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Master of Desire

Page 4

by Multiple

  Either way, her beautiful, pale form looked at ease as he ensnared her, trapping her to the bed, her white blouse betraying the outlines of her perky little teats, aroused and stiffened through the nearly see-through fabric.

  As he finished with the last foot, he stood back to admire his work. To admire her.

  Never had he seen someone so beautiful, who had been so worth waiting for. Holding out for. He knew how lucky he was for her to be so perfectly crafted for him, so much so that it made him wonder if there truly was a greater power looking out for him.

  For both of them.

  He knew that she needed this, needed him, just as badly, and as he watched her body still and calm, he knew that they’d both feel whole after this evening.

  He crawled onto the bed, careful not to hurt her slender legs as he moved between them. He knelt over her, his body weight shifting the mattress a bit as he hovered, staring down at her face. His gaze caressed her nose, her mouth, over her throat and down over the buttons of her blouse.

  His fingers crept over her thighs, never disturbing the skirt, but instead going towards the first button on her blouse and pushing it through the sewn hole.

  She’d remained so calm and quiet through it all, but as he popped that first button she gasped, softly and quietly. Her shoulders shrank inwards and she seemed to want to retreat within herself, but instead she stilled, calmed herself, her breathing having grown as he lowered her top, to show her milky white skin down to the pale white peaks of her breasts, cupped so tightly by her thin, fabric bra.

  It was torture for him. He wanted to tear the shirt off, to ravish her, but even now, when he'd come so far, he refused himself that pleasure. No, he didn’t want her for the moment.

  He needed to possess her, always. And he wouldn’t get there by pushing her to the limit.

  Instead, he brought his mouth to her collarbone, letting his lips trace over the delicate skin, his bristly stubble contrasting to the softness of his kisses.

  And against her smooth, blemishless skin, his coarse jawline was like a bristling scrub brush. It made her gasp and squirm a little, shifting away from him, but unable to move more than mere centimeters away from his hungry mouth.

  A soft little whimper escaped her lips and she faced away from him, in the process leaving her slender stalk of a neck and shoulder vulnerable to his devouring mouth.

  He moved up to the newly offered flesh, his nose teasing and soft as he trailed it up towards her ear. He breathed against her, letting out a soft moan that he’d so long held back as his hand went to caress her face. “You’re beautiful,” he murmured before kissing her neck flushly, his tongue flicking against the pale skin.

  His words and the feel of him each made her gasp and quiver, her body unable to move, but she seemed content to sink into the bed and let him press against her. She bit down upon her lower lip to stifle her soft little moan as he kissed at her pale neck, enjoying the warm affection even as she was powerless to do anything else. Never did her plush lips threaten to spill out that one word in her arsenal.

  The only one that could put an end to all of this and make their world come crashing down.

  He teased her skin, exciting it with his tongue and his soft little gusts of breath as he kissed lower. His thumb went towards her mouth, coaxing her lower lip from between her teeth. “Let it out, Princess,” he huffed as he kissed the valley between her nubile breasts.

  Instead of calling for him to stop with that safe word, she arched her spine, pushing her tiny chest up towards him as she gave a shuddering moan and capped it off with a whimper. Her little body shivering as if cold. Though as his lips grazed her supple breast flesh she murmured, “No. Stop. It’s not right.”

  “It is,” he whispered back, his hand trailing down her body, along her ribcage, peeling back the blouse a bit more. He was so mind-numbingly hard, and his fingertips brushed the edge of her perky breasts. “And you don’t have a say. You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”

  Her teeth sank back into her worrying lower lip again, the poor girl unable to keep herself from gnawing at that poor abused morsel of flesh. “It’s wrong,” she protested softly, her meek little voice so weak. “You said you’d take care of me,” she whimpered, her chest heaving a little quicker. “This isn’t taking care of me,” her voice grew strained, vanishing into nothingness though her breathing only grew heavier.

