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by Gregg Jarrett

  95. Dion Nissenbaum and Rebecca Ballhaus, “Mueller Probe Looks at Mike Flynn’s Work on Documentary Targeting Exiled Turkish Cleric,” Wall Street Journal, November 24, 2017.

  96. Schallhorn, “Michael Flynn’s Involvement in Russia Investigation: What to Know.”

  97. U.S. Department of Justice, “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.”

  98. Nicole Darrah, “Michael Flynn Selling Home to Pay for Legal Fees After Pleading Guilty in Trump Probe,” Fox News, March 6, 2018.

  99. U.S. Department of Justice, “Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election.”

  100. Margot Cleveland, “Here’s What’s Weird About Robert Mueller’s Latest Michael Flynn Filing,” The Federalist, December 17, 2018.

  101. U.S. v. Michael T. Flynn, U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia, Crim. No. 17-232 (EGS), Government’s Reply to Defendant’s Memorandum in Aid of Sentencing, Attachment B, filed December 18, 2018, 4–5. https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/5628473/12-14-17-Mueller-Reply-Flynn-Sentencing.pdf.

  102. Alex Pappas, “DOJ Refusing to Give Grassley Access to Agent Who Interviewed Flynn,” Fox News, June 11, 2018.

  103. The Byron York Show, with Guest Mark Meadows, April 11, 2019. Podcast https://ricochet.com/podcast/byron-york-show/who-was-spying-on-whom/.

  104. Gregg Jarrett, “Mueller Strikes Out Trying to Nail Trump—Flynn Sentencing Memo Is a Big Nothing,” Fox News, December 5, 2018. The sentencing memo is available at https://www.lawfareblog.com/document-michael-flynn-files-sentencing-memo.

  105. Ibid.

  106. Gregg Re, “Flynn Says FBI Pushed Him Not to Have Lawyer Present During Interview,” Fox News, December 12, 2018.

  107. Margot Cleveland, “The Federal Judge Overseeing Michael Flynn’s Sentencing Just Dropped a Major Bombshell,” The Federalist, December 13, 2018.

  108. Gregg Re, “Judge in Flynn Case Orders Mueller to Turn Over Interview Docs After Bombshell Claim of FBI Pressure,” Fox News, December 13, 2018.

  109. Joel B. Pollak, “Robert Mueller Gives Michael Flynn’s ‘302’ to Judge: Agents Thought He Did Not Lie,” Breitbart, December 14, 2018.

  110. U.S. v. Michael T. Flynn, Crim. No. 17-232 (EGS), Government’s Reply to Defendant’s Memorandum in Aid of Sentencing, December 14, 2018, https://assets.documentcloud.org/documents/5628473/12-14-17-Mueller-Reply-Flynn-Sentencing.pdf.

  111. Paul Mirengoff, “Mueller Makes the Flynn 302 Public,” Power Line, December 17, 2018. The Flynn 302 is https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/5633260-12-17-18-Redacted-Flynn-Interview-302.html#document/p1.

  112. Cleveland, “The Federalist Judge Overseeing the Flynn Sentencing Just Dropped a Major Bombshell.”

  113. Robert S. Mueller, III, Letter to Judge Emmet G. Sullivan, December 17, 2018, in United States v. Michael T. Flynn, Crim. No. 17-232 (EGS). The letter was drafted by Brandon L. Van Grack and Zainab N. Ahmad, the senior assistant special counsels prosecuting Flynn.

  114. Ibid.

  115. Alan Dershowitz, “Why Did Mueller Team Distort Trump Attorney’s Voicemail?,” The Hill, June 7, 2019. See also The Mueller Report, vol. 2, 121–22. The audio of Dowd’s voice mail is available at https://lawandcrime.com/high-profile/audio-of-voicemail-ex-trump-attorney-left-flynn-lawyer-released-listen/.

  116. Ibid.

  117. Ibid.

  118. Ibid.

  119. Ibid.

  120. Sidney Powell, Licensed to Lie: Exposing Corruption in the Department of Justice (Dallas: Brown Books Publishing Group, May 1, 2014).

  121. Sidney Powell, “Powell: Andrew Weissmann—the Kingpin of Prosecutorial Misconduct—Leaves Mueller’s Squad,” Daily Caller, March 15, 2019.

