Master of Desire

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Master of Desire Page 15

by Multiple

  Some of the ladies picked up on the connection between us and looked me over, evaluating. I grit my teeth and pretended not to notice, keeping myself well lubricated with champagne to blunt the impact of their judgment. I wasn’t nearly as well made up or spray-tanned as the other women there, but I was younger which had to count for something. Besides, I told myself, these people, this world of the glitterati, means nothing to me. I was just passing through, never to be seen again.

  Which was how I justified taking the entire tray of appetizers from the waiter. I wasn’t there to impress anyone and a girl’s gotta eat, right? From across the room, Daniels spotted me with my spread of water chestnuts wrapped in bacon and cocktail shrimp. I paused mid-bite wondering if he would be upset, but he just shook his head, a smile dancing on his lips. Feeling as if I had his approval, I continued to eat and drink, finding it a most enjoyable way to pass the time at a party where no one--including my date--wanted to talk to me.

  Eventually the appetizers stopped coming and the party dwindled down to just a few hardcore drinkers. They gathered together around the bar where Daniels made his goodbyes. He motioned for me to join him and I knocked back the last of my champagne before sashaying across the room. To my surprise the floor was wobbly, or maybe it was my knees. I didn’t have time to decide which as I tripped and fell with a loud ‘oof’.’

  I rolled onto my back and took in the gilded ceiling and its crystal chandeliers. Laughter bubbled up as effervescent as the alcohol I’d consumed that evening. I put a hand over my mouth, trying to stifle the giggles, but they leaked out anyway.

  “Are you alright?” Daniels leaned over me, a frown of concern on his face, his hand gently cupping my cheek.

  I looked up at him and giggled. Then came a loud hiccough. “Whoops.”

  He nodded and even though his expression was solemn, I saw the humor shining in his eyes again. “Whoops.”

  I touched his nose, pushing it like a button. “You think I’m funny.”

  Daniels brought his mouth to my ear. “I think many things about you, Miss Kingston.” He pressed his lips on my cheek in a soft kiss.

  “Oh, do that again,” I begged. My body sang with the need for his touch, the echo of our earlier kiss burning through me like a brand.

  He hoisted me up to my feet. “I think you’ve had quite enough.”

  Daniels escorted me outside and to the limo. I slid across the seat and put a hand to my head. A monster headache and a flood of embarrassment replaced my previous wooziness. What a fool I had been, drinking champagne like it was water and falling like a clumsy toddler. In front of a client no less. Gah. As Laurie would say, the dork force was strong in me. It was the Jedi mind trick that stalked my life, tripping me up at the worst time.

  Daniels sat next to me without a word and I studied his profile. His jaw was set as if he was displeased.

  I touched his shoulder and he looked at me, his expression guarded. “I-I-I’m sorry.”

  “I’m not.” With that cryptic statement, he crushed me against the limo’s plush interior, seizing my mouth with his. He sucked my bottom lip into his mouth and gently worried it with his teeth. I moaned as the assault pulled at something deep and wet inside me.

  His hand pushed my skirt aside and traveled up my thighs to the nexus between my legs. Unbidden, my knees parted for him, allowing his fingers to slip underneath my lace thong to touch the sensitive nub it protected.

  Pleasure strummed through me at his touch. I arched toward his hand my tongue dueling with his, trying to suck him down. It didn’t take long for him to push me over the edge into bliss. I gasped against his lips and trembled with the force of my climax.

  And then he was gone, cool air rushing in to replace his warmth. Stunned I blinked, still lost in the haze of pleasure he had cast over me. Did that really just happen?

  Daniels sat in the seat across from mine, his breathing heavy and his eyes dark. “I will not touch you again.”

  My heart stuttered. Did I do something wrong?

  He looked at me, his mouth a grim line. “Until you understand what I expect of you.”

  “And what is that?” I asked. My headache was gone and I was no longer tipsy, but fully aware, curious to know what would happen next.

