The Red Eye (The Red Eye Romance Series Book 1)

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The Red Eye (The Red Eye Romance Series Book 1) Page 2

by Phillips, Avery

  “Well, that’s what I wanted to talk to you about.” I shifted in my chair, crossing my legs at the knees, my black strappy stilettos enhancing my legs.

  “Great!” The excited look on Miles’ face almost made me change my mind. Almost.

  “The thing is that I’ve thought about what you’re asking do and I’ve decided that I’m not going to do it.”

  “What!” Miles was incredulous as he stood out of his chair.

  “It’s just a step too far for me.” I straightened my skirt. “This is veering dangerously close to prostitution, and I’m not comfortable with that. If you want me to help with research or coming up with new ideas for the pitch, I’m more than happy to help, but there’s no way I’m going to New York, not when I’m mostly going there to thrust my boobs in his face with the hope that he’ll sign a contract with the firm.”

  “Listen here, you…” Miles bit his tongue before he finished his sentence. “Okay, Rebecca, you got me. You want more money, is that it? A bonus? A promotion? Whatever it is, if we get this deal, it’s yours.”

  “It’s not that at all.” I shook my head. “All I’ve ever wanted was to be a lawyer, and I happen to think that I’m a darned good one. Reducing me to a nice body and a winning smile isn’t the way I want to progress my career. If you want to promote me, do it because you think I’ve earned it, not because some billionaire thinks I’ve got a nice ass.”

  “I can’t believe I’m hearing this.” Miles grinned, followed by a bitter bark of a chuckle. “Why do you think you got the job in the first place? I only hired you because of that short skirt you were wearing. It’s a bit ironic for you to turn around now and say that you don’t want to use your looks to win a contract when that’s all you’ve ever done from the moment you started working here.”

  “That is not true!” I protested. “I wear these clothes because I want to look nice for you, not because I think it’s going to be the way to win clients. I thought you liked how I dressed.”

  “Of course I do, darling.” Miles walked around to the other side of his desk where I was sitting. He started to massage my shoulders to calm me down. I moaned and leaned against him, purring like a cat. There was something about the surety of his touch that got to me every time he placed his hands on me. As he moved down the front of my top, I could feel my nipples harden, responding to the feel of his fingers against my body, as he brushed over them, gently squeezing my breasts.

  “And Douglas Leeson will like it just as much,” he whispered in my ear. “So unless you want to lose your job, I suggest you be a good girl, go home, pack your bags, and get on that flight tonight.”

  Abruptly, he took his hands away, going back to sit in his chair, leaving me feeling surprised, frustrated, and angry.

  “I can’t believe you’re treating me like this, Miles. I thought I meant something to you.”

  “You do.” He said the words, but I wasn’t sure that he really meant them. “But you have no idea about the pressure that I’m under to get this contract signed. If I meant something to you, you’d do your best to make sure that we win this for the firm. It is for our future, after all.”

  Looking at the man I thought I loved, I wasn’t sure I knew him at all. I had a feeling that he wasn’t just sending me away because he thought I could win this contract for them; he was trying to get rid of me.

  “All right. I’ll go,” I said, between clenched teeth, biting back the words I really wanted to say. My heart wanted me to scream, have me pick up and throw things, anything to get more of a reaction out of him that showed he really cared and wasn’t just using me. “But it’s for my career, not for you. If I win this contract, I want a promotion, and I don’t care if people think it’s because I’m sleeping with you or not. I’ll deserve it.”

  “You most certainly will.” Miles’ relief was palpable as he straightened up to come around to embrace me.

  “Don’t.” I held up a hand. “I’m not interested. When I get back we need to talk, and I’ll want to know exactly when you’re going to leave your wife. ‘When the kids are ready’ isn’t going to cut it anymore.”

  “Don’t worry. If you win this case, you can have everything you ask for—and more.”