  “Oh sweetheart,” he breathed out over her chest, looking up at her worried face. “I will. I just didn’t realize how impatient you were.” His voice was nearly a growl as he kissed lower, along her taut tummy, his fingers playing along her smooth, bare thighs as he hitched the skirt up, unveiling that sweet prize.

  She could do nothing to hide her sex from him, the delicate, rounded flower parted as her legs were pulled to the side of the king-sized bed.

  Though being unable to resist didn't stop her from trying, and she did her best to clench her thighs inwards, to hide the glistening, needy little slit before his view. But she couldn’t do it, not with her legs tied so taut. He had her under his control and she whimpered at her powerlessness.

  “No!” she protested weakly. “Not that! Please no!” she offered up, squirming so feebly beneath him, only making her ripe young body to shimmy and shake deliciously before his gaze.

  But he reminded himself that every time she said no, she wanted it. She had the right word that could make him stop, but her refusal to use it betrayed the true depth of her desire, and he gripped both her thighs in his powerful hands.

  He squeezed the tender flesh between his fingers and he groaned loudly, almost growling with lust. “But princess, you smell so sweet.”

  His rough grab, his lewd words, it made her squeal and dig the back of her head into the bed. Though no physical action she took could tear him away from her, could rob him of the arousing aroma of her cunt. How deliciously ripe and ready it smelled. The sweet scent of her nubile body so strong off her slick little slit.

  She tugged her legs at those shackles that binded her, “Get off! Get away from me!” her voice getting so girlishly shrill at the end.

  “No, sweetheart. I can’t do that.” His dick throbbed so hard as he brought his nose to the soft little bit of fur that topped her mound, inhaling her scent so fully. It made him almost dizzy with arousal, but as his tongue flicked out of his lips and touched that warm, forbidden fruit, he nearly came.

  Before she could even protest, his tongue ventured out again, his fingertips working in closer as he coaxed her clit from its hiding spot.

  She very nearly jumped out of the bed, and would’ve if not for the bindings, he swore. That tiny little bud was so sensitive she reacted almost violently at his touch, but by the time he stroked her again she gave a moan instead of a squeal.

  Already his little pet was learning so fast.

  “No!” she panted out, her slick honey upon his tongue. “No that’s too sensitive! Not there!” she protested, panting.

  But he didn’t speak, didn’t reassure her or try to warm her up to the sensations. Instead he toyed with her, running his tongue over that tiny bud, down her length just to get a taste of her. He kissed her, more frantically, hungrily, his fingers prying apart her slickened labia and devouring her with such need.

  He was losing control over himself, and he damn well knew it. But there was no more holding back, not when he was finally tasting her juices, feeling her body respond to him with such repressed need. Her desperate little ‘no’s, repeated over and over just thrilled him more, and he sucked her little clit so needily.

  She was like a puppet to him, every little lash of his tongue able to make her jump and flail and struggle at her bonds in futility. He played her like that, more of her slick honey coating his tongue and lips as he lashed at her feminine gash.

  Aubrey seemed almost to sob, the sensations too much for the young girl. “No no no no nonono!” she chanted. “I can’t take it, I can’t take it!” she pleaded, biting down on her lip. “Stop no
more please!” she begged.

  And he did, not because she told him to, but because he couldn’t take any more. He was breathing hard and frantically as he stared at her glorious little pussy. Her clit still throbbed, wanting more despite Aubrey’s protests, and he slipped his thumb up against it, pressing against the sensitive bundle of nerves.

  “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” His voice was husky and he licked around his lips, tasting her sweet scent along them.

  She squealed so loud it was very nearly a scream. That pressure of his thumb on her poor clit, it was too much for her to handle as her petite body strained against its bindings.

  “Stop!” she wailed, then her breathing sounded once again like sobbing. “No more! It’s too--ah!” she protested. The sweet young girl was too unused to such intense sensations. Had she even touched herself before? The thought of that shy little fawn exploring herself riveted him with arousal, but it was hard to imagine she had with how flushed she was, how much she cried out at his every touch of her young cunny.