  “I have certain...predilections.” He looked down at his hands which were clasped in his lap.

  I watched him, shivering at the memory of the way those hands had roamed my body. “And?”

  “I want you. It’s just a question of whether or not you will want me.”

  “It wasn’t obvious?” I crossed my arms and looked at him with narrowed eyes. Hadn’t I participated? I’d even spread my legs for him and he wasn’t sure I wanted him? Was he crazy? Or was it me?

  His eyes flickered up to my face and then back down to his hands. “I am a demanding lover, Miss Kingston.”

  “Jessica. You should call me Jessica,” I said. “After all, we’ve kissed and you’ve touched...” I trailed off and made a gesture toward my skirt.

  He gave a curt nod. “Jessica. I won’t take you until you understand what it is I require.”

  His words gave me pause as did my response. Take me? Oh yes, please. I took a deep breath. “Okay, so what’s the big secret?”

  “I’m a sensual sadist.”

  “A what?” I wrinkled my forehead. I knew what the two words meant alone, but together they made no sense to me.

  “I require submission.”

  “To what?”

  “Anything I require,” he said echoing the words he’d written on our contract. “It might be spanking or I might tie you up. Either way I control your pleasure and you allow it.”

  I pressed my knees together and pulled the skirt over my legs. “That’s kinky.”

  He nodded again. “It is, however, the best sex you’ll ever have.” His gaze captured mine and held it with mesmerizing intensity. “You just have to give yourself to me.”

  I gave a nervous laugh. He makes it sound so simple. “Why me?”

  “Because you looked at me like I was your world from the first moment we met. It’s incredibly enticing.” He shifted in his seat. “And you taste like sex when I kiss you.”

  I put a finger to my lips in wonder.

  “But I can tell you are relatively innocent.”

  “I’m not a virgin,” I said, indignant that he would think I was.

  He broke eye contact as he loosened and removed his tie. “For my purposes, you are. If you agree to be with me, it will be on my terms and my terms alone.”

  “And if I don’t?”

  His gaze burned into mine once again. “We go our separate ways. I’ll compensate you for your work thus far, of course.”

  I twisted my hands, anxious. “Let me get this straight, I’m fired if I don’t have sex with you?”

  Daniels lifted one shoulder in a shrug. “The payment would be generous. You will not lose anything financially and the work was always temporary, you know that.”

  I leaned back in my seat, shaking my head. “This is crazy.”

  “Be prepared to expand your definition of crazy if you think this is it.” The limo pulled into his driveway and rolled to a stop. He peered out the window. “We’re here.”

  Reaching out, I touched his knee and he froze as if afraid to move. “What if I say yes?”

  “We try it out and see how you like it.”

  So far, I like it very much. And it had been too long since a man had made me want him as much as I wanted Daniels. I’d had enough mediocre sex in my life to know that I would regret it if I let this moment pass me by. The heat sizzling between us promised very good things in the bedroom.

  The driver opened the door and there was a moment of silence where we just stared at each other. Daniels raised an eyebrow, the question unspoken but still asked. Was I game?

  I held out my hand and whispered the word that would change everything. “Yes.”


  In the foyer, Daniels ordered me t
o strip. His voice changed, going deeper and there was a curt authority to his words that kept me silent and cooperative. I kicked off my shoes, the cool floor soothing my tired feet. I carefully draped my dress over a chair and waited for further instructions.

  He made an impatient gesture with his hand. “The underwear goes too.”

  I swallowed hard and couldn’t meet his eyes. Staring at a fixed point on the floor, I shimmied out of my lace panties, followed by the bra. He walked around me, his footsteps loud in the silence.

  “Perfect.” He ran a finger across my clavicle and around one breast. I sucked in air and shuddered as my nipple peaked. “Very nice,” he said, his voice warm with approval. He moved behind me and traced the groove of my spine down to my cheeks.

  “Now to start your introduction into the art of bdsm, kneel on the floor and spread your knees apart, hands behind your back.” At my questioning look, he said, “There a few different definitions of bdsm, but, for me, the S is for Submission. That’s what this is about.”