  I wasn’t sure that I could trust him to stick to his word, but I didn’t feel that I had any choice other than to go to New York and prove to myself that I could win Douglas over—without resorting to feminine wiles. Miles was right about one thing: if I got this contract signed, I would be able to have anything I wanted.


  I went home and threw a few things in a bag. I decided to travel light and take carry-on luggage only, but my favorite cocktail dress hanging in the wardrobe caught my eye. On a whim, I decided to take it. As much as it pained me to admit it, Miles had a point that it never did any real harm to look good when it came to wooing a potential client, especially ones who had a reputation of loving the ladies. If I were faced with a time where I was asked out for drinks, at least I’d be prepared by taking it.

  I heard the sound of a cab outside and dashed downstairs to meet it. I hopped in the cab. “Get me to the airport, please. The sooner the better.” I settled myself in the back seat and took out the files Miles had given me.

  Douglas Leeson was an interesting character. A wry smile pulled at the corner of my mouth as I read that he’d faced more than his fair share of sexual harassment claims. None of them had ever seen the light of day, at least as far as the courtroom. A hotshot lawyer or two could get you that. Still, I would proceed with caution when I was around him.

  Looking at the photo of Douglas, I had to admit he looked particularly attractive. Despite being in his sixties, he clearly went to the gym, and the photos of him on what was likely his private yacht showed an attractive man with silver hair and chiseled movie-star features. He would make a fine catch for any woman. After his wife died of breast cancer over a decade ago, there were plenty of rumors linking him with starlets and models, but from what I could see he was single at the moment.

  I was beginning to see why Miles had put me on the case. Douglas was tailor-made for me. I heard my phone beep. I reached in my purse, pulled my cell out, checked it, and saw Miles had sent a text. “Think the name of the devil and he shall come.” I smiled to myself.

  Are you on your way?

  Yes, I wrote back. Don’t worry. Everything’s under control.

  Good girl, came the reply. Now bring back that deal!

  I raised an eyebrow. “Girl”? Was that really how Miles saw me? I placed my phone in my purse without replying.

  I tried to focus my attention on the files, but I was too distracted. This was the opportunity of a lifetime, the chance to take my career to the next level, and yet it was tainted by the reason Miles sent me.

  A few minutes passed. I gave up trying to work and gazed out of the window, watching the traffic as we sped to the airport. There’d be plenty of time to read over the files in the departure lounge, or maybe on the plane.


  “There you go,” said the cab driver, taking my bags out of the trunk and putting them on a trolley.

  “Thanks,” I replied, taking the luggage handles. “Wait a minute. There’s a bag missing.” I looked around. “Where’s my carryall?”

  The driver shrugged. “I don’t know, miss. That’s all there was left in the trunk.”

  Frantically, I looked in the trunk and then climbed into the back of the cab.

  “Shit. I must have left it at home.” I slapped the seat.

  “Do you need me to take you back?” The driver reached for my remaining bag to put it back in the trunk.

  I checked my watch. “There isn’t enough time. I’ll miss my flight.” I sighed and shook my head. “Oh well. I suppose the company credit card is going to take a beating.” I decided that I’d treat myself at the other end. Why not? It was the least Miles could do for sending me away at such short notice, even if it was for the sake of a new contract.

  I ti
pped the driver and headed over to the check-in counter. As I hurried, my phone beeped again. Without stopping, I juggled my bag and the trolley to get my cell out. There was a large part of me that was hoping that Miles had changed his mind and was texting to say that he didn’t need me to go after all.

  I looked. No such luck. It was Ellen.

  You still catching the red eye?

  Yep, I wrote back. Miles was adamant. He promised me a promotion if I get the deal. And he promised to finally leave his wife.

  When have you heard that before?

  This time I believe him. I was on the verge of tears—surprised. Of course Miles was going to keep his promise. How could he look me in the face after I get this deal and renege on what he’d said to me?

  Just be careful.

  As I was texting a final reply, I was surprised by running into something. I looked up to see that I had run into a guy, hit him in the leg with my luggage as he waited in line at the check-in counter.

