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Frostbound Page 1

by Sharon Ashwood

  Table of Contents

  Title Page

  Copyright Page

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Teaser chapter

  “I urge anyone who is a fan of urban fantasy and paranormal romance to put Sharon Ashwood at the top of their list!”

  —Night Owl Romance

  Praise for the Novels of the Dark Forgotten


  “An action-packed roller-coaster ride with thrills on every page. Sharon Ashwood always pens a fun read.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “A terrific action-adventure thriller . . . this is an enthralling, magical, great work by Sharon Ashwood.”

  —The Best Reviews

  “What a rush! Gifted author Sharon Ashwood sweeps her readers up and keeps us breathless.. . . Ms. Ashwood’s writing sucks us into her gritty urban fantasy world in Unchained and never lets us go! . . . Multiply the Wow Factor—the Dark Forgotten saga must continue!”

  —Single Titles

  “A fast-paced urban fantasy that will keep you hooked from cover to cover. Ms. Ashwood’s characters leap from the pages, the romance is hot and passionate, and the monsters make me want to check under my bed. Superb and highly recommended!”

  —Romance Junkies

  “Ms. Ashwood has again woven a remarkable tale. She seamlessly pulls all the various threads together for that aha moment. I highly recommend the Dark Forgotten books. This highly original series has earned a permanent place on my keeper shelf!”

  —Night Owl Reviews

  “I loved it. I loved this. What more is there to say?”

  —Book Faery

  “I recommend Unchained and the first two books of the series . . . if you’re looking for an action-packed, exciting paranormal romance with an incredible arc that will keep you enthralled and captivated till the final pages.”

  —Smexy Books Romance Reviews


  “One of the most original, entertaining, action-adventure fantasy novels of the year. Author Sharon Ashwood is clearly established as a major talent for innovation and re-creating the fantasy horror genre into a new level of entertaining excellence.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “Sharon Ashwood has a way of making inanimate objects into fully functioning characters. In Ravenous, it was a house with a taste for trapping humans. In Scorched, it was the Castle. The beasts and beings that make the Castle—both in name and deed—brought a fantastical element to the story. It was as if the scenes were being played out in front of you and all you had to do was reach forward and you could touch the mythological beasts trying to survive in their ever-diminishing world.”

  —Bitten by Books

  “A unique blend of paranormal beings with a strong sense of survival to live in the human world and loyalty among unlikely friends. I enjoyed the quick-paced plot and look forward to reading more in this series.”

  —Fresh Fiction

  “It scorched me and left me wanting more. Fans of urban fantasy will devour these books. I can’t wait to read the next one.”

  —Manic Readers

  “Sharp and stylish writing, plenty of action, a well-conceived and intriguing mythology and a great sense of dark atmosphere make Scorched a must-read for die-hard paranormal romance fans.. . . Scorched is a great continuation of the Dark Forgotten story arc, and Sharon Ashwood is definitely an author to watch.”


  “Sharon Ashwood tantalizes readers with Scorched. . . . All in all, Scorched is a roller-coaster ride of action, mystery, evil, and romance. Ashwood deftly interweaves the two story lines, keeping readers eagerly turning pages in this novel that just might keep you up late to finish it.”

  —The Romance Reader


  “With its splendidly original heroine and dangerously sexy hero, surfeit of sizzling sexual chemistry, and sharp writing seasoned with a generous dash of wicked wit, Ravenous is simply superb.”

  —Chicago Tribune

  “Absolutely terrific. With demons, hellhounds, weres, and vampires waiting in the wings, I can’t wait to see what happens next!”

  —Alexis Morgan

  “Sexy, suspenseful fun.”

  —New York Times bestselling author Kelley Armstrong

  “A multilayered plot, a fascinating take on the paranormal creatures living among us, plus a sexy vampire, a sassy witch, and a mystery for them to solve . . . Ravenous leaves me hungry for more!”

  —Jessica Andersen

  “Strong world-building.. . . Readers will look forward to the sequel.”

