Fire On The Farm (Second Chance Cowboy Romance)

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Fire On The Farm (Second Chance Cowboy Romance) Page 5

by Betty Shreffler

  I made the mistake of showing her what to do, and when her ass grazed my growing hard-on, I nearly lost it right there. She stood and those lusty blue eyes and plump lips begged for me to claim them. So, I did.

  His kiss was electric. Sparks detonated from every nerve in my body, and he was the power source. My hands fisted his shirt, pulling him into me, devouring his lips, his kiss, his touch. My body charged to life. It vibrated with thunderous need. His tongue slipped in between my lips, and I couldn't get enough. I moaned into his mouth and lost all sense of where the hell I was.

  He eased off our kiss and I fell forward, pulled by his magnetism.

  His hand gripped mine as his gorgeous hazel-green eyes stared down at me, a fierce hunger in them that left me wet and starving for his lips to claim mine again.

  "I'm taking you home with me. I want more of you, so much more." His hunger vibrated out of his chest and lips. I didn't respond. My brain was mush, and my body had taken over for me.

  He held my hand tightly, nearly putting us into a run out of the bar.

  Every red light we stopped at, his lips ravaged mine, pulling me further into a lust-filled coma. When we reached his house, he came to the passenger side of his sleek, Chevy Nova SS and yanked me out of it. He lifted me off the ground, cradling me against him and carried me into his home like he'd just claimed a prize.

  The interior of his house whizzed by as he carried me into a bedroom. It smelled of wood, masculinity, and the bed he placed me on smelled of his cologne. The scent surrounded me, complementing my reeling desire and the beer still warming my body.

  Having left his hat in the car, I now saw his short, trimmed, dark brown hair and it contrasted his beautiful face and eyes perfectly. He took tall, dark, and handsome to a new level. When his shirt went over his head, my eyes glued to his toned, rock-hard chest. He'd obviously earned his body through blessed family genes and working hard on the job. I couldn't wait to see what the rest of him had to offer, and he didn't disappoint.

  He pulled off his leather belt, unzipped his jeans, revealing the black briefs below, and then kicked off his cowboy boots. My eyes bounced between the two tattoos on his arms, his rippled abs, and the lines that made an arrow sign to paradise.

  The jeans hit the floor, and he eyed me with a grin. The briefs followed, and my mouth dropped. Colossal was an appropriate word. My body shook with anticipation.

  His work of undressing me went slowly. He seemed to be savoring every detail of my body. His eyes roamed over me as my hands eagerly palmed his tight abs, and then his ass. I gave it a squeeze, and a growl escaped his lips.

  She was stunning. Every curve was perfect, her skin soft, her body tight. Her eyes were already devouring me, just as I wanted to devour her. Her hands traced over me, learning me and then, when she squeezed my ass, that was it. I couldn't hold back any longer. I needed to be inside of her. I needed to feel her body wrapped around mine. I wanted to discover what she liked and how she liked it and then, I wanted to do it all over again.

  I crawled over her beautiful, naked body, and I spread her legs wide for me. A breath of surprise escaped her when I claimed her with my mouth. She was already incredibly wet for me, and she tasted perfect. I dove and swirled my tongue, lapping all that she had to give. I held her legs firm in my grasp as she bobbed her hips, desperate needy moans escaping her.

  I slid a finger in and lost my shit at how tight she was.

  A deep, guttural growl escaped his lips, and it drove my desire wild. His skilled fingers ventured farther in, stroking me with his expert touch. His other hand held my gyrating hips. I wanted this man so badly, my body ached with need. He climbed up, took my hardened nipple into his mouth and sucked it before pulling it between his teeth.

  The orgasm rippled over my body like a shockwave. I poured over his hand, and he continued his strokes, milking every last bit of my release.

  "That was beautiful, Amy. I want you to come for me again."

  My head arched back as he slid in between my wet folds. He filled me to the brim.

