The King's Deryni

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The King's Deryni Page 63

by Katherine Kurtz

  DHASSA—free holy city in the Lendour Mountains; seat of the prince-bishops of Dhassa, presiding from Cathedral of St. Andrew.

  DUNLUCE—port town in Carthmoor.

  EASTMARCH—county in northeast Gwynedd.

  EIRIAN RIVER—principal river of Gwynedd, extending northward from the sea to Rhemuth and beyond.

  ELCHO—region in northern Eastmarch where the traitorous Rorik Earl of Eastmarch was finally captured by forces loyal to King Brion.

  FALLON—tiny kingdom south of Fianna.

  FIANNA—continental county famous for its wines.

  FORCINN BUFFER STATES—loosely confederated group of independent principalities, nominally under the overlordship of the Hort of Orsal (who is also Prince of Tralia), the others being the Duchy of Joux, the Grand Duchy of Vezaire, and the Principalities of Logreine, Thuria, Nur Hallaj, and Andelon.

  GRECOTHA—site of Gwynedd’s great university, and also St. Luke’s Cathedral.

  GWYNEDD—principal kingdom of the Eleven Kingdoms, seat of the Haldane kings.

  HALLOWDALE—village on the Molling River, scene of an infamous burning of a Deryni family.

  HAUT EMERAUD—equestrian stud facility of Oisín Adair.

  HORTHÁNTHY—summer residence of the Hort of Orsal.

  HOWICCE—kingdom linked with the Kingdom of Llannedd, southwest of Gwynedd.

  INCUS DOMINI—the Anvil of the Lord, headquarters of the Knights of the Anvil, a Deryni order partially derived from fled Knights of St. Michael after the dissolution of that order.

  ISLE D’ORSAL—island site of the Hort of Orsal’s summer palace.

  JOUX—a Torenthi duchy.

  JUPE DE LA VIERGE—great cape between Fianna and Fallon.

  KENTAR—point on the eastern side of the Eirian Estuary, with the Abbey of St. Ultan’s looking down from it.

  KHELDOUR—ancient principality in northern Gwynedd.

  KIERNEY—earldom in northwest of Gwynedd, a secondary holding of the Dukes of Cassan.

  KILCHON—port town on the coast of Carthmoor.

  KING’S LANDING—a barge station on the River Eirian, just north of Rhemuth.

  LAAS—ancient capital of Meara.

  LAVAL RIVER—river dividing Fallon and Bremagne.

  LENDOUR—earldom north of Corwyn.

  LLANARFON RIVER—northern boundary of Llannedd, bordering Gwynedd territory.

  LLANNEDD—kingdom linked with the Kingdom of Howicce, southwest of Gwynedd.

  LLEGODDIN CANYON TRACE—stony riverbed trail ending at Rustan.

  LOGREINE—principality between Vezaire and Fianna, one of the Forcinn States.

  LORSÖL—a duchy in Torenth.

  MARLEY—earldom in northeast Gwynedd.

  MEARA—formerly independent principality west of Gwynedd, now a province of Gwynedd.

  MILLEFLEURS—Bremagni summer palace at Cinque-Eglise.

  MOLLING RIVER—an eastern tributary of the River Eirian, joining it at Rhemuth.

  MOLLINGFORD—a market town on the Molling River, near Hallowdale.

  MOORYN—former sovereign principality in the southeast of Gwynedd, divided by Festil I into the Duchies of Corwyn, Carthmoor, and numerous smaller earldoms and baronies.

  MORGANHALL—manorial seat of the Morgan family.

  NIKIDARI—capital of Fallon.

  NUR HALLAJ—one of the principalities of the Forcinn Buffer States.

  NUR SAYYID—great university in R’Kassi.

  NYFORD—capital of Carthmoor; ancient market town and port; site of St. Joseph’s Cathedral.

  ORSALIA—ancient name of part of Trailia, whence derives the title “Hort of Orsal.”

  PARDIAC—region just south of Meara, in the Connait.

  PLADDA—a manor house of Coroth, nestled in a curve of the Duncapall River, bordering Tendal lands.

  POINT KENTAR—a peninsula of Carthane, at the mouth of the Eirian River.

  PURPLE MARCH—vast plain in the north-central part of Gwynedd.

  PWYLLHELI—capital of Llannedd.

  RATHARKIN—provincial capital of Meara.

  RÉMIGNY—capital of Bremagne.

  RHANAMÉ—great Deryni university and seminary in R’Kassi.

  RHEMUTH—capital of Gwynedd.

  RHEMUTH CASTLE—seat of the Haldane Kings, and center of Gwynedd’s government.

  RHENDALL—county in northeast Gwynedd.

  RHENDALL MOUNTAINS—mountain chain encompassing Rhendall.

  R’KASSI—kingdom east of Gwynedd, famous for its horses.

  RUYÈRE—a Fallonese port.

  SAINT-SASILE, ABBEY OF—an all-Deryni monastic establishment in Furstánan, at the mouth of Torenth’s River Beldour.

  TANDORELLO—ford on the River Cùille, west of Culdi.

  TORENTH—principal kingdom east of Gwynedd.

  TORTUÑA—a Tralian port across the straits from Horthánthy.

  TRALIA—more recent name of the sovereign principality ruled by the Hort of Orsal.

  TRANCAULT—a Vezairi port.

  TRANSHA—small border county in northwest Gwynedd.

  TRAVLUM—site of Jamyl Arilan’s wedding.

  TRE-ARILAN—country seat of the Arilan family.

  TREVAS—a village and bay on the coast of Corwyn.

  TRURILL—a county between Gwynedd and Meara.

  VALORET—former capital of Gwynedd; seat of the Archbishop of Valoret, Primate of All Gwynedd, at All Saints’ Cathedral.

  VÁR ADONY—winter palace of the Hort of Orsal, Prince of Tralia.

  VEZAIRE—one of the Forcinn Buffer States.

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