The Hurricane

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The Hurricane Page 8

by R. J. Prescott

  “That I am, my friend. A little bit geeky, but mostly a kickarse, hardcore bitch.”

  I had to smile at that. What I wouldn’t give to be the same.

  IF I WAS TRULY HONEST, I didn’t really believe that O’Connell would change, but I liked the fact that he wanted to try. Although, the incident at Daisy’s had changed the dynamic of our relationship. I started to think that maybe he and Kieran really were beginning to consider me a friend. It was with that thought in mind that I walked into the gym on Thursday, my step a little bit quicker, and my heart a little bit lighter. I was proud to be making my own way, but more, that I was carving out a real life for myself. My empty heart was filling up with friends, people who cared that they knew me, who could say that they’d been a part of my life. That was something that Frank couldn’t take away from me. If he found me tomorrow, at least I could say that. My life now was more than I’d ever hoped I’d have. I had no doubt that if I’d stayed, I’d be dead by now, or so brutalised that I might as well be. Of course, that was exactly what would happen if he found me again, but I wouldn’t go down without a fight. I’d never had a life worth fighting for before, but I had it now.

  “Hello, baby. It’s been a long, cold, lonely week without you. What say you give me your number, and I’ll keep all your nights next week warm for you.”

  I’d barely even made it through the door before Tommy was throwing his sweaty arm around me and trying his luck. I couldn’t help but laugh, but my laughter didn’t seem to put a dent in his ego. It was like I’d given him the reaction he was looking for.

  “Tommy, get your arm off her right now, or I’m gonna break it in at least three places,” O’Connell shouted down from the ring, as Kieran helped him on with his gloves.

  “Fuck off, O’Connell.” He smiled in good humour. “She’s totally into me.”

  Tommy was clearly just yanking O’Connell’s chain, but both O’Connell and Kieran stopped, stock still, and turned to face Tommy. Suddenly, I wasn’t so sure he was joking when he’d threatened Tommy, and from the speed at which he moved his arm, neither was Tommy.

  “Chill out, guys. I was only kidding.” He turned and gave me a quick peck on the cheek as he said, “I’ll come by for that number later, baby,” before legging it to the locker room.

  “You’re doing something about that when you spar later, aren’t you?” Kieran questioned O’Connell, as he finished tightening hisgloves.

  “Oh, yeah,” O’Connell smirked. “That cocky fucker’s gonna be kissing the canvas before the night is over.”

  I wasn’t worried about Tommy. He was quick and cocky enough that he’d find a way out of a beating later. Besides, none of these guys seemed to need an excuse to whale on each other. I was still standing there like an idiot, when Kieran climbed out of the ring and walked over to me.

  “Hello, darlin’. You’d best go and say hello to your man before he goes at it with Shane. He’s all fired up tonight, and he fights badly when he’s in a temper.”

  “He’s not my man, Kieran,” I pointed out.

  “Well, Em, someone best tell him that, and it ain’t gonna be me,” he said, as he ambled off to start with his own training.

  I looked back at O’Connell shadow boxing in the ring, and I could see that Kieran was right. He was always full of energy, wired almost, which was weird to see in a guy his size. But tonight something was wrong. He seemed edgier and darker than usual, like he was boxing to kill, not hurt. Not knowing if I was entering the lion’s den, I walked tentatively up the steps to the ring and rested my arms on the top ropes. As soon as he saw me, he stopped and walked over. There was no easy grin tonight.

  “Hey, sunshine,” he said, “you okay?”

  “I’m fine thanks. How are you doing?”

  “I’m better now that you’re here.” He hung his head as he banged his gloves together, and I had the strongest urge to run my hand through his hair, like you’d do to comfort a small child.

  “You know a problem shared, is a problem halved,” I told him, hoping to lighten things up a little.

  “Thanks.” He smiled sadly at me. “But sharing my crap just drags you into it. Tell me about your day; that will help.”

  I hated that he was clearly upset. I wanted him to open up, but our friendship was still too new and fragile to push it too far, so I struggled to think back over my highly uneventful day.

