Fire On The Farm (Second Chance Cowboy Romance)

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Fire On The Farm (Second Chance Cowboy Romance) Page 10

by Betty Shreffler

  "Tell me about how you met Darrell."

  His question surprised me. I tightened and then relaxed as his fingers continued to rub along my sides. I leaned into his chest and I shared the story of Darrell’s and my relationship. The memories I hadn't thought about in a long time brought back painful emotions. My voice lowered as I worked to get the words out. Tears welled up in the corner of my eyes. Brock kissed my cheek and continued rubbing his hand affectionately over my body.

  More tears streamed down my face as the story reached Darrell’s accident. My whole body ached from the memories. Brock pulled me closer to him, comforting me with his warm touch.

  "The morning I took Merlin out riding, I saw the fire at the bottom of the hill. I ran Merlin as fast as his legs would take him and I searched for Darrell among the chaos. I realized he was still inside the barn. I wanted to go in and get him. His employees tackled me and stopped me from entering before an explosion made it impossible to enter."

  I turned into his arms and buried my face into his chest. The tears poured out of me. I hadn't spoken about it in two years, not to anyone. The pain came flooding over me as if the accident had happened all over again. Brock wrapped his arm around me and held me close, stroking his hand through my hair and over my back.

  He kissed my head and soothed my tears with his affection. "My sweet, Amy." He pulled my chin up to him and wiped my tear-streaked cheek with his thumb. He pressed his lips against mine, and my shaking body started to ease. I clung to him as he rolled over me, giving me the tenderness I needed.

  The previous night's fire smoldered next to us. Beside me, her body smelled of wine, citrus, and sex. I'd made love to her twice throughout the night, and if she didn't look so peaceful in her rest now, I'd have her again. She had the ability to turn me into a witless bull in rut. I couldn't think of anything else other than being inside of her. When her tears came, all I wanted to do was soothe her, take away the pain and sorrow. Her body clung to me, taking every bit of what I had to give and she wanted more of it. Each time I touched her intimately, she moaned with pleasure and gave equal passion in her touch.

  With it being Sunday morning, it was my day off and I had no intention of leaving her side. I let her sleep while I started breakfast. She stirred and woke just as I put eggs and toast on two plates. I set them on the table and came to her as she sat up and pulled my shirt over her naked body.

  I slipped my hands beneath my shirt, feeling her soft skin and warm body in my hands. I lifted her, and she nuzzled my face and kissed my cheek.


  She joined me at the table a few minutes later with her hair tied into a ponytail and her mouth minty fresh. She slid into my lap and we devoured breakfast, water, and orange juice, making up for all the lost energy. I leaned back and held her waist.

  "I was thinking I could come to work with you today. I'd like to see all you do and help if I can."

  Her face lit up, and she smiled. "Absolutely. I can always use an extra set of hands. Especially today. I'm the only one working."

  "Good. Let's get a shower and head over to your place."

  I changed into work clothes as soon as we arrived back at my ranch. I found Brock in the barn getting acquainted with Ransom.

  "He's a beautiful horse. Yours?"

  "Yes, actually, he is. He was my first purchase a couple years ago. He had an injured leg, and the owner was going to put him down if someone didn't buy him. He's good for short rides and company for the other horses. Because of his arthritis and weak leg, he can't do anything too strenuous."

  "He's stunning. Has a great temperament too."

  "You know much about horses?"

  I pulled the feed buckets out and Brock lifted one after I did. He followed me to the first couple stalls.

  "Yeah. Worked at a racetrack for a few years."

  "That must've been fun."

  "It had its pros and cons like anything else, but I did enjoy working with the horses."

  We moved onto the next stalls.

  "I need to exercise and do some training drills with a few horses today. Want to ride?"

  He winked at me. "Of course."

  Brock helped me move all the horses out to pasture except the two under medical watch and Merlin and Ranger, the ones we were riding.

  He saddled Ranger without any problems, moved into it with ease, and joined me outside.