  I did as he asked, blushing as I did so. The position fully exposed me to him and I squirmed when his smoldering gaze focused on my core.

  “You can’t hide your beauty sitting like this. I can see everything, your sweet pussy, lips already puffy and wanting more. Your breasts are at attention, nipples hard just from me looking at you. How do you feel about that, Jessica?”

  “Hot.” I flashed back to the moment when we’d first met and I’d said much the same thing. I’d been mortified then, but now I was restless with a heat that wanted more.

  He chuckled. “Hot and bothered, no?” He tweaked each of my breasts with a rough movement that made my nipples jut out harder than ever.

  “Oh, yes,” I said biting my lip as he pulled off his neck tie and moved behind me to fasten my hands at the small of my back.

  “So the B is for bondage?” I asked.

  “Smart girl.” He patted me on the head. “You know where my bedroom is, correct?”

  I nodded. It was down the hall from the guest room I’d spent the night in.

  “Lead the way then.” He jerked me upright and gave me a gentle swat on my backside.


  The understated elegance of his room consisted of pale gray walls, a four poster bed with dark blue covers and a fireplace with a small sitting area. He undressed as I watched, revealing a sleek, sculpted physique, and settled into one of the chairs by the fireplace. Indicating the other chair, he said, “Why don’t you sit down so we can talk?”

  I sat and tried not to stare at his cock, which was at full attention. I was of two minds at that moment. I couldn’t believe this was happening, that I had let this man tie me up, but I also found it erotic. I’d never thought of myself as particularly submissive, but when he asserted himself with me, I felt a heady rush of power. It was like I was the only woman in the world.

  “Everything okay so far? No objections?’ His question broke my reverie, bringing my focus back to the present.

  I shook my head. “No.”

  “I’d like it if you referred to me as Sir when we’re together like this.” He waved toward the door. “Out there in the real world, you can call me Jacob.”

  “Yes, Sir,” I said, shifting to perch on the edge of the chair to make room for my hands, which were still bound behind me.

  He leaned forward and gently tugged my bottom lip out from under my teeth. “You’re biting your lip. You do that when you’re nervous.”

  “Sorry, Sir.”

  “It’s quite charming actually. No need to apologize.” He cleared his throat. “Let’s review the terms of your try out. You agree to submit to me, correct?”

  My voice trembled as I answered, “Yes, Sir.”

  “If you want me to stop at any time, say the word shelter.”

  That seemed like an odd choice of words to me. “Why not stop, Sir?”

  “Because that’s too easy to say. You’ll say stop and not mean it. Shelter lets me know you’re serious and not just lost in the moment.”

  “Yes, Sir.”

  “Let’s begin then.” He pointed to his cock. “D is for dominance, or being bossy as some of my previous girlfriends liked to call it. Come over here and suck my cock.”

  I stood and began to walk, but he shook his head. “On your knees, unless I say otherwise.”

  Sinking to the floor, I shuffled forward, having to stop a few times to keep myself from falling. Walking on my knees, with my hands behind me threw off my balance.

  His cock bobbed as I came forward, seeming to respond to my awkward progress. I lowered my mouth over him and plunged down the shaft as far as I could go. Swirling my tongue around him, I sucked and tickled the bottom of his cock head. His hands move to grasp my hair and he pushed me down, setting the pace he wanted, which was faster than I was used to.

  Jacob Daniels apparently liked a lot of speed and velocity in his sex. Struggling to keep up, I wondered if maybe he was too fast for me.

  He came fast too, before I was ready. His orgasm shot into my mouth, hot and heavy. I gagged and pulled away, trying to swallow.

  “Don’t waste a drop.” His voice held a note of warning.

  I swallowed and coughed. “Sorry, sir. You caught me by surprise.”

  He gestured back to his cock. “Come, clean up the mess you’ve made.”

