Escape from Harrizel

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Escape from Harrizel Page 19

by C. G. Coppola

  Tucker, Reid and Sampson still surround the door, exchanging quiet words, periodically glancing to the small bubble of space in the center of the room. The Clansmen’s conversations grow louder and with it, their energy.

  “Hey!” Tucker roars, offering a final nod back to Reid. Reid agrees to whatever was said and Tucker turns to the room, clapping as he circles the small space allotted for him. “Come on guys, hey! Settle down! Settle down… because guys,” he lightens his tone as the trunk settles to quiet again. “We got company.”

  “Yeah!” someone shouts, igniting a chorus of whistles and cheers.

  “Rox!” More chant as the hollowed burrow vibrates with energy, urging Reid’s return. Finally, obeying their request, Reid exchanges places with Tucker and the Rogues go wild at seeing their leader. He takes the center, allowing them their cheers a second longer before lowering his hands, indicating for silence. They quiet themselves immediately.

  “Hello, hello to all of you,” he rubs his hands together and nods at his Clansmen with a shameful grin. “I haven’t been around recently and I should have. For that…” he shrugs, slow to admit his fault, “I’m sorry. We’ve got some additional company,” he gestures to Sampson, Vix and Clark, then to me and Pratt, “and yes, Pratt is here and not out with the other Scouts. That will be addressed soon, but first,” he moves around the circle, locking eyes with everyone as he passes, his hands raised, “as sworn Rogues, I know everything revealed tonight will stay here,” he points a finger to the ground, no longer asking. “It will not leave this compound.”

  Chief shifts his weight, his feathered earring swinging. He casts me a quick glance, returning focus to Reid.

  “Tucker’s done an excellent job leading you in my absence, but things are changing,” he surveys his audience, “increasing. The lists… the pills… It’s past time we meet. Firstly, again,” Reid strolls about the small space allotted for him, “we’re joined by additional company. I trust that you trust I have your best interests and those of our Scouts and Clients, in mind. Those here tonight not part of the Rogues are friends. Going forward,” he cups his hands behind his back, “you’ll give them the same respect and loyalty as you would me. Now this,” he gestures to the hollowed tree surrounding us, “is a conversation for a later date and I do appreciate your patience on that. There are more immediate things to be discussed so on that note, let’s get down to it,” he rubs his hands, scanning the room again. “You’ve sent your Scouts out without knowing the reason. You did this on Tucker’s request—on mine. Why’d we ask this of you?”

  “We were hoping you’d tell us,” a laugh rips through the dimness. Half the room follows but Chief and Kelly are not amused.

  “Harrison.” Able leans over, reminding me.

  “Well,” Reid grins, “sorry to disappoint. I have someone else to explain that to you. It was her idea so…” he shrugs, gesturing me forward, “best she explain.”

  My heart stops, my body frozen.

  He means me.

  Tremors shoot from my abdomen to my heart and back again, every hair on my body standing. I have to do this? Now?

  Able leans over, subtly whispering out of the corner of his mouth. “Time to shine, sweetheart. Remember, make them listen to you.”

  Reid waves me closer, his eyes burning into mine. Can I do this? With his reassuring nod, I believe I can. It’s the others that unnerve me. The others that look for fault, scanning me with a reproaching tone. It’s their scrutinizing eyes, waiting for an answer I wasn’t prepared to give.

  Gulping, I exchange places with Reid. Slowly strolling about the space, I get the full view of my unenthused audience. I push the pounding of my heart down to the pit of my stomach, with all the other fear, where it can wait until I’m finished.

  “Tough group of guys…” I clear my throat, shrugging as if talking to myself. “I bet your Scouts never let you down. Bet there’s never been an assignment they haven’t completed for you. Yet. You’ve asked them to deliver a message that we have something of Delan’s. Right now, they’re trying their best not to fail you,” I pause in the center of the small clearing. “They will. This,” I retrieve the clip from Pratt, holding it up so they can all see, “is hers. This is what you’ve sent them for. But each one will come back to you saying the same thing—she doesn’t exist. Before tonight, it would’ve been an easy assignment, “but after ingesting the pill, it’ll be the first one they can’t complete. They won’t be able to. For them, for anyone that took the pill, she’s no longer real,” I pause so they understand what I’m telling them. “She doesn’t exist.”

