Against the Cage (Worth the Fight #1)

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Against the Cage (Worth the Fight #1) Page 10

by Sidney Halston

  “Now it’s your turn to shut up.”

  “No, baby. That’s not what … I mean … you don’t … have to … Jesus …” She was already undoing his jeans, and it rendered his mind unable to put words together to form a coherent sentence. She grabbed his erection and started stroking it. Then, without hesitation, she put it in her mouth. All the blood from his entire body flowed south to his dick the moment he looked down and saw her mouth sheath him. And he was already hard from getting her off. She continued to stroke, lick, and suck until he couldn’t take it anymore. “Chrissy, baby, you should probably stop now.” He barely got the words out, but instead of stopping, she tightened her grip and took him even deeper into her mouth toward the back of her throat. That was his undoing, and he came hard and fast. His hand wrapped around her ponytail as she licked every last drop.

  He had been worried about her melting when he should’ve been worried about himself, because when she finished licking him clean, his knees buckled and he slumped down to the floor. He reached for her and placed her on his lap. “Fuck. You destroyed me. You know that? I will never be the same again. You’ve completely ruined me for anyone else. And we haven’t even had sex yet.” She smiled up at him, and his heart skipped a beat. He looked to the side at a bewildered Drogo. “Shit. I think we totally traumatized Drogo.”

  Chrissy snorted out a laugh. “I think you’re right. Poor thing.”

  A few moments later, Chrissy spoke again. “Jack?”

  “Mmm?” he said lazily, his chin resting on the top of her head.

  “I’m sorry I’ve been such a bitch to you since I arrived. I thought you were the reason that Veronica stopped talking to me. She had been my only real friend, and I lost her, and I thought it was your fault. I’m sorry.”

  “You should’ve talked to me when it happened, baby.”

  “You’re right.” She looked up at him, and he smiled. “Am I forgiven?”

  “After what just happened? Yes, you are forgiven for everything that happened in the past and anything that will happen in the future.” They both laughed.

  After a few moments, she stood up and walked up to the bathroom to freshen up and to finish getting dressed in the same clothes she’d worn yesterday. “Ready?” she asked when she returned downstairs. Apparently, they weren’t going to have any more discussion of what had just occurred. Which suited Jack just fine, since his feelings were all over the place and he wasn’t sure what that meant. He still had lots of wild oats to sow, and he had never really wanted a relationship, because he thought he’d miss his freedom and be constrained by the accountability a relationship required. The occasional one-night stand had always been enough because all he wanted fulfilled were his sexual needs. But now he knew he didn’t want Chrissy to leave town. He knew that this was far more than a momentary lapse of judgment. He wanted to ask her to stay … to stay with him. He wanted to protect her, own her, claim her. To let the world know that this incredible woman was his and only his.

  But his mind was saying: You’re being a complete pussy. It was a blow job, not a profession of love. Man up! All you have is sexual chemistry and pent-up desire.

  His heart was saying: You’ve always wanted to protect her, even when you didn’t see her as the beautiful woman she really is. Make it work, asshole! She has all the qualities you’ve been missing in all your past relationships: strength, intelligence, and loyalty. Plus she’s sexy as hell …

  His mind retorted: Pussy!

  He shook his head, trying to get all the thoughts out. His heart and his mind had better start getting their shit together, fast!

  “Come on.” He pulled her toward his car.

  In silence they drove to where Chrissy had left her car the previous evening. Her mind was racing. That was the most mind-blowing orgasm she’d ever had. She knew without a doubt that sex with this man would be life-changing. She didn’t even know where she’d gotten the nerve to pleasure him like that. She’d never done anything so brazen. Usually that was not something she had ever enjoyed or offered freely. In her past relationships it had always felt like a chore, but with Jack it was hot. Enjoyable. Empowering.

  She had to remind herself that it was just sex. The Veronica issue had been eliminated, but that didn’t mean that they were compatible. There were still a dozen other reasons why they’d never work out. What if she allowed him into her heart and he tired of her? How would that leave her? Like years ago with Brian—lost and broken?

