Escape from Harrizel

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Escape from Harrizel Page 16

by C. G. Coppola

  “Don’t look back,” the one on my left says, walking me toward the North Wall, “give them the view they deserve.”

  “They don’t deserve anything. Except a kick to the nuts.”

  “Well… leave that to Rox,” he laughs, keeping his words to a whisper. “How’s your head?”

  “Hurts…” I rub the crown, which still aches from the blow. I must’ve been knocked out hard to lose consciousness for a minute.

  “Tried to get to you in time but Zarwin was too fast. Don’t worry—I took care of him.”

  “Thanks,” I glance over. “And you are?”

  “R.C. Able.”


  “Rogue Commander. But you can call me Able. And that’s R.C. Jace,” he motions to my right.

  “Hey,” Blondie grins. “And just Jace for me too.”

  We reach the stairwell and meet Pratt on the first step. She looks at me with wide, dubious eyes, shocked I actually returned. Glancing between Able and Jace, she whispers, “We’re going to a new bunk. The others will meet us there.”

  When we get to the fifth floor, Clark joins our group. About twenty arches down, he uses a sirolla to open one of them on the left. “In here.”

  Entering Sampson’s bunk, I’m surprised.

  It’s the same tiny compartment with a small window, single chair and bed of large, navy rags used for blankets. But, unlike mine, a host of babeebs light his room, two to three in each corner and about ten hanging from the silvery Gizella roots in the center. Able and Jace look around too, amazed at all the light while theirs, I’m sure, only contains the standard two to three.

  It’s already a tight squeeze with the five of us so I’m unsure how any more will fit. Able, Jace and Pratt claim the bed while Clark and I stand on opposite sides of the room. Arms crossed, he glares at me, anxious to say something. I ignore it for a minute, but with the emerging headache and the guilt rising from what happened with Raj, I can’t take it anymore.


  “I’m sure Reid told you to stay put.”

  “Excuse me?”

  “You ran into that mob like an idiot. What’d you expect would happen?”

  I glance at Pratt and the other two who seem as interested to know my response as Clark. With a huff, and, trying to keep my aggravation contained, I admit through clenched teeth, “I expected to save Raj.”

  “Good job,” he rolls his eyes.

  “Where were you?” I push myself from the wall. “If I recall, you didn’t show up until after!”

  “Yeah, that’s because Pratt went for Reid first. She tried his room but obviously,” he stresses the word, trying to make an uncomfortable point, “he wasn’t there, was he?”

  “That’s my fault?”

  “It’s not mine. Pratt was too busy, running around trying to find Reid, she forgot to send Irie for me. I only found out because Sampson came to get me.”

  “Again…” I step closer, halfway across the room as my hands ball into fists at my side, my tone growing icy. “How is that my fault?”

  “And then,” he ignores my question, “all you had to do was not intervene. And what’d you do?” he rolls his eyes at the idiocy of it again, “Painted a target on your back for Tetlak and the Kings. If Reid was trying to keep you a secret, you just announced it to the world.”

  There’s truth in his words, but just as a flicker of guilt rises in my stomach, reason returns. Knowing Raj’s safety was questioned—that’s what mattered. Gathering up my remaining nerves, I shoot him a glare that could kill.

  “First of all, I’m nobody’s secret. And Mantis already has his own idea of who I am…” I shrug sardonically, “so, cat’s out of that bag on that one.”

  “This is true,” Able adds in the background.

  “Secondly,” I step closer to Clark, “Raj was in trouble. That’s all that’s important. Not your little games,” I glance at the two Rogue Commanders as if they were on his side, “so I’m not about to apologize for doing what I thought was right. You don’t like it? Bitch to someone else!”

  Sampson arrives as I spin back to my wall, Reid, Vix and Tucker entering after him. Vix takes a seat on the bed next to Pratt as Reid and Tucker hover near Clark’s wall, Sampson taking a place next to me. With the room completely compressed now, the new attendees feel the tension in the air.

  Sampson addresses it first. “Everything all right?”