  “Nikki gave me a hard time for not jumping your bones, but I got an A on my spot test, so it wasn’t all bad.”

  He wasn’t better, but I’d managed to get a smile out of him, at least.

  “Well, I’m in Nikki’s camp there,” he spoke softly. “You heading off to the office to work?”

  I nodded my head in agreement. He ran the back of his glove along my cheek gently.

  “Okay, sunshine. I have to train late tonight, so Kieran’s gonna walk you home later, but I’ll see you tomorrow, okay?”

  He looked so sad, that the urge to kiss him, to comfort him, was overwhelming. But I didn’t. Of course I didn’t. Because guys like him didn’t kiss girls like me. I just gave him a small nod and walked down the steps toward the office. Just as I reached the door, I stopped and turned. Only part of the ring was visible, but it was all I needed to see. He rolled his shoulders and looked up toward Shane. In that instant, all trace of sadness and vulnerability was gone, and in its place was pure, unadulterated rage. The bell rang out and O’Connell’s wrath was unleashed. He bounced up and down on the canvas like he had too much energy to keep contained, ducking and weaving as he did, with a stealth that belied his size. He eyed Shane like a predator sizing up his kill, and as Shane made the first lunge, O’Connell dodged left and slammed into his midsection, with a rib crushing right hook. I’d taken a few right hooks in my life, so by all accounts; this show of violence from O’Connell should be freaking me out. But I was so turned on I couldn’t see straight. My heart was beating so loudly that I couldn’t hear anything else. Everything just faded into white noise. Shane was clearly winded and dodged around the canvas, trying to recover his breath. Seeing the weakness, O’Connell went in with a combination. Considering that they were supposed to be sparing, he wasn’t pulling any punches. The sweat beading around his forehead trickled down his cheek and splashed onto his chest, and damn if I didn’t want to follow its path with my tongue. I imagined the feel of those tight, sweaty abs beneath my fingertips and how the silk of his training shorts, encasing all that hard muscle would feel pressed up against me. There wasn’t a single part of my body that wasn’t totally aware of every single part of his, and the more he lost control of himself, the more I lost control with him. By the time he’d knocked Shane out with another killer right hook, I was a mess.

  “For fuck’s sake O’Connell, you’re supposed to be fucking sparring, not knocking him into next week. I’ve warned you before. This has got to fucking stop.”

  Danny was going ballistic, and O’Connell, still breathing hard, dropped his hands to his sides while he tried to control himself. I knew that I couldn’t be right in the head to be this turned on when he’d just knocked a man he called a friend into unconsciousness. I was breathing as hard as he was, as though my lust, like his temper, was something we could rein in. He turned and caught my eye, and he knew I’d seen the whole thing. His mask of indifference was replaced with a frown, and I guessed he was worried that he’d scared me with his performance. Before he decided to come over, I turned and shut myself in the office. I couldn’t deal with O’Connell when I was in this state. Christ, even being a foot taller than me, I’d have his back flat against the door the second we were in a confined space. What I needed right now, was to pull myself together.

  By time I was ready to leave, O’Connell was nowhere to be seen. Kieran was waiting outside for me just as O’Connell had been that first night. He would know exactly where O’Connell was and how he was doing, but I was too gutless to satisfy my curiosity. He filled the uncomfortable silence with his usual cheerful banter, but
it was woefully one sided as my thoughts were consumed with the well-being of one man.

  “Are you going to be okay here?” Kieran asked, eying the security of my door with some scepticism.

  “I’ll be fine, thanks. There are about five locks behind my door.”

  I paused as I contemplated what to say. Fuck it.

  “Is O’Connell all right? Will you take care of him?”

  I spoke so fast that I wasn’t even sure he’d heard the question. He smiled at me, like he was pleased that I cared.

  “He’ll be fine. He just needs to blow off some steam. Don’t worry, Em. I’ll make sure he’s good.”

  Of course, he’d be okay, and now Kieran was probably laughing his arse off at my concern over a giant of a man who trained to hurt people.

  “You just make sure that you lock this door good and tight behind me, and I’ll see you tomorrow, all right?”