  She didn’t know if she could uproot her life for a man, not again. Not that Jack had offered her anything even remotely close to what was brewing in her mind at the moment. He hadn’t been shy about explaining, in detail, all the sexual things he wanted to do with her, to her, but that was all. Yet this small gesture of helping her with her car was more than any other man had ever done for her, including her own brother. Was she so screwed up that a man changing her tire would cause her heart to skip a beat and question her life decisions? Make her want to stay in town just to see what would come from the sexual relationship he seemed to be offering?

  Get a grip. He’s changing your tire, not proposing marriage.

  “Stay in the car,” Jack instructed. She saw him go around to the trunk of his own car, pull out a spare tire, and walk back. Then he began doing whatever it is that changing a tire entailed. When he was finished, he opened her door and gave her his keys. “Drive my car back to my house. I’ll follow you.”

  “Why can’t I just drive my own car?”

  “Because, baby, you shouldn’t be driving your shitty car, with that shitty spare tire I just put on it. We need to go buy a real tire. But this will at least get us home.”

  “Okay.” She jumped over the center console of his Jeep and headed to his house.

  She was tormented, and the more she thought about it, the more her mind staggered. Maybe he wasn’t a white knight; maybe he was just a problem. She had just wanted to come into town to bail out her brother and leave. All this “baby” business, combined with the killer physique, the stuff that his hands could do to her body, and that sinful mouth that said all sorts of dirty things to her—none of that was what she needed in her life right now. She was finally ready to stop traveling and put down roots, and more than ready to earn the income of a reputable doctor. And while Jack might’ve had her in a tizzy at the moment, ultimately, she couldn’t deal with his little hobby: cage fighting. She hated violence, and he did it for fun. Fun! Beating the crap out of someone else was his idea of fun! Was that a deal breaker?

  Since her father had passed away in that terrible car accident, she had become the responsible one. The one who took care of people—her patients, her brother, and eventually her boyfriends. She was in charge. Independent. She was not used to being taken care of, and this protective thing Jack had going on was uncharted territory for her. She wasn’t sure how to navigate the waters, or if she even wanted to navigate them. Oh, stop kidding yourself. Hell yeah, I want to navigate them—or do anything else—with this man and his magical hands!

  Boy, was she in trouble!

  Why hadn’t she noticed him before? Okay, she had noticed him—she wasn’t blind. But she’d never really noticed him. He’d always been just Jack. Slade’s best friend. The hot guy with the ridiculous name. Bossy. A jerk.

  He was still a jerk and still bossy, but for some reason, she wanted to be bossed around by this jerk! Just thinking about him put a goofy smile on her face. Damn, how archaic had she become in the last few days that she suddenly couldn’t wait to be possessed and dominated by this man? Okay, so now Jack had turned her into some needy, submissive doofus.

  No. This would not happen. She quickly formulated a plan. No more sexual anything with Jack. He was too intense. She had made a mistake, but no more. She had a great job waiting for her in Miami, and she was not going to let another man dictate her future. Especially one who was so similar to Brian, her first real boyfriend. Her mind was set. Her resolve was tight. No. More. Sex. With. Jack!
r />   “I don’t even know where to start,” she said to no one in particular as she climbed out of Jack’s big Jeep back at his house.

  “What do you mean?” He looked amused, especially when she didn’t answer him. “Are you talking to yourself?”

  Chrissy ticked off, with her fingers, her to-do list. “First, call a cab to take me to a wheel store so I can buy a new wheel. Then find someone to install said wheel. Next, find a hotel. Finally, kick my brother’s ass.” She was pacing back and forth by the car.

  “Whoa! Just wait a second. Breathe.” He held her shoulders down. She took a deep breath, causing the swells of her breasts to rise and fall.

  “One thing at a time. Stop it with the whole cab thing. It’s really starting to piss me off. And it’s not a wheel, it’s a tire.” He chuckled. “First, let’s get your bags outta the car. Then we’ll go to the ‘wheel place.’ After that, I’ll replace your tire. You’re not staying in a hotel. You’ll stay here with me until the fight. Although I don’t think you should go, but you aren’t going to listen to me, are you?”