  I shrug and everyone else remains silent.

  “Okay…” Sampson’s soft voice goes on, turning to Pratt. “Was Irie notified?”

  She shakes her head, ashamed.

  “It’s fine,” Reid says, walking toward the center of the room, “he’ll be notified tomorrow. Now what happened? Who was on patrol?”

  “Simon and Merritt,” Able is first to answer, “I guess Pike tried seizing Raj on her way back from Leisure Time. They tried holding them off but more Kings showed up.”

  “Raj was screaming,” Jace shakes his head, for once his indelible grin erased. “I had Pip send word to the Rogues and then tried to help Simon and Merritt.”

  Reid turns to Tucker. “How are they doing?”

  “Could be better,” he shrugs, arms crossed with the same expression as Reid—a mix of anger, frustration and exhaustion. “Could’ve been worse. I think Merritt took a hard one to the ribs.”

  “From?” Able asks.


  “Crap…” Able mumbles, shaking his head. This is bad.

  “He went down fast,” Tucker agrees with the dismal news, “but… he’ll live.”

  “By Ike?” Pratt gasps. “He could’ve killed him!”

  Able shakes his head. “Tucker’s right. I saw the hit. He’ll live.”

  “And the others?” Reid goes on, “how many injured and how bad?”

  “A few,” Tucker reports, “not more than some bruising. Maybe a few broken limbs.”

  “Pratt,” Reid says, making his way toward Sampson’s bed. Under it, he retrieves a small glass bowl which has the same dark color and clear, smooth consistency as the square sheets of dried gibb for transport. Handing the bowl to Pratt, he motions to Sampson’s door. “Make the rounds. You know what to do. Jace, go with her.”

  “On it, Boss,” he moves from the bed along with Pratt, both leaving the room.

  Once they’ve gone, Reid turns to me. “How’s your head?”

  Rubbing the throbbing crown, I lie. “Fine. Don’t even feel it.”

  His eyes flicker between mine, knowing I’m holding back but he bites his lip, accepting my answer. He turns to Tucker and the others, “And Raj? How did she fall on their list?”

  Able clears his throat.

  “Yeah?” Reid asks after a minute.

  “It was Perry,” Able clears his throat again, “when Raj failed to report Fallon’s interactions with you,” he sucks in a breath, “they turned her over.”

  I feel everyone’s eyes on me, my face reddening with shame. Did I do this? Did I cause Raj’s capture? The air stills for a moment, Reid holding the room in apprehension of what he’ll say next.

  “I think what needs to be decided,” Sampson intervenes, “is a time and place for this discussion to further unfold in less cramped conditions. And I’m sure,” he’s speaking directly to Reid now, “you’d like to include the other Rogue Commanders?”

  “Sampson?” Clark starts, a trace of whininess lingering.

  “Camp’s the only place with enough room and privacy,” he turns to Reid, “…if you feel it’s time?”

  Reid inhales, securing his chin with his pointer and thumb. He locks eyes with Tucker and Able, considering. “Tomorrow, beginning of Leisure Time. You two plus Jace. We’ll meet here.”

  “You want to keep the other RCs out of it?” Tucker steps forward, keeping his voice low as if hoping the comment would stay between them.

  “Yeah,” Reid nods without hesitation. “They’ll find out when we have more information to share.”

  Tucker accepts hi
s answer, retreating the step.

  “And that goes for everyone,” Reid spins, making sure we all heard him. “We’ll meet here, beginning of Leisure Time. Able,” he turns to him, “let Jace and Pratt know. Also…” and he’s considering now, “…Griffin.”

  “The Client?” he blinks.

  Reid nods.

  “You got it, Boss,” Able offers a weary smile.

  But Reid focuses on me, lighting me up. He looks like he wants to say something but holds his breath instead, a slight flicker of disappointment in his eyes. Without breaking contact, he speaks over his shoulder. “Tucker, Able—take Fallon back to her room.”