  “Oh, baby,” he chastised. “I want to make you feel good. Haven’t you ever done this before?” He ground his thumb there, daring her to say the safe word as his other fingers delved lower, playing with the entrance of her cunny. “Haven’t you had a man do this to you?”

  She was a panting, writhing mess before him already, she strained upwards, struggling against her binds. “No. No!” she cried out, her perky tits slipping from her cheap bra to show the pink little areolas and stiff buds of her nipples as she squirmed. “S-stop!” she whined before breaking into pathetic little sobs.

  ‘It will make you feel good, baby doll. And it’ll show me what a good girl you are. Make all the pain go away.” He caressed his middle finger up over the seam of her cunny before oh so slowly letting it sink into her. Her muscles were clenching and spasming and he knew how close she must be as he ground his thumb more urgently against her clit.

  His mouth, though, delved for that freed breast. He was ravenous for her body, and perhaps he was being too hasty, too hard, but he sucked that stiff nipple, bringing it between his two rows of teeth and putting some pressure on it as his middle finger reached for that cluster of nerves, hidden within her.

  Her throat was growing hoarse with all her cries and pleas, that tight little cunny so slick and warm, wrapped about his digit and squeezed it delectably. She was so tight, such a sweet young thing even as she flailed about against her bindings in futility. No longer able to form coherent words as he suckled her perky tit in his mouth, torturing that sensitive nipple as he toyed with her virginal little cunt below.

  He growled against her puffy, pink nipple, his thumb and middle finger working in tandem as he felt her body grow so still and then arch. She squeezed his digit so intensely as the orgasm rocked through her, starting in her belly before spiraling out along her body, uncoiling like a spring. He kept torturing her all through it, sucking and fingering and pleasuring her teen form despite her protests, despite her little acts of defiance.

  She never got to relax, never got to still as her breathing grew so ragged and hoarse. She instead only weakened and flailed more importantly than before against her bindings as he tortured her sensitive loins and nipples.

  “Stop,” she muttered breathily. “No more… please,” she whimpered, sobbing as her head pressed back into the silken bed sheets, her shoulders lifted up off the mattress itself.

  He pulled his fingers from her ravished cunny, bringing them instead to her nipple and smearing her juices upon that thoroughly sucked, puffy mound. “But darling, I haven’t had you yet. I’d be so disappointed if I didn’t get a chance to take your flower. You saved it for me, didn’t you, like a good girl?”

  Her face was flushed, some tears streaming from beneath her blindfold, and her body was in such a heightened state of arousal. So much of her slick, honeyed fluid running down her inner thighs. Yet she gnawed her lower lip in such a familiar manner all the same.

  “I did,” she whimpered out in such a slight gasp, bobbing her head just the slightest bit.

  “What a good girl you are,” he husked, licking her fluids off of her nipple, savouring the taste. His free hand went down to his leather belt, deftly undoing it, followed by the button and zipper on his fine trousers. “I promise, my little princess, this won’t hurt. Not with how wet you are.”

  He placed his forearm at her side, his fingers lightly resting along her bicep as he moved up along her body. His mouth was inches from hers, and he knew she must have been able to catch her own scent so near as her nose crinkled. “You taste like heaven to me, princess, and you look even better.”

  He pushed down his boxer shorts, finally removing his heavy, throbbing cock from their confines. He needed her so bad, and there was already precum leaking from the swollen helm as he brought his member to her pussy.

  Rubbing himself against her clit, he teased her slightly as he brushed away some hair from her ear. “Do you know what this is, pet?”

  A very visible shudder travelled through her svelte frame and she nodded to him, biting her lower lip hard as she whimpered out an “mmhmm” to him. Even as naive as she seemed, blindfolded from reality, she knew what that hot, hard flesh that brushed against her sensitive quim was.

  There was no mistaking it. Not a hint of deception in his intent.

  “I’m going to take you, little girl, but I want you to ask for it.” His voice was so laced with lust, his breath still scented with her juices. He robbed the head of his cock over her clit again, then back to the entrance, and back again. It was threatening, teasing, and he was hardly able to contain himself from simply pushing in.