  I eased in slowly, moved my hips against her with gentle strokes, letting her body stretch over me. The moans escaping her lips tempted the hunger inside of me. When her hips sped up, wanting more of me, I held tight to her thighs, lifting her ass off the bed, and I claimed the beautiful body beneath me, taking her over the edge with me.

  Her orgasm poured over me once and then again. Her body trembled beneath me. I laid above her, holding her close to me, kissing those sweet lips ‘til they were swollen. I pulled her bottom lip gently between my teeth, and she let out a desperate whimper. I loved the sound of it. I loved every sound she made. I loved the way her body responded to me, how hard she made me and how much I wanted her again already.

  I buried my face into her neck and hair, sucking the scent of her into my memory. Her shallow, calm breaths told me she was drifting off to sleep. I laid there, tracing my finger over her curves, admiring her beautiful body. It fit perfectly inside mine, and I couldn't help pulling her in close to me. I didn't want morning to come. I didn't want her to have a reason to go. After only one night of having her, I knew I wanted more of her…much more.

  I ignored my dry mouth, awful breath, and aching head as I scrambled quietly around the room gathering my clothes. I glanced up to ensure Brock was still asleep. He was beautiful in his relaxed state, but my eyes darted away as the waves of betrayal, shame, and discomfort washed over me. I found a pen and a half-torn envelope to write a note for him, then I dashed out of his house and called Rick to pick me up along the road.

  He handed me coffee as I tucked my behind into his truck seat. I leaned my head back against the rest as the coffee soothed my throat and calmed my nerves.

  "What happened last night? Whose house did I just pick you up from?"

  "Rick, I will give you a raise if you never speak of this again."

  His lips remained sealed shut the rest of the way to the ranch. He went to work while I trudged up my steps and doused myself with a hot shower. The shower and my citrus soap washed away the scent of Brock and my out of control lust, but the memories were still there. The thought of him hardened my nipples and caused me to ache with unwanted need.

  I shook the thoughts from my mind, angry with myself and my total loss of control. Just in one night, after three beers and one insanely hot guy, I'd turned into a bar slut. It wasn't like me to do something like that. I'd never had a one-night stand—ever. I'd only been with two men: Darrell and the young man I'd lost my virginity to.

  I stumbled out of the shower and dressed quickly, anxious to get to work and make the night before a distant memory.

  I woke to an empty bed, and my chest ached from the realization she was gone. Her clothes had been picked up. I looked around and found the note.

  Thanks for everything last night. See you around.


  I scrunched the note in my fist and tossed it, then landed my head into the pillow. Apparently, she didn't have an interest in seeing me again. She probably regretted how far things had gone. Maybe she was embarrassed and didn't want me to think poorly of her decision. Either way, I wouldn't be satisfied until I saw her again.

  My bed still held the lingering scent of citrus and sex. I grew hard instantly thinking of her. If she hadn't scurried out while I was still sleeping this morning, I would've loved that body again, discovered what she liked for breakfast, and tried my damndest to make it for her.

  Instead, I climbed out of bed, pulled on briefs, and traipsed into the kitchen—alone. I dug out the O.J., dumped some into a mason jar, and threw some stuff together and called it breakfast. After a shower, I got to work checking emails and making sure all checks had been paid out to my staff. I walked out to the garage and pulled the cover off my baby—a black steel horse—a heritage softail classic Harley.

  I'd always had a thing for anything with a classic, sleek design and enough power to make my chest rumble. Being a big guy, I could never fit into a br
ight-colored compact car nor would I dare to. It had to be American muscle for me.

  I slid onto the smooth leather seat and backed her out. I had a house I needed to check the progress on today and wouldn't mind putting some work into it myself. Anything to get Amy off my mind. The woman had somehow latched onto my brain and cock, and both couldn't forget her.

  I parked the softail by my Nova and grabbed my hat—my newest one—couldn't go without it. The memory of the long legs, tight ass, and sweet lips of the woman who’d filled the seat next to mine tightened my jeans. Her kisses had been wrought with desire. The woman under those shy eyes knew how to take pleasure as much as she knew how to give it and damn, I longed to have more of it.