  —Publishers Weekly

  “The heroine is gutsy, smart, and funny. As an urban fantasy, Ravenous is perhaps the best I’ve read this year.”

  —The Shape of Imagination

  “The world is interesting (I look forward to seeing more of it!), the romance gorgeous, the sex sizzling. There’s plenty of action as well.”

  —Errant Dreams Reviews

  “This tongue-in-cheek, action-packed urban fantasy hooks the reader from the opening moment . . . and never slows down.”

  —Midwest Book Review

  “A fast-paced urban fantasy . . . nonstop action that will keep the reader turning pages long into the night.”

  —Romance Junkies

  “I think I have found a new favorite series.. . . I guess I have to wait for the next story, hopefully not for too long!”

  —The Romance Studio

  The Dark Forgotten Series





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  First published by Signet Eclipse, an imprint of New American Library, a division of Penguin Group (USA) Inc.
r />   First Printing, June 2011

  eISBN : 978-1-101-51548-8

  Copyright © Naomi Lester, 2011

  Excerpt from Ravenous copyright © Naomi Lester, 2009

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  There are a lot of people to whom I owe thanks for the Dark Forgotten. First of all, my critique groups and all the members who’ve passed through on their own literary journeys. Your fresh perspectives have been invaluable. Thanks go to Diana, for the friendship and especially the silly phone conversation that started it all, and to Catherine, for the endless cheerleading and proofreading. You’re both brilliant and creative people. To Jo, who helped me through the publishing door with a kiss on the brow and a no-nonsense push. To Sally, my infinitely wise agent, and my editor, Laura, who waved her wand and made books happen.

  It’s one thing to write about magic, another to experience it. Gratitude to you all.


  “Till death do us part.

  “Quite the statement, isn’t it? When we utter those words, are we describing love, the bond of hunter and prey, or both? That is the question of the night.

  “Good evening, my darkling listeners, this is your night hostess, Errata Jones, on CSUP. I’m coming to you from the glorious U of Fairview campus, on the radio station that puts the ‘super’ in supernatural. Tonight’s program is filled with the usual basket of goodies, but first let’s take a sneak peek at the main event. We’re talking about love—and not the easy kind.

  “Ever since the nonhumans came out of the shadows in Y2K, we’ve had to navigate the world with our claws in and our fangs firmly out of sight. Whether you’re a vampire, a hellhound, or a werecougar like me, we’ve been meek and mild, not just with our human neighbors, but with each other. We’ve learned to get along. To sit at the same table. To act like friends and family. It’s all been very civilized.

  “But anyone who knows a real family, who knows what it is to truly love, will tell you passion isn’t about getting along. It’s the crash of undiluted personalities. It’s the thrill of the chase. It’s the scent of blood and the heat of skin against your lips as you struggle against an inevitable surrender. It is undoubtedly beautiful, but never pretty.

  “So the question is, ghouls and girlies, what about interspecies romance? If we drop the masks and give our sad little monster hearts away, will anyone still respect us in the morning? If we show them our true selves, will anyone be left alive?

  “The phone lines are open. Talk to me.”

  Chapter 1

  Tuesday, December 28, 7:30 p.m.

  Downtown Fairview

  Some nights it sucks to be Alpha.

  Lore winced as his fist crashed into bone.

  And other times it just rocks.

  He’d made it a bruising face shot, knuckle action splitting skin. The vampire flew backward into the bar, scattering the few remaining patrons—the dedicated drunks—like bowling pins. Lore closed in with supernatural speed, getting in a pair of jabs and a cross before the piece of Undead garbage had a chance to rebound.

  The vamp roared with rage, fangs bared. Lore slapped his face, hard, with an open palm. “Manners!” Lore snarled.

  The roar quieted to a hiss that unfortunately sprayed blood, spit, and whiskey like a faulty lawn sprinkler. Lore hated drunken vampires. It wasn’t like they’d just had one too many. It took time and effort to pickle Undead blood, and most knew better than to lower their inhibitions that far.

  With vampires, out of control was bad news. The guy’d already cut a swath through Fairview’s Old Town and damn near drained two humans before he’d even reached this bar called the Pit Stop—emphasis on the pit. Lore’s job was to settle his tab but good.