  Clark shakes his head disgustedly, a motion Reid doesn’t miss. He casts Clark an angry glare and the boy instantly freezes, going white. But I can’t see anymore. Able and Tucker have gathered to either side of me and are ushering me out. I don’t have time to offer Reid a final glance before finding myself in the darkened corridor again, the long row of crimson doors on my right.

  We walk in silence for a bit, ascending the stairs as Tucker and Able continually look around. Finally, unable to take the stark quiet any longer, I turn to Able on my left. “We can still save her, right?”

  “Who?” he frowns, “Raj?” By the look on his face, I already know the answer. But he confirms it anyway with a defeated sigh, “No.”

  “Really? No possible chance?”

  “If Tetlak has her,” Tucker shakes his head, “there’s nothing we can do.”

  “Maybe we can find out where they’re keeping her…”

  “It’s upstairs,” Tucker sighs, “and we’re not allowed upstairs.”

  My mind swims. Maybe I can get my hands on something that could force Jeb to take me to her. But what? And how? Suddenly, Clarence’s face flashes in my mind. Could he help? Would he? And does he even know what’s happening here on Harrizel? Where he’s taken me?

  “I’m sorry, Fallon,” Able interrupts my thoughts.

  “Why are you sorry?”

  “I know you want to help her. It’s just…” he shrugs, defeated again, “… not possible. Once someone’s snatched, they’re snatched. That’s it.”

  “But what about Hinson?”

  “Who?” Tucker raises an eyebrow.

  Oh, that’s right. They took the pill. They wouldn’t know Hinson. I think of that night out by the ruins and watching as Tetlak, Yerza and Norpe dragged her lifeless body. I think of the blue tint of her skin and the canal gutted across her stomach. And her eyes. Glazed over. Gone.

  Is Raj next?

  “Yeah, there’s nothing that can be done for her now,” Able shakes his head with an honest frown. “Poor kid.”

  “And it’s because of the Kisses? That’s why she got snatched?”

  Both nod.

  We arrive on my floor and start heading toward my door. “Do you know who all the Kisses are?” I ask.

  Both nod, again.

  “So you’ll be able to know if one’s tailing me?”

  They exchange glances but Able answers, “…Yeah, we’d know. But none of them will come near you now.”


  “There’s no point. We know who they are and they know who you are so there’s no reason to spy.”

  “And who am I?” I pose. Able makes a face as if it’s silly of me to ask, but remains silent on the matter. “But you guys don’t use them anymore?”

  They exchange glances again, nervously now. Tucker answers this time. “Nope.”


  “You have a lot of questions,” he throws a look at me.

  “Just trying to understand.”

  “Well… we’re here,” he says, arriving at my door.

  Punching in the six symbols, I step through the open archway, throwing them a look over my shoulder. “Thanks for the escort. Will you two be alright?”

  Able snorts while Tucker merely rolls his eyes, “We’ll be fine.”

  Before they start to walk away, I lean on the doorframe, “Should I ask Reid about the Kisses?”

  They both stop, rigid. A long minute passes before Tucker turns to me with a chest full of air. “If you do, do it only after he brings it up.”


  “Trust me,” he turns without another word.

  “It was nice to finally meet you, Fallon,” Able smiles before catching up with Tucker in the darkness down the hall. I retreat into my room, plop on the bed and try to make sense of everything that’s happened. But before I can, the soft feel of the linen takes me away.

  Chapter Thirteen: Review

  He’s in the doorway to their home, watching his grandchildren play. They trip over roots and run over cobblestones, through the grass and behind their home. But on the other side it burns. Wailing and screaming and crying erupt, everything boiling in flames. It’s charred. Burnt.

  Silence as it fades...

  Three wet glasses appear on the plastic yellow tablecloth. The lady with the red bandana drinks from hers as a pair of older, feminine fingers flicks the end of a cigarette. She pulls back, inhaling as the end lights a brilliant orange. But it’s just her mouth. Her face, still unclear, falls to the background. But her wrinkled lips grasp the cigarette, pulling from it. The edge lights orange again and she flicks it in the ash tray just as he reaches for the third glass.