  I frowned but nodded. He waited on the top of the stairs for me to shut the door and throw the locks before I heard him descend. Knowing that I was too keyed up to sleep, I took a hot shower and dried my hair before throwing on a pair of yoga pants and a vest top. I’d piled as many blankets and throws on my bed as I could, and diving under the covers, I shivered as I waited for the cold sheets to warm up around me. It was pointless to turn on the heater. By the time the piece of crap warmed up, I would be ready to go to sleep, and I couldn’t afford to run it all night. The low after my earlier lust-filled adrenaline rush had hit, and the lure of sleep beckoned. Knowing that I could never fulfil the sexual fantasies of my own making, I surrendered to it.

  THE SERIES OF LOUD BANGS at my front door had me bolt upright and out of bed in seconds. My heart beat like a jackhammer as I approached it, knowing that if it were Frank, I’d have seconds to dress and grab my emergency backpack before escaping through the window. I looked through the spy hole to see O’Connell staring back at me. I had no clue what he was doing at my apartment, but I wasn’t going to find out on this side of the door. Taking a deep breath, I ran my hands though my hair in a futile attempt at bringing order to the chaos. As the next round of banging began, I opened the door.

  “I missed you, sunshine,” O’Connell told me, with the kind of ridiculous, doe-eyed, sad face that a toddler would use to evoke sympathy.

  “I can tell by the need you have to break down my door at...,” I grabbed his thick wrist to check the time on his watch and dropped it again just as quickly, “...three o’clock in the morning. Do I even want to know how you got through the main entrance door?”

  He stood there looking stupid and sheepish.

  “It wasn’t locked,” he slurred. I shivered involuntarily at the lapse in security and tried hard not to think about how easy it was to get to me. My illusion of safety was quickly evaporating.

  “You know it’s a good thing I’m here to look after you. This is not a safe building, you know.”

  “And do you have any suggestions as to where I could move that would be cheaper than this place?” I asked sarcastically.

  “You could live with me,” he suggested hopefully.

  I rolled my eyes at his ridiculousness. It would serve him right if I agreed, then waited until he woke up sober, with a raging hangover, before announcing my new found residency status as his housemate.

  “Fuck me, O’Connell. Even off your face, you’re fast,” Kieran piped up from the doorway.

  “What are you doing here?” I asked.

  “He was already half baked when I found him, and I’ve been trying to keep him out of trouble all night. He had the bright idea that he wanted to say goodnight to you, and there was no talking him out of it. He sprinted up here as soon as we got in sight of your building.”

  “Well, thanks for trying to help. Do you think you’ll be able to get him home on your own?”

  Kieran looked over my shoulder and chuckled.

  “Sorry, Em, but I don’t think that’s going to be an option.”

  I turned around and sure enough there was O’Connell, passed out on the right side of my bed.

  “Great. How the hell am I supposed to move him?”

  Kieran rubbed the back of his neck, seeming to ponder the problem while he tried and failed to hold back a smile.

  “Look, if you really don’t want him to crash in your bed, I can try and make up a pallet on the floor and move him there, but I won’t get him far. He’s out cold.”

  I felt bad then. I wasn’t really selfish enough to roll him onto the floor. This place was so cold at night he’d probably wake up with hypothermia.

  “It’s all right. Leave him there. I’ll think of something.”

  “Thanks, Em. I’m off then, ‘cause no offense, but your place is kind of small, and I don’t feel like crashing on the floor.” He walked over to my desk and grabbed a pen and sticky note.

  “Here’s my number. If you need me, just call, but if you let him sleep it off for a few hours, he’ll be fine.”

  He closed the door with a wave, and I bolted each of the locks in turn.

  “Well, I don’t have a phone, but the thought was there,” I muttered to no one in particular.

  Although I’d already done it before I went to sleep, I ran through my security routine again, because the front door had been opened. By the time the adrenaline rush from my late night visitors had worn off, I was exhausted and freezing cold. I managed to get O’Connell’s boots off, but after that struggle, I gave up with the rest of his clothes. He’d probably be warmer with them on anyway. In the absence of any alternative, I pried the blankets from under him, which took some doing, and threw them over both of us. His body radiated heat and I curled up against his side, contemplating all the while how to pass the whole night without jumping him.

