus. I don’t think I’m imagining it. Definitely not imagining it.

  “Let’s get you all signed in, come up into the office,” he says, regaining his composure and making me double check his crotch again, which he keeps covered with that clipboard.

  He ushers me up some stairs to the log cabin style office building, and I can feel his eyes moving up and down my body, watching my rear end as I take the steps.

  Once inside, he lets himself into an office through a little half doorway and quickly sits himself behind a desk, holding his flat palm out to the chair in front of him.

  “Take a seat Tess, can I call you Tess? Let me see… just a few basics to go over from your file here… Insurance… social security number…”

  I feel my head nodding, and even hear myself answering some basic questions, but I’m totally absorbed in his eyes and watching his mouth move while he speaks.

  It transports me back to all those years ago, my first real crush. Even before my body was aware such potency existed in nature, and way before any of it registered with me physically.

  “Tess? Are you alright?” He asks, waving his hand in front of my eyes. He’s stood up now, leaning over me and I can tell I’ve just zoned out big time.

  “I’m alright,” I bluff. “Just a little lightheaded from the air up here I think.”

  He creases the corner of his mouth. “Tess, we’re on a par with sea level here… no elevation. Are you sure you’re okay?” he asks again, some concern showing on his face now and I do feel like I’m burning up, my skin feels hot and I am seeing spots.

  “I… uhhh…” I mutter, I feel like I’m standing up but I’m moving backward at the same time.

  I can see Sean going sideways and I have the momentary panicked thought that he’s falling over, that he’s fainting.

  My own eyes go out of focus and then black, and I’m barely aware of anything until I open them again, what feels like seconds later.

  Sean’s holding me in his arms, carrying me. I can feel his hard chest flexing with each step, my own soft body crushed against his.

  I feel like I’m floating, he has my full weight as if I’m lighter than a feather.

  “Easy does it, Tess. You fainted back there. I’m taking you to the infirmary, get you to have a lay down for a bit.”

  I drift out again, trying hard to hold on to the image of his face as he carries me, struggling to stay conscious from the pressure of his hands on my body, but it’s useless.



  I swore I wouldn’t let anything happen to her the moment I laid eyes on her. I vowed to myself that no man, nobody else would ever have her.

  But I feel my heart in my mouth as I watch her eyes flutter and she drops out of her chair in a dead faint.

  I lurch forwards, catching her before she hits her head or catches anything else on the way down.

  By god, but she feels magnificent. She’s fucking perfect.

  But what’s happened?

  I lift her head, checking her vitals with my free hand as I hold her upright.

  She fainted alright and she’s not coming around yet. I lift her up and decide to take her over to the infirmary, which is only across the parking lot.

  She comes to and then out again before we get there. Once I have her on an exam table, I focus on first aid only. She’s breathing and everything seems perfectly normal.

  I fold her hands over her belly once I test her blood sugar. I see it a lot up here, some folks are insulin dependent, but even those who aren’t can get dizzy or faint from exhaustion after or during a hike. Most times it’s from plain old not eating anything.

  Her sugar is a little low, but nothing to indicate danger, there was no mention of diabetes on her application.

  “Hey you’re awake. Welcome back, Tess,” I murmur, relieved as fuck that she’s alright.

  If anything happened to her. I’d never forgive myself.

  “Wha-? I must’ve…” she squeaks.

  “You did. You fainted.” I tell her, taking one of her hands and giving it a squeeze. My reflex is to kiss her but I fight that urge.

  It’s too soon and totally not the time or place without her permission.

  Her hand comes up and touches my face, she tries to say something and then a silver line of her tears breaks the powder soft surface of her skin.

  “Hey… it’s alright. You fainted is all, when was the last time you had something to eat?” I ask her, patting her hand now to put her at ease.

  “I… I’m not sure… I had lunch…” she mumbles.

  “Today?” I ask her, glancing at my watch.

  “Yesterday,” she says and I help her to sit up, putting another two pillows behind her.

  “Tess, eating yesterday doesn’t count. Did you eat today?” I ask her firmly, but she’s sobbing again, making me feel terrible, but I need to know why she wouldn’t eat.

  “I’m trying to… I need to…” she blurts out.

  “You need to what?” I ask her again, thinking she might be about to throw up and reach for a bag.

  “I need to lose weight!” she cries out, anger in her voice as she clamps her jaw down in frustration.

  It’s my turn to feel mad now. I feel mad that someone so perfect, so beautiful and so fucking sexy should feel the need to starve themselves to the point of passing out.

  I’m shaking my head in anger, but I’m not mad at Tess. I’m mad at the world that makes her think like that.