  I took a bite out of my cheek and fought to get my head straight. I straddled my softail and fired her up. Beneath my thighs, a high output twin cam engine came to life, rumbling beneath me. It vibrated through my body and eased the tension in my muscles. I put wheels to pavement, letting the cool breeze and sun on my skin carry away any remaining thoughts.

  I finished my training session with Maisie in the round pen and put her out to pasture with the rest of the horses. I leaned against the fence with my boot tucked into a rail, watching Honey's tail flick as she hung close to Bella. Only one day old and she was already showing strength and spirit. I looked forward to getting to know her personality as she grew.

  Merlin, Ransom, and the others seemed equally interested in the new arrival. They all reached their heads over the fence that held Bella and Honey on the other side. They'd likely never seen a foal before or were simply interested in the tiny filly. They nickered at Bella and Honey. Bella ignored them, nibbling on grass to fill her belly while Honey perked her ears, looked at them curiously, and then swished her tail.

  I patted Ransom on his face and neck when he left his post to visit me.

  "Lookin' good, ole boy."

  Jared came up behind me and set his boots on the fence to lean over it.

  "Wanna take Merlin and Dixon out for a ride? Dixon needs some exercise."

  I definitely needed a ride. My thoughts had slipped toward the night before too many times throughout the day. No matter how hard I tried, I couldn't forget the memories of Brock's roped muscles, his body covering mine, and the incredible pleasure he'd given me.

  Every time the thoughts snuck in, my body responded instantly, warming and then clenching with need.

  I dropped my boot and whistled for Merlin.

  "Get the saddles ready."

  I led both horses to the barn. Jared and I saddled them and headed toward the hill and high sun.

  "You doin' all right?" Jared asked amid my silence. "You seem distracted today."

  I chuckled. Jared and Rick knew me too well.

  "I have a lot on my mind is all."

  "Anything to do with last night?"

  My eyes bulged when I looked at him. Disappointment and anger filled me that Rick would say anything. It wasn't like him.

  "What do you mean?"

  "You and Rick went out for a beer last night. Your truck isn't here and you arrived in Rick's truck this morning. I know nothing happened between you and him, but something happened."

  Relief filled me that Rick hadn't said anything.

  I glanced over at Jared's shaggy, light-brown hair and his stocky, toned physique, sitting atop the black thoroughbred. "You're too observant."

  Laughter escaped his chest. "You're like a big sister to me. Of course I'm going to notice you rolling in late after a night out at a bar. You know you can talk to me about anything, right?"

  My heart warmed. Jared had become like family. He and Rick both had.

  "I know I can, but not about this."

  "You embarrassed?"

  I let out a breath. "No. Guilty."

  "You shouldn't be."

  I couldn't explain it to him. He wouldn't understand if I did. "Thanks, Jared."

  We reached the top of the hill and stopped the horses, giving them a rest while the sun warmed our faces.

  "Let's run 'em back. They need it."

  We raced horse against horse, driving their own competitive instinct out of them. Merlin's long, lean legs carried him faster. I reached the barn before Jared to find a silver, sporty SUV coming up my drive.

  I hopped off Merlin and gave the reigns to Jared for him to unsaddle them while I approached the parked vehicle.

  A shorter woman with full curves stepped out of the SUV. Her curly hair was much blonder than it used to be, but I recognized her instantly.


  I pulled her right into my arms and squeezed her tightly.

  "What are you doing here?"

  "I should've been here sooner, but I took a job in Florida and I could never find the time to visit. I'm so sorry. I'm a terrible friend."

  "No, no, it's so good to see you now. I'm glad you're here. What are you doing here and how long can you stay?"

  "I've moved back to Tennessee. Last I knew, you lived in Kentucky, so I looked you up and drove to see you. I can stay the night as long as I'm not a burden."

  Our conversation was easy as if we hadn't gone over two years without seeing each other.

  "Absolutely, you can stay here. Let me tell the guys I'm taking the rest of the day off. I'll get cleaned up and then we can catch up."