  “Sure,” one of the Assignments says.

  “So quick to doubt, Werzo?” Able laughs in my defense. “Guess that sounds about right, though.”

  “And if they succeed?” Kelly replies dully. The question’s directed at Able but I’m still here, still leading this.

  “They won’t. Just wait,” I demand attention again, locking eyes with the Rogue Commander. “When we go back to the Castle, get a status report. It should be simple enough to find one person, especially if thirty people are looking for her.”

  “Meaning what exactly?” Werzo steps closer, “You’ve sent us asking after one girl. Why?”

  “She was called on one of the lists. And she’s not coming back. The pill is erasing everyone’s memories of the people called on the lists. But don’t listen to me,” I place my palms up defensively. “You trust your Scouts—let them prove it to you.”

  They all exchange glances at one another. I’m not sure if I should keep going but then Reid starts for the circle’s center again.

  “But why erase them?” he tosses out as we exchange places, “They need more of us. No doubt Grisham knows why, Mantis, possibly, but we’re at a disadvantage. They know why, they know who, when and where. It’s our goal, as it’s always been, to possess the same information,” he slows, holding each Clansmen accountable, “and it’s more important now than ever, that we do. Once your Scouts confirm what we,” Reid glances to me, “already know, alert them to the pill’s designed use. Once they’re on board, have them instruct their Clients as well.”

  “And on and on?” Tucker nods.

  “No,” I say. “It’ll create a panic.”

  “They need to know,” he glances to Reid for support.

  “It’ll create a panic,” I repeat before Reid objects. “In fact, that’s the last thing you want to do.”

  “Well what do you suggest?” Tucker scoffs, not used to being challenged in front of his Rogues. The room shifts its focus to me, waiting.

  “Not a panic. With panic comes chaos—a divided front against the enemy will kill us. Or worse.”

  “There’s worse?” Clark grimaces.

  “It could always be worse. They could torture us. Really torture us. You think we’re living badly now? This is luxury compared to what they could be doing. Think about it. If there’s no memory of Earth’s war, then there’s no proof it happened. And if it didn’t happen… then why are we here?” It’s a question we’ve all pondered and as I look around, it’s obvious no one’s come close to answering it yet. “The longer we don’t know, the more of us will die.”

  “So what are you saying?”

  “Don’t go spilling the beans. That will create chaos and that’s the last thing you want.”

  Reid bites the tip of his thumb, still thinking. “All right,” he finally nods to himself, settling the matter. “Let’s keep it to the Clients and Scouts for now. We’ll tell the others when we have more information. Now,” he goes on, pacing again, “I’ve also heard concern about Jeb and the others asking after the food. What have you been saying?”

  “That we don’t pay them with food,” Tucker replies, “and if we do, only what we can steal from the Kings.”

  “Do they suspect Jothkore?”

  “Not that I’m aware.”

  “And how have the deliveries been?” he turns to Able. “Smooth?”

  “Not an issue,
Boss,” Able says besides me, “except, Jothkore’s been later than usual. He needs more time with the product demand growing.”

  Reid nods, pulling at his chin, “It can’t all rest on Jothkore,” he glances to Sampson, “we’ll need extra hands out here at night. Fallon’s already volunteered but I’ll need a good amount more.”

  “I can help, Rox,” a few call out. “I’ll do it.”

  Reid whispers something to Tucker before returning focus to his Rogues. “Get with your RC and he’ll speak with Rogue Leader. Now,” he starts circling again, “as for the questions from Jeb. They’ll leave you alone…” he smirks with a playful shrug, “if you’re feeling… amorous.”

  “Anyone needing a little help,” Jace offers around the room, “just come watch the master at work.”

  “Right, Commander,” one of his own Rogues laughs, one of the quiet ones in the back, “no one wants to see you sucking face with every Arrival.”