  “Oh my goodness, I am so sorry. I wasn’t looking where I was going. Are you all right?”

  The guy looked to the back of his pants leg and rubbed. “Well, I don’t think I’m going to be playing for the Yankees anytime soon.”

  “Seriously? I hope you’re kidding.” I paused. “Please be kidding.” My heart leaped into my throat as the prospect of being sued for millions came to mind. That would put a nail in my coffin for sure. Good luck trying to work at any firm after that.

  “Hey, it’s all right.” He grinned. “There was never any chance of my playing for the Yankees anyway. I’m horrible at baseball. That was my dumbass way of saying I’ll live. No harm no foul.”

  I blushed. “Well, I’m still sorry. It was clumsy of me. I should’ve paid more attention.”

  “No problem. Um, maybe you can make it up to me by buying me a coffee sometime?”

  I felt warmth in my face. “Sure, why not?”

  The guy was called forward to the counter.

  Soon it was my turn to check in, and I went through the usual routine before I was free to head through security.

  As I turned away from the counter, preoccupied with putting my paperwork away, I ran headfirst into something again, but this time I was hesitant to look up.

  “We really ought to stop meeting like this,” came a familiar voice.

  I couldn’t believe it. I slowly looked up to see that guy again. All I could do was shake my head with embarrassment. There was something about the look in his eyes that reminded me of Miles, and being off my game made my eyes well up with tears.

  “Hey.” The stranger’s face was full of concern. “I didn’t think I ran into you that hard. Are you okay?”

  “No, I’m sorry, it’s not that.” I waved him away. “It’s nothing. I’ve just got a lot on my mind right now.”

  “Tell you what.” He looked me in the eyes. “Let’s go through security and I’ll take you for that coffee. By the looks of it, you need it.”

  I flashed a weak smile. “That would be nice, but you really don’t have to.”

  “It would be my pleasure. Believe me.”


  By the time we sat down in one of the terminal’s coffee shops, a nondescript place that looked just like the others, I had told him all about everything that had happened to me, my affair with Miles, the way he’d been distant with me recently, and how he’d ordered me off to New York without thinking how I would feel.

  “I have to say that this Miles character sounds a real piece of work,” he said, as we sat down with our orders. “It sounds like you need something a little stronger than coffee.”

  “I better not,” I replied. “I need a clear head to go over these files. I’ve barely had a chance to get into the details of the case. But that’s very kind of you…” I realized that I’d been so caught up in talking about my problems that I’d completely forgotten my manners. “I’m so sorry.” I blushed. “There’s me talking away like this and I don’t even know your name.”

  “That’s all right.” He smiled, his teeth bright and perfect. “You clearly needed to talk, and I’m happy to have been here for you. Sometimes it’s easier to offload on a stranger than it is those closest to us. My name’s Malcolm.”

  He extended his hand, and I took it. His grip was firm and self-confident without getting into the kind of macho showing off that some men did, where they tried to squeeze your hand as hard as possible, or too soft like you’re as delicate as a baby.

  “Hi, Malcolm.” I smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet you.”

  “Likewise. It’s always good to have the company of a beautiful woman to eat away the boredom of waiting for a flight.”

  “I take it you travel often, then?” I laid a hand on my purse to make sure that it was there, as the thought of my lost luggage came to mind.

  Malcolm nodded. “I work with my dad, and he often sends me on the trips he doesn’t want to go on. I would tell you about my last trip, but honestly, it would bore you to tears, and I’d hate to send you to sleep at this counter and have you miss your flight.”

  “That bad, huh?” I laughed.

  “You have no idea, Still, I’m on my way home now, and hopefully this’ll be the last flight for a while.”

  “And where is home?” I leaned toward Malcolm and wasn’t consciously sure why I did it.

  “New York.”

  “That’s a coincidence for you.” I’d found a reprieve for the day. “That’s where I’m going!”