  Her eyes scanned the area. I could see her interest.

  "Want a tour?"

  She nodded with enthusiasm. I glanced down at her cute, strappy sandals. "Got any other shoes with you?"

  She looked down at my boots and then her shoes. "No." She frowned. "But it's all right. Show me around."

  She followed me into the barn. I introduced her to Jared and Rick and then walked her by the stalls, showing her the different horses and explaining their reason for being at the ranch. I ended with introducing her to Merlin and Ransom and then proudly showing my newest addition, Honey.

  "She's adorable!" she squeaked. "This place is amazing! You have a great set up. You run this whole place yourself?"

  "Yeah, with help from Jared and Rick. I wouldn't be nearly as successful without them. They're great guys. Hard workers too."

  We went inside and she poked around while I showered and changed. I came down the stairs to find her looking at a photo of Darrell and me. My gut wrenched. Guilt and sorrow struck me simultaneously.

  "I'm so sorry I wasn't here for you when he passed."

  I took the photo from her hand as tears welled up in my eyes. She pulled me in, holding me tightly.

  "I'm so sorry."

  I pulled away before I lost it entirely. I set the photo back on the bookshelf and turned away. She followed me to the couch and I tucked my body into the cushions.

  "I miss him every day."

  A tear streamed down my face, and I wiped it away, holding my composure together the best I could. I didn't want to break down in front of her. I didn't want to start her visit out this way.

  Heather tucked herself in next to me and pulled me against her. The tears unleashed, and I sobbed into her shoulder. I hadn't cried over Darrell like this in two years, but my guilty conscience only made the pain of missing him and talking about him worse.

  Between sobs, I blurted it out. "I slept with a complete stranger, Heather. I don't even know him."

  She took hold of my shoulders and wiped away a fresh tear. "When?"

  "Last night. It's the first I've been with a man since Darrell." I wiped my tear-stained face and sniffled, trying to collect myself. Having said it out loud eased some of the guilt. "His name is Brock. He's from here. Lives nearby. I was very attracted to him, and we had a few beers. He bought my dinner, then we played pool together, and before I knew it, he was kissing me, and I wanted his kisses. I wanted him so much, I couldn't control myself. I slept with him without even knowing him, and this morning, I ran. I ran from a guy who was clearly interested in me because I still love Darrell and what I did feels like betrayal."

  Heather pulled me in for another hug. He
r comfort was exactly what I needed. She couldn't have arrived at a better time.

  "I'm so glad you came to see me." I pulled away from her shoulder. "If you had come before, I wouldn't have wanted to see you. I was an empty person. I didn't want to be around anyone. The only thing that moved me forward were the horses. You came now, when I needed you most and I'm so glad you're here."

  Tears welled up in Heather's eyes. "I missed you so much. I thought about you often, but life has a way of keeping us busy. And you're not the only one with guilt." She lowered her head. Grief filled her eyes. "I'm getting divorced."

  I rubbed along her shoulder, remaining silent so she could continue if she wanted to.

  "He's never home and when he is, we fight all the time. I didn't understand why we had changed so much, and I tried to figure out what I had done wrong, but it wasn't me after all. He's seeing someone else. I looked in his phone while he was sleeping and saw the text messages and photos. The hard part is, our little girl is two. I'm going to take her away from her daddy, and it kills me."

  "Does he know that you know?"

  She nodded. "We got in a huge fight. He tried to blame me, but I knew better. A wife doesn't drive her husband to cheat. He's an asshole, and I'm ready to move on, but I know my baby girl is going to have a hard time with it. She loves her daddy so much."

  Tears welled up in Heather's eyes. I put my arm around her and leaned my head against hers. "We're a mess."

  Heather laughed. "Yes, we are." She leaned back to look at me. "This Brock guy. Would you want to see him again?"

  I shook my head.

  "How come?"

  "I'm not ready." I grabbed the pillow next to me and put it on my lap and ran my finger over the embroidery on it, distracting me from my confused emotions. "I'll probably never be ready. Darrell was my person."


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