  THE PAIN WAS SO EXCRUCIATING, it burned through the haze of sleep. I had no idea what was happening. Disorientated and confused, my pain receptors were screaming. I had literally been pulled from my bed, from sleep, by my hair. It must have been coming out in handfuls. Seemingly unimpressed with his progress, Frank stopped to wrap his hand around it, giving him a better grip, and then continued yanking me upwards with all his strength. Tears ran down my cheeks uncontrollably. I was helpless to do much of anything, except follow where he was leading. I could hear Mum whimpering in the next room so I knew he’d already warmed up. I’d like to say that he reeked of booze, but that would be a lie to excuse what he was doing. He was stone cold sober. Frank did what he did because he liked to hurt people, because he liked to hurt me. He was a monster, and alcohol had nothing to do with it. We’d reached the utility room off the kitchen when he let go of my hair and shoved me to the floor.

  “What the fuck is that?” he screamed.

  I looked toward where he had pointed in confusion. Mum hadn’t done the washing for a few days, so I’d done a couple of loads and put them out on the drying racks to air. Realising that I’d be out of comfortable underwear by tomorrow I’d put a couple of pairs of knickers on the heater to dry. Frank pushed his screaming, rage-filled face so close to mine that he spat on me as he shouted.

  “You think that flashing your underwear at me is going to make me want to get inside you, Emily, you filthy little whore! I’m your stepfather for fuck’s sake. Do you know how fucking sick it is to put that on display in front of me?”

  “I’m sorry,” I whimpered in agony, as I fought to control the tears.

  With his hand firmly gripped in my hair, he reeled me around and slapped me as hard as he could on the side of my face. The force of his grip held me still so I took the full brunt of the hit. It wasn’t the first time I’d tasted blood.

  “Little whores like you are never sorry,” he sneered. “Don’t think I don’t know you’re out trying to get it whenever you can, because I won’t give it to you.”

  He hit me again so hard that I was dizzy. It was testament to how fucked in the head he was, that he equated my drying underwear on a rack in the laundry room to my throwing myself at him. It was a frightenin
g insight as to where these beatings would eventually lead.

  I WOKE WITH A START and as usual after the nightmares, I could barely breathe. Sucking air into my lungs, I tried breathing deeply to gain control before I hyperventilated. When I caught sight of O’Connell’s unconscious form next to me, I nearly fell out of bed. After a nightmare about Frank, seeing someone in my bed was a sure-fire way to get my heart racing. He was still laying facedown next to me. With his lips slightly parted and snoring gently, he went from looking mean and dangerous, to vulnerable and cute. I couldn’t help but stare. It was probably the only chance I’d ever have to study him this closely. His strong jaw held the hint of a five o’clock shadow, but that only softened the ‘in your face’ sexiness of those sharp cheekbones. He kept the sides of his hair almost military short but the top, usually arranged in messy spikes, was now deliciously rumpled. It only made me want to run my hands through it even more. Long, inky black eyelashes framed the most hauntingly beautiful eyes I’d ever seen. As breathtaking as they were, they always held an edge of danger and barely controlled violence. Even when he was calm, he was still the most dangerous man I’d ever met. He opened them up, and this close I could see the flecks of silver in the blue that made them so remarkable.

  “Good mornin’,” he whispered croakily, betraying the amount he’d had to drink the night before.

  He looked nervous, and I knew that he was waiting for my reaction to his late night visit. I smiled gently at him, unable to prolong his agony in anticipation of my reaction.

  “Good morning. If you’re waiting for breakfast in bed, I’m afraid this hotel stopped serving at eight.”He grinned, and his relief that I hadn’t balled him out, was palpable.

  “I totally owe you that,” he replied.

  “It would be pretty amazing,” I said as I rolled over in bed to look at the ceiling. “I’ve never had breakfast in bed.”

  “No?” he said in astonishment. “What, never?”


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