  She shook her head. “You said it’s on Saturday, right?”

  He hesitated a moment, then nodded.

  “I am assuming you’re not going to let me go alone, huh?”

  “You bet your cute little ass you’re not going alone. Even with me, you get into trouble. Who knows what you’d do by yourself,” he said. When she gave him a huge smile, he added, “You know, you remind me of someone else who’s just as stubborn.” He nodded in the direction of Slade’s house.

  “Thank you, Jack. I really appreciate all you’re doing for us. For me.”

  “We grew up together, Chris. Of course I’d do this for you. You’re like family.”

  She flinched at the family comment, because she didn’t see him like family and the things they’d done were not things family should be doing. Damn it, her female parts still tingled when she thought about all those nonfamilial things they had done together, which did not bode well for her plan not to have sex with Jack.

  “My family doesn’t usually feel me up against walls,” she said.

  Jack smiled seductively. “I’m just better at the family-thing than most.”

  Ah, hell, who was Jack kidding? He had already corrected her once about his feelings toward her. They were not brotherly in any sense of the word. Jack spent the next half hour fixing Chrissy’s tire and thinking about her.

  Chrissy on his bed.

  Chrissy against the wall.

  Chrissy on the hood of his car.

  Chrissy in …

  When he was finished, he went inside his house frazzled by the lingering thoughts in his head and then by the delicious smell that overtook his senses.

  Chapter 7

  As a thank-you, Chrissy made lasagna while Jack worked on her car. She watched as he closed his eyes and inhaled. “It smells delicious.”

  She smiled. “I hope you like it. I know it’s your favorite. Go wash up and I’ll serve you.” He agreed and went upstairs. When he returned he was wearing his police uniform. She was taken aback by how sexy he looked. Unlike other women, she’d never been partial to men in uniform, but now, seeing this man in a uniform, she had a whole new appreciation for the fascination.

  “You have to work tonight?” she asked, her mood deflating a little.

  “Yeah. I got called in while I was outside changing your tire. Will you be okay here on your own?”

  “I’m not on my own.” She reached down and patted Drogo. “He’ll keep me company. Come, eat.” She motioned to the table.

  Jack looked at her and then to Drogo, shaking his head with a smile. When he sat she passed him a plate of food. They ate in comfortable silence, lost in their own thoughts.

  “God, Chris, this is delicious. I don’t remember the last time I had a home-cooked meal this good.” He ate every last bit on his plate.

  “Glad you like it. There’s more.” She grabbed his empty plate and served him a second helping of lasagna, salad, and bread.

  “Thanks. You’re not going to eat any more?”

  “Are you kidding? I’m stuffed.” She patted her stomach. “Unlike you, I’m not a growing boy.”

  He laughed. “No. You are definitely not a boy.” He finished his second helping of food and began to clear the table.

  “No, I got it. Go to work,” said Chrissy.

  “You sure?”

  “Of course. Thanks again for the car and for letting me stay here.”

  He waved a hand. “Don’t mention it. Give me your phone.”


  “Your phone. Let me have it.”

  She cocked her head, confused, but gave him her phone without any further question. He slid his fingers across the screen and less than a minute later gave it back.

  “I programmed my number in it. Just in case. Gotta go. Be a good boy, Drogo. And Chrissy, try to stay out of trouble while I’m out. Okay?”

  “I’ll try.” She winked impishly as he left.

  When he was gone, suddenly she felt alone. She cleaned up the kitchen and then paced around.

  She peeked out the front window and noticed Slade’s car was parked there, which meant he was probably home. She packed up a piece of lasagna and some bread and salad and went next door.

  Slade opened the door just as she was about to knock, causing her to lose her balance, and the food almost came crashing down. His quick reflexes saved the food and her dignity.

  “What are you doing here, Chris?”

  She noticed his clothes. He looked like he was going to the gym. Or, worse, to a fight.