  I bent over and sucked his still hard shaft clean. When I went to withdraw, he held me in place. “Stay there until I’m soft. After that, I’m going to spank you until you make me hard again.”

  I gulped. The thrill I’d felt earlier, dissipated and was replaced with a nervous energy. What had I gotten myself into? A warped porn fantasy? Yet, I was so turned on, my body was threatening to melt.

  When he finally let me go, I sat back on my heels and looked up at him. “I’m kind of freaked out, right now.”

  I thought he would be mad at my admission, but instead he nodded and asked, “How so?”

  “I don’t have any...” I cast about trying to find the right word, which he supplied for me.


  “Yes, I don’t have any control. It scares me.”

  He reached down and lifted me up into his lap, cradling me in his arms. “It’s okay to have questions, Jessica. I expect them. Just be honest with me. That’s all I ask.” He stroked my hair as he spoke and gently kissed my cheek. “Can you do that?”

  “I think so,” I said.

  “The loss of control is only an illusion. If it really becomes too much or crosses a line for you, just say the safe word and I’ll stop.” At my hesitant nod of agreement he added, “I am very experienced at this, I know how to make it good for you.” He smiled at me and traced the outline of my lips with a finger. “Let’s take this to the bed, shall we?” He set me back down on the floor and strode ahead of me to the bed, where he sat down, beckoning to me. I shuffled along on my knees as fast as I could.

  Once I was close enough, he pulled me up over his lap, firm hands squeezing my ass like bread dough. “You haven’t been calling me, Sir, pet. That’s a problem.”

  I gulped. “S-s-sorry Sir.”

  He caressed my backside, the touch soothing and scorching at the same time. “I will help you remember.” His hand squeezed me hard, almost to the point of pain. “This is going to hurt and feel good at the same time. The trick is to let go and let it happen.”

  I held my breath, tense with anticipation. A wet heat seeped between my legs.

  Daniels skimmed his fingers over my cheeks, the backs of my thighs and to the sensitive hollow behind my knees. That alone raised goose bumps and made me wiggle my hips.

  “First, I start out with a soft touch and then slowly increase the intensity. When I find the sweet spot in your ass that’s connected to your pussy, you’ll rise up to meet me.” As he spoke he gently smacked me, laying down a pattern that went from the juncture of my thighs up to the fleshiest part of my cheeks.

  It didn’t hurt at all and I found myself relaxing, l
eaning my weight into his legs as tension left my body. As promised, he gradually increased the force of his blows until it began to sting. My backside tingled with heat and my core became wet from the near constant friction against the unyielding muscles of his thigh. Bursts of pleasure alternated with bursts of pain, a pattern that was surprisingly erotic.

  But then he really started to spank me, with hard, fast strokes. The sting lasted long enough to blend with the pain of the next blow. I grunted in time with his hands, my body lurching forward with the force of his blows.

  It wasn’t easy to absorb all that energy, but, to my surprise, it wasn’t a huge shock to my system either. He’d warmed me up enough that I could handle the intensity. It was similar to how I worked my way up to a hot shower, just adding more and more hot water as I went.

  A pulse between my legs throbbed in sync with my spanking. A rush of pleasure raised my nipples into tight peaks and made my stomach clench. I began to shiver as an orgasm blossomed within me.

  “You’re so hot from my hand and I bet you’re hotter here.” Daniels paused to shove a finger inside me, reaching to tickle my g-spot. My core spasmed at the penetration and I moaned when he moved to tease my clit. “See? Spanking’s not so scary, at least not to your lava pussy. Discipline can be a good thing.” Are you going to forget my name again, pet?”

  “No, sir,” I gasped.

  Frustrated at the interruption, which had stalled my orgasm, I wiggled my hips in response. He goosed me in several different places and I gasped, arching my back, hoping he would take the hint and get on with it already.

  “Are you begging for more, pet?” When I didn’t say anything, he went back to fondling my cheeks, refusing to give me the deep pressure I now craved. “Answer me.”


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