  122. Complaint filed against Andrew Weissmann by W. William Hodes and Sidney K. Powell with the New York State Unified Court System, First Judicial Attorney Grievance Committee, Department Disciplinary Committee for the First Department, New York & Bronx Counties, 2012, https://cdn.licensedtolie.com/wp-content/uploads/2012_NY_Complaint_Against_Weissmann_0731.pdf.

  Chapter 9: Targeted Intimidation

  1. Catherine Herridge, “FBI’s Manafort Raid Included a Dozen Agents, ‘Designed to Intimidate,’ Source Says,” Fox News, August 24, 2017.

  2. “Trump Lawyer Slams Special Counsel for ‘Gross Abuse’ in Manafort Raid, Challenges Warrant,” Fox News, August 10, 2017.

  3. Herridge, “FBI’s Manafort Raid Included a Dozen Agents, ‘Designed to Intimidate,’ Source Says.”

  4. Kaitlyn Schallhorn, “How Paul Manafort Is Connected to the Trump, Russia Investigation,” Fox News, August 10, 2017.

  5. Victoria Toensing, “Mueller Shouldn’t Have Taken the Job,” Wall Street Journal, April 18, 2019.

  6. Michael Rothfield and Craig Karmin, “Trump’s Former Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort Thrust Back Into Focus,” Wall Street Journal, February 20, 2017.

  7. Kenneth Vogel and David Stern, “Ukrainian Efforts to Sabotage Trump Backfire,” Politico, January 11, 2017.

  8. Chuck Ross, “Trump Dossier Source Met with Kremlin Crony at Russian Expo,” Daily Caller, March 17, 2018.

  9. Ibid. See also WikiLeaks, https://wikileaks.org/dnc-emails/emailid/3962.

  10. Ibid.

  11. Rothfield and Karmin, “Trump’s Former Campaign Chairman Paul Manafort Thrust Back into Focus.”

  12. Colin Kalmbacher, “Why Manafort Getting an FBI Visit Should Scare Team Trump,” Law & Crime, August 9, 2017.

  13. Schallhorn, “How Paul Manafort Is Connected to the Trump, Russia Investigation.”

  14. Ibid.

  15. Ibid.

  16. Ibid.

  17. Josh Dawsey and Darren Samuelsohn, “Feds Sought Cooperation from Manafort’s Son-in-Law,” Politico, August 9, 2017.

  18. Josh Dawsey, “Manafort Switching Legal Team as Feds Crank Up Heat on Him,” Politico, August 10, 2017.

  19. Gregg Jarrett, “Mueller’s Targets Face Financial Strain,” Fox News, August 11, 2017.

  20. Hallie Detrick, “Former Trump Campaign Chair Paul Manafort Has Been Under FBI Surveillance for Years,” Fortune, September 19, 2017.

  21. Mollie Hemingway, “Manafort Lawyers Claim Leaky Mueller Probe Has Provided No Evidence Of Contacts With Russian Officials,” The Federalist, May 3, 2018.

  22. Ibid.

  23. Catherine Herridge, “Manafort Filing Unmasks DOJ Meeting with AP Reporters, Questions if ‘Grand Jury Secrecy’ Violated,” Fox News, July 9, 2018.

  24. Jack Gillum, Chad Day, and Jeff Horwitz, “AP Exclusive: Manafort Firm Received Ukraine Ledger Payout,” Associated Press, April 12, 2017.

  25. Reuters, “Who Are Paul Manafort and Rick Gates?,” October 30, 2017.

  26. Ibid.

  27. Anna Palmer, “Tony Podesta Stepping Down from Lobbying Giant amid Mueller Probe,” Politico, October 30, 2017.

  28. Andrew C. McCarthy, “Paul Manafort Was an Agent of Ukraine, Not Russia,” National Review, March 9, 2019.

  29. Ibid.

  30. Robert S. Mueller, The Mueller Report: The Final Report of the Special Counsel into Donald Trump, Russia, and Collusion as Issued by the Department of Justice (New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2019), 6.

  31. Alan Cullison and Brett Forrest, “Russian Linked to Manafort Is a Shadowy Presence,” Wall Street Journal, March 6, 2019.

  32. Sharon LaFraniere, Kenneth P. Vogel, and Maggie Haberman, “Manafort Accused of Sharing Trump Polling Data with Russian Associate,” New York Times, January 8, 2019.