  “Not every,” Jace clarifies, turning to Able with a wink. “Only the lucky ones.”

  “If they think you’re busy trying to ‘rebuild our species,’ they’ll leave you alone,” Reid cuts through the chatter, commanding focus of the group.

  “Didn’t know it was that easy,” Harrison chuckles. “Could’ve been using that excuse this whole time.”

  “Okay, well,” Chief finally speaks up, clearing the room with the echo of his thick, husky voice, “these lists—how can we prevent them?”

  Reid looks to Sampson, then back to him. “We can’t.”

  “What happens if we’re called?” someone asks.

  “They seem to be calling more females than males,” I offer, everyone’s focus shifting heavily on me again. “More than half. Seems guys are relatively safe.”

  “Why do they need girls?” someone else asks.

  “They want us to mess with them and then they take them. That doesn’t seem fair,” Werzo jokes, “…or does it?” his laughter finds no company as it echoes in the trunk.

  “Can you even get a girl?” I raise a brow.

  “Please…” he smiles, folding his arms with pride. “They fall into my arms.”

  “Only when pushed.”

  “Down kitty.”

  “Don’t call her kitty,” Reid shakes his head.

  Everything goes silent again, especially as Werzo’s face grows white. He lowers his eyes, then his head, keeping his voice soft and unchallenging.“Yes Rox. Sorry Rox.”

  “It’s not funny,” Reid says to the group, “and they have been calling males. Just not as many.”

  “So it might not have to do with gender?” someone asks.

  “Might not,” I agree, “but let’s keep an eye on it. Has anyone kept a record of the names called so far?”

  Everyone looks to each other as I turn to Reid.

  “I’ll have Irie track it,” he says.

  “But there’s nothing we can do to prevent being called?” one of the Assignments asks.

  “Just like there’s nothing to prevent the Snatchings,” I glance around the room, “except you guys.”

  “We need to know what the Kings know—that’s the key. How are we on Clients?” Reid looks to Tucker, then Kelly, then Jace, “Anyone interested? Or willing to switch teams? What about Arrivals?”

  Kelly shrugs, still with the indelible frown. “We’ve got a few in the works. Not enough to obtain anything significant.”

  Jace clears his throat, “We talked about the few Arrivals…”

  Reid nods, remembering a conversation. He turns about in the space, addressing the entire group again, “Well, when you talk to your Scouts later, make sure to let them know we’re looking. The more help we can get, the better.”

  “And what do we say to them when they return?” Chief asks. “We’re supposed to tell them she doesn’t exist?”

  “Tell them the truth,” I answer automatically. “That they can’t remember her, that they ingested the pill to erase her.”

  “And that we used them?” Tucker asks.

  “For the good of the Rogues, for their good. For our Clients,” I glance around, “your Clients. You needed to know for sure before you could confide it in them. If you’re really as close as you say, they’ll understand.”

  “And when they ask what we can do about it?” Kelly tries, glancing between Reid and I. “What do we tell them?”

  “What do you tell them about the Snatchings now?” I ask. “All we can do is try and stop it.”

  Chief nods as the others exchange looks around the room.

  “Any other concerns?” Reid poses.

  Silence greets him for a second before Harrison clears his throat uncomfortably. “Perry’s been… approaching us more recently. Persistent little witch…” he gulps back an uneasy chuckle, “how do you want us to proceed? Continue to keep the Kisses at bay?”

  Reid stops to consider, the weight of the room pouring down on his response. After a solid minute, he’s made up his mind. “We need to know what the Kings know. Break the ban with the Kisses, do what you need to. Tucker, if you could address Perry with any concerns, I think that’d be best.”


  “All right, next,” Reid throws out to the group.

  Silence greets him for a solid minute.

  “Will we be meeting out here again?” someone calls from the back.

  “Where is out here?” someone else asks.

  “What is out here?” another voice throws out.