  “Then you must let me take you out while you’re there. I know a great little bar I think you’ll love.”

  “That would be nice.” I nodded.

  “Could all passengers for flight NY723 please make their way to the boarding gate.”

  “That’s me,” said Malcolm, grabbing his bag.

  “Same here.” I grabbed mine as well.

  “Great.” Malcolm’s smile was genuine, and I found myself wishing that I wasn’t seeing Miles. A little uncomplicated fun with Malcolm could be just what I needed.

  We wandered over to the gate together, momentarily lost for something to talk about. However, whereas with Miles I always felt that I was pressed to say something to fill the silence, there was an ease about being with Malcolm. He didn’t make me feel pressured to keep on my toes, or that I had to be at my best at all times. He made me feel as though it was okay to just be myself and not worry about trying to impress.

  “Are you traveling together?” asked the flight attendant at the gate as she took our passes.

  “No.” I shook my head, blushing at the thought that we might be mistaken for a couple.

  “Okay, well, you’re sitting next to each other. Row 5, seats A and B.”

  We looked at each other and laughed. “I guess it must be fate, then,” Malcolm said. “Clearly you and I were destined to meet today.”

  “Clearly,” I agreed as we made our way onto the plane, stowed our carry-ons, and settled into our seats next to each other.

  As the plane left the tarmac, Malcolm turned to me. “Look, tell me to mind my own business if you like, but I was wondering, what do you see in Miles? I’m sure the guy’s got his good qualities and all, but from where I’m sitting, he just seems like a major asshole.”

  I opened my mouth to reply and then closed it again. I was hardly going to say to this man, that I’d known for only an hour, that Miles gave me great sex and had an enormous cock.

  I took my time to consider my answer. “It’s hard to say. When we first started seeing each other, it was really exciting, you know? I mean, I wasn’t really looking for a serious relationship, and it suited me to have someone who wasn’t wanting to get together every day when I had to work long hours at the office.”

  “But…?” prompted Malcolm.

  I sighed heavily. “But now I think I’ve fallen for him, he seems to want to keep his distance. He has children with his wife and he keeps saying that he’s only staying with her for the children’s sake, but I’m beginning to wonder if h
e’s ever going to leave.”

  Malcolm pursed his lips and nodded knowingly. “Okay, well, from where I’m sitting, I hate to say it, but he’s never going to leave his wife. But I’ll tell you one thing. I know that if I was with someone as beautiful as you, I wouldn’t keep you hanging on like he is.”

  I smiled halfheartedly, but ignored the compliment. “So what happened with your dad and the other woman?”

  “Oh, that lasted about five minutes,” Malcolm told me. “Just long enough for her to get a ring on her finger before he decided that he was going to trade her in for a younger model. She was absolutely livid, but he’d made her sign an iron-clad prenup, so she had to take the tiny amount she’d agreed to and leave. So much for her dreams of life of luxury. Dad can be ruthless like that.”

  “Wow,” I exclaimed. “He certainly sounds like it.”

  “He is.” Malcolm nodded. “Everything I needed to know about how not to be a husband and a father, I learned from him.”

  “But you still work for him?”

  “For my sins,” Malcolm said. “Maybe one day I’ll leave the family business and strike out on my own, but I was brought up to believe that my only option was to take over and run the firm one day. It’s hard to go against that kind of childhood programming, you know?”

  “You make it sound like you work for the Mafia.”

  “Oh no! My secret is out!”

  I shook my head and laughed, but I was desperately trying to cover up how much Malcolm had rattled me earlier. He hadn’t told me anything Ellen hadn’t already said, but hearing it from a stranger who didn’t know me made it seem more real somehow. I was beginning to regret ever agreeing to come on this assignment. If I didn’t win this contract with Douglas, it was more than my job on the line. What was at stake was my whole career.


  “Well, it has to be said that you’ve made the flight bearable.” Malcolm looked out the window as we touched down.


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