  "My property ends on the other side of the hill there," I pointed west, "and on the other side of the creek there." I pointed east.

  "How many acres?"

  "Twenty-three. Used to be more, but I had to sell some of it to pay off expenses."

  I moved Merlin forward into a trot as the memories tightened my chest.

  "Ranger can be temperamental. Keep his reigns tight or he'll try to bully you."

  Brock nodded. "Thanks for the heads-up."

  He kicked his heels and moved Ranger into a gallop. I pushed Merlin into a run and passed Brock and Ranger. It didn't take much for Brock and me to race our horses against each other. Merlin and I only beat them to the top of the hill by one stride. Ranger had improved significantly and would be going home soon. I always felt a mixture of pride and melancholy when each horse left. It meant they were ready to go back to their homes and a better life, but it also meant I'd never see them again.

  "Ranger's owners will be coming to get him in a couple days. His fetlock fully recovered and his training lessons are finished."

  "He's got a smooth stride. You did well with him."

  "Thank you."

  We stopped at the top of the hill and I tilted my head toward the sun, letting it warm my face. I closed my eyes and let the breeze sweep over me. When I opened my eyes, I caught Brock watching me. My cheeks warmed.

  I turned Merlin east. "Let's head down to the creek and let the horses get a drink."

  We walked the horses side by side, down through the field of high grass and yellow flowers.

  "What was her name? The woman you mentioned last night."

  He let out a small sigh as if I'd ruined the moment by mentioning her. "Cassandra Levreau. Her father owned a race horse. She came from big money. I thought we were in love, but I was nothing more than her current play toy."

  "She broke your heart, didn't she?"

  "That she did."

  "Is that why you stopped working at the racetrack?"

  "Yeah. Starting working with my grandfather and ended up starting my own business."

  "Do you like what you do?"

  "I like it enough. I enjoy working with my hands and seeing something I built from the ground up. I do miss working with horses."

  "You're welcome to join me anytime you need a fix."

  "Is that an invitation for the horses or you?" A lascivious smile spread across his face.

  I bit my lip as my body warmed. "Both."

  His lips pulled back into grin. "I accept."

  I tied the reins around the horn and stripped out of my flannel. Brock lifted his hat and wiped his brow. The sun had reached high noon. It was time for lunch and the training lessons to begin. I moved Merlin into a gallop. Brock and Ranger came up next to us as I was stepping out of the saddle. Taking my hand cloth from my back pocket, I doused it in the creek. I wrung out the excess water and came up to Brock and put it around his neck. I used it to pull him into me. His eyes brightened with appreciation.

  He leaned in, wrapped his arms around my waist and pressed his lips against mine. "Thank you. Just what I needed."

  As soon as our lips touched, little sparks of electricity filled me, warming me below. "We should ride back up here before dinner. Have a picnic and maybe…" I eyed him playfully.

  His eyes widened. He squeezed my ass and pulled me into him. "Yes. We're doing that…all of that."

  I giggled and stroked my hands over his sun-beaten, sweat-covered arms.

  "I thought you might like that idea."

  "Damn straight, I do."

  She continued to surprise me�
��from the way she knew her way around horses, to moments she took to enjoy the simplest comforts like a breeze sweeping across her face and the little hints of pleasure she wanted to share.

  I loved the idea of having her outside beneath the stars. I was disappointed I hadn't thought of it first. After the horses got their rest and water, we ran them back to the barn. Running in the breeze cleared the high sun's heat from my body and eased the arousal teasing my groin. I unsaddled the horses while she took a horse named Maisie into the training pen.

  I put the horses out to pasture with the rest and strolled over to the training pen. I leaned against the fence, watching her careful gestures and sweet words used to build trust with the horse. She responded eagerly to her call. There was no fear in this horse’s eyes when it looked at Amy.

  She gently tied the horse to the fence and easily lifted a saddle to its back. After securing all buckles, she raised her boot into the stirrup and gracefully put herself atop the saddle. Taking wide circles, she guided the horse until they both seemed confident.