  He didn’t see the fist coming for his solar plexus. Lore’s breath went out with a whoosh followed by a sickly wheeze. Lore was big, hard-bodied and, hell, halfdemon , but even a drunken bloodsucker packed a wallop. He doubled over, falling back just enough for the vampire to regain his feet.

  The vamp tugged at the front of his filthy leather jacket, as if shaking out the creases left by Lore’s attack. He dressed like James Dean, but had a face like the tire treads on a farm tractor—ugly, pocked and furrowed. Lore’s aching ribs said that flat nose might have come from the fight ring.

  Mr. Drunk and Ugly sneered, looking around at the last few patrons too stubborn or stupid to chug their drinks and go. One or two had figured out the ancient bartender had fled and were helping themselves to the stock.

  The vamp pounded the bar, making glasses rattle. “Who let this mangy hellhound in here? No dogs allowed, or can’t you read?”

  Pure, predatory rage flooded Lore, as if the slur had tripped a switch. He launched himself at Mr. Ugly, smashing him back against the bar rail. He heard ribs snap, and the sound thrilled along his nerves. Kill. Bite. Prey. The urge was primal, written in his genes, as was the constant need to be the fastest, strongest, smartest. Survival demanded it.

  It made him Alpha.

  Mr. Ugly kicked, connected with Lore’s knee. Lore’s leg buckled under him, but he had the vamp in a death grip. They both fell to the floor, sending the nearest table flying. Ugly tried to bite, venomous fangs snapping on air.

  Irritated, Lore banged the vamp’s head on the dirty tiles. When the bloodsucker’s eyes rolled up, Lore flipped him over, clamping the vamp’s hands in his own massive grip. Lore reached for a pair of vampire-proof silver cuffs clipped to his belt. The sound of the metal closing around Ugly’s wrists sent a bolt of satisfaction through his gut.

  He pulled the vamp to his feet, using the collar of the grungy jacket as a handle. “Where are you from? I thought I knew everyone in this neighborhood, and I haven’t seen you before.”

  Ugly was already coming around. “Bite my ass.”

  “No, thanks. I’ve already eaten.”

  Which was one reason why he patrolled in human form. Hellhounds generally had iron stomachs, but some of the pond scum he was forced to capture—you just didn’t want them in your mouth.

  Lore tried again. “Who’s your sire?”

  “I staked him back in the fifties.”

  “If you say so.” His work here was done. If there was no sire to contact, then the human cops could figure out what to do with Drunk and Ugly. The odds were he’d be beheaded. Human law was pretty cut-and-dried when it came to rogue vampires on a tear.

  Lore might have felt sorry for the guy, but there was no element of accident or even slightly poor judgment here. After chowing down on humans in full view of witnesses, this vampire was too stupid to live.

  Lore hauled him out of the dark bar and out onto the darker street. His breath steamed in the cold air. The human police were already there with the special van they used for transporting super
natural prisoners. It was lined with a silver and steel compound nicknamed stiver. Nothing, not even fey, could get out of it. Just looking at it gave Lore claustrophobia.

  Wordlessly, a patrolman he didn’t know opened the rear doors of the van. Lore tossed his catch into the back, not bothering to make use of the three steps that folded down to street level. The cop slammed the door and looked up at him, his face tight with apprehension.

  It wasn’t surprising. Lore was a head taller and had fifty more pounds of muscle on the man, plus he’d just taken out the vamp with his bare hands.

  “Where’s Caravelli?” the cop asked. Alessandro Caravelli was the vampire sheriff in Fairview. Normally it was him breaking heads in the name of law and order. The other nonhumans paid his wages, but the Fairview City Police were more than grateful for the help.

  Lore wiped his hands on his jeans, trying to get the vampire’s stink off his hands. “On vacation. He hired me to fill in.”

  “For how long?”

  “A few more days.” Lore scribbled his signature on the clipboard the cop handed him. “Careful. That vamp’s drunk and a biter.”


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