  Reid nods, “We’ll meet again soon when there’s more information. And yes, here. This,” Reid gestures to the wooden walls of the hollowed trunk around us, “is the only safe place we can talk. The Maze has too many ears and there’s no way we can all squeeze into a bunker. We’ll meet here and discuss where and what this is at a later point. But tonight, let’s focus on your Scouts.”

  The room responds with silence.

  “All right,” Reid sums up, “if that’s it, I’ll hand it back over to Tucker.”

  “You staying Rox?” someone calls hopefully from the back.

  “Rox!” another belts, a few hollers erupt in support. And suddenly it’s an all out chant.

  “Rox, Rox, Rox, Rox, Rox!”

  “I…” Reid starts, glancing toward me. I offer him an encouraging smile as he gulps, refocusing on his Clansmen. “I only have the Rogues’ best interest at heart. Whatever my brothers’ need of me… I’m here to serve.”

  The room erupts in a chorus of whistles and cheers, the Rox chant still going strong. Tucker, who stands across from me, looks relieved, although unsure of whether or not he’s required to speak. Coming to his rescue, Reid starts again, still circling in the space.

  “Your Scouts are probably ready to return. It’s time we head back and put Fallon’s,” he gestures to me, “theory to the test. Clark, Pratt, Vix,” Reid requests, “if you could secure the tunnel navigation.”

  The Clansmen rise and the group begins filing out. Reid and Sampson resume their post by the door, wishing each member a personal farewell. With everyone gone, Able and I pause on our way out of the hovel.

  “Congratulations, Fallon,” Sampson smiles, “you did wonderfully.”

  “You think?”

  “You spoke your mind and convinced other’s of your reasoning. I think you did very well.”

  “Able told me I had to gain their respect,” I glance over to him, “I had to impress them.”

  “Weren’t you planning on doing that anyway?” Sampson shoots me a sly grin, “Of course it must be difficult facing such an intimidating group.”

  “Intimidating?” Able scoffs, “The Rogues? What would make you say that?”

  “Hey, I have to catch up with Tucker and go over a few things,” Reid looks to me with a frown. “Will you be all right?”

  “I have Sampson and Able. I’m sure we’ll make it back.”

  “I’ll see you in the Auditorium,” he winks, taking off into the tunnel.

  “I guess being Rox keeps you pretty
busy,” I glance at Able.

  He nods, “You have no idea.”

  Sampson, Able and I use two babeebs to light our way back, discussing the various Rogues and the success of the meeting. It takes the same twenty minutes or so, but by the time we reach the Castle and Sampson’s finished navigating us through the Maze, we come upon it—a small knot of people just down the West Wall and in the middle, Reid and Ansley in an all-out shouting war.

  “Shit…” Able mumbles next to me.

  I barely hear him. I’m glued to the scene, which includes several Rogue Clansmen and a small cluster of very pretty girls surrounding Ansley. Tucker stands between them, holding his temple as Jace looks on with the first glare I’ve seen. He catches my eye and starts ushering the other Clansmen away, most of which have already started leaving on their own.

  Tucker pleads with one of the girls, pointing at Reid and Ansley who have barely calmed down. They’re still yelling but with no one paying obvious attention, they’re freer to speak directly. She goes to touch his cheek but he grabs her wrist and throws it down. She tries again, and again, he throws her hands off him. She makes one last attempt, her mouth going a mile a minute and finally, with a reproachful sigh, he allows her hands to rest there.

  “He’s just…” Able starts.

  “It’s fine,” I lie, quickly looking for anything else to occupy my attention. I turn to Sampson, “Mind if I pick your brain a little?”


  “I’ve been dying to ask a few things. I’d uh… really appreciate it.”

  “Yes, Fallon, I think that’d be rather nice,” his smile widens as I look up to him. “Your bunk or mine?”

  “Yours,” I start, my mind already racing with the questions I have for him. Sampson begins to lead us away, the thought of his bunker and the extravagant display of babeebs rising to the top of my questions, “Because last time…”

  A body jumps between us and I’m thrown off balance. I look up and find Reid with half his back turned to me, facing Sampson. “We need to talk.”


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