  With a trot to the fence, Amy kicked the lever up. The gate opened and she and the horse galloped into the next pen. She walked Maisie over ground bars, getting her comfortable with stepping over different terrains. She trotted her around barrels and worked with different training devices. They moved in a rhythm together as if they were one. This horse trusted her fully and she clearly had helped it regain its confidence. It was a beautiful sight—Amy in her element.

  I let her finish the training and went to the pen that held the dam and her filly. I entered and leaned against the rails. The dam lifted her head and blew out a breath, concerned with why I'd joined them. She stepped protectively toward her foal. I remained still and after a moment of seeing no threat, mum went back to nibbling grass. The little golden filly pranced and kicked and danced around.

  Walking a little farther into their pen, I squatted down on a knee, hoping Honey's curiosity may bring her to me. After a minute or two, she crept closer, her inquisitiveness pulling her toward the interesting new thing in her pen. She stopped, sniffed the air, and tested my scent. She did the same ritual until she was close enough to nibble. Stretching her short neck out, she sniffed my body. I kept my hat lowered and sure enough, she bit at it and pulled it from my head.

  I laughed, and she jumped back. Surprisingly, she didn't bolt for her mum. Instead, she moved closer and snagged my shirt and tugged. I laughed again, and her scrawny legs jumped and ran back to the protection of her mum.

  I heard Amy laugh behind me. Grabbing my hat, I raised up on my numb legs.

  "A few more sessions like that and soon, she'll be crawling in your lap, begging to be scratched."

  "She's gonna be a sweetheart when she's grown."

  I walked out of the fence and tucked my hand into Amy's back pocket as we walked toward the house.

  "You ready for lunch?"

  "Yes ma'am."

  She fixed us each a sandwich and put a bowl of fresh cut fruit on the table. We ate quickly, hungry from the work already put in.

  "I need to bathe Catapult, clean that wound, muck a few stalls, then we can call it a day."

  "You got it, babe."

  I kissed her cheek and headed back out to get to work.

  It was something else to see his bare back, ripped jeans, and sexy body in that cowboy hat as he poured a bucket of water over Catapult. I couldn't help thinking how I'd like to watch water be poured over his naked chest. I clenched my thighs from the rush of arousal tingling between my legs.

  I joined him and grabbed a sponge. Together, we worked through giving Catapult a good cleaning. After we finished the dirty job, Brock chased me back to the house and stripped me down for a shower.

  He climbed in with me and instantly pinned me to the wall. His knee slid between mine and spread my legs. A sexy, shameless grin filled his face as he reached down and slid his fingers inside of me.

  Our shower lasted to the point the water had gone cold. I stepped out—tired, satisfied and displaying an intoxicated grin.

  His touch was magical, addictive. I couldn't get enough of him. He pawed my ass as I blow-dried my hair. I tried to flee his grasp, and it emboldened him further. He lifted me onto the counter and pressed into my naked body.

  "Amy, baby…" his words filled my mouth, "you make me randy as a damn deer in rut."

  I giggled and wiggled out of his grasp. "If we keep this up, we'll never make it out to our picnic."

  His hungry eyes settled. "What are we packing?"

  "A couple blankets, a couple beers, some berries and, how about homemade vegetable soup?"

  He stroked my face and let me down off the sink. "That's perfect. What do you need me to do?"

  "Get the horses ready. Saddle Dixon this time. I'll get the rest."

  It worked out perfectly that I'd made a batch of soup the day before to eat on for a few days. I warmed it and poured it into a couple travel camp jars before I packed the rest and carried everything out to the horses. He had them saddled and ready. The high sun had lowered into the evening and the temperature was much cooler, making for a pleasant ride.

  Brock helped me load the saddle bags and bring the horses in from the pasture. We gave them their evening feed, and I locked up the barn.

  I hopped into my saddle and winked at the handsome cowboy next to me. He brought Dixon alongside to Merlin and leaned in for a kiss. Dixon jerked, and Brock caught himself before falling forward.