  33. Ibid.

  34. Cullison and Forrest, “Russian Linked to Manafort Is a Shadowy Presence.”

  35. ” ‘A Great Honor’: McCain’s Historic Reign of International Republican Institute Ends,” azcentral, August 4, 2018.

  36. Cullison and Forrest, “Russian Linked to Manafort Is a Shadowy Presence.”

  37. Ibid.

  38. John Solomon, “Key Figure That Mueller Report Links to Russia Was a State Department Intel Sourc
e,” The Hill, June 6, 2019.

  39. Ibid.

  40. Ibid.

  41. Ibid.

  42. Del Quentin Wilber and Aruna Viswanatha, “Ex–Trump Adviser Richard Gates Pleads Guilty in Mueller Probe,” Wall Street Journal, February 23, 2018.

  43. Shelby Holliday and Byron Tau, “Roger Stone Trial, Russia Hacking Case Among Mueller Probe’s Loose Ends,” Wall Street Journal, March 25, 2019.

  44. Wilber and Viswanatha, “Ex–Trump Adviser Richard Gates Pleads Guilty in Mueller Probe.”

  45. Ibid.

  46. Ibid.

  47. Judson Berger, “Cracks in Mueller Probe: Questions over Manafort Charges, Flynn Plea Embolden Trump Allies,” Fox News, May 7, 2018.

  48. Alan Dershowitz, “Stone Indictment Follows Concerning Mueller Pattern,” The Hill, January 25, 2019.

  49. Kevin Johnson, “Paul Manafort Trial: Judge T. S. Ellis III Known as Taskmaster, Unafraid to Speak His Mind,” USA Today, July 31, 2018.

  50. Kenneth P. Vogel and David Stern, “Authorities Look into Manafort Protégé,” Politico, March 8, 2017.

  51. Sonam Sheth, “Mueller Just Hit Paul Manafort and a Russian Intelligence Operative with a New Indictment,” Business Insider, June 8, 2018.

  52. David K. Ki, “Manafort Listed as ‘VIP’ in Virginia Jail,” New York Post, June 16, 2018.

  53. Kelly Cohen, “Paul Manafort Spends 23 Hours a Day in Solitary Confinement,” Washington Examiner, July 6, 2018.

  54. Kevin Johnson, “Judge Orders Manafort Moved from ‘VIP’ Jail to Alexandria Lockup,” USA Today, July 11, 2018.

  55. Kevin Johnson, “Paul Manafort Trial: Prosecutors Accuse Ex–Trump Campaign Chief of Amassing Fortune on Foundation of Lies,” USA Today, July 31, 2018.

  56. Kevin Johnson, “Paul Manafort Trial: Prosecutors Detail Raid on Former Trump Campaign Manager’s Luxury Condo, Lavish Spending,” USA Today, August 1, 2018.

  57. Aruna Viswanatha, “Manafort Lied About Contacts with Trump Administration, Mueller Filing Says,” Wall Street Journal, December 7, 2018.

  58. Ibid.

  59. Toensing, “Mueller Shouldn’t Have Taken the Job.”

  60. Scott Johnson, “Manafort’s Noncooperation,” Power Line, December 8, 2018.

  61. McCarthy, “Paul Manafort Was an Agent of Ukraine, Not Russia.”

  62. Jonathan Turley, “Are New York Democrats Handing Paul Manafort a Case for Pardon?,” The Hill, February 23, 2019.

  63. Ibid.

  64. Andrew C. McCarthy, “NY’s Political Prosecution of Manafort Should Scare Us All,” The Hill, March 14, 2019.

  65. William K. Rashbaum and Katie Benner, “Paul Manafort Seemed Headed to Rikers. Then the Justice Department Intervened,” New York Times, June 17, 2019.

  66. Dennis Prager, “Leftism Makes People Meaner,” American Greatness, June 10, 2019.

  67. Ibid.

  68. Ibid.

  69. Rashbaum and Benner, “Paul Manafort Seemed Headed to Rikers.”

  70. Andrew Napolitano, “An American Nightmare,” Fox News, January 31, 2019.

  71. Representative Doug Collins, House Judiciary Committee, letter to Christopher Wray, FBI Director, January 30, 2019, https://gallery.mailchimp.com/0275399506e2bdd8fe2012b77/files/82d2caa5-c991-43a2-8a83-a2083c5ebcb3/20190130160125191_copy_Merged_.pdf?utm_source=Collins+Judiciary+Press+List&utm_campaign=421c743f48-EMAIL_CAMPAIGN_2019_01_30_11_31&utm_medium=email&utm_term=0_ff92df788e-421c743f48-169118149. Also available at https://republicans-judiciary.house.gov/press-release/collins-requests-explanation-for-fbis-excessive-use-of-force-in-roger-stone-arrest/.