  Mad at the plastic Malibu Barbie set that gives people like Tess the idea they’re less than perfect, when in fact she’s perfection itself.

  “I want you to stay laying down here for a bit, okay?” I tell her, forcing myself to slide into camp leader mode.

  I go to leave, to get her some fluids and something to eat, but she grips onto my hand, making me grunt aloud. Making me put my other hand over hers as she squeezes me tighter.

  “Don’t go… please,” she whimpers.

  “I’ll be right back.” I tell her, not going anywhere. “I need to get you something to eat and drink, then I think you can have a little nap.”

  And I can go and drain my balls into the nearest lake, watching it overflow with what you’re doing to me.

  “Just stay here for a bit first… please?” she asks and I pull up a seat and sit down next to her, pretending to let her hold my hand to make her feel better but actually needing to sit down now. The blood draining from my own body down to my di
ck is unbearable.

  I stare over at her, and once she starts to drift off in a doze, which doesn’t take long. I brush some of the hair off her face and stand up to go get her something to eat and drink.

  Her eyes are closed and there’s not a sound from anywhere, except the little rise and fall of her breath. Before I act on the impulse to kiss her, I turn and leave, striding out of the infirmary and over towards the mess hall and kitchen.

  The whole camp’s so still, so quiet. I’ve been up here for a few days on my own but I’m only now noticing how quiet it really is now that Tess is here, now that we’re alone.

  Easy tiger. I know you’re hot for her, but is she really gonna go for someone your age? You’re practically old enough to be her father.

  I growl out loud, reminding myself that feeling like I’m eighteen again doesn’t make me eighteen again.

  She probably has a boyfriend or something, they all do nowadays. I mean, look at her! She’s fucking perfect… of course she’d be taken.

  “Then her boyfriend’s in for a nasty shock.” I hear myself snarling out loud as I prepare a baloney sandwich and water down some juice from the staff refrigerator.

  I watch my hand reach for some meat on the bone and find myself gnawing on it, standing in front of the open refrigerator grunting and gulping like a wild animal. She’s stirred up the primal man in me, the alpha male.

  The very thought of anyone else, anyone even looking at her…

  I feel myself tensing up at the idea, knowing I’d have to do whatever it took to make sure she was mine alone if she does, or rather did have a boyfriend.

  I can’t think like this, it’s unprofessional. Just get her some food and something to drink, let her rest and get on with your job dammit!

  But I can’t just get on with my job, or my life anymore. The thought of Tess walking around on this earth, without me there by her side, to protect her. To please her?

  It drives me wild to even consider it.

  I must have her, she’s mine and I’m gonna claim her as my own if it’s the last thing I do.

  I’ve eaten through a section of a joint of beef, breaking the bone with my hands as I stand there fantasizing about the unseen threat to my woman.

  The woman I’m yet to claim.

  Puffing out some air, I take some more in to calm myself down, wash up a little and resolve not to let anyone discover what I’ve done to a whole roast leg, which I know I’ll be eating for the rest of the week.

  I have to get back to her. I feel almost weak at the thought of her being left alone.



  Before I even open my eyes, I feel stupid. I cringe internally as I begin to wake up, remembering what just happened.

  The bright glow of the overhead lights, the sterile smell of the infirmary and the sound of the paper sheet under me creaking tells me I didn’t dream this part.

  I fainted and made a complete moron out of myself, crying to Sean within the first five minutes of getting here that I need to lose weight.

  I groan.

  No wonder he’s not here still, he’s probably gone off to call the head office and have them send someone a little less insane for the summer.

  I try to get up, get off the thin bed and maybe make my way outside, but I feel so dizzy I have to lay straight back down again.

  I hear Sean coming back in again, it sounds like he’s talking to someone, but once he pokes his head around the door frame I can see he’s alone.

  I give a tiny wave with one hand, pull a small smile and then start to mouth the words ‘I’m sorry’. My standard response to anything in life.

  All my fault. Don’t mind me, total disaster area coming through.

  But Sean doesn’t see it that way, and I start to wonder if eating something might make me feel a little better. The sight of the baloney sandwich he’s holding on a plate makes me almost forget about everything else I want him to do to me.


  He’s talking as I eat it, and it’s gone in three bites, which makes Sean caution me a little as I gulp down the juice too.

  I wipe my mouth with the back of my hand, feeling much better, but also feeling like I want a real meal now.

  Sean breaks out into a smile, slapping his hands onto his thighs as he shakes his head.

  “Alright, now just wait a few minutes and see how you feel. If you still feel up to it, we can go over and have some more to eat at the mess hall… As long as it’s not roast beef.”