  “Say, ‘take me, Daddy,’ and I will push my cock into you. I will make you feel things you never dreamed of, make you see things you never imagined. I will make you whole. But first, you have to say it.” He kissed her throat again, sucking her flesh hard and threatening her with bruises as his hand tightened around her bicep.

  “Or, you can beg me not to, and I’ll do it anyways, but it will be so much worse, my little doll.”

  He didn’t notice it at first, but she had completely frozen at his mention of the word ‘daddy’. Her whole body froze up and she seemed to be pulled out of the moment by it.

  Had he gone too far?

  She’d broke down crying because of texts from her father. Her daddy, after all.

  The moment of silence dragged on, her lips quivering as she was about to speak. Was it the safe word upon her lips? He wasn’t sure.

  Her nails dug into the silk sheets and leather bindings and she murmured, “Take me daddy,” as his cock coated itself in her slick honey still.

  The relief he felt that he hadn’t pushed her to the limit was quickly stripped away by something far grander. The anticipation, the buildup, how torturous it had been on him, and as he finally began sinking himself into her, he felt whole. Remarkably, spectacularly whole. He didn’t hide the moan that erupted from his chest, he didn’t quiet the soft, “Good girl,” that fell from his lips. He simply pushed himself into her slowly.

  Even with how wet she was, how hard she’d cum, how aroused he’d made her, she was still so tight. A virgin! And surely, it was risky. Unprotected, unhindered, he enjoyed her with full sensations that sparked through his body.

  “You’re so tight, princess,” he managed out between suckling upon her neck, his cock sliding up inside of her spread body.

  She shivered and convulsed as he filled her, gasping and moaning from the intense sensations. His manhood filling her so completely, that only her extreme slickness saved her from the hurt of being thrust open so wide upon his girth.

  “Daddy,” she mewled out in her pleasure, embracing their roles. Embracing him, if not literally, as her tight little cunny clung to his shaft as he pulled away, as if trying to tug him back inside of her warm, fertile depths.

  God, that word upon her lips almost sent him over the edge. He’d denied himself pleasure for so long, and as he once more hilte
d himself within her, he stilled. Nestled in her depths, he let her muscles contract around him, squeezing and milking him with such naive, innocent skill.

  She wanted this, needed this so bad. Rewarding her, his kisses trailed up along her jawline and against her ear. He moaned, licking along her sensitive flesh, “I forgive you, my sweet little girl. I’ll always forgive you.”

  Aubrey broke into open sobs, but he felt their nature. Felt the relief in it as her chest heaved and she tried to press herself to him, to embrace him as best she could, her warm cunny wrapped about his manhood so tight.

  “Thank you,” she murmured out breathily, “Thank you daddy!” That tight little virginal cunt so snug about his prick, squeezing such pleasure out of his long-deprived manhood as he pumped into her body bare.

  He nuzzled her ear with his nose before he brought his mouth to hers, sharing that sweet tang of her pussy with her quivering little mouth. They needed one another, and in so many ways. Ways that he had barely scratched the surface of, and as he put his weight atop her body and kissed her, it was with a passion neither of them had known they possessed.

  He embraced her, wrapping his arms around her back and pulling her into his chest as he bucked his hips over and over again. He was so much larger than her dainty form, but she’d shown him her strength, her will to succumb and be healed by him.

  Aubrey took the pummeling of his hips bashing to her inner thighs, the dull smack of his balls against her pert ass cheeks below. The wet slap of his groin to her wet cunny. Her moans and cries echoing through the chamber as she was left to his mercy.

  “Yes, yes--” her voice hitched in between smacks of their lips. “Oh daddy,” she whined, overflowing with need, her spine arching, her body tensing so much such new and overpowering sensations flowed from him as he plumbed her depths with his thick cock.

  “I could never be mad at my baby,” he promised, kissing her mouth and down her chin, tasting her flesh so eagerly. “Do you want me to cum in you, sweetheart? Wouldn’t that feel so nice?” Just saying the words sent a jolt of pleasure through him and he thought he was going to lose it then and there, to spill into her without warning.


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