  72. Deana Paul, “The Tactics Behind That Early Morning Raid,” Washington Post, January 25, 2019.

  73. Kenneth Strange, “Roger Stone Raid Raises Questions About Wray Among FBI Rank and File,” Daily Caller, January 27, 2019.

  74. Ibid.

  75. Ibid.

  76. Author’s interview with Danny Coulson, former deputy assistant FBI director, January 26, 2019.

  77. Pete Kasperowicz, “CNN Says It Wasn’t Tipped Off About Roger Stone Arrest: ‘It’s Reporter’s Instinct,’ ” Washington Examiner, January 25, 2019.

  78. Mark Mazzetti, Eileen Sullivan, and Maggie Haberman, “Indicting Roger Stone, Mueller Shows Link Between Trump Campaign and WikiLeaks,” New York Times, January 25, 2019.

  79. Roger Stone and Robert Morrow, The Clintons’ War on Women (New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2015).

  80. Roger Stone and Saint John Hunt, Jeb! And the Bush Crime Family (New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2016).

  81. Brooke Singman, “FBI’s Show of Force in Roger Stone Arrest Spurs Criticism of Mueller Tactics,” Fox News, January 25, 2019.

  82. Marc Caputo, “Sources: Roger Stone Quit, Wasn’t Fired by Trump in Campaign Shakeup,” Politico, August 8, 2015.

  83. US v. Roger Jason Stone, Jr., U.S. District Court, District of Columbia, 1:19-cr-00018-ABJ, https://www.justice.gov/file/1124706/download.

  84. Ibid.

  85. Ibid.

  86. Andrew C. McCarthy, “Fever Dream: Mueller’s Collusion-Free Collusion Indictment of Roger Stone,” National Review, February 2, 2019.

  87. Michael S. Schmidt, Mark Mazzetti, Maggie Haberman, and Sharon LaFraniere, “Read the Emails: The Trump Campaign and Roger Stone,” New York Times, November 1, 2018.

  88. Gregg Jarrett, “Stone Indictment Shows No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion,” Fox News, January 25, 2019.

  89. Maggie Haberman, “Roger Stone Says Text Exchanges Cited in Indictment Were Mischaracterized,” New York Times, January 27, 2019.

  90. Sharon LaFraniere, Michael S. Schmidt, Maggie Haberman, and Danny Hakim, “Roger Stone Sold Himself to Trump’s Campaign as a WikiLeaks Pipeline. Was He?,” New York Times, November 1, 2018.

  91. Aidan McLaughlin, “Clapper: Roger Stone Indictment Shows ‘Connection, Coordination, Synchronization’ Between Trump Campaign and Russia,” Mediaite, January 25, 2019.

  92. Peter Baker and Maggie Haberman, “Trump, in Interview, Calls Wall Talks ‘Waste of Time’ and Dismisses Investigations,” New York Times, January 31, 2019.

  93. Rachel Frazin, “Wikileaks Disputes Cohen, Says Assange Never Talked to Stone,” The Hill, February 17, 2019.

  94. Ibid.

  95. Chuck Ross, “Mueller Plea Documents Outline Emails Between Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone,” Daily Caller, November 27, 2018.

  96. Haberman, “Roger Stone Says Text Exchanges Cited in Indictment Were Mischaracterized.”

  97. LaFraniere, Schmidt, Haberman, and Hakim, “Roger Stone Sold Himself to Trump’s Campaign as a WikiLeaks Pipeline. Was He?”

  98. Roger Stone Legal Defense Fund, https://www.stonedefensefund.com.

  99. Katelyn Polantz, “DOJ Attorneys Defend Mueller’s Ability to Investigate Trump in Roger Stone Filing,” CNN, May 5, 2019.

  100. Jerome Corsi, Where’s the Birth Certificate?: The Case That Barack Obama Is Not Eligible to Be President (Washington, DC: WND Books, 2011).