  Everything fades to a new woman. She stares at me with those silvery glass eyes, her white hair breezing around her. Her mouth never moves but she’s calling my name. Calling for me, trying to awaken me.


  Her eyes grow wider, fiercer.


  Suddenly they turn white, bright light pouring though, blinding me.


  All day and I can’t get the dream out of my head. What does it mean? Who is the woman in the red bandana? And the other one with silver glass eyes? And what do they have to do with me? I’ve been going over it, trying to piece it together but every few minutes last night’s events come storming back and with it, Raj’s pleading eyes that scar me with unimagined guilt.

  “Excuse me,” Ergiloff’s voice booms overhead, “will the following persons please report to the labs immediately…” He lists fifteen names, twelve females and three males. A few are here in the trench with me. They drop their Senz into buckets and step out of line when called. Ergiloff concludes his announcement. “We appreciate your cooperation in this matter.”

  Those called line up behind Tetlak who takes them into the Castle.

  A body occupies the space next to me. Two black clamps sink hard into the gibb, tossing the mold into the bucket at his feet. He keeps himself close, sneaking a peak with quiet words. “No hair pieces today?”

  A solid minute passes and I’m not sure why, but I don’t return the look. I continue digging as he goes on, answering the one question that’s been on repeat since it happened. “There’s nothing you could’ve done.”


  “Fallon,” he stops digging and leans in, “look—I’m sorry. If there was something I could do, I would.”


  He exhales, “What do you want me to say?”

  “I don’t know why I’m still here,” I say through gritted teeth, still focused on the trench’s blue wall. “Why we’re all still here. It doesn’t make any sense. What do they want with us?” I glance at him. “We have a way out. We need to leave.”

  He thrusts his Senz into the gibb again. “It’s not that easy.”

  “I’m not sticking around to hear my name called, or be attacked by Mantis because he sees you talking to me.”

  “I told you,” Reid leans in with a low growl, “he won’t come near you.”

  I throw my Senz into the bucket and make for the ladder. How does he not get it? Mantis is the smaller issue here. The Dofinikes are keeping us for some reason and now they’re starting to take more. They already have the Kings grabbing people and anyone who tries to run away disappears. But now the lists? How many of us do they
need? And for what?

  “Fallon,” Reid tosses his Senz in the bucket to come after me. He’s at my side in seconds.

  “Did the war even happen?” I whisper.


  “I can’t remember a single thing. It’s like,” I exhale, “everything’s a blur before this. It used to come to me in bits and pieces but now…”


  “And if I can’t remember what happened, then how do I know what’s real or not? How do I know I haven’t always been here? That this place—”

  Reid rounds in front of me, stopping us half way to the giant metal pole. “You need to be quiet. They’re probably watching us right now,” his eyes flicker to the Castle, “look, I know you want answers and you’ll get them. But give me some time. We have the meet up with the RCs later. Let me see what I can do for later this week.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Just let me see what I can do…” he leaves without giving me a second to respond.


  I’m the last to arrive.

  “Here we are then,” Sampson gestures me toward the others outside his door. “Now, a quick word of caution—move fast and keep close. Take the wrong turn and you may never find your way out.” He glances to Reid who offers a slight nod. “Let’s be on our way then.”

  Sampson leads us through the darkened corridor to the invisible outline in the purplish-black marble. With two Callixes and four babeebs spread among us, the shadowy stairwell’s cloaked in soft shades of gold. Reaching the ground, we filter into another passage, Reid and Sampson leading the way. Vix, Clark, Pratt and Griffin follow and then it’s me. The three Rogues keep to their silent curiosity, trailing behind as Reid and Sampson take tunnel after tunnel.

  Eventually we reach Camp’s entrance and we all pile in. Pratt and I share a seat while Clark, Vix and Griffin claim the bench opposite us. Tucker, Able and Jace group near the entrance, just off from Sampson, their eyes large as discs as they gaze around the hollowed wooden room. Reid closes in behind them, completing our wide, lopsided circle. Ten in total.


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