  While we wait to see how I feel, he asks me why I chose summer camp instead of something else for my break after college.

  I can’t afford Europe.

  I have a crush on the camp counselor from my youth.

  I’m really not sure.

  All three are bad answers, but I find myself feeling bold enough to say something about the second one.

  “There was this guy once…” I start to say and I feel my face fall as Sean’s gets this harder look in his eyes.

  “He was a counselor…” I continue, hoping he’ll catch on, but he thinks I’m talking about someone else and it’s making him mad. Jealous as hell by the looks of it.

  That makes me kinda happy, but it’s not the effect I’m going for here.

  “Do you want to know his name?” I ask, trying my best to sound seductive.

  “Not really.” Sean almost snarls, trying to force politeness but standing up to leave, signaling he’s done here.

  Done with me and my lover boy from the past. I sit in shock for a moment. Not comprehending how this has gone south so quickly.

  I was trying to be cute.

  I’m trying to be funny.

  “It was you. Sean? It’s you,” I murmur, but his back has disappeared through the doorway.

  I don’t think he heard me but I do hear the front door of the infirmary slam shut, making me feel worse than ever, but at the same time a little tingle of excitement flutters inside me at the prospect that he’d be jealous of someone else. Even though my secret crush has been him all along.

  I leap off the narrow exam table, swiping the stupid paper sheet off my butt that’s stuck to me and I rush out after him, wanting to call out but casually making like I’m going over to the mess hall, just like we discussed.

  I see him storming off, away from the mess hall so I do call out after him. I don’t want him to be mad a second longer, plus I don’t know my way around this side of the camp.

  “Sean! It was you… you’re that counselor I had a crush on.”

  I have a crush on…

  He stops dead in his tracks, his head tilting to one side. I feel my heart speeding up again, sensing the same rush of fearful anticipation I’ve had all morning. That same damn feeling that made me faint just being in his company.

  He turns slowly, his lip curled up into a sly grin.

  “Really?” I hear him growl. And as much as I feel like running over to him, having him scoop me up in his arms again, I decide to play it cool. As cool as I can anyway.

  I’m still not sure if he has anyone either, and if he does, I’ll just die now, right here on the spot.

  “Really,” I say softly, taking the wider path around him, straight to the mess hall.

  I hear his footfalls on the gravel behind me, getting quicker before I reach the double doors and I can see him in the window behind me, smiling as his huge arm reaches out to get the door for me.

  “So…” he announces cheerfully, smiling again and holding the door, waving me in with his whole arm, “…tell me all about this ancient crush of yours…” as we both instantly forget how mad he got just now, the very idea I could’ve been interested in somebody else.

  Still like a fish out of water, I watch as Sean prepares us both a real meal. A couple of steaks and a big helping from a huge tub of potato salad.

  I had the sandwich, but my mouth’s watering watching the meat sizzle on the industrial sized grill.

  “Well?” he asks me sternly, “I wanna
hear all about this guy…” he says, but instead of feeling like I can tell him how I feel today, I feel stupid again, like I did just now when I fainted.

  “I’m sure your wife wouldn’t want to hear about all your teenage crushes… you must’ve had dozens over the years.” I venture, but Sean shakes his head, licking some mayonnaise off his thumb.

  “Not at all. And I’m not married.” He says pointedly, holding out both his hands flat to show me.

  “See? No rings, not even a friendship band,” he adds and we both laugh a little.

  I feel like I just won the lottery and now it’s Sean’s turn to act cool, to play the starring role in our little play.

  “So, there’s been no one else?” he asks, his voice getting softer, more sincere.

  I shake my head.

  “I haven’t spent the years swooning over your photo or anything,” I add quickly, “I was just… I dunno… it’s stupid really.”



  “I don’t think it’s stupid.” I tell her firmly, deadly serious now. I move towards her, feeling the space between us getting smaller and her body shivering as I start to lose the grip on my urge not to reach out and touch her.

  I hear her breath shudder in, almost a gasp as I step closer to her, I can’t help it. I just have to be near her now, the thought of her having had a crush on me, it’s too much. It makes all this real for me. It lets me know I’m not imagining things and that there’s real chemistry here, not just my hormones.

  I don’t know how long we stand like this, moving slowly closer and closer until we are so close our bodies are almost touching. The whole time I’m lost in her eyes and hers are fixed on mine.

  Until they dart past me for a second.

  “Your meat…” she whispers hoarsely, biting her lower lip.


  “Your meat. It’s on fire. It’s burning.”


  It takes a full second to understand what she means, but the steaks do need turning. My own meat on the other hand, that’s definitely got a sizzle happening too.


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