  I smiled at his frown and kicked my heels, putting Merlin into a gallop. We made it down to the creek with the sun setting toward the hill. After the horses were tied, I laid the blanket by the bubbling creek. I unpacked the food while he opened the beers. He handed me one and I drank down the cool, refreshing liquid before setting it aside and moving behind Brock. I rubbed along his shoulders that I was sure were sore from the hard day's work.

  He moaned beneath my touch. "How do you always know just what I need?"

  Taking hold of my hand, he pulled me around him, onto his lap. "I loved being with you today. We should do this every Sunday."

  I smiled as I met his loving gaze. I put my hands back on his shoulders, massaging him again.

  "I think that can be arranged."

  His hands slipped inside my shirt, rubbing along my waist and up toward my breasts. "What's the cost?"

  I leaned in and whispered in his ear, "Making me call out your name."

  He lowered me onto the blanket. "That, I can do."

  The sun had fallen, and among the dark gray, little dots of white sprinkled like glitter across the sky. I held her beautiful naked body beneath me, running my fingers gently over her stomach and the warmth I'd just been inside of. She purred beneath my touch. A tender, satisfied smile filled her face. As I looked down at her, I couldn't hold the words back any longer. I put my hand in hers and raised it to my chest.

  "Do you feel that? How hard it beats for you." Her loving gaze stayed fixed on mine. "It's yours, Amy. You've had it since that first night. I was taken with you then, and I'm even more smitten now."

  I kissed her fingers. She eased them out of my hand and placed her hand on my face, lowering me down to her. Tears welled up in her eyes as she kissed me passionately. I leaned my head against hers.

  "I'm putty in your hands, Amy. I'd do anything to keep getting your love."

  She affectionately ran her thumb along my jaw. "You're not alone in those feelings."

  Her leg slid around me and I lowered myself on top of her, easing inside of her, ready to give more love to the woman who'd stolen my heart.

  There was no denying it. The seed Brock had planted in my heart had blossomed into something beautiful, something incredible I never imagined I'd experience again. Each day with him was better than the last, and he'd slowly started leaving his own things behind at my house. My bathroom was the most obvious. Every day after work, he'd come over and shower, help me make dinner, assist with the horses, and every chance we got, he'd take me beneath hi
m and make love to me like there was no tomorrow. The man had relentless passion, and my body craved his intoxicating touch.

  His sister's wedding was the next day and it was time I shopped for a dress. Grams, my mother, and Heather all thought it was such a big deal, they drove to my house to help me shop.

  "You realize it's just a dress. I didn't need all of you here to pick it out."

  I set the bread for lunch on my dining table. Heather eyed me with a disapproving stare.

  "It is a big deal. He's taking you to meet his family, Ames. That means he sees a future with you."

  I took the seat next to Heather and tried to calm the whirlpool of emotions swashing in my belly.

  "When are we going to meet him?" my mother asked.

  "When she's good and ready," Grams chided.

  I glanced at Grams and smiled. I understood my mother's interest. As much as I had spoken about Brock, I knew my grandmother and parents were anxious to meet him.

  "You'll love him." Heather assured her. "He's one of the good ones."

  I smiled appreciatively at her comment. It was true. Brock was a rare find. He was handsome, caring, understanding, and suffused with passion.

  "Maybe sometime in the next couple of weeks we could all have dinner here," I said, as I grabbed bread from the bowl.

  "I like that idea," my mother responded simply and with that, it was done. Now, I had to let Brock know. My nerves bunched at the thought of whether or not my father would approve and then my tension instantly settled. Of course he'd love Brock. Who didn't?

  After lunch and a long ride into town, I came out of the department store dressing room with my first dress and did a little spin for them. It was red, knee-length and skin tight.

  Heather's eyes sparkled. "You look hot."

  Mom shook her head. "I don't think that's what you want to wear to meet his family for the first time."


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