  101. Jerome Corsi, Silent No More: How I Became a Political Prisoner of Mueller’s “Witch Hunt” (New York: Post Hill Press, 2019).

  102. Ibid., 17.

  103. Ibid., 20.

  104. Ibid., 56.

  105. Mark Tran, “WikiLeaks to Publish More Hillary Clinton Emails—Julian Assange,” The Guardian, June 12, 2016.

  106. Corsi, Silent No More, 72.

  107. Ibid., 73.

  108. Ibid, 72–75.

  109. Ibid., 82.

  110. Ibid., 83.

  111. Ibid., 85.

  112. Ibid., 102.

  113. Shelby Holliday and Aruna Viswanatha, “Jerome Corsi, Target of Mueller Probe, Says Stepson Faces Subpoena,” Wall Street Journal, January 15, 2019.

  114. Corsi, Silent No More, 93.

  115. Ibid., 150.

  116. Jerome R. Corsi, memorandum to David Gray, November 25, 2018, provided to Gregg Jarrett by Corsi.

  117. Ross, “Mueller Plea Documents Outline Emails Between Jerome Corsi and Roger Stone.”
br />   118. Corsi, Silent No More, 182.

  119. Jerome Corsi, memorandum to David Gray, November 25, 2018.

  120. Sara Murray and Katelyn Polantz, “Stone’s Efforts to Seek WikiLeaks Documents Detailed in Draft Mueller Document,” CNN, November 28, 2018.

  121. Jerome Corsi, memorandum to David Gray, November 25, 2018.

  122. Holliday and Viswanatha, “Jerome Corsi, Target of Mueller Probe, Says Stepson Faces Subpoena.”

  123. Kaitlyn Schallhorn, “Who is Jerome Corsi? 3 Things to Know About the Controversial Author,” Fox News, November 23, 2018.

  124. Ibid.

  125. Author’s interview with Rudy Giuliani, lawyer for President Trump, July 10, 2019.

  126. Ryan Teague Beckwith, “Here Are All the Indictments, Guilty Pleas and Convictions from Robert Mueller’s Investigation,” Time, March 24, 2019.

  127. Paul Sperry, “ ‘Scorched Earth’: Mueller’s Targets Speak Out,” RealClearInvestigations, June 6, 2019.

  128. Ibid.

  129. Ibid.

  130. The Mueller Report, 61.

  131. Manu Raju, “Michael Caputo Says ‘It’s Clear’ Mueller Investigators Focused on Russian Collusion,” CNN, May 3, 2018.

  132. David Smiley and Glenn Garvin, “Mystery Miamian Tied to Trump Had Many Names, Foul Mouth, 2 DUI Busts,” Miami Herald, June 9, 2018.

  133. Ibid.

  134. Sperry, “ ‘Scorched Earth.’ ”

  135. Ibid.

  136. Ibid.

  137. Ibid.

  138. Ibid.

  139. Jacob Carozza, “Former Trump Adviser Says He Was Detained at Logan as Part of the Mueller Investigation,” Boston Globe, March 31, 2018.

  140. Theodore Roosevelt Malloch, The Plot to Destroy Trump: How the Deep State Fabricated the Russian Dossier to Subvert the President (New York: Skyhorse Publishing, 2018).

  141. Sperry, “ ‘Scorched Earth.’ ” See also Jenna McLaughlin, Jim Sciutto, and Carl Bernstein, “Exclusive: Trump Adviser Played Key Role in Pursuit of Possible Clinton Emails from Dark Web Before Election,” CNN, April 7, 2018.

  142. The Mueller Report, 1.

  143. Margot Cleveland, “Why Did the Obama Administration Ignore Reports of Russian Election Meddling?,” The Federalist, June 4, 2019.

  144. Justin Baragona, “Susan Rice Reportedly Told Staffers Planning Cyber Counterstrike on Putin in 2016 to ‘Stand Down,’ ” Mediaite, March 9, 2018; According to the story, Rice didn’t want to box the president in and force him to confront Putin, nor did she want to send a signal calling the integrity of the election into question. “Don’t get ahead of us,” she told the head of the division; see also Christian Datoc, “Obama’s Cybersecurity Coordinator Confirms Susan Rice Ordered Him to ‘Stand Down’ on Russian Meddling,” Washington Examiner, June 20, 2018.


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