  “I came to bring you food. I made lasagna.”

  “It smells real good. Thanks.” He reached to grab it, blocking her entrance to the house.

  “Your eye is starting to heal.” She touched the bruise right under his eye. “It looks so much better than it did yesterday.”

  “Yeah. I’ve been icing it round the clock like you said. It looks worse than it feels.”

  “Were you going somewhere?”



  “Do I have to tell you everything now?”

  “No. You don’t have to tell me everything, but I hope you’ll tell me anyway.”

  “I’m going to train, Chris. And I don’t want to hear any comments about it. Okay?”

  She shoved the food toward him, stomped away, and pulled out her phone. She sent a text to Jack.

  CHRISSY: I think he’s going to fight. He says he’s training, but who trains at this time?

  He replied almost immediately.

  JACK: Fighters train at this time. Fighters train at all times. Stay home, Chris.

  CHRISSY: So you don’t think he’s lying?

  JACK: Why would he? He already told us he’s fighting. Why would he lie about this?

  Chrissy pondered that, and it made sense. As if he could read her mind, he sent another text.

  JACK: I know what you’re thinking. Stay home. Damn it.

  CHRISSY: Geez. Relax, caveman.

  JACK: I’ll show you caveman if you move from that house.

  She couldn’t help but smile at his text. She put the phone away in her pocket and paced through the house, unable to get the anxiety out of her system. She looked out the window to see that Slade’s car was still there. He was probably devouring the lasagna right now. A few moments later she heard the door to his house shut, and she ran to the window to see. He was still dressed like he was going to a fight. “Damn, it Slade!” she yelled, startling a sleeping Drogo. “Stay, puppy. I’m just heading out for one second. Don’t tell your daddy.” She bent down and rubbed the dog’s belly. “This is our little secret.”

  Chrissy heard Slade’s car roar to life. Without much thought, she ran out to her car and started following him. She tried to be as stealthy as possible so he wouldn’t know she was tailing him. Twenty minutes later, he pulled up to a dimly lit parking lot outside a small condemned building, or at least that’
s what it looked like. She parked at a corner, away from view of his car, and walked toward the door. It was nighttime and there wasn’t anyone in the parking lot, but she still tried to not draw attention to herself. Unsure what to expect upon opening the door, she paced anxiously for a few moments trying to figure out how to get inside. If she opened the door and confronted Slade, he’d be upset. Or worse, she might encounter some adrenaline junkies ready to pounce on her, like at the last fight.

  Her phone beeped, startling her half to death. Nervously she took it out of her pocket, trying to silence it as fast as possible, but she fumbled it, and it fell out of her hand. The screen cracked when it hit the pavement. “Damn it!” she muttered. Of course, her luck was right on track: Worst. Luck. Ever.

  She could see through the cracks on the screen that Jack had sent a text. It looked like he was asking about her whereabouts, but with part of the screen broken, she couldn’t make it out. Just then it started ringing. She tapped on the Ignore button and slipped it back into her pocket.

  She walked around the building looking for another entrance. Twice she saw men walking toward the door and she hid to avoid them. Then she noticed a small window on the side. But the window was more than six feet up, and since she was a measly five feet four inches tall, there was no way she could look in the window all on her own. She peered around to see if she could find something to stand on. At the far end corner of the building were some milk crates. “Perfect!” she whispered.

  She hauled two crates toward the window, set one on top of the other, and then stepped up, careful not to lose her balance. Careful not to blow her cover, she slowly peeked in. When she was sure no one could see her, she became more confident and leaned in.

  It was dark outside where she stood, but inside the building there were lights. She saw a boxing ring at the far corner, a cage for fighting, exercise equipment, punching bags along one wall, and about a dozen men. It was a gym. A training gym for fighters, it seemed. She let out a breath. She was relieved. Even though it still meant he’d be fighting in a few days, and this was obviously a training session for it, she was glad he wasn’t fighting today. Then she saw him begin to wrap his hands and put on gloves, before stepping into the cage with a